TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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I believe we can find the killer from what we already have been given. When the truth comes out we will look back and wonder how we missed it. jmo
Morning. Yawn!!

We seem to be going round in circles A LOT. Would it be useful to have sub-threads for things like the map, the warrant, the uniform, social media etc like we have in some other cases? Sparky / Tricia / mods - please?

Poor newbies to this case have got zero chance of fully catching up so it's not their fault for asking questions that got covered moons ago, but it is hella frustrating to trawl through hundreds of posts only to find it's all just a massive rehash of previous threads. Feels like we need some "order" in here!


BBM--- Thank you from this Newbie.. LOL . It is overwhelming sometimes trying to read everything, but I don't want to miss anything either !!:):)

Don't forget the media thread, it can be very helpful
At least, i find it helpful
:laughing: You guys! I have solved this case at least 27 times and have convicted 10 different perps some of them twice with 7 different accomplices. Yet here I am with no arrest made. I may have to turn in my WebSleuth badge soon. :deepbreaths:

It would be helpful to know the height weight and shoe size, if nothing else............but oooohhhhh nnnnoooooo! ha ha JMO
I wonder if Creekside Church has copper pipes. Locally (to me) there have been a rash of burglaries with thieves stealing copper from businesses. Seems a remote church would be a good place to look for something of value.
I think she might have been shot, too. Especially with the ATF, other feds, and Texas Rangers involvement (and the dog)...

I think y'all are putting too much thought into ATF, Feds, etc.

Midlothian is not Dallas; they don't deal with murders - especially not violent ones - on a regular basis...or even in the past 9 years.

They need help.

You wouldn't give someone unfamiliar with math a complicated math problem to solve without giving them a tutor to help them understand HOW to solve it.
I think y'all are putting too much thought into ATF, Feds, etc.

Midlothian is not Dallas; they don't deal with murders - especially not violent ones - on a regular basis...or even in the past 9 years.

They need help.

You wouldn't give someone unfamiliar with math a complicated math problem to solve without giving them a tutor to help them understand HOW to solve it.

Good point.
I think 2 perps but only one on the scene, both male, age range of actual killer in his 60s.... I admit there is circumstantial evidence to point to some other people (female, younger, scorned, etc.), but I can't get past the walk/gait.

I'm with you except for the age range, I've currently got him late 30s to mid 40s.
Where are the investigative reporters? Did MB travel to & from the conference alone? Did she share a room? How did she spend her time after the conference day was over & who with? Who saw her there? What hotel & where did she have her meals & with who? Did she spend any unnecessary time there that is went early came home late?
I believe we can find the killer from what we already have been given. When the truth comes out we will look back and wonder how we missed it. jmo

Well, if we are supposed to believe that the killer is NOT on the SW I don't know how we could figure it out with what we know. If it turns out to be a hit but not at the behest of anyone on the SW, I certainly have no clue. JMO
Where are the investigative reporters? Did MB travel to & from the conference alone? Did she share a room? How did she spend her time after the conference day was over & who with? Who saw her there? What hotel & where did she have her meals & with who? Did she spend any unnecessary time there that is went early came home late?

There are no investigative reporters left. They all stay behind their desk and troll the net. If they can't click and share, they don't bother.
Where are the investigative reporters? Did MB travel to & from the conference alone? Did she share a room? How did she spend her time after the conference day was over & who with? Who saw her there? What hotel & where did she have her meals & with who? Did she spend any unnecessary time there that is went early came home late?
Exactly! Why aren't journalists trying to get more information? Have the authorities advised them not to and even if they did would that stop them? I feel like they are only reporting exactly what the police state. JMO
Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
On MB, they could use the Outdoor Store video, knowing what time the Church camera showed her on video first time 418am, and veh she was driving... go to that timeframe and watch it for when MB turned into the Creekside Church of Christ by the taillights on her veh. 4:16am That part would be easy

They aren't going to bother, nor do they have any real reason to. LE is about catching bad guys, not about spending dozens of man-hours chasing visual clarification of insignificant trivialities.

Respectfully BBM. :thinking: Murder Investigation... Taking all videos from surrounding businesses ... Murder Investigation.. yes I do think they would have a real reason to. Trying to piece together any and all info avail. They were even going over a "mountain of video from Outdoor Store to see if possible suspect had been in there.. per this Today Show Report
Does anyone else find it more than coincidental that she was murdered the day after she returned home from a conference also attended by a "target number" person she was suspected of having an inappropriate relationship with?
It may appear coincidental, but the problem is, there are a lot of 'coincidences' in this case, each of which point to differing scenarios and suspects. And no one coincidence by itself is conclusive as regards to suspect(s) or motive(s).

I mean, if that weren't the central issue, we wouldn't have these 17 threads full of theories and questions still going strong one month after her murder. I'm guessing you think this points to an obvious suspect and scenario, just as my own thinking and observation has led me strongly to theorize about another suspect and scenario not even talked about in here. (TOS, so don't ask, don't PM.) And a dozen other posters in here are entertaining maybe that many other theories concerning their own observations about 'coincidences' and possible scenarios.

So...we just have to be patient, I guess. :waiting:
Where are the investigative reporters? Did MB travel to & from the conference alone? Did she share a room? How did she spend her time after the conference day was over & who with? Who saw her there? What hotel & where did she have her meals & with who? Did she spend any unnecessary time there that is went early came home late?

I think this is one of the biggest "why's" Though it looks like the perp has been thinking about it awhile, what happened in Austin very much looks like a trigger.
Eeek! I CLEARLY should have worded my earlier post very differently. I've held back on that comment like I said, one because I had not heard any news outlets discuss until now and also, because I wasn't sure how to properly word. I should have said allegedly.

It's definitely unusual for me to be following a murder case so closely, especially one so disturbing. I was drawn to this case from the start though, because I'm local (Keller) and I have close friends and family in Midlothian, Mansfield and Waxahachi. Additionally, I've attended early morning boot camps in the past, though not CG.

All along I've felt certain this was a murder for hire and not anything or anyone has been able to convince me otherwise. I've heard all the local rumors, and have taken them all with a grain of salt. I've never been one to believe anything unless it's from a very credible source. I hate to point the finger/accuse/assume any of the people who've been discussed are guilty because what if they're not?! I cannot imagine how awful it would be if half the country believed I was responsible for the gruesome murder of a family member or friend. Accusations that would effect not only me, but my children. In that same line, I'm appalled by all the personal information that's been released to the public. My heart goes out to everyone effected by that information.

Regarding the murder for hire, even with the murder seemingly much more up close and personal than a typical murder for hire(I would think), I personally believed it was calculated and carried out in such a way so that people would BELIEVE it was personal. But - I no longer think that. As far as cause of death, LE revealed that it was multiple puncture wounds to the head and chest consistent with weapons found at the scene. Because we were given no specifics beyond that, what I imagined those details to be vs the alleged details (???) were very different. I do not believe the kind of alleged brutality involved in this murder could possibly be a murder for hire - too much rage and viciousness IMO. Because of that, I think it could be someone involved within Missy's immediate circle (friends or family), but I also believe it could be a sick stalker. I personally think the likelihood of it being the former is probably more likely, but a stalker is definitely within the realm of possibility. In my opinion, the murderer really only had to know 2 things - when and where. Anyone would know what time she generally got to the church to set up because she said so on previous Facebook entries. So if I put myself in the murderer's (too big) shoes, I would have gotten to the church at about the same time - enough time to see if an alarm was going to go off (if so new plan) - and just enough time to get my bearings. Regarding the cameras, I believe the perp planned for all the cameras, inside and out, to be working, and planned and dressed accordingly. If they weren't working - great! But if they were working he/she was prepared. IMO the SWAT attire was very well thought out and served as the perfect cover on many fronts. Like someone said earlier, it concealed both gender and identity, it was a good source of protection and it was not the type of attire that would immediately cause fear in someone (vs say a ski mask). I think this would apply not only to Missy, but to other campers as well had he/she been encountered before LE arrived.

Just one more thing regarding the church driveway. When you are parked on the side of the building where Missy and the campers were parked - you can't see the church entrance (the driveway) from that side of the building. You would have to be parked near that front corner on that side to see a car enter or exit.

What a novel - whew! If I've stated anything against policy, please let me know or delete. I'm sure this is full of typos as well.

LOL :hilarious:

Check this out... What way is the reporter or whomever coming from ??? Unless MB came a different way than this, she would not have had to turn left... Left would have been coming in the opposite direction than from Outdoor store to Church...

<snipped for focus>

MB would not have turned left from direction she would have came from Home.. unless she came some other was I guess...

To have to turn LEFT, MB would have had to be coming from opposite direction (not passing the Outdoor Store) View attachment 94689

View attachment 94688

If you put in the Bevers' address (I won't put it here), it's nearer to Ovilla, TX. There are a couple of ways to get to the church from there where she would have made a left turn off the highway.

Regarding LE's latest - re-enacted movements of the perp and enhancement of video giving a "better physical description" of the perp - so far I've read they probably have precise height (w/in an inch) and weight... and maybe shoe size. But is that enough to arrest someone? I guess (hope) they have some other physical (DNA or objects purchased that can be traced to killer) evidence because I don't see how height, weight, and shoe size alone could be enough to arrest someone - unless that person's alibi doesn't line up. Also, maybe LE did get a good enough close-up of the perp's eyes and some of the face and just haven't stated that? Any thoughts?

The enhanced description may not identify SWATPERP but, can eliminate many people - such as those who are tiny/tall, skinny/morbidly obese, size 4 shoe/size 14 shoe. And I too hope they got the face cleared up so that SWATPERP is recognizable in side-by-side analysis.
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