Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #77

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grieved; grieving
Definition of grieve
1: to cause to suffer : DISTRESS it grieves me to see him this way
2: to feel or show grief overgrieving the death of her son
3: to submit a formal grievance concerning grieve a dismissal

: to feel grief : SORROW still grieving over their mother's death
Definition of GRIEVE

The term grief is not always used to refer to a reaction to death.
Well we can deduce he was indeed grieving Gabby cause knew she was dead IMO
Thanks for clarifying this and yes it's been alluded to, in msm .
Did the lawyer say something inadvertently, and it was an "oops" moment ?
It's sounding more and more from this open investigation that possibly more than one person knew Gabby was deceased even before her own family knew ?
That's outstandingly bad and shocking.
As in egregious.
Gabby deserved better than that. :(
Eta: I think we all have a good idea from whence the lawyer SB is gathering his intel. :rolleyes:

easier to watch the 1 minute clip tbh
That now makes sense why they kept searching the park.

The Laundries indicated his favorite area, and it was searched. Did LE think of suicide at the outset? I don't think they did, but they certainly could have known much more than we'll ever know, of course. Did cadaver dogs linger in the area but did not alert? Or did they alert early on which would have made LE concentrate on the area and wait for the water to recede? That would make sense to me. Maybe they suspected and used the area for newbie training, etc., knowing that the water would recede.
I know that many of us here were frustrated that they didn't fan out as much as we expected. But we also knew that we didn't know what the investigators knew or at least suspected.
Anyhoo, it's done.
Because they only showed you the part of the film where he made the find. They didn't show you all the other times he went off trail hunting for signs. He did not beeline straight to the bag.
He did go on and off the trail from what SB says. However, he literally walked right from the trail, into the bushes, and voila! Dry bag!
On Nancy Grace’s show today, Joe Scott Morgan said something super interesting to me. Warning. It’s a bit graphic. But idk any other way to say what he was saying. LE said they found a partial human skull. He said that the word that stands out to him the most is the word “partial.” That the human skull is robust & very very strong. Making him question how did the skull of all things end up in a “partial” state. Even considering outside elements (weather, scavengers, etc.), the skull being “partial” was very significant to him just considering how robust & strong the human skull is. Then to take into account they had enough there to get a match on the dental records was also a significant piece of info to him considering something had to have happened to leave a strong bone like the skull in a “partial” state. Idk…when he said that I was like…hmmm. It really got me thinking.. & I had not thought of it like that before. I thought it was super interesting so I thought I’d share. JMO.
Super kudos for this info!
To me, it would be both - he placed himself somewhere that animals could damage him.

If he used drugs and overdosed, much harder to prove. If he was shot - easier to prove.

I'm sure they will look for a few days for more bones throughout the area. If some animal scavenged and carried away the relevant bones - we'll never know what happened.

So be prepared, that could be the outcome. I sure hope not.
He said that was what the Laundries said. IE their words. He said the Laundries said Bl was grieving, on the 13th. How can he revise the words of other people?

Maybe he used the word "grieving" so many times in the last two days that he mistakenly used that word to describe how BL was acting before he left home. I don't think he was quoting the parents, but rather describing as he remembered, Brian acting out-of-sorts, the parents being concerned about him, etc.
Indeed - who was the guy who went camping with his family on Sept. 6th?

I'll tell you who he was: He was the guy who, based upon strong circumstantial evidence, strangled Gabby to death, left her in the wilderness, stole her van and bank card, and hi-tailed it back to the seemingly safe haven of his parents' house.

IMO, this dude wasn't in distress until he became aware that the jig was up and his days of freedom were numbered.

I think BL was surprised at the amount of media attention that Gabby's disappearance attracted. IMO, he may have expected to return home with few or no questions asked, hoping that whatever BS story he may have told his parents would have been enough to assuage further investigation.

Reality collided headlong with what I think he may have expected to happen upon his return to FL.

I have zero sympathy for anything that Brian Laundrie may have been experiencing after he (IMO, based upon strong circumstantial evidence) strangled beautiful Gabby to death. His so-called feelings were toxic as far as I'm concerned.

Gabby Petito is the victim in this case.
Another excellent post!! Bam!!
A bullet can also shatter a skull.
FBI must know if he owned a gun or had access to a gun. They aren't going to tell us though. Of, course. jmo
He did go on and off the trail from what SB says. However, he literally walked right from the trail, into the bushes, and voila! Dry bag!
And then something else, which they stuck in the bag.....jmo
So LE/FBI knew exactly where BL was...this whole time. explains...
But allowed him to hike/camp at the reserve just kept eyes on him? or...

wow, this brings up many more questions.
Lots of twists and turns in this case.

I don't think the right hand knows what the left hand is up to. Or maybe the right hand doesn't even know that there is a right hand.
The Laundries indicated his favorite area, and it was searched. Did LE think of suicide at the outset? I don't think they did, but they certainly could have known much more than we'll ever know, of course. Did cadaver dogs linger in the area but did not alert? Or did they alert early on which would have made LE concentrate on the area and wait for the water to recede? That would make sense to me. Maybe they suspected and used the area for newbie training, etc., knowing that the water would recede.
I know that many of us here were frustrated that they didn't fan out as much as we expected. But we also knew that we didn't know what the investigators knew or at least suspected.
Anyhoo, it's done.
Did LE even take the cadaver dogs to that spot?
I can't figure that out.
I don't agree that SB's explanation made sense. It would be one thing if BL's parents "started at the trailhead" and then found his dry bag on the trail, but that's not what happened. We've all seen the footage. His father was walking around in a random patch of brush when he suddenly found the dry bag. Where he went was so very specific. A beeline. How did he know where to look?
One of the many elements in this case that is so unsettling.
How much did certain people know and when ?
I'd expect LE to be sifting through phone records and gps logs to see who said/texted what and who drove where.
A question : Did anyone visit Brian while he was in the preserve and how often ?
How did CL know where to find this specific bag when trained searchers missed it ?
I'm assuming the bag was on dry land --was it ever submerged ?
Or just BL's remains ?
Assuming the body was a distance from the bag, notebook, and any other of Brian's items.
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He did go on and off the trail from what SB says. However, he literally walked right from the trail, into the bushes, and voila! Dry bag!
That's kinda how finding things work. You keep looking and violia! You finally find something and you stop looking.

I looked everywhere for my glasses today. In the bedroom, living room, etc. After a half hour, I walked directly to the car and opened the door. And there they were! If someone only saw me walking to the car, they would suspect I knew where they were all along. Obviously, I didn't.
Or a gunshot. IMO
an anthropologist in another similar case said it could be caused by a head injury or from the elements (things bashing against the skull). He may have fallen? My concern is that in another article the NPPD stated they went over that area in airboats, is there any way one of those boats may have hit the skull and broken it while travelling over it?

ETA link again. Sigh. ARGH!
I don’t think anything was planted but I do think it’s a remarkable coincidence that despite having told LE (I believe SB confirmed this?) that this area was a favourite spot of Brian’s, it wasn’t until the day his parents turned up there that they ventured in and found his stuff. Seems weird that it wouldn’t have been considered a priority as soon as the water went down. That can’t have been the first day it was possible to search there, surely?

Maybe it was. Maybe it is just an extraordinary coincidence.
Following up on a question I had posted in a prior thread.. has anyone asked SB about the police report of a "suspicious incident" involving the Laundrie family at 11:30 pm on Sept 18? Any developments on that at all? Incident report No. 21-054246.

I hope they are able to determine a cause of death eventually... I really don't want a lingering mystery like that because it will attract all sorts of strange conspiracies! MOO

I hope the COD is determined, too, but AFAIK, the experts don't have a lot of info, i.e. body, to examine. Of course there certainly could be more than we know, as usual.
Brain tissue, if any, IMO, would be little or no help, seems to me -- after all this time.
If he hung himself, maybe his upper spine and neck area would help, if there is any. Skeletal, of course.
A bullet to the head would be certain COD, imo, but that should already be apparent.
Dunno, but I'm very curious. Very.
I sure hope we find out the details of the examination even if they can't determine COD.
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