Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

Octomom in Plane Fight with '3rd Rock' Star

"Flying on a plane next to 12 screaming kids is enough to drive anyone insane -- and that's exactly what set Kristen Johnston off last night ... and the 12 kids belonged to Octomom!"

Octomom in Plane Fight with '3rd Rock' Star

"Flying on a plane next to 12 screaming kids is enough to drive anyone insane -- and that's exactly what set Kristen Johnston off last night ... and the 12 kids belonged to Octomom!"

I wonder if that was indeed a real altercation,or was it just done for publicity.the fact Kristen got off the plane,never to be seen or heard from again on this incident,seems fishy,imo.unless she just had a connecting flight.it still could have been a set-up though.
That state won't do a thing to help those kids until Nadya goes nuts and kills one of them. I don't understand why that woman doesn't walk away from it all and let the kids get decent homes before they are emotionally ruined. No one could handle that many kids day in and day out, but she doesn't even mention how the kids feel about having that many other kids around constantly and them never getting any privacy or quiet. Why didn't her parents help and take a couple of the older ones. Does Nadya still have all those Mexican nannies helping her out? Maybe they would like a couple of kids each to take home. They're probably more attached to their nanny than their mom anyway.


I didn't follow this, but back when it first happened it was everywhere and it was hard to not know what was going on. IIRC, her mother practically went bankrupt helping her with these kids, and this was before she had the final 8. IIRC, the mother was appalled over this whole mess, was angry at the dr. who AIed her, and was saying she wouldn't and couldn't take care of the 6 ? she already had.
Wow, I got the answer. There are no more nannies and no help in taking care of all the kids. Nadya was on Dr. Drew and another segment going around the talk shows of her taking care of the kids and fixing lunch all by herself. Apparently, she is not going to give up any kids and doesn't have enough money for any help. There's no way she can keep doing this with no help and not enough sleep. I'm no fan of her, but someone needs to help. If only some church youth groups, college sororities, high school girls, someone who could be background checked would go in and help. Even a group coming in regularly for an afternoon to watch the kids, do a little housework, and prepare a few meals would help Nadya. She needs some respite and help. Surely someone in her area would be willing to help out in groups of 3 or 4.
I hate the moniker "Octomom". It seems to diminish the importance of the six older ones, making her just the mom to the octuplets.
I think it's abusive to not accept help. She's trying to prove something at the expense of the children-- get a couple of nanny's and go to counseling. mo
This woman already had children she couldn't take care of before she decided to have an entire litter. She made the decision to have eggs planted, why? She was not childless. She did not consider how her actions would affect her parents or her other children. She really did not care that her mother and father had already given up their "retirement" and a better, less stressful life in order to help her spit out babies, one after the other. Her parents had absolutely no say in her decisions. Her totaly disregard for what an impact her spitting out all those children had on her parents is totally disgusting to me. She has no father there for the children. She purposefully got pregnant over and over again, pretty much like an operating puppy mill. The older children suffer and the babies suffer, there is no way they don't suffer. She is an inconsiderant, self-centered person. The children should have been adopted out as soon as they were born to families who could love and take proper care of them. But, she was enjoying all the attention and money she was receiving for the reality shows, interviews, photographs............you name it. Her poor mother appeared to be totally exhausted and worn out. IMO, her parents should not have to give up the rest of their lives due to her negligence. I do not feel any pity or compassion for this selfish woman at all. I feel bad for all the people, young and old, who are impacted every hour of their days and nights due to her decision. I still think that these children need to go to loving homes where they can grow up not feeling like they are in a kennel. This woman will more than likely try to have even more children. I do believe in forced sterilization for women who have multiple children for their own selfish, greedly reasons. This is my opinion and I don't expect all of you to agree with me. That's ok, but the way I see it, these children will drop through the cracks and there is no telling what damage is being done to them living like this.
Now she is claiming she was drugged by the dr when made to give consent to the embryo implantation. Smells like she is gearing up for a lawsuit...
Now she is claiming she was drugged by the dr when made to give consent to the embryo implantation. Smells like she is gearing up for a lawsuit...

Does anyone really believe that? And it's so different from the story before, which was she had 4 embryos implanted but they split into 8. And they were all frozen and she didn't want her frozen embryos gone unused. LOL.
Wow, I got the answer. There are no more nannies and no help in taking care of all the kids. Nadya was on Dr. Drew and another segment going around the talk shows of her taking care of the kids and fixing lunch all by herself. Apparently, she is not going to give up any kids and doesn't have enough money for any help. There's no way she can keep doing this with no help and not enough sleep. I'm no fan of her, but someone needs to help. If only some church youth groups, college sororities, high school girls, someone who could be background checked would go in and help. Even a group coming in regularly for an afternoon to watch the kids, do a little housework, and prepare a few meals would help Nadya. She needs some respite and help. Surely someone in her area would be willing to help out in groups of 3 or 4.

I really don't see why anyone should be going out and helping her. Not at all. If she can't take care of the kids then maybe CPS should be involved. Why should this kind of behavior be enabled?
I really don't see why anyone should be going out and helping her. Not at all. If she can't take care of the kids then maybe CPS should be involved. Why should this kind of behavior be enabled?

Because at this point, it's not about enabling. It's about reducing the risk of harm to those kids. A woman can only go on like this for so long before something tragic has the potential to happen. An under-supervised child accidentally hurting him/herself or worse.

I agree CPS (or whichever agency is in place in CA) should be involved. Unfortunately, as evidenced by the children who fall into the cracks every year, that does not always happen and/or help.
Does anyone really believe that? And it's so different from the story before, which was she had 4 embryos implanted but they split into 8. And they were all frozen and she didn't want her frozen embryos gone unused. LOL.

She's messed up... and the ones to pay in the end are those kids.
I don't believe for one minute that she doesn't get some kind of aid from the State of California!! Medi-cal, Food stamps, housing? There are people with 2 or 3 kids that take advantage of these programs and with 14 she has got to be nuts if she doesn't! Oh wait, she is..If one of those kids gets ill, I'm sure she doesn't have private insurance to go running to the doctor every time. So, I'm sure she has Medi-cal. I would also love to be a fly on the wall when she pays for her grocery bill..BUT, with the new EBT card that looks like a Debit card I guess we will never know!
I had walked away from this mess after her doc was let off the hook by the courts (another travesty). What a freaking mess!

It was pointed out everywhere after the recent Today Show episode that Jonah's cleft lip was never repaired! NS stated he was scheduled for surgery the following week, evidently the same thing she claimed in prior interviews a year before....

Anyone who has been aware of the Octo birth plus 6 cannot possibly be surprised that it has come down to this...14 children with no discipline, not enough attention and zero chance of growing up undamaged. ZERO. IMO the kids stood a better chance if they had been placed in an orphanage, a horrible thought.
I don't believe for one minute that she doesn't get some kind of aid from the State of California!! Medi-cal, Food stamps, housing? There are people with 2 or 3 kids that take advantage of these programs and with 14 she has got to be nuts if she doesn't! Oh wait, she is..If one of those kids gets ill, I'm sure she doesn't have private insurance to go running to the doctor every time. So, I'm sure she has Medi-cal. I would also love to be a fly on the wall when she pays for her grocery bill..BUT, with the new EBT card that looks like a Debit card I guess we will never know!

Of course she does, including SSI for her "disabled" children. She'll be raking in a small fortune once these babies are old enough to be diagnosed. She knows how to work the system. The whole thing is so disturbing.
One of the scariest things I saw was she had a brand new above ground pool set up in her back yard! :eek: With all those kids running around and the lack of supervision that seems the norm for her household, there is no way that can be good! It didn't appear to have water in it yet at least.
I don't believe for one minute that she doesn't get some kind of aid from the State of California!! Medi-cal, Food stamps, housing? There are people with 2 or 3 kids that take advantage of these programs and with 14 she has got to be nuts if she doesn't! Oh wait, she is..If one of those kids gets ill, I'm sure she doesn't have private insurance to go running to the doctor every time. So, I'm sure she has Medi-cal. I would also love to be a fly on the wall when she pays for her grocery bill..BUT, with the new EBT card that looks like a Debit card I guess we will never know!

She actually was interviewed about this and, IIRC, stated that she receives food stamps, Medi-Cal and SSI. However, since she does not receive cash aid from other than SSI for her disabled kids, she believes she does not receive welfare.

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