Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35

Where do you think BL is right now?

  • Mexico

    Votes: 50 7.1%
  • Cuba

    Votes: 12 1.7%
  • Canada

    Votes: 20 2.8%
  • Carlton Reserve, FL

    Votes: 98 13.8%
  • Somewhere else in FL

    Votes: 166 23.4%
  • New York

    Votes: 24 3.4%
  • Somewhere else in the US

    Votes: 306 43.2%
  • Somewhere else in the world

    Votes: 32 4.5%

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Is DoD always the date the body is found?

It wasn't for my nephew. He was found almost a week after he died. Physically the ME couldn't narrow down the date. The date of death was determined by the date of the newspaper he was reading when he died. The fact he went to work that day. And the fact he didn't go to work in the days after.
Interesting, in the full video, Cassie states Gabby's family have not reached out to her.

Yet many on these threads have been stating Gabby's family tried contacting BL, his parents and Cassie.
So one word against another as no evidence provided to back either up.

I still think BL could have blocked Gabby's family numbers on his parents phones so they never got calls or texts.

I don't think I've seen anyone pull this out - so thank you.

However, in most cases the fact of a text being sent or a call placed can be verified, so to say there is "no evidence" or that it is a matter of A said vs B said is unlikely to be accurate.

And just as a side- using, IIRC, GP'S father said they tried reaching BL, his parents, and his sister (maybe mentioned others? Don't recall). The informal likelihood of BL'S having been able to block GP from his suster's phone seems...remote. (And I don't think he is likely to have done it on his parents' phones, but for purposes of discussion, I'll leave it at the sister.)
Don’t know if this has been posted…HLN tonight @8:00

PROGRAMMING CHANGE: "How it Really Happened: Scott Peterson" is being rescheduled so that we can bring you a special report - "Gabby Petito Investigation" - Tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on HLN.

Thanks! Three different programs on one case all at the same time.. thank goodness for DVR.
For Cassie's interview, I found this.

Brian Laundrie's sister breaks silence on Gabby Petito in ABC Exclusive: 'She's like a sister'

It is lengthy, but it doesn't have that statement in there, so still looking.

Well, I'll be. Here's something interesting, interesting to me at least.

Here's the website that has the video and transcript. The headline says it's the "full interview." ABC Exclusive: Full interview with Brian Laundrie's sister on Gabby Petito

You have to scroll down to the second video for the interview. The transcript is further down and contains all of the questions that the producer asked along with all of the responses.

The video was edited to remove questions about the van. The whole interview tracks word for word except for that in some cases, the questions were just cut out AND there is also a whole section that was cut out at around the 2:55 mark, and skips right to her assessment of how he behaved in the body cam video (maybe at the request of LE?).

Everything italicized is cut:

Question: Did the police say anything else about...?

Cassie Laundrie: No, I only had their initial questions and I haven't been contacted again and, and whenever they want to contact me again I'm here waiting they have my number.

Question: Did you know that the van was back and you're...?

Cassie Laundrie: No.

Question: So you didn't know that he came back without the...?

Cassie Laundrie: I assumed he flew back, because that's what he did when he is - actually I don't want to say that.

Questioner: No problem. No problem.

Cassie Laundrie: I think that's more police stuff.

Question: Okay, um, but is it is it like out of his behavior to go on a trip with her and then just leave her somewhere like has anything like this ever...?

Cassie Laundrie: No, I mean. No, nothing like this has ever happened before.

Question: But I'm saying he doesn't really have. Does he have like the personality to where he would?

The video picks up after the cut with her answer to the last question: "No, he's very um... He's very. He always does the right thing, like in the body cam he's - he cooperates with the police, and he - he's is a wonderful uncle. He's always been there when I need him. He's, I mean, he's been there every time Gabby needed him."

His sister heard he was home, and assumed he had flown and left Gabby with the van. So the allusion to thinking he flew was about how she thought he got to Florida when he returned home after Gabby went missing. It isn't about the trip from Utah to "clean out the shed."

Interesting that even his sister wasn't told that he drove home.
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Y’all I feel like I’m going crazy. Why can’t I find the full unedited version of the Cassie Laundrie interview online, only the transcript, but the video has pieces cut out? I swear I’d seen it in full previously. If anyone can find it, I want to clear up what she said about the flight to see if the language in the transcript is correct regarding the word “is”
@dtowndetective411 I just posted about it - the video was cut!
I don't think I've seen anyone pull this out - so thank you.

However, in most cases the fact of a text being sent or a call placed can be verified, so to say there is "no evidence" or that it is a matter of A said vs B said is unlikely to be accurate.

And just as a side- using, IIRC, GP'S father said they tried reaching BL, his parents, and his sister (maybe mentioned others? Don't recall). The informal likelihood of BL'S having been able to block GP from his suster's phone seems...remote. (And I don't think he is likely to have done it on his parents' phones, but for purposes of discussion, I'll leave it at the sister.)

There has been no evidence provided, simply that two people have stated differing accounts.

Cassie states she has not been in contact with BL, so of course he isn't going to have been able to block numbers on her phone if that is the case.
MOO was that BL could have blocked numbers on his parents phones.
Well, I'll be. Here's something interesting, interesting to me at least.

Here's the website that has the video and transcript. The headline says it's the "full interview." ABC Exclusive: Full interview with Brian Laundrie's sister on Gabby Petito

You have to scroll down to the second video for the interview. The transcript is further down and contains all of the questions that the producer asked along with all of the responses.

The video was edited to remove questions about the van. The whole interview tracks word for word except for that in some cases, the questions were just cut out AND there is also a whole section that was cut out at around the 2:55 mark, and skips right to her assessment of how he behaved in the body cam video (maybe at the request of LE?).

Everything italicized is cut:

Question: Did the police say anything else about...?

Cassie Laundrie: No, I only had their initial questions and I haven't been contacted again and, and whenever they want to contact me again I'm here waiting they have my number.

Question: Did you know that the van was back and you're...?

Cassie Laundrie: No.

Question: So you didn't know that he came back without the...?

Cassie Laundrie: I assumed he flew back, because that's what he did when he is - actually I don't want to say that.

Questioner: No problem. No problem.

Cassie Laundrie: I think that's more police stuff.

Question: Okay, um, but is it is it like out of his behavior to go on a trip with her and then just leave her somewhere like has anything like this ever...?

Cassie Laundrie: No, I mean. No, nothing like this has ever happened before.

Question: But I'm saying he doesn't really have. Does he have like the personality to where he would?

The video picks up after the cut with her answer to the last question: "No, he's very um... He's very. He always does the right thing, like in the body cam he's - he cooperates with the police, and he - he's is a wonderful uncle. He's always been there when I need him. He's, I mean, he's been there every time Gabby needed him."

His sister heard he was home, and assumed he had flown and left Gabby with the van. So the allusion to thinking he flew was about how she thought he got to Long Island when he returned home after Gabby went missing. It isn't about the trip from Utah to "clean out the shed."

Interesting that even his sister wasn't told that he drove home.
Sounds like she may be cooperating with investigators, interviewers. That's good.
There has been no evidence provided, simply that two people have stated differing accounts.

Cassie states she has not been in contact with BL, so of course he isn't going to have been able to block numbers on her phone if that is the case.
MOO was that BL could have blocked numbers on his parents phones.
So, what stopped the parents getting in touch with her parents when their lawyer begged them to get in touch?
I believe that the national media will move off of this story any day now if no new big developments occur, so if anything, Dog will generate a bit of interest over the weekend when there is no breaking news and it allows another way to keep BL's picture out there nationally.
I agree.
Especially if he is out there alive!
Whatever it takes at this stage is just fine by me.
Responding from the last thread.

You are married though. A marriage document give you some legal protections. If you are not married and your name is not on the title, you have no right to that vehicle. If you want to maintain partial ownership of a vehicle, your name better be on that title or you will end up SOL.

I am sensing many people, in non marital and some marital situations, need to take a serious look a their finances and rights. I have seen many sad situations arise when one of the partnership leaves or suddenly dies. You just can't have a verbal or informal agreement or rely on a power of attorney. You can't expect a court or even a bank to uphold a handshake deal. It is simply not their problem.

And a title is different than registration. I believe we’ve only been told that GB was the registered owner. If she still owes money / making payments, the title is in the name of the lender. And agreement to pay the lender is between the registered driver and the lender. After the vehicle is paid off, the lender sends the title to the registered party and once that’s done you can change the title to anyone you choose.
Thank you, @jamicat and @tiara1972 for sharing an alt theory to BL killing GP. I agree with you and others that this is a low probability scenario, but I feel as prudent sleuthers, we must always be flipping the proverbial coin around in our minds. And given the scant amount of directly incriminating evidence that BL killed GP, there is room for other options. So I am going to take a spin, as I think I did many threads ago, but this time building off of your ideas.

So here is an "Alternative" scenario, all IMO.

  • This day was a breaking point for GP after the ugly scene at the Texmex restaurant.
  • Back at their campground on the side of the road, GP tells BL they are done.
  • In a rage, BL packs and leaves for a hike to clear his head and avoid doing something bad to GP (leaves his flip flops outside the van for his return).
  • GP is left in the van alone and may be the one closing the back of the van door as the Vloggers drive by 6/6:30pm - she just wants to be alone.
  • Sometime during this day or evening, GP goes for a walk alone across the river basin towards where she was found
  • A nefarious character has been watching GP, perhaps since they were seen in Jackson Hole or from SM postings, and he stalks her
  • The stalker catches up with GP, she has no defenses and he kills her (perhaps raping her first, sorry... I don't know if forensics could do a rape kit).
  • BL returns to the van via his hitchhiking rides - the story he has told the drivers is true, as others postulate could be the case... "he just needed a break".
  • BL cannot find GP and comes to the decision that she has actually left him... this would have to presume he does not process information like most people.
  • BL decides to wait for another day but believes he might as well head home if she went home... this would require a suspension of normal social expectations.
  • BL blindly, naively, and foolishly leaves the Tetons for home. He uses her debit card and van without concern
  • BL arrives home, tells his family GP left him and he blissfully returns to his life there, mowing the lawn, going for a trip, like nothing happened
Then all hell breaks loose and BL and his family realize something is very wrong. He looks guilty as all get out. NY family lawyer says stay quiet... then tells BL to get out of dodge and hide... Hide until the FBI completes their investigation and finds you did not kill GP. And so the family rallies around BL and helps him hide.


Thank you for laying out this theory in a much better way I ever could have.

I think a defense lawyer will possibly go down this route.

My question is, what evidence is there to disprove ANY of your theory!? I don't believe there is any evidence at all.

Many may think that that's not what happened, but without evidence, your theory becomes an entirely possible scenario IMO.
Sounds like she may be cooperating with investigators, interviewers. That's good.
I was thinking the same thing. "That's more police stuff," in other words, they've asked her not to disclose certain things, and she is cooperating with that. I would guess she is cooperating in other ways, too -- or at least may be willing to cooperate to the extent that she knows anything. That may be why she seems so out of the loop -- her parents are not cooperating, but she is cooperating. Maybe her parents were trying to shield her from knowledge so she wouldn't have to choose between cooperating and lying for her brother.
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