??search Efforts For Maddy??

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lol.. Salem.

They seem to be more focused on appearing to be concered and looking. How many times have we heard KM tell how she wants Maddie to know how hard they tried to find her as if the huge publicity works make for a more genuine search? Balloons - ha!
HEY, HEY, HEY, - they are looking!!!! Every 50 days or so, they release a bunch of balloons. The theory is that Maddie will see one of the balloons and call home.

The parents are expending a great deal of effort in organizing these balloon releases in several different countries. I must admit though, I'm still unsure if any of the balloons contain a cell phone or a calling card.:confused:


I just can't help but feel the police know something has happened to Maddy, that's the only thing that makes sense to me as to not doing thorough searches, it's just basic police work. Investigating. But as an officer, I wouldn't search if I just knew she was disposed of.

Don't they have to be answering to these judges, government officials keeping them in check as to what they've done and achieved in their capacity? Surely even they have a check and blance system within their agencies, discussing the ins and outs. Analyzing their actions to not only locate maddy, but improve their overall performance. Give employee recognition, aawards, etc...

All companies and agencies discuss and counter check one another. Then, no one speaking up, like the public who aren't bound by them in an capacity other than citizenship.

What about national enquirer? They pay good money for good info., they've had many articles printed that are very true in other famous cases that turns out to be true. I havne't seen any from them. Anyone been keeping up with the enquirer on this case?
True - and then when the Dutch guy said they would find her buried in that big, barren field, the McCann's had a fit..... they were so unhappy about the searching. It was so irresponsible, etc. etc.

When the PLE finally searched they used about 12-20 officers for a total of 1.5 hours. Then they called the search off.

You couldn't have found anything in that amount of time with so few resources. Although... the press found a large towel. Never have heard what happened to that towel. I do believe PLE still has the towel, though.

'LOCKED', oops sorry. Didn't one or more of our members actually contact the portugal police through pm's? Wonder what ever happened to the church search mentioned here first then the next day it was broadcast on the news as a point of interest from the police? 'BYE BYE"
I guess the HUNT FOR MADDY is old news, over with, and has been for a long time. Maybe she'll be found in spite of it all, I pray so. Father move on her behalf, cause her to appear.

Now, I have faith she will be found, I couldn't find any in the realm of those directly involved and has the responsibility and charge to do it.
I read today, in one of the links, that this was the biggest search in Portuguese history although, everything is relative. What may be considered *big* in Portugal might be miniscule elsewhere. Maybe you should contact Portuguese LE and ask them - you do have a way with words.
I read today, in one of the links, that this was the biggest search in Portuguese history although, everything is relative. What may be considered *big* in Portugal might be miniscule elsewhere.

That's true. Although I recall the Mc Canns saying they do not think she is in Portugal anymore...have no idea how they reached that conclusion though. :confused:

Maybe you should contact Portuguese LE and ask them - you do have a way with words.

I did not know KOOL LOOK speaks Portuguese! :) Do you KOOL? :) And you are right, she is really good with words. Good observation! :clap:
What about Tim Miller and Co? Would he be allowed there to search?
That's true. Although I recall the Mc Canns saying they do not think she is in Portugal anymore...have no idea how they reached that conclusion though. :confused:

I did not know KOOL LOOK speaks Portuguese! :) Do you KOOL? :) And you are right, she is really good with words. Good observation! :clap:

I can only speak English. If it was my daughter missing there though, I could communicate without words. There would be some searching going on. Somebody knows something about her whereabouts.

If my calling would make a difference I would be willing whole heartedly. But I just did what I felt was within my power to do for Maddy.

Maybe we can start a petition. I think the courts ought to appoint a guardian ad litem for Maddy, representing her that can speak for her best interests and be an unbiased party to this mess. Then maybe they could demand the publics money be spent to search for Maddy, just in case there is a unknown perp placing the public in harms way and needs to be apprehended.

That would be justice for Maddy at this time, to get that third party involved to look out for just her, no one elses interests.
What about Tim Miller and Co? Would he be allowed there to search?

I don't know if he has been personally denied access, or has volunteered. Some will report it's illegal, they can't go over there and search, blah blah.

Someone needs to move the court to appoint a party with authority to entertain and investigate all possibilities in the non-hunt for Maddy. Doesn't seem anyone wants that done. We know the perp wouldn't be screaming from the roof tops for organized searches, but what about the family, the parents, child protective services, the big pocket money givers publically speaking out what they want the money to be spent on, which hasn't been done.
I don't know if he has been personally denied access, or has volunteered. Some will report it's illegal, they can't go over there and search, blah blah.

Someone needs to move the court to appoint a party with authority to entertain and investigate all possibilities in the non-hunt for Maddy. Doesn't seem anyone wants that done. We know the perp wouldn't be screaming from the roof tops for organized searches, but what about the family, the parents, child protective services, the big pocket money givers publically speaking out what they want the money to be spent on, which hasn't been done.

He went to Aruba to search for Natalie right? Does he have to be requested by LE or the parents to come or does he volunteer on his own? I know if my child was missing, him or someone like him would be the 2nd call I made (after LE)!!
He went to Aruba to search for Natalie right? Does he have to be requested by LE or the parents to come or does he volunteer on his own? I know if my child was missing, him or someone like him would be the 2nd call I made (after LE)!!

Great post and I'm with you 100%. Me too. Heck, I'd probably call him before police. I remember he did go to Aruba and look for Natalie, saw an interview with him, he was hindered at first trying to go in for a long time. To my knowledge, I believe he was upset with Arubian Police.

I thought I read somewhere that he did volunteer for this case, I could be wrong, don't know about the parents or law enforcement asking him. I'm sure portugal police didn't ask him, for they may not even know about him.
Texas Equusearch is a non-profit group made up of volunteers, they usually come in when they are asked but obviously as volunteers they can't volunteer time and huge amounts of travel expenses unless someone covers the costs.

They are usually doing other not high publicity searches as well, honestly, for people who don't always have the advantage of a big media campaign.
I know the LE searched Murat's house and the grounds more than once. And they searched the Mark Warner resort but how well...?
I never read the McCann's searched anywhere other than the night she went missing and they stayed up late to walk the cliff area calling her name.
A lot of good that did.
Do we have an e-mail for the portugal police or any of the relevant investigators? I'm entertaining the possibility to see if my way with words gets me anywhere. Probably straight to the slammer! :woohoo:
KOOL LOOK, I think someone here posted an e-mail for them. Not sure where I saw it though.
KOOL LOOK, I think someone here posted an e-mail for them. Not sure where I saw it though.

Is there an address on Gerry's blog? I've never been there so I don't have the url, but I believe some of the rest do.
The McCanns contacted the police 40-50 minutes after Kate returned to the Tapas bar. The local police called in the PJ who arrived around midnight. By then the McCanns had roused the resort managers as well as neighbors who began looking for Madeleine around Ocean Club and Praia da Luz. Supposedly the McCanns' friends didn't help, and Kate stayed with the twins while Gerry called for her along the cliffs and on the beach. The formal search, carried out by the police and including firemen, mariners and search helicopters lasted for several days.
KOOL LOOK, I think someone here posted an e-mail for them. Not sure where I saw it though.

I don't know if you're rooting for me to help Maddy or straight to the slammer. :p

Is there an address on Gerry's blog? I've never been there so I don't have the url, but I believe some of the rest do.

Same to you Aftermidnight. I do have to question you and sleuthmom's motives, te he. :croc:

The only thing that has ever made sense in a "wandered off" scenario was if she got hurt in a way that was someone else's fault. Say she was hit by a car and the person was so afraid of being blamed that he/she took and hid her body.

Cali, that could be a good possibility. It just dawned on me though, you can hear when a car impacts something for a good bit of distances. Like several hundred yards. Wouldn't there be some kind of evidence left on the road, a scream, a sharp screech of tires pulling off abruptly gaining attention. It would have to be totally calculated to be in complete control upon accidently hitting someone, having to stop, retrieve the injured person and move on with no hysteria by the driver. Even a piece of the vehicle left, anything?

But, this scenerio could be plausible.
I don't know if you're rooting for me to help Maddy or straight to the slammer. :p

Rooting for you to help Maddie, of course! You know you are one of my favorites persons in the forum. :)

Same to you Aftermidnight. I do have to question you and sleuthmom's motives, te he. :croc:

That one, I can't answer. LOL

Aftermidnight, I do not think I saw that e-mail address in Gerry's blog but right here in the forum. I will search for it.
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