FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #1

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My point about "generalizing" is that while it serves to keep us politically correct, at the same time it ignores the elephant in the room.
We are getting hit by radicalized terrorists and it does need to be discussed before we can figure out what to do.

But conversations that "generalize" like -- there will be bad people everywhere doing bad things to everyone--type of rhetoric isn't very useful, imho.

Prayers to all of my fellow Floridians who have been victimized by this latest radicalized terroristic attack.

well said.thank you!
Disney World has way more armed security than a random nightclub. No one would get very far attacking Disney World before they would be taken out by a small army of well armed security officers. But a nightclub, gay or straight, has a lot of drunk people, crowded into small spaces, easily cornered into dark nooks and alcoves and bathrooms.

Agree. Disney is almost it's own country. There's even a no-fly zone over it.
My point about "generalizing" is that while it serves to keep us politically correct, at the same time it ignores the elephant in the room.
We are getting hit by radicalized terrorists and it does need to be discussed before we can figure out what to do.

But conversations that "generalize" like -- there will be bad people everywhere doing bad things to everyone--type of rhetoric isn't very useful, imho.

Prayers to all of my fellow Floridians who have been victimized by this latest radicalized terroristic attack.

I didn't mean to generalize anything. Well, other than hate I guess. I could give a thousand reasons why I ate the last cookie. But the reason was I was hungry. That is a horrible analogy, but y'all know what I mean. Call it what you will, it's because of hate. My heart breaks for these victims and their families and friends. It's a dark day indeed.
As long as we are living in a society that refuses to spend money on mental health services, while allowing the mentally ill people to buy military grade weapons like they are candy, this problem will continue. Other countries have had the same problem, and they solved it with better laws. But the US never changes, so the problem will just get worse, and I think deep down everybody reading this knows it.

He knew exactly what he was doing...he wasn't mentally ill.
I feel that as long as there's armed officers in large numbers public safety is enhanced. I'm not sure that being government employed LE officers vs privately employed officers makes a big difference. JMO

Not this situation, but I (this emerged for me during Paris etc) think the reality here (truly hopeless) is makes no difference how many armed anything are around. When we are dealing with people who wake up ready to die in 6 hours , they could care less how many people in uniform have guns mooo
Seperation of church and state is , IMO vital, no place on public airwaves

this month is the anniversity of Stonewall...............

Personally I thought it was offensive when the official press conference featuring the mayor, FBI, and police ALSO included an Imam from the Islamic Society of Central Florida! I didn't see any LGBT Community Leaders speaking.

The president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, Muhammed Musri, actually said "Many times in the past this has been described as the worst nightmare and we are sorry to have it happen to us". Guess he wants to point out that somehow, someway they are really the victims here.

Maybe he considers himself part of the gay community and that is why he said "us"? A local Orlando mosque just made the news 5 weeks ago when a guest speaker advocated the killing of homosexuals and assured people that "there is no shame in it".

Not this situation, but I (this emerged for me during Paris etc) think the reality here (truly hopeless) is makes no difference how many armed anything are around. When we are dealing with people who wake up ready to die in 6 hours , they could care less how many people in uniform have guns mooo

I'm not so sure about that. I read elsewhere that this club pats down people for weapons before they are aloud in.

I wonder if the killer used the fact that the club patrons would be unarmed in choosing his target. JMO
Seperation of church and state is , IMO vital, no place on public airwaves

this month is the anniversity of Stonewall...............

As the day goes on I feel like I am being selfish. This started yesterday with the murder yesterday at the Plaza

- why should it feel different casue it is where you live?

- why does it feel different because you have been in these buildings?

- they are buildings

_ So far it is not anyone I know

-Anywhere this kind of violence happens its not ok

- why is there some sort of shame- god, the biggest shooting in America is here , in a gay bar

- my emotional response seems selfish, irrationial in a way , confusing

-people being murdered in any building and any place are horrid - why does this feel more intense?

back to facts .. easier emotionally huh!

the local news (6)

the hospitals were NEVER on lockdown , closed to visitors
Don't feel selfish CARIIS. It's all familiar to you. It's happening in your home. I think that is the same reason I signed onto WS when I learned of the eight who were murdered in OH. Although I don't live in OH, I do live in the Appalachian Region and those folks reminded me of people I've known, and the region I know, and have lived and worked in all of my life. It's hard to wrap your brain around something so horrible happening in your own backyard. Hugs.
I don't think that increased mental health services will prevent ISIS from influencing people to kill innocent people. JMO

I was late learning of mass shooting. Has it been confirmed this was a ISIS related attack? I am reading some articles which are calling it a hate crime, targeting the gay community (obviously) but other news outlets report a connection with ISIS. Either way, it is terrorism, tragic beyond belief. My heart is broken for the victims, their loved ones, the community and our nation.
TIA for clarification.
I don't think that increased mental health services will prevent ISIS from influencing people to kill innocent people. JMO

It's the simple fact that the Islamic terrorist, sympathizer, mentality is about killing. They look for excuses to kill.
I don't think that increased mental health services will prevent ISIS from influencing people to kill innocent people. JMO


Even using mental health issues is another way of "generalizing".
Personally I thought it was offensive when the official press conference featuring the mayor, FBI, and police ALSO included an Imam from the Islamic Society of Central Florida! I didn't see any LGBT Community Leaders speaking.

He actually said "Many times in the past this has been described as the worst nightmare and we are sorry to have it happen to us". Guess he wants to point out that somehow, someway they are really the victims here.

Or does he normally refer to the gay community as "us"?

Who is the "he" that you referenced, since you mentioned several people?
I was late learning of mass shooting. Has it been confirmed this was a ISIS related attack? I am reading some articles which are calling it a hate crime, targeting the gay community (obviously) but other news outlets report a connection with ISIS. Either way, it is terrorism, tragic beyond belief. My heart is broken for the victims, their loved ones, the community and our nation.
TIA for clarification.

The shooter called 911 at the start of the attack and pledged his allegiance to ISIS. Guess he wanted to make sure everyone knew it was ISIS related just in case some wanted to claim otherwise.
I was late learning of mass shooting. Has it been confirmed this was a ISIS related attack? I am reading some articles which are calling it a hate crime, targeting the gay community (obviously) but other news outlets report a connection with ISIS. Either way, it is terrorism, tragic beyond belief. My heart is broken for the victims, their loved ones, the community and our nation.
TIA for clarification.
Yes, ISIS has claimed responsibility.


Mateen called 911 shortly before the attack to pledge allegiance to ISIS and mentioned the Boston Marathon bombers, according to a U.S. official.


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I didn't mean to generalize anything. Well, other than hate I guess. I could give a thousand reasons why I ate the last cookie. But the reason was I was hungry. That is a horrible analogy, but y'all know what I mean. Call it what you will, it's because of hate. My heart breaks for these victims and their families and friends. It's a dark day indeed.

I think there is more to this than a generalized "hate".
This is about the war being committed by Isis terrorists.



its live I cant link

He ( murderer) was in the bar at 930 last night , the guy said he just looked like anyone else in the bar

He said it was not until today when his picture was released that he realized this

local media is JUST now getting the tweet from the bar that said basically Pulse run keep running

we all knew this it HOURS ago

I bet he came in to canvas and then went to his car to retrieve the weapons.
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