2015.06.29 Sequence of Details learned from the discovery documents

Depending upon airport layout, where one parks is dependent upon the airline one is flying. I think this airport is smallish so perhaps it wouldn't matter.

The airport is small-ish (but growing) and has a single parking garage...As you drive in the rows are labeled by airline. The designated delta area is usually very busy...I see people driving around and around trying to find an empty spot. Even though I always fly delta, I park a little further away where I'm guaranteed a spot. The extra 30 seconds walk is good for my heart....and waist :)
The delta thing is odd unless she always flew that airline. We fly the same airline 98% of the time.
I guess I can appreciate Dr. P asking for airline details. It would have been relevant information if he had to retrace her steps. Depending upon airport layout, where one parks is dependent upon the airline one is flying. I think this airport is smallish so perhaps it wouldn't matter.

Dr. P didn't expect to find TS brutally murdered in her home. He's a surgeon so he's likely driven by logic, detail oriented and decisive. I think Dr. P collecting a few facts makes sense.

It's challenging because we have to guess the context and sequence of the details of their phone call, but I don't see the relevance of retracing her steps from the airport prior to the wellness check when MS had already traced her phone to the house. They both knew at that point that she made it home.

And if they were going step by step, why would MS rattle off the access codes right away? Why wouldn't he say something like 'I know her phone is at the house, but will you first check to see if her van is in the garage?' Why wouldn't he consider the possibility that she was running late and just left her phone at home...hence no answer?

And him offering "I doubt she slept in" is a red flag to me too considering she didn't get home after traveling all day until around midnight. She had the house to herself, so why wouldn't he consider the possibility that without anyone there to make noise, that she could have in fact overslept or slept in?

I don't know, I guess one could say a genuinely concerned spouse might automatically think the worst, but to me it just seems a little too presumptuous on his part given that all he supposedly knew at that time was that she wasn't answering her phone and she hadn't arrived to work by 9:30 am. And if he was truly THAT concerned, why didn't he stay on the phone with MP while he checked on her, as beach suggested.
Very interesting. His impatience to not let it unfold "naturally" could of done him in. Didn't want to be inconvenienced. The later he arrives the more he will feel to not be in control of what unfolds.

Something else that has bothered me since we have been scrutinizing the interview with Dr. MP. And it may be that we just don't have this as part of the evidence disclosure yet, but:

During the interview MS calls and MP identifies the caller to the interviewer and asks if he should answer it. They tell him no. What happened after that? Did he call him back? Did he call him back alone? Was LE listening? Did they use MP to hear what MS had to say. . . . Why did he call?

I wonder if this (meaning some type of communication between MS and MP) then becomes the real reason MS shut down communication/ cooperation with LE. Not that getting hit with the realization he had been put in the envelope was a factor.

As far as MP knowing too many details, I am not sure if that makes him suspect of anything. I have a feeling MS was careful to download as much detail as possible to get MP concerned and worried and to make sure he went over right away to check. And the details about the flights and last communication could easily be MP asking "well when was the last time you talked to her?" And then, "chatty" MS as he has been reported to be, downloads everything he knows.

This interview is not long after the discovery of the event so its not like its a couple of weeks later. I think it would be easy for some people to recall a lot of it. MP doesn't seem to be offering up extraneous stuff, he seems to responding to the questions asked of him by the interviewer.

I sure would like to know what happened or was said when MP returned MS's call, if he did, and who was listening. You guys let me know if I missed that or haven't gotten to that part yet.
Markie wanted to know what was going on with MP's statement to LE and if necessary, manipulate MP's statement.

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MS hired a hit on TS. I don't have a doubt on that. It bothers me though that there may not be enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to get a conviction. A good defense attorney is going to grab at straws as to why CWW would want TS dead. I am concerned MS may get away with this. jmo.
I do find it odd that MS divulged the security code info immediately. I guess I might have assumed that my spouse turned off the ringer on the phone or set it to vibrate during travel. Why not wait until Dr. P rang the doorbell?

It's ironic and IMO significant that MS doesn't have his wife confirm that she's arrived HOME safely late Sunday yet Monday morning he's in a rush to have her found.
It's challenging because we have to guess the context and sequence of the details of their phone call, but I don't see the relevance of retracing her steps from the airport prior to the wellness check when MS had already traced her phone to the house. They both knew at that point that she made it home.

And if they were going step by step, why would MS rattle off the access codes right away? Why wouldn't he say something like 'I know her phone is at the house, but will you first check to see if her van is in the garage?' Why wouldn't he consider the possibility that she was running late and just left her phone at home...hence no answer?

And him offering "I doubt she slept in" is a red flag to me too considering she didn't get home after traveling all day until around midnight. She had the house to herself, so why wouldn't he consider the possibility that without anyone there to make noise, that she could have in fact overslept or slept in?

I don't know, I guess one could say a genuinely concerned spouse might automatically think the worst, but to me it just seems a little too presumptuous on his part given that all he supposedly knew at that time was that she wasn't answering her phone and she hadn't arrived to work by 9:30 am. And if he was truly THAT concerned, why didn't he stay on the phone with MP while he checked on her, as beach suggested.

MS knew that TS made it home because he tracked her phone back to the house but I don't think we know that he shared that info with Dr. P. Idk, maybe I missed that.
I wonder what time he confirmed/tracked that her phone was *at home*?
Personally, if it were my husband and I was worried enough to call someone to do a wellness check, I would have remained on the phone with them until he entered the home and assured me all was well. I would have never hung up to begin with. But, that's me.

eta: yeah, by then MS had supposedly received a call informing him his wife had not shown up to work, he had texted and called repeatedly with no response, AND he had traced her phone to discover the location was at the house. Yeah, you can bet your bottom dollar I would have never hung up the phone until I KNEW everything was okay.

Yeah you have something there, the guy only lives "right around the corner" a few minutes away, what would be the point of hanging up anyway, wouldn't the concerned spouse want to stay on the line and heck he was going to be there in a few" In hindsight I wonder what MP thinks about that now.
Yeah the Delta thing sticks out a bit, but MS tells MP when they last had contact, and it wasn't from the home or, that she had arrived home, so maybe MPs mind is racing forward, thinking well, if shes not there and it doesn't look like she never did arrive we will have to start back tracking, so maybe he confirmed what airport and airline, and did she drive, etc.

Where would you start inquiring if need be, if you could not find her--- he might of been in information gathering mode anticipating trying to find her, never anticipating what he did find.

Although what I find a little unusual is that I think I might have waited until he gets to the house and no one is answering and all looks well (obviously not in this case), then say "well do you mind going in here is the code, I know she's home, her phone is there I think something happened". But instead he covers all scenarios in one call. To make sure he gets in right away to find her.

Please let's remember. Lol. MP is a doctor. Lol. He is trained to remember all conversations that he has with patients and staff and others. Jmo

So even if MS told him 1000 things in 2 minutes. MP would probably remember the basics of those 1000 things. Lol.

So Mark seemed way too informative for 1 quick call because the wife was a half an hour late for work.

He probably tracked her movements on the way home from the airport as well.

But he may have done that from another phone and simply called CWW on a disposable phone to let him know that she will be there in 2 minutes. Jmo
MS hired a hit on TS. I don't have a doubt on that. It bothers me though that there may not be enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to get a conviction. A good defense attorney is going to grab at straws as to why CWW would want TS dead. I am concerned MS may get away with this. jmo.

Keep the faith. Seriously. We have seen very, very little of what LE has. They are giving up what they have to give up to comply with the rules of discovery as it pertains to CWW only. And they are withholding everything they can right now as it pertains to MS. We haven't seen the statements from co-workers, almost none of the phone records, computer forensic data, TS & MS's bank and credit card statements, etc.... MS was arrogant and stupid enough to use his primary cell to text his hit man the "code phrase" prompting them to switch to the burner phones, that probably wasn't the only time he did something so reckless.

I still have a lot of faith. I also understand there is a LOT of legal strategy going on here. Per SMS, "this is when the snakes start biting themselves." JR isn't even in FL yet and CWW waived his right to a speedy trial. It's going to be a bit of a wait, I suspect. There is also the Grand Jury angle, as well. We have to be patient. It's hard though.
MS hired a hit on TS. I don't have a doubt on that. It bothers me though that there may not be enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to get a conviction. A good defense attorney is going to grab at straws as to why CWW would want TS dead. I am concerned MS may get away with this. jmo.

i think many of us share that concern. i am also concerned that CWW will ever start singing. Having that childhood bond, plus the stigma of being a snitch within that culture of criminals.
i think many of us share that concern. i am also concerned that CWW will ever start singing. Having that childhood bond, plus the stigma of being a snitch within that culture of criminals.

I think that Curtis is not singing because he knows that his intelligent self made many mistakes on Marks plan.

Plus Cww may bite the bullet for mark in order for mark to take care of him and his family while he is in jail. Jmo for now.
I think that Curtis is not singing because he knows that his intelligent self made many mistakes on Marks plan.

Plus Cww may bite the bullet for mark in order for mark to take care of him and his family while he is in jail. Jmo for now.
Like pleasing the master?

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Personally, if it were my husband and I was worried enough to call someone to do a wellness check, I would have remained on the phone with them until he entered the home and assured me all was well. I would have never hung up to begin with. But, that's me.

eta: yeah, by then MS had supposedly received a call informing him his wife had not shown up to work, he had texted and called repeatedly with no response, AND he had traced her phone to discover the location was at the house. Yeah, you can bet your bottom dollar I would have never hung up the phone until I KNEW everything was okay.

Exactly. This is also why (I think) it's a load of hooey to have your love call you after landing rather than calling when you get HOME safely. I know others have said they don't see anything wrong with that, but to me it doesn't make sense because the chances of plane crash pale in comparison to a million and one things that can happen between the airport and home.

My DH doesn't call me when he gets off the freeway, he calls from his destination. I don't call him when I get off the train, I call from my destination.
I think it will be JRR who cracks first. For a couple of reasons:

1.) His reaction when he was in jail and the Florida investigators came in to interview him. He asked them what he was being charged with and they answered "murder". What he said in response to that was redacted, but whatever it was, it was something short - just a few words. As in perhaps "No way!" or "Holy ****!" or something short like that. Of course, it also could have been something like "*advertiser censored** you!" I guess.

2.) His emails seemed to display a certain amount of "neediness" in him. It sounded like, at least on the surface, he was happy at the impending fatherhood.

3.) His age. He's young and perhaps if he could work some sort of a plea bargain he could wrangle a sentence that would allow for parole some day?

Does anyone else here think that AW may have been told what actually went down in Florida?
I think it will be JRR who cracks first. For a couple of reasons:

1.) His reaction when he was in jail and the Florida investigators came in to interview him. He asked them what he was being charged with and they answered "murder". What he said in response to that was redacted, but whatever it was, it was something short - just a few words. As in perhaps "No way!" or "Holy ****!" or something short like that. Of course, it also could have been something like "*advertiser censored** you!" I guess.

2.) His emails seemed to display a certain amount of "neediness" in him. It sounded like, at least on the surface, he was happy at the impending fatherhood.

3.) His age. He's young and perhaps if he could work some sort of a plea bargain he could wrangle a sentence that would allow for parole some day?

Does anyone else here think that AW may have been told what actually went down in Florida?
I can't remember where I read it but I believe JRR's response when told he was being held on murder 2 was something like oh I can live with that...its only 10 years in Missouri.

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Please let's remember. Lol. MP is a doctor. Lol. He is trained to remember all conversations that he has with patients and staff and others. Jmo

So even if MS told him 1000 things in 2 minutes. MP would probably remember the basics of those 1000 things. Lol.

So Mark seemed way too informative for 1 quick call because the wife was a half an hour late for work.

He probably tracked her movements on the way home from the airport as well.

But he may have done that from another phone and simply called CWW on a disposable phone to let him know that she will be there in 2 minutes. Jmo

Having been married to one, an md, I agree, I think our hinky meters, at least mine is more with MS, than MP at this point though.
Keep the faith. Seriously. We have seen very, very little of what LE has. They are giving up what they have to give up to comply with the rules of discovery as it pertains to CWW only. And they are withholding everything they can right now as it pertains to MS. We haven't seen the statements from co-workers, almost none of the phone records, computer forensic data, TS & MS's bank and credit card statements, etc.... MS was arrogant and stupid enough to use his primary cell to text his hit man the "code phrase" prompting them to switch to the burner phones, that probably wasn't the only time he did something so reckless.

I still have a lot of faith. I also understand there is a LOT of legal strategy going on here. Per SMS, "this is when the snakes start biting themselves." JR isn't even in FL yet and CWW waived his right to a speedy trial. It's going to be a bit of a wait, I suspect. There is also the Grand Jury angle, as well. We have to be patient. It's hard though.

Yep thank you for that reminder on several fronts. We still don't have the full context of exactly what occurred in MS's interview or what was revealed in other's interviews that made MS clam up and cease cooperating. I think that is going to be a big WOW.

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