Found Deceased FL - AMBER ALERT: Diana Alvares, 9, Fort Myers, 29 May 2016 #1

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Does anyone recall specifically when the call to 911 was actually made and by whom? TIA
I keep thinking she was lured out .... Hence her shoes being gone , but why the blanket? The blanket makes me think someone took her out , but how and why the shoes ?

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My 9 year old son will take his blanket with him if he goes somewhere overnight or will sometimes take it on car rides :) Either she put her shoes on and grabbed her blanker or someone took them to make it look like she did. JMO

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Well color me surprised. The reporter took a cell phone call in the middle of his update. That's a new one. LE is still searching for Diana close to home. They have extended it to ten miles. Would that include her bio dad's home?

This is from yesterday, so not newer info. Bio dad supposedly lives in Mexico, his wife lives in Okeechobee, about 40 minutes from Ft. Myers
There is only one scenario I can think of that is making sense to me that could include all the weird little details.

I think Diana may have gotten up early. [Maybe to get ready for the church bus--OR to wait for her secret friend...]

It was cold so early and she had her blanket wrapped around her. She got dressed, put on her shoes, and went into the kitchen and turned on the burners for warmth. She was going to make something to eat. { I know her stepdad said she never cooked but 9 yr olds often do things we don't think they know how to do]

She may have seen her 'friend' out the window. He motioned for her to come outside. She did so quietly.

I think that Diana had been in touch with someone, perhaps the ex-roomie, and was expecting him. Her shoes were gone because she was wearing them. The blanket was gone because she was wrapped up in it for warmth and security. My daughter did that all the time when she was 8 or 9. The burners were on because she was cold waiting for him to arrive?

I think she was just planning to use his phone to call her dad. Or maybe she was told she could go and meet up with her dad, secretly?

Katy, the weather in Florida is so hot and muggy it is even sticky early in the am.I would not think she would wrap herself in a blanket.But someone else may have for other reasons.
I have 2 dogs and I am almost tempted to test if they would bark if some stranger entered my house at night. KWIM?
Katy, the weather in Florida is so hot and muggy it is even sticky early in the am.I would not think she would wrap herself in a blanket.But someone else may have for other reasons.

I was thinking the same thing and I live in NW FL. No way she was turning the stove on for warmth....and I always thought it was the actual oven not the eyes that were used for warming....I'm a Florida native so I don't really know a lot about the cold.

I think either bio dad set up someone to pick her up (roommate or whomever) or either the roommate took her for his own purpose. I find it odd that the morning she goes missing, the dog conveniently isn't in its usual spot.

I pray she's unharmed/safe and is home with her family soon!
The only unmentioned theory I can offer about the stove, is that Diana was instructed to do it by someone, without knowing the potential consequences. This would only fit if she knew and trusted whomever she left with.
It makes more sense to me that the pan of oil was an attempt to burn he home down, and I cannot see bio dad saving his daughter while potentially killing his sons.
I have 2 dogs and I am almost tempted to test if they would bark if some stranger entered my house at night. KWIM?

Couple of years ago, I learned that my large main dog will be very very dangerous to someone trying to sneak into the house at night, even if it's someone she knows well. Friend was scheduled to spend the night during a move from Miami to Sarasota. He got here later than expected, thought we were in bed, and decided to sneak in quietly. I thought my dog was going to rip his throat out.

This couple's dog, though, apparently barks at everything, including his water bowl. That means that everyone in the area has developed the habit of ignoring the dog, possibly even to the point of not hearing it when it barks. You don't want a dog that barks at everything all night long. You want a dog that only barks when there's actually something there.
I don't have a firm opinion at this point, but one thing that jumped out at me is where the mother pointed out that Diana began acting differently in the weeks prior to her birthday earlier this month and wanting to wear make up. I believe this fits with the time frame that the former roommate moved out, so I'm concerned there's a correlation. (I'll go back and see if I find the link.)

"Diana’s mother tells Four In Your Corner off-camera that her daughter started acting strange a few weeks leading up to her 9th birthday earlier this month. She says Diana started focusing on her appearance much more and out of no where started wanting to wear makeup.

She also said her daughter was close to the roommate who practically became like family during his stay."

They need to look more into this roommate. Something is not right here!

Whoever took the girl planned on burning the family in their sleep in order to cover up the crime, that seems rather obvious. If the lame attempt to start a fire and burn the house down had worked, it may have been 2, 3, 4 days before investigators realized a child was missing, and even then they may not be so sure.

This wasn't just a child abduction, it was an attempted murder as well..........of everybody in the house.

I agree! That's def what it sounds like to me too.

I feel the same way. And I think it's because the step mom is talking to reporters, and so is the step dad and the mom and it's just making it confusing. Doesn't LE tell family to stay away from reporting and/or social media?

But the thing is if they were not talking to the media we'd have people questioning that too so they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I'm wondering if maybe due to speaking a different language if that is why the stories are so confusing?
With the way the cops are searching, it kinda leads me to believe they must think this kid isn't in the best of shape. This is a 9 year old kid, not a toddler, so obviously she isn't simply lost in the woods and can't find her way home.

There must be something that LE is privy to that is pushing them to continue and search the wooded areas. They're behaving as if this is more of a recovery effort than a rescue. Maybe they did find the roommate and they aren't too impressed with his answers.
This case is so bizarre!

Am I the only one that finds it odd that LE haven't done any press conferences? When did we last hear from LE?

Also, if LE thought the roommate had take Diana, would they not have issued an Amber Alert?
This case is all over the place. Someone(s) knows more then they are telling. I too am surprised that LE hasn't reigned them in but maybe they are hoping if they keep talking they will stumble and some part of the truth will come out. It seems to be a party type neighborhood. That's concerning because of the sex offender down the block!

Praying for for the little girl. She may be growing up, or wanting to, way too fast.
Does anyone recall specifically when the call to 911 was actually made and by whom? TIA


Diana’s mother woke up again a little before 7 am, this time to get the kids ready for church. This is when she noticed a strange smell coming from their kitchen and saw someone left the stove top on and a pan filled with oil sitting there.
“My wife when she woke up she found all the stoves on,” he said. “She asked me if I did it and I said, ‘what are you talking about?’ I had no idea what happened.”

The couple speculates the person who took Diana purposely left the stove top on and may have been planning to set their home on fire.

“After my wife say that she went straight to Diana’s room and that’s the point where she tells me Diana’s not here.”

----at that point step Dad Uribe Jiminez called 911.
First Post as a registered user but a long time reader and this has me checking every hour when awake and after a sleep.
..first thing in the a.m. This is so weird?!??

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First Post as a registered user but a long time reader and this has me checking every hour when awake and after a sleep.
..first thing in the a.m. This is so weird?!??

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With the way the cops are searching, it kinda leads me to believe they must think this kid isn't in the best of shape. This is a 9 year old kid, not a toddler, so obviously she isn't simply lost in the woods and can't find her way home.

There must be something that LE is privy to that is pushing them to continue and search the wooded areas. They're behaving as if this is more of a recovery effort than a rescue. Maybe they did find the roommate and they aren't too impressed with his answers.

--it sounds like the ground area search has been completed ,per the press release of today.

The Lee County Sheriff's Office said this morning that they have no evidence that Diana Alvares is still in the area.

The sheriff's office closed its staging area near the Sheltering Pines mobile home park in San Carlos where Alvares lived. She disappeared from her home sometime Sunday morning.

"After a massive and exhaustive search in a several mile radius around Diana Alvares’ home it has been determined that there is no evidence to suggest that she is in the area," a press release from the sheriff's office said mid-morning Wednesday. "Leads coming in from concerned citizens and other investigative avenues are actively being pursued and at this point we cannot comment on them."

Closing the staging area doesn't mean the search for the girl has ended.
"Our investigative teams remain in the field, and will leave no stone un-turned in the aggressive investigation into Diana’s disappearance,' the release said.
First Post as a registered user but a long time reader and this has me checking every hour when awake and after a sleep.
..first thing in the a.m. This is so weird?!??

:welcome5: I know Diana has caputured many of our hearts around here!! Nothing would make me happier at the moment than for her to be found, safe and well.
First Post as a registered user but a long time reader and this has me checking every hour when awake and after a sleep.
..first thing in the a.m. This is so weird?!??

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