Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #33

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But they should… b/c men are victims too.
Contrasts in stature does not excuse abuse. /IMO
No, but there are differential physical dangers involved.
I think the bias usually benefits the women, and rightly so as men are generally so much stronger than us. But, woman are dangerous, too. LE had to go with what they saw, and what Brian and Gabby told them.

Maybe the moral of the story is that it is NEVER acceptable at any time and for any reason to raise hands at each other....this leads to escalation in emotions....and DANGER.
statistically, women are far, far more likely to be hurt or killed by men than vice versa, and base rates are extremely important when determining probabilities. See, for example,
Agreed. He was not asking to be arrested, he was asking if he could stay there to fulfill the separation requirement.
my opinion is he is a virtue signalling fraud and poser and wanted to appear to be the hero, the martyr...oh take me, arrest me...fist bump...I'm parched and dehydrated but no thank you, I don't drink from plastic bottles
5pm Friday update in the search for #BrianLaundrie— police spokesperson tells me they still haven’t found anything.

Do they feel like they ever will?

If this is their only lead on BL's whereabouts I feel bad for GB's family.

"If Brian Laundrie actually is deep in the Florida wilderness, a survival expert in Sarasota said that by now, he's either dead or in very bad shape."

“If he's down there in the Carlton Reserve, he's living in hell,” local survival expert Mark Burrow said."

Brian Laundrie 'living in hell' if he's at Sarasota County's Carlton Reserve
Regarding the white Camper that the neighbors said had been bought recently and that the Laundrie parents and Brian left in, an idea came to mind that perhaps Brian's parents dropped off Brian and that Camper somewhere with supplies and the Camper as a shelter for Brian, and then the parents went to buy an identical Camper and drove it home so that even if LE searches the Camper, they won't find any evidence or anything suspicious

That would be sneaky. If I ever have to hide, I'm going to you for advice.
I’ve just spotted something on the body cam footage to help support evidence Brian was controlling her phone. The police officer that was talking to gabby comes over to Brian to ask him where her phone is. - If Gabby knew why would they need to ask Brian.

He then tells the officer that its in a spot whilst gesturing with his hand in a way that looks like he’s showing it’s tucked in somewhere. - what 22 year old doesn’t have their phone on them in a pocket or shoved into their bra.

When he gets her phone out of the car (an iPhone with FaceID) he UNLOCKS the phone with his face and gives it to the officer. - If Gabby had a way into her phone he would not need to unlock it for her! This is at 42 minutes in. He looks at the phone and swipes up.

It's quite possible that the traffic stop video will be the biggest focus in the courtroom if this ever goes to trial.

What is discussed in this forum could very well be a sign as to what plays out in the courtroom.

If I were BL's attorney, that's the first evidence I would want admitted into court if he were accused of her homicide, and those police officers would be my friends on the stand.
We need all the camera footage. Haven't heard about any here but I hope the FBI finds some.

Agree, and want to add
IMO - nobody can make a DV victim leave, they have to come to a point where they WANT to see the reality of the situation.
It’s very similar or the same as being brainwashed. Look at Stockholm Syndrome.
First safety away from the abuser, permanently. Then they need to be de-programmed from the abuser(a). This takes professionals.
I agree that LE could have called her parents and gave them info about the incident.

Would LE be allowed to call her parents? She's not a minor. Just asking.
I wonder if LE has found items of HERS i the Reserve.

Maybe clothing, or jewelry, or cosmetics or dishes or anything.

Maybe like a shrine. We assume LE didn't find much left in the van when it was retrieved. And BL has had weeks of access to her personal items that were apparently in his parents garage.

I assume LE took them all from the garage and will release them to her family.
I don't think that's happened yet. The search warrant was for Brian's and his parent's things - not Gabby's. And there are cameras on that house at all times...the neighbors are talking to reporters. I think we'll know if and when that happens.

Surely it will happen? If I were the grieving parent, those things would not be the first things on my mind. It would take me a while to be able to handle seeing my beloved daughter's possessions, after death, under these circumstances.


But I would certainly want to get them away from the Laundrie family, even if LE had to seize her possessions in their garage
I think the bias usually benefits the women, and rightly so as men are generally so much stronger than us. But, woman are dangerous, too. LE had to go with what they saw, and what Brian and Gabby told them.

Maybe the moral of the story is that it is NEVER acceptable at any time and for any reason to raise hands at each other....this leads to escalation in emotions....and DANGER.

I agree, but it's important to keep in mind that the emotional and psychological effects of DV are damaging in and of themselves, irrespective of the presence or severity of physical injury.
Same. It's being treated as confirmed, even by Websleuths, but I haven't seen or heard actual confirmation yet.

"Sightings" are notoriously wrong.

If there's video or a credit card receipt with their name on it, ok.

If they introduced themselves as Gabby and Brian, ok.

But a couple people saying "I'm sure that was them," is not confirmation, whether they're a manager, customer, or cook.
The FBI is 100% not going to confirm. The best you can get is the restaurant saying they were there by name and the patrons that shared the experience.
Homicide was the outcome.
I'll put it another way regarding them 'putting hands on each other'
He was bigger, heavier, possibly fitter and physically stronger.
There could never be parity when they 'put hands on each other', because she could never have won a physical fight.

And she didn't. SMH.
That incident may have just put him in a mood, and she may have still been angry, too. Or scared. Or both. They may have argued about it later. They had been together off & on for several years. He was probably working on her mentally for a long time by doing those things we have seen before in a DV-type relationship, but maybe not intense physical abuse, and it ended they way we have seen it before. Grrrrr. JMO.
Where is he?
The FBI is 100% not going to confirm. The best you can get is the restaurant saying they were there by name and the patrons that shared the experience.

Still surprised the restaurant didn't have cameras in. Not even one.
Unless other charges are added, bail for credit card fraud, or even vehicle theft, will not be "insane." Now the question will be would they be able to find a bondsman willing to issue bond, or would they need to come up with the cash.

A guy currently on the run and suspected of murder will never get bond. He'll be in jail until trial, IMO. I don't see any way he gets bail, and a judge would likely deny it entirely.
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