Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #2

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You are probably right, that it hasn't anything to do with finding Jenny.
I didn't see a public intoxication charge. I wonder if they let him off the hook when they realized his wife is missing.

Most of those places have Asian workers that are sometimes forced to be there. Just saying.

It just seems disrespectful to the missing wife.
I just don't even know what to say about JR's latest admission, except it is embarrassingly sad. I guess he felt he had to come forth with it before any trolls did.

I see on the new billboard it says: "Investigacion #4/2016 en la fiscalia especializada para la atencion en delitos de alto impacto" which translates to something like: Special Prosecutor for High Impact Crimes. Here's a page for that may or may not be the authority in charge:

I wasn't sure what is meant by high impact crime. Fortunately, I found an article from the Mexico News Daily which specifies "high-impact crimes" include homicide, kidnapping, extortion and vehicle theft. (Seems quite a range. .from homicide to vehicle theft!)

The last flier I had seen with a reward on it offered $50,000 MXN (around $2,700 US dollars), so the current reward of $200,000 is a big jump.

I was glad to see JR say: "I do want to start a flyer relaunch" (especially after CN gave her reply that seemed to nix that idea in favor of billboards) and hope that if have not already, that they include Chiapas (where we heard they will put a billboard up) and any other areas between and including Oaxaca and Cancun.
human trafficking!

Agree. I checked. He has a sex exploitation charge where they busted him on july 7th and released him on july 8th per the king county gov arrest page.

So it wasn't for being drunk and charges are not dropped as of yet.
Whether or not not he went into this massage parlor knowing what went on there or not, the episode will definitely hurt his campaign to find Jenny, especially the fundraising. jmo Unfortunate and embarrassing.
Whether or not not he went into this massage parlor knowing what went on there or not, the episode will definitely hurt his campaign to find Jenny, especially the fundraising. jmo Unfortunate and embarrassing.

5pm is normal business hours. So either this place is totally some shady back room place or they made sure that he knew what he was there for before the handcuffs went on.

Some barbershops use to have illegal gambling going on in backrooms. But they never arrested a customer at 5pm that was sitting in the front area and waiting for a hair cut. Jmo.

Now if you went in the backroom while having other intentions; Thats another story. So as of now; we can rule out a mistaken situation. Jmo

Even the hotel stings make sure that confirmation is made. Then they arrest you before other patrons arrive. guys know I have been supportive of the husband up until this point. However, I am now officially questioning whether his recent behavior is a concerning flag that should be considered as it relates to the disapearance of his wife.

I applaud Dexter for bringing up the fact that many prostitutes are trafficked and held against their will; abused. Many are diseased, and spread that in to the community through their clients. Many die at the hands of their clients or pimps, and are dumped never to be found. This is alot more serious than just the long debated morality of prostitution.

Does this behavior suggest any general disregard or objectification of women that should cause concern related to Jenny's disappearance?
This is the very question I am currently pondering.
I hesitate to put this out there - but as much as I get weird vibes from the guy, going to a rub-n-tug is probably not indicative of much more than need of stress relief paired with his obvious social awkwardness (i.e. drinking at a bar and taking a lady home or even to a hotel for an evening is probably not high on his skill aptitude list). It will, however, put a dent in his protestations and the Mexican folks working with him are sure to find out - the world is small these days and folks are judge-y.
5pm is normal business hours. So either this place is totally some shady back room place or they made sure that he knew what he was there for before the handcuffs went on.

Some barbershops use to have illegal gambling going on in backrooms. But they never arrested a customer at 5pm that was sitting in the front area and waiting for a hair cut. Jmo.

Now if you went in the backroom while having other intentions; Thats another story. So as of now; we can rule out a mistaken situation. Jmo

Even the hotel stings make sure that confirmation is made. Then they arrest you before other patrons arrive.
Funny his post came out of the blue and just admitted getting arrested. I'm sure he means well, but he has a peculiar way of sharing information that makes him suspicious. Just saying he got drunk and arrested at a massage parlour with hookers or whatever during a sting. What's funny (or sad) is that these stings rarely occur, as far as I know or are rarely publicized if they are. If he is innocent and these things are not really publicized, then why come out and say it. Just odd.

They have their first billboard up. It may be effective, but someone else said flyers, in a LONG post about how to reach out, would be better and Jonathan said, "Looking into it!"

Also, he said they are "Pressing the authorities." when pressed, he said his "legal team" is pressing.

To me, if the team is "pressing" (and I doubt they are - don't want to press the government on anything) then it's going to backfire. Seems like a bad plan or they are taking his money and laughing to the bank. Does he have a Spanish speaking person helping him?

And now on billboards offering money for what?

Everything seems peculiar for some reason. I"m sure he means well and wants to find her, but just an interesting communication pattern. I hope everything turns up fine. Can you run to Belize or some other country? Did she run home to China? Hopefully, she's okay.
I hesitate to put this out there - but as much as I get weird vibes from the guy, going to a rub-n-tug is probably not indicative of much more than need of stress relief paired with his obvious social awkwardness (i.e. drinking at a bar and taking a lady home or even to a hotel for an evening is probably not high on his skill aptitude list). It will, however, put a dent in his protestations and the Mexican folks working with him are sure to find out - the world is small these days and folks are judge-y.

This was my first thought too. Awkward geek, etc. However, the big zinger here is that his freakin' wife is missing! Bells and whistles are going off for me at this point. Somethin' ain't right folks. Not right at all. guys know I have been supportive of the husband up until this point. However, I am now officially questioning whether his recent behavior is a concerning flag that should be considered as it relates to the disapearance of his wife.

I applaud Dexter for bringing up the fact that many prostitutes are trafficked and held against their will; abused. Many are diseased, and spread that in to the community through their clients. Many die at the hands of their clients or pimps, and are dumped never to be found. This is alot more serious than just the long debated morality of prostitution.

Does this behavior suggest any general disregard or objectification of women that should cause concern related to Jenny's disappearance?
This is the very question I am currently pondering.

Just as well, many prostitutes pick this profession and want it legalized. We can't speak for them all, but that profession is complex. You did say "many" a lot. Of course that's true, but it's not a number.

I think JR is just a goof and I'm sure he knew what he was getting into, but that's his business.
This was my first thought too. Awkward geek, etc. However, the big zinger here is that his freakin' wife is missing! Bells and whistles are going off for me at this point. Somethin' ain't right folks. Not right at all.

I imagine that having a loved one missing is not totally different from having a sick family member or working as a full-time caregiver. There's a tremendous amount of burnout, stress, moving through the five stages of grief (even if you have hope and faith that your loved one is alive), etc. I'm trying not to "stick up" for him, but I think this is 1) more of an unfortunate event rather than a harbinger of bad behavior or foul play on his part and 2) probably was not well-planned, even if he had intent to follow through with whatever "happy ending" he needed for his "neck." If he truly wanted a "discreet" experience, there are better ways to get it done. I think, truly, that he's an amateur in MANY facets of life, which is likely why he was drawn to a foreign wife. She would not likely notice these shortcomings having never been exposed to American culture, etc. The empowered post-bra burning American woman probably wouldn't look at him twice.
This was my first thought too. Awkward geek, etc. However, the big zinger here is that his freakin' wife is missing! Bells and whistles are going off for me at this point. Somethin' ain't right folks. Not right at all.

For me, all I needed to know was his King5 interview. He sounded like a caring guy who tried to tell her how going to Mexico was a bad idea and she was super stubborn and didn't want to listen. His wife is missing, but not hard to separating that from getting relief, if that's what he wanted. He is only human.

I assume he was not super close to her in a close relationship sense and part of that was the age/generational difference. I can't see how *most* couples that far apart in years could marry and be in love and compatible. Can't see how most couples with that much life experiences between them can see eye to eye. It's not the age, but the life experiences and wisdom and knowledge.

He sounds like he was frustrated with her. And she's young and looking for adventure and didn't seem the settling down type, like him.

Poor for him. guys know I have been supportive of the husband up until this point. However, I am now officially questioning whether his recent behavior is a concerning flag that should be considered as it relates to the disapearance of his wife.

I applaud Dexter for bringing up the fact that many prostitutes are trafficked and held against their will; abused. Many are diseased, and spread that in to the community through their clients. Many die at the hands of their clients or pimps, and are dumped never to be found. This is alot more serious than just the long debated morality of prostitution.

Does this behavior suggest any general disregard or objectification of women that should cause concern related to Jenny's disappearance?
This is the very question I am currently pondering.

Lol. Agree my friend and I'm glad that you have some pause for his original sincerity of finding his wife.

Now I admit. Many guys may go to a sex parlor for temporary companionship without being there to support human trafficking.

But in his case.

Those places charges $300 easily. And he happens to go there while advocating for others to find his wife while he is taking other people's money to do so. While he is using some of their money for his pleasure while knowing exactly which prostitution parlor to go to at 4:30 pm in the afternoon.

Now come on.

I would feel skeptical too.

I wonder how many guys that donated to help him find his wife. While now saying. Geez. You used my money to rendezvous with a possible sex slave.

While people are wondering if your wife could have been forced into possible massage parlor sex work as well. Jmo.

Now in all honesty. How many Go fund me campaigns that people have donated to while being happy to know that the spouse of the missing person; Basically used part of the funds for sexual massages and or relief. Jmo.

Now he says to his followers that it happened last night. But he was arrested at 5pm which means he was there in the daylight afternoon since it doesn't get dark until almost 9pm.

So maybe it wasn't some night time drunk and stumbling into the wrong place at the wrong time. Jmo.
human trafficking!

How do you know it was "human trafficking"? Speculation is just that. Claptrap.

He was arrested or caught in Mexico? I didn't know that. Are they trying to bust him? Spank him down for speaking out against the government? Get him for being a gringo? Will he need a new Go Fund Me page?
Funny his post came out of the blue and just admitted getting arrested. I'm sure he means well, but he has a peculiar way of sharing information that makes him suspicious. Just saying he got drunk and arrested at a massage parlour with hookers or whatever during a sting. What's funny (or sad) is that these stings rarely occur, as far as I know or are rarely publicized if they are. If he is innocent and these things are not really publicized, then why come out and say it. Just odd.

They have their first billboard up. It may be effective, but someone else said flyers, in a LONG post about how to reach out, would be better and Jonathan said, "Looking into it!"

Also, he said they are "Pressing the authorities." when pressed, he said his "legal team" is pressing.

To me, if the team is "pressing" (and I doubt they are - don't want to press the government on anything) then it's going to backfire. Seems like a bad plan or they are taking his money and laughing to the bank. Does he have a Spanish speaking person helping him?

And now on billboards offering money for what?

Everything seems peculiar for some reason. I"m sure he means well and wants to find her, but just an interesting communication pattern. I hope everything turns up fine. Can you run to Belize or some other country? Did she run home to China? Hopefully, she's okay.

I suspect he admit his mistakes because someone on another Help Find site posted the arrest information, so he had to try to control the situation early on. JMO
Apparently they have posted fliers with a reward. I'm not sure how much.

RF makes an excellent suggestion, immediately shot down by CN. He says that instead of paying for billboards that benefit the owner, use the money to print more fliers, offer a 15,000-25,000 peso reward for information leading to her recovery or location and smaller amounts for pieces of information. He suggests they use volunteers to plaster the target areas with them. He suggests places like 7-11, bus stops, churches.

His point is that at this point whoever did something to Jenny may get careless and let it slip. The reward could be an incentive to an ex-girlfriend, wife, friend, bartender, neighbor to snitch.

He includes details about how to go about this. CN essentially replies "Been there, done that" and that billboards cover more territory and have been successful in the past in Mexico.{"tn":"R3"}

CN sounds like a goof. I hope she's not his only sounding board. She sounds like him, my guess: just not exploring all options and ignoring what others say. Go team! Sad.

Really, it sounds like they work in a vacuum and that's not going to help matters.
On the other hand, what if he is just an awkward guy who is doing his very best to find his wife, whom he loves? He must be absolutely sick with fear.
Is he making mistakes? Probably, but I haven't been in his shoes (thank heavens).
He is in a very bad situation, desperate, and doing the best he knows how.
I'm continuing to send good thoughts in his direction, and prayers to Jenny.
What a horrible situation.

I totally feel the same. He must feel powerless. Powerless to her to just ignore him and go off on her own and do crazy stuff that some people are prone to do and now have to deal with Mexican authorities and throw money at lawyers and wonder if they are doing anything. And then ask for help.
Let us all hope she turns up after spending three months at some ex-pat hippy place.

If she was going to run back home to China - I doubt it would be so abrupt. Or any other alternate plan doesn't seem likely.

I doubt there is much else to say on this matter until other facts come out of Mexico. What else is there to say?

Pray for Jenny and her husband and her family and friends.
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