Women WANT Him!

Many of us can see how creepy Drew Peterson is, cause we are on the outside looking in, but he is a narcissistic sociopath. He's also a good con artist and women do believe these kinds of guys.

They are good at picking women that Need to believe them. They are predators that are good at picking the hurt, the fragile, the naive and they are chameleons and they do change to fit into the role of whatever they believe the girl/woman is looking for. Unfortunately, after things wear off the real person shows up and by then, it's too late.

That's how guys like Barton Corbin get away with killing more than one girlfriend or spouse. Chances are good we'll find out that Stacy was #2 for Drew, IMO.
Many of us can see how creepy Drew Peterson is, cause we are on the outside looking in, but he is a narcissistic sociopath. He's also a good con artist and women do believe these kinds of guys.

They are good at picking women that Need to believe them. They are predators that are good at picking the hurt, the fragile, the naive and they are chameleons and they do change to fit into the role of whatever they believe the girl/woman is looking for. Unfortunately, after things wear off the real person shows up and by then, it's too late.

That's how guys like Barton Corbin get away with killing more than one girlfriend or spouse. Chances are good we'll find out that Stacy was #2 for Drew, IMO.

I was involved with one and got out with a tiny fraction of my sanity. It is the most frightening memories of my life! I saw it in an instant with Drew Peterson and feel so sorry for any woman who gets caught up in that roller coaster ride.

People like that are dangerous but very clever, very smart and the fact there has been no arrest made in this case is frustrating. Everyday I pray to restore my faith in good and not evil, but this world is so full of evil these days!
I was involved with one and got out with a tiny fraction of my sanity. It is the most frightening memories of my life! I saw it in an instant with Drew Peterson and feel so sorry for any woman who gets caught up in that roller coaster ride.

People like that are dangerous but very clever, very smart and the fact there has been no arrest made in this case is frustrating. Everyday I pray to restore my faith in good and not evil, but this world is so full of evil these days!

I'm so glad that you got out safely.

The roller coaster ride is a severe one and it's something that can be deadly.

These guys, the Drew Petersons, Raven Abaroa Peters, Barton Corbins of the world are really truly good at being what the woman wants them to be. I'm sure Drew can be very charming and loving and both men play on the woman's weakness or naievete.

It's until they are in deep do they realize the mistake. These women know the past, they know what is implied by LE and family members and friends, they know the crime.

Just because the guy isn't arrested doesn't mean he did not commit murder, it just means the CE case is just too iffy to risk Double Jeopardy.
What sane woman wouldn't want a sneaky, murderous, narcissistic, control-freak as a soul-mate?

(sarcasm intended).
I wonder how his teen boys are going to handle it when they start dating girls. I hope they don't bring any potential dates home to papa. :eek:
It hardly seems fair, but if they can't lock him up, we may have to lock up all the high school aged girls in this country, for their own safety.
What sane woman wouldn't want a sneaky, murderous, narcissistic, control-freak as a soul-mate?

(sarcasm intended).

Not to mention ugly!! Don't forget the ugly!!! And there's no sarcasm in that! :)
IMO, DP should not be able to hae 6 children under his roof.
His lady friend is out of her mind!
It's so unbelieveable that dp is able to fly under the radar......IMO

"I turn heads," Peterson said Monday. "It's not something I want. It's like, 'Yeah, it's me.'"


:loser: :behindbar :loser: :behindbar :loser: :behindbar
What a repulsive ego tripping psychopath.
Any young woman who would become involved with him needs a mandatory competency evaluation to determine if its safe for them to walk around on the street unattended much less date ...
Many of us can see how creepy Drew Peterson is, cause we are on the outside looking in, but he is a narcissistic sociopath. He's also a good con artist and women do believe these kinds of guys.

They are good at picking women that Need to believe them. They are predators that are good at picking the hurt, the fragile, the naive and they are chameleons and they do change to fit into the role of whatever they believe the girl/woman is looking for. Unfortunately, after things wear off the real person shows up and by then, it's too late.

That's how guys like Barton Corbin get away with killing more than one girlfriend or spouse. Chances are good we'll find out that Stacy was #2 for Drew, IMO.

Men who prey upon....errr, date.....much-younger women always raise red flags for me. Sociopathy or no, it's a sign of a control-minded man---who better to control than young girls who've had a hard time of it, growing up?

That said, I agree 100% with your post. If his prey had been age-appropriate, it would be much, much harder for any of us to see the sociopathy---at first. Unless you've lived with a sociopath (and I have, too), it's really hard to comprehend their machinations.

BUT--and it's a HUGE but---Drew's now under the spotlight for murdering not one, but two previous wives.

That should be enough to keep even the most vulnerable girl away.

Seriously---I know he aims for damaged "goods' (and no, I don't view women as goods--but you can be sure he does), but the questionable nature of his character has been revealed. A woman who chooses to be with him now is broken in another way altogether. I'm not sure how to explain that phenomenon.

I think her children should be removed from her custody,however. It's one thing to jeopardize your own life--but if I were the bio father, I'd be banging down the door to get my children out of that house.

Oh--and I live smack dab in between Drew Peterson and Craig Stebic. Yeah, they turn heads, all right. We're all so incredulous to have wife-murderers in our midst, and a grand jury that can't seem to....well, ACT. Most of us just aren't all that keen on sitting next to Drew at a red light, or running into him with our young daughters at the grocery store.
Oh--and I live smack dab in between Drew Peterson and Craig Stebic. Yeah, they turn heads, all right. We're all so incredulous to have wife-murderers in our midst, and a grand jury that can't seem to....well, ACT. Most of us just aren't all that keen on sitting next to Drew at a red light, or running into him with our young daughters at the grocery store.

Jason Young and Raven Samuel Abaroa Peters also seem to get women with no problem. Raven got married again and now he's getting a divorce and has a new girlfriend (he's been engaged several times since Janet's murder in April 2005 and I believe 100% he killed Janet. Hopefully LE will get him. Both of these guys are very much like Drew Peterson, just younger.
He should really have said insecure teens want me. OMG my skin crawls at the thought of him touching a 17 year old, or even a 24 year old, how do they stand it? Bless their hearts.
Wonder how many nutty women will send sweetheart notes to this freak now???
I'm surprised some wealthy lonely lady doesn't bail his butt out.........
HA! get married to #5 in jail?
Not sure where to pose this question, hope its the right thread. I heard 2nite from a friend in Illinois that the local news showed clips of Drews fiance leaving the jail? I do not have a link but wondering if someone else does? IS she banana's? Doesn't she have kids? How can some women be THIS BLIND? :shocked2:
Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Lady Killer."
Not sure where to pose this question, hope its the right thread. I heard 2nite from a friend in Illinois that the local news showed clips of Drews fiance leaving the jail? I do not have a link but wondering if someone else does? IS she banana's? Doesn't she have kids? How can some women be THIS BLIND? :shocked2:

Here is a link with a nice classy cameo from the youngster. My fiancee' and I were talking about this last night about why the hell she would still be in this. Without hesitation he said, "BOOKDEAL." The longer she stays in this, the more poop she can scoop up to shop for the best deals $$$$$.

Angels Who Cares posted this in the media. The 'experts' are now saying what we have been saying all along.

Inside The Mind of Drew

Licensed clinical social worker Bill Martin has not examined Peterson, but he says his behavior in the media appears to be both narcissistic and sociopathic.

snip.... Physiatrist Paul Dobransky, who also has not treated Peterson, agreed that Peterson's public persona shows signs of severe narcissism and sociopathic behaviors. But the doctor points out Peterson doesn't show signs of having complete disregard for human lives.

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