US coal mine collapse traps six-Utah - Thread No. 2

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Signaled to miners. 3 rounds of explosive devices set off. No signals heard from miners underground.
Plans for 5th bore hole. Location for #5 bore hole will be cross cut 133 in #1 entry. This is where the original #4 bore hole was suppose to go.
Still haven't lowered camera into #4 bore hole.
Rob Moore is stating that this continues to be a RESCUE effort.

ETA: Rob Moore said that Bob Murray was personally administering to the families of the trapped miners and is personally overseeing the rescue mission and that he has no time to go to the press conference.

ETA: Team of experts from different locations are getting together tomorrow to see if there is any way for them to get back into the mine to finish the rescue mission from there.
OK where IS that presser?! Did I blink and miss it already?! Grrrr! Fox didn't show it! WTH?!?! Explosive devices?!

Awww...Cheko! I bet you are beaming having that new one around! Congrats again! (Bet you are tired, too!)
I caught the first little bit of the presser on CNN and then when they ended it in the middle of things I turned it to KUTV.
I caught the first little bit of the presser on CNN and then when they ended it in the middle of things I turned it to KUTV.

Thank you RKnowley, I had it on Fox & they dogged us!!! GRRRRRR
How many hrs did we wait & then they never had it!
Sheesh...I think at the beginning the conference was to be at 6PM Eastern time. Then it was to be at 7PM Eastern, then it was to be at 9PM Eastern and then it finally happened not long ago. CNN covered just a wee bit of it and KUTV didn't cover it all but they just showed most of it on Fox13News.

Thank you RKnowley, I had it on Fox & they dogged us!!! GRRRRRR
How many hrs did we wait & then they never had it!
Signaled to miners. 3 rounds of explosive devices set off. No signals heard from miners underground.
Plans for 5th bore hole. Location for #5 bore hole will be cross cut 133 in #1 entry. This is where the original #4 bore hole was suppose to go.
They still have not analyzed pictures taken in bore hole #4.
Rob Moore is stating that this continues to be a RESCUE effort.

ETA: Rob Moore said that Bob Murray was personally administering to the families of the trapped miners and is personally overseeing the rescue mission and that he has no time to go to the press conference..hmmmm

This certainly doesn't sound good for the miners.

Bob Murray can't be administering to the families & overseeing the rescue.
All he has to do is write the families of the miners a check they can take care of themselves. Wonder if that occured to him?
They did say small explosive devices if that makes any difference??? :rolleyes:

OK where IS that presser?! Did I blink and miss it already?! Grrrr! Fox didn't show it! WTH?!?! Explosive devices?!

Awww...Cheko! I bet you are beaming having that new one around! Congrats again! (Bet you are tired, too!)
Sheesh...I think at the beginning the conference was to be at 6PM Eastern time. Then it was to be at 7PM Eastern, then it was to be at 9PM Eastern and then it finally happened not long ago. CNN covered just a wee bit of it and KUTV didn't cover it all but they just showed most of it on Fox13News.

Geeshhhhhhhh a total waste of the evening & they never showed it.
(KUTV) HUNTINGTON - Officials on Saturday night spoke publicly about the rescue operation at the Crandall Canyon coal mine in central Utah, for the first time in nearly two days. And they essentially said they are not certain whether a rescue operation is the best course of action.

U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration chief Richard Stickler and mine co-owner Rob Moore publicly discussed the situation during a press conference -- which was significantly delayed. Initially, the briefing was to occur at 4:00 p.m. and then again at 7:00 p.m. By the time officials arrived, it was close to 9:00 p.m.

"We are continuing with the surface rescue efforts," Moore said. "But we are not taking unnecessary risks."

"Our hope is to find the miners alive. Once that is done, they can be kept alive through the 8 1/2 inch bore hole," Stickler said.

Moore also answered questions as to the whereabouts of mine co-owner Robert Murray -- who has been noticeably absent from all press briefings since Thursday's cave-in that killed three rescue workers. According to Moore, Murray is personally attending to the families' needs following the second cave-in.

Officials said that no rescue efforts will be done inside the mountain unless a safe way can be devised to do so. However, vertical drilling will continue above the mine.

A fourth bore hole was completed on Saturday morning and Stickler said that drilling of a fifth hole will soon begin.

During Saturday night's briefing, officials said that no signs of the trapped miners were detected through the latest bore hole. Rescuers lowered a microphone into the hole, hoping to hear sounds from the missing workers, but the equipment picked up no audible sounds. Vibration detection equipment was also used to pick up possible underground movements that may indicate signals from the miners.

More at link:
OK where IS that presser?! Did I blink and miss it already?! Grrrr! Fox didn't show it! WTH?!?! Explosive devices?!

Awww...Cheko! I bet you are beaming having that new one around! Congrats again! (Bet you are tired, too!)

Thanks SS.......... The folks went out for dinner & a movie tonight.
there's 130 feet between crosscuts
I thought I read USA Today a few days ago, and didn't a miner survive 12 days once?

The longest known is two miners who survived for 23 days, in 1983 in China.

The worry is, even if they find something through hole #4 and drill the big hole, it takes a few days to set up the equipment plus 15-30 days to drill, since they probably can't chase drill (unless the 5th hole is going to be near the 4th and they found them there).
This is such bad news!

We know the results from the collapse on the rescuers.
If the first was as bad or worse then the 2nd the hope had
to of went out the window.

I'm quite certain from the reports tonight they said it all.
They are saying rescue for the families sake.
I vow to not bash Bob Murray anymore at this time. All focus is going to be on the trapped 6 miners and getting them out.

This post from the board says it all to me....

I'm not at liberty to provide details, but I know one of Murray's supervisors (a local coal miner) very well. I'll just say that Murray's emotional response to the fatalities and injuries caught many of those who know this man (well and in the context of the rescue) a bit off guard, even those who have watched him struggle emotionally OFF CAMERA all week. Murray was right there- he saw the condition of the men as they were brought out of the coal mine. He looked at their faces. He held many of these guys hands as they were brought out.

After learning about Murray's emotional response to the tragedy this week and to the whole situation in general from somebody who has worked on the rescue effort with him from day one,.... my blood just boils when I hear people continue to bash him and demand that he make a public appearance. On the one hand, this whole tragedy has renewed my faith in the goodness and compassion and bravery of humanity. On the other, however, I have been disgusted and astonished by the ugliness, ignorance and insensitivity that some people in this world possess.

Since the second collapse (actually, it wasn't a collapse.... the ribs blew), Murray has determined to focus all of his energy on the rescue effort and those who really need his attention, such as the injured miners and grieving familiy members. I say- "good for him!"
I must agree, Cheko.

Murray is taking care of the needs of the families *COUGHBS*...Was this before or after he called his attorney in to make sure all of his statements weren't going to hang him out to dry?!
How in the world is setting off explosives on/in an already very fragile mountain and mine a good idea? :confused:

That's exactly what I was thinking!

This whole mining situation really needs to be looked at in a whole new way if we are going to continue mining. That includes the rescue aspect as well.

I vote for SeriouslySearching to head the committee.
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