That One Key Piece of Guilty Evidence

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I wish I had good resolution. I'd love to be able to figure out where RH usually parked every day. This place does imagery often.


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I'm really curious where he normally parked as well. I know most people tend to have a favorite spot. And no offense intended, but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who parks across the lot for exercise.

Is there a way to get a better pic from this site?

In post #125 It looks like you can see the parking lot cars at the building next door. Here the blue car is parked in the spot. I'll try and get a wider view, This REALLY just made my mind spin!

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This is a great pic of the lot! It's reversed from the pic with the A and B outlines but you can see clearly here that the spot with the blue car has an empty spot behind it where he could have pulled in.
for those who just cant wrap their heads around the :30 seconds, according to the ATLANTA jOURNAL cONSTITUTUION it wasn't 30 seconds at all, but half that. The paper wonders if the cop "embellished" his testimony.

for those who are certain he would have seen something when he returned to the car, the paper points out that the cops got it wrong about their description of what he was able to see, based on the video:

Some of us have been very curious how the journalist at the Atlanta paper was able to view the video. I question whether the journalist saw it at all and simply reported what RH's brother said was in video.
for those who just cant wrap their heads around the :30 seconds, according to the ATLANTA jOURNAL cONSTITUTUION it wasn't 30 seconds at all, but half that. The paper wonders if the cop "embellished" his testimony.

for those who are certain he would have seen something when he returned to the car, the paper points out that the cops got it wrong about their description of what he was able to see, based on the video:

This has been discussed in length . The quotes are given on here several times where the Detective says it was about 30 seconds.

Everyone is waiting to see the actual time stamped tape.
If you look at this link:,116.03,,3,-0.05000305&output=classic&dg=ntvb

Behind the man in the pale shirt, there appears to be a Tucson in the second row. You can spin around a bit, and see the door to the treehouse. Follow the path to the door, across the road, there's another little path up the grass and then you cross a row a cars and then the second row where there appears to be a car that looks like a Tuscon.
thank you for the maps :), they really put things in perspective for me.
:loveyou: lol you missed us? ! just kidding

well that seat looks huge, I don't know if it's Cooper's or not....but if it's at the crime scene....:thinking:........
:loveyou: lol you missed us? ! just kidding

well that seat looks huge, I don't know if it's Cooper's or not....but if it's at the crime scene....:thinking:........

I DO miss y'all! And my laptop! Websleuths by phone sucks, lol!
I DO miss y'all! And my laptop! Websleuths by phone sucks, lol!

I'm too busy to just sit at the computer, and I've tried tapatalk and hate that so I'm always just on the web app on my phone. We homeschool though so during the school year, I am at the computer a lot more, I will access WS more at the computer then just because I'm actually sitting there every day anyway, I think it will take getting used to after using my phone every day!
This has been discussed in length . The quotes are given on here several times where the Detective says it was about 30 seconds.

Everyone is waiting to see the actual time stamped tape.

The key word IMO is "about".
This is only my personal opinion, although I have 4 young children...Cooper should never have been in that rear-facing car seat period. If I remember correctly, all of my children were out of these types of seats at/or very shortly after their 1st birthdays. Taking this further, under no circumstances should Cooper have been in that seat with the belts set on the tightest setting. This and this alone convinced me of his guilt. Having that seat set on the setting at which you do when you bring a brand new baby home from the hospital can have no other explanation than that you wanted to make sure it was as tight as possible so he couldn't free himself. Even Cooper being of a smaller size (which has been debunked in court and he doesn't appear THAT small in pictures) wouldn't have required this. And then when you add the fact that there was another car seat that had been in this car, it had been removed (with the excuse being a trip home in mom's car), and this rear facing one installed in it's place only go to make this look as bad as possible. There are simply way too many incidences and occurances within this case to logically be acceptable. One thing, two things, three things...maybe even four things (although that is where I really start saying hmm...) could/might be believable and chaulked up to coincidence but when you have the plethora of incidences and occurances we have here, it just isn't logical no matter how many explanations you come up with.
Cooper should never have been in that rear-facing car seat period. If I remember correctly, all of my children were out of these types of seats at/or very shortly after their 1st birthdays. Taking this further, under no circumstances should Cooper have been in that seat with the belts set on the tightest setting.

Kirbys, I am a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.

Current research shows clearly that child should be in rear-facing seats at least until age 2.

Height & weight are factors, but the child's individual development is more important.

Yes, strap adjustment is critical for safety.

That car seat may or may not have fit Cooper, but the car seat is NOT the problem here.
Beyond the 30-sec. drive, it has now come to be for me: the knowingly too-small car seat set on the infant strap setting so that Cooper couldn't possibly escape and wouldn't even have the comfort of fitting in it well. Screams premeditation when they had purchased a bigger one. He let him watch cartoons, gave him a last meal and a kiss and strapped him down like it was the electric chair!!!
OMG! I never realized the daycare was right next to Home Depot. He had NO excuse to forget him!!!
This needs to be a sticky for this trial!
Ok here is another one.
It includes all 3 Home Depots , corporate the store and the Treehouse.

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