VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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A minor does not need to meet up with a 32 year old man in order to score alcohol for the evening. She could have met up with a 21 year old frat guy to do that. One does need to meet up with a 32 year old man, perhaps to score a bag a weed. Maybe she was alone because she was the one tasked with bringing the weed.

If friends would send off a lone girl to buy weed, that is a pretty loose description of friendship...jmo
Hannah and Alexis were both quite prolific tweeters. How interesting.

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nah. they had to tell the public that because they didn't wanna have to say 'it's an investigation. we have to lie to the public to preserve the integrity of the investigations sometimes.'

do you really think that LE would miss that/actually think that dreads was hannah's shadow?

Yes, I think it's very possible.
If friends would send off a lone girl to buy weed, that is a pretty loose description of friendship...jmo

Or send a lone girl off all evening all by herself going in and out of bars, wandering aimlessly around for hours....
Do LEhave to have a strong reason to release the perps name? If he is innocent, his life is screwed.

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they released it because POI's relatives were giving interviews to the dailymail/he was already outed so i guess they figured they might as well confirm.
Yes, I think it's very possible.

well then they are FULLY incompetent because there was no way that was hannah's shadow. these people are trained professionals; they've been competent enough to figure out a lot of the investigation so far
Hannah and Alexis were both quite prolific tweeters. How interesting.

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can you post hannah's twitter acct? i looked at it before but forgot what it was and now i can't find it
they released it because POI's relatives were giving interviews to the dailymail/he was already outed so i guess they figured they might as well confirm.

I think LE did not want to be first to release his name...and that makes me wonder why.
Yes, my confidence in the C-ville PD went down when they seemed to misinterpret the mall videos. Not good.
And this is why most departments dont release stuff, cuz just like the rest of us, they make errors but will be judged strongly. And if they are doing stuff on the fly then some is bound to be wrong, and they have to decide, do they get it out there for the sake of information quickly or do they get it out when they are certain all is accurate? Personally I like speed and corrections but that's justme.
I do not know how that hair could be missed, jmo. Unless he was right in front of them all the time, then possibly.

Only 3 possibilities: 1) LE was lying to public 2) WG was lying because he knows LM 3) WG was lying to make it sound like she was talking to the guy with the same description that meets the description of the last attacker in area because WG picked up HG after Lm left area!!!
It took just one video and we have a good split of people on this board who think WG is suspicious while others feel POI is suspicious. There is no doubt that this video gave me a creepy feeling from both of them and I can only hope that LE feels the same way. I haven't heard anything yet from LE completely clearing ANY of these two. As far we are all know, these ARE the last 2 people to see Hannah. Both should be a POI, certainly not a hero or white knight just yet.

and I don't think either of them is the correct answer at the moment...oh well; good thing opinions are varied- we'd be awfully boring without them, imo.
Incorrect. Keep in mind that confirming his name opens them up to significant liability. POI can easily sue LE for defamation if they didn't have evidence backing up the information re POI they released to the public. POI was fairly quickly identified by the media and public. This could affect his ability to keep his job and apartment (assuming he rents), as well as his personal safety as a user previously pointed out. LE would not, under any circumstances, be so careless as to suggest POI was involved in this case if they did not have evidence to support that theory.

FYI I am a lawyer, though I am not a criminal lawyer.
Well, Inspector, I really don't have such an interest. :)

Odd analysis though, what part of what I typed made you go there?

I have a specialty in Root Cause Analysis and investigation, particularly in human factors. lex parsimoniae is not just a principle, it is experientially accurate. The further you depart from the known facts with speculation, the further you are, most likely, from the truth.

I also have a great deal of experience in walking the streets late at night in cities all over the US and world (It's a jet lag thing). I myself have to keenly observe my surroundings and develop a feeling for my security (or not) in other cultures. I observe people a lot without really watching them. Seems odd, but I can imagine being there.

As to LJ, I don't know him and live several time zones away. You do have to keep in mind what is happening in Ferguson and other places. I would help LE, but I can certainly understand not everyone in this country has the same perspective. There are unfortunately those who firmly believe or have lived guilty until proven innocent.

And I say that regardless of how much I want this girl to be found and alive. I read through all her tweets. She seems a gem.

Thanks and it was the wording and knowledge beyond anything.The problem lies in your story without an ending.Where is Hannah,this is what we all want to know.
Yes! TCS. I cannot tell you what a wonderful, caring, dedicated, Christian man and coach he is. I am soooo shocked I about this! I know that friends/neighbors of victims always say this, but this is different! I have watched the videos at least 30 times and although the guy in the video is obviously him, I never, ever even thought of him. For 5 days, I looked at the video and he never came into my mind as him! I saw him the Friday night the incident occurred at the TCS football game (against Hargrave). I even took pictures of him and the boys. I am shaken! :(

Whoa! Your jaw must have hit the floor! I got a jolt the other day just because I had a relative pop up as a FB friend of a young mom who killed her little boy. I can't imagine how shocking something like this would be! Wow, just wow.
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