Teen flies to Hawaii hidden in landing gear

But your vagrant probably would be told to move on, not prosecuted, unless he had trespassed numerous times.

Definitely not where I live. He/she would have definitely been arrested.

Go hop a fence at your nearby airport, and see what it gets you.
I would tend to believe that a teen resorting to this, is far more in need of help than punishment. I'm hoping he gets it, he needs it.

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I can see both sides of your stories. At times I feel we have to look at the bigger picture. This boy is a runaway who thankfully did not die. He is screaming out for help.

While we can list all the negatives to his escapade, of which there are many, I feel punishment is not going to teach a depressed, dejected forlorn boy one thing. As Americans who want to help foreigners, let's reach out to this teen and check into the possibility of reuniting him with his mother. We can get to the truth of the story, and do what is best for him. Too many runaway cases end up with permanently missing or dead children.

My opinion only.

Trying to see 'both sides,' even three, four, or five sides.

I understand your post as referring to bigger picture re this teen, i.e., his entire life circumstances, being in new country, separated from mom, emotional state, etc .

I also see a different bigger picture re airport safety & public safety- re possible consequences for his action in climbing fence, crossing tarmac, stowing away.

If teen's action on tarmac had caused plane on taxiway to crash into terminal building or other plane, injuring or killing passengers, crew, etc , would we say, he was forlorn, so there should be no consequences for him? Would that response deter him or others from ignoring law and roller blading on airport tarmac?

If teen's stowing self away in wheel well/landing gear bay had caused the plane to crash on takeoff, landing or midflight, injuring or killing passengers, crew, would we say, he was forlorn, so there should be no consequences for him? Would that response deter him or others from ignoring law and trying to score free spring break flights?

No snark. Just wondering how far we go in saying one teen's feelings override safety (even potential deaths?) of dozens or hundreds of others?.:seeya:

As I said earlier, I DK if a juvie proceeding or stay is the answer.
I hope he gets whatever counseling is appropriate.

Agree 100% that not every criminal law is good or useful.

OTOH, does anyone here favor locating swingsets, slides, monkey bars, & playground equipment on airport tarmac/flightlines and
allowing school children and gen pub to use without restriction?
Or what about removing fences and security systems (perfect or not) around airport tarmac /flightlines and
allowing passage to anyone who wishes to have a look around?

Rationale for crim trespassing laws re airport tarmac is safety for gen pub, passengers, crew, airline vendors, et al.- and
imo, seem like good and useful laws. Maybe not perfect.

JM2cts and I may be wrong. :seeya:

I get what you're saying, and the laws applicable here probably have a good rationale behind them (ie, to prevent tampering with aircraft, etc).

But prosecutors also have discretion as to which cases to bring. For good reason. I just don't think there would be any lesson taught/learned, any greater good done for anyone, by choosing to prosecute in this case. Like the kid who snuck on a plane to ... I think Las Vegas? while running away (he has a thread here somewhere), sure, maybe there's a law violated, but I don't see the use of prosecuting anything like this. A kid going through all this to run away - his life must already suck enough, you know?
Do we know the real story for certain?

The boy's sister appears to have a different perspective than the boy's cousin; she says the birth mother is lying.

I also noted the birth mother has 3 more children that are currently with her. One, apparently, was born soon after the boy left for the US.
Snipped for focus:
. ... laws applicable here probably have a good rationale behind them (ie, to prevent tampering with aircraft, etc).
But prosecutors also have discretion as to which cases to bring....

Yes, the prosecutor has discretion about bringing cases.

I tend to believe that prosecutor will have more info at hand - than the rest of us -
before deciding about bringing any charge.
I hope prosecutor decides wisely.

JM2cts. :seeya:
Definitely not where I live. He/she would have definitely been arrested.

Go hop a fence at your nearby airport, and see what it gets you.

Well, I refuse to live in a gated community.

The boy in question has been detained for a week or so now and authorities have had plenty of time to ascertain whether he is a terrorist threat.

If he is what he purports to be--a troubled young man who misses his mother--then like Gardenlady, I fail to see what keeping him in jail for six months will accomplish. It certainly won't teach him not to miss his mother.
This is just so sad, I hope he is able to reunite with his mama sooner or later. There is definitely something amiss in his home situation, I can't believe his dad would tell the kids their mom was dead when she clearly is not, move them across the world, remarry, and call it, "a little trouble adjusting". :-(
Teen stowaway back in California and now in child services as his father has not been allowed to see or speak to him in over two WEEKS

I wonder ---
---what phone 'logs' did teen's mother show to refugee camp person, supposedly showing anonymous calls threatening her?
(a) Real cell phone statements w incoming calls, proving/verifying what, exactly?
(b) Her handwritten logs, proving/verifying what, exactly?

---how long teen has been in US, since mother says she has not seen him in 8 yrs.
---if mother wants or expects US to grant her permanent residency?
---why 15 y.o did not have any 'formal education' before being in US? None at all?
---How did teen think stowing away on plane to Hawaii think that would get him back to mother? Maybe just first of multiple flight?
---Are all those quoted telling TTTWTANBTT (the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth)?


From link below:
Per 'legal protection officer' at refugee camp:
He said that Abdule showed the camp administrators logs of anonymous calls she said were made by people threatening her with death.

Mother said she '...has not seen her teenage son in eight years'

and '....the boy longed to see her, but couldn't because his father told him she was dead and didn't allow contact...'

and '....'I know he was looking for me, and I am requesting the U.S. government to help me reunite with my kids....'

and '....A family spokeswoman forwarded questions on Saturday from AP to father Abdilahi Yusuf, a Santa Clara, California, taxi driver, about the allegations of threats...'
He did not respond.
In an earlier statement, he said "...my son was not able to receive any formal education before we immigrated to the United States."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...way-Somali-teen-fears-life.html#ixzz34C1ZqRpa
Mother of teen stowaway who survived flight from California to Hawaii in plane's wheel well forced to flee her Ethiopian home after receiving death threats


interesting also to note that 'fleeing her home' in this case is less than 1/3 mile from the camp:

'It's just a 600 meter (yard) evacuation because she felt vulnerable in the camp's makeshift homes,' said Omar.

'She's quite unstable now.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...way-Somali-teen-fears-life.html#ixzz34CCMgs8n
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begs the question:

why isn't this being treated as international parental abduction?

where's a court order/custody order?
Now that school is out, young man could go to Ethiopia to visit mom.

Many divorced parents have to pay for the trip for the kids to visit the ex so why doesn't So Cal daddy do same for son?

I realize son is now under care of the state but if he really wants to see his mom why couldn't a short visit be arranged
begs the question:

why isn't this being treated as international parental abduction?

where's a court order/custody order?

newone, good question.

Was there a court order re child custody?
If so, from which country, Somalia? Ethiopia?
Appears to me neither country has ratified Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (see footnote and wiki link below).

Someone noted above, in last DM article, mother refers to dad as ex-boyfriend, not ex-husband.
Is it possible mom and dad originally made a 'handshake deal' or even a written agreement and never sought a ct order?

In some situations like this, mom or dad tells MSM, the other one has/is violating ct order.
I do not recall any MSM report including any statement to that effect from either one.

Just wondering.

The primary intention of the Convention is to preserve whatever Status quo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Child custody - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia arrangement existed immediately before an alleged wrongful removal or retention thereby deterring a Parent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia from crossing international boundaries in search of a more sympathetic court. The Convention applies only to children under the age of 16.
newone, good question.

Was there a court order re child custody?
If so, from which country, Somali, Ethiopia, or other?
Member of international __ (treaty?)

Someone noted above, in last DM article, mother refers to dad as ex-boyfriend, not ex-husband.
Is it possible mom and dad originally made a 'handshake deal' or even a written agreement and never sought a ct order?

Just wondering.

yes I noted the exboyfriend from the article -- in the past I thought he was her ex-husband.

as per your comments -- you could be spot on as per this quotation.....just getting your young kids safe is a priority as there is a huge human trafficking issue for women and children

"Due to an inability to provide care for all family members, some Somalis willingly surrender custody of their children to people with whom they share family relations and clan linkages; some of these children may become victims of forced labor or sex trafficking. While most child laborers work within their households or family businesses, some children may be forced into labor in agriculture, herding livestock, or in the construction industry.

Human smuggling is widespread in Somalia, and evidence suggests that smugglers use the same networks and methods as those used by trafficking offenders. Men, women, and children in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps or congregated along coastal areas hoping to be smuggled to nearby African countries, Europe, or the Middle East remained particularly vulnerable to trafficking. There were reports of trafficking offenders preying on young women and children,"


The ''convenient little white lie'' of your mother is dead...most likely served to get the kids to safety. It was noble of the 15 yr old on one hand to try and find his mom when he discovered she was actually alive.

Current laws in Somalis re custody


I checked out rights in Somalia vis a vis custody and the laws there indicate that a male child stays with this mother until the age of 10 and again it can be revisited by the courts to allow the child to stay with his mother until the age of 18 ....

"mother entitled to custody of male children until age of 10 and female children until age of 15, with court empowered to extend custody until age 18"

UNICEF laws also are supported by Somalia too


"The new law aims to achieve justice for children by introducing provisions protecting the rights of children in legal proceedings"

If I recall correctly the mother fled Somalia and is in a safe place now in Ethiopia - could he not just visit her and return to USA for his own peace of mind
Snipped for focus, and my comments in red.
Also edited my earlier post to add link and ref to Hague Convention terms.

yes I noted the exboyfriend from the article -- in the past I thought he was her ex-husband.
Me too.
as per your comments -- you could be spot on as per this quotation.....just getting your young kids safe is a priority as there is a huge human trafficking issue for women and children

"Due to an inability to provide care for all family members, some Somalis willingly surrender custody of their children to people with whom they share family relations and clan linkages; some of these children may become victims of forced labor or sex trafficking....

The ''convenient little white lie'' of your mother is dead...most likely served to get the kids to safety. It was noble of the 15 yr old on one hand to try and find his mom when he discovered she was actually alive.
From dad's statement in last DM article, appears (to me) that he was with son for part of time in Ethiopia.

Current laws in Somalis re custody


I checked out rights in Somalia vis a vis custody and the laws there indicate that a male child stays with this mother until the age of 10 and again it can be revisited by the courts to allow the child to stay with his mother until the age of 18 ....
If ct proceeding re son's custody was held in Somalia, okay, agreed.
But what if ct proceeding had been in Ethiopia?

"mother entitled to custody of male children until age of 10 and female children until age of 15, with court empowered to extend custody until age 18"

UNICEF laws also are supported by Somalia too


"The new law aims to achieve justice for children by introducing provisions protecting the rights of children in legal proceedings"

If I recall correctly the mother fled Somalia and is in a safe place now in Ethiopia - could he not just visit her and return to USA for his own peace of mind
See my comment above re dad (imo) fled Somalia and having been w son & mom in Ethiopia.

So many unknowns.
Newone, I'm impressed w your knowledge and research re Somalian law.
followup to Yahya Abdi stowaway saga

"• It is claimed that his father, Abdilahi Yusuf Abdi, who lives in Santa Clara, California, had told his children their mother had died
• It is alleged he said she perished in a rocket attack in the Somali capital Mogadishu

• In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, the woman who says she is Yahya's mother claims she has been cut off by her ex-husband from her children
• Speaking from a refugee camp in Ethiopia, Ubah Mohamed Abdullahi, 35, said she split from Abdi in 2006
Is trying to get to the United States through sponsorship and has heard the news of her son's miraculous journey

He remarried a woman called Sainab Abdi and then left with Ubah’s three children to travel to the United States.

"The emotional mother said: ‘When they imigrated to the United they told the authorities I was dead."

Ubah split from her husband in 2000 and after he remarried, she says he took her children away from her and then moved to the United States in about 2006."

I am still fact checking but near as I can tell
Mother was living in Somalia when the son and his father left
currently she's in a UN camp in Ethiopia

According to the early reports from Hawaii, the teen had not seen his mother since he was 2!

“An airport official in Hawaii described the state of the teen when he was first discovered, "He hung from the wheel well and then he fell to the ground and regained some strength and stood up and started walking to the front of the aircraft," said Maui Airport Manager Marvin Moniz.
Moniz told ABC that he talked to the stowaway, learning that he was angry about an argument he had had with his father and stepmother and wanted to see his mother, whom he had not seen since he was two-years-old.”


Read that ratification has not taken place for either country as you pointed out.......pretty sticky stuff for this family wouldn't you agree??

We sure don't know a lot about the details.

The mother's only hope is to contact USA authorities to let them know.


last note re custody in Ethiopia - looks like she might have had preference to age five

"Child Custody and Guardianship: Civil Code provides that child custody and maintenance arrangements are to be made only with consideration for interests of ward; provision states that in absence of any "serious reason", wards are to remain with mother until age of five."


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