4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #92

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This is very ambitious but I think it’s too restrictive and will wind up causing criminals to go free.

LE will continue to self submit profiles through consumer channels and access databases that they are not supposed to access (example linked below).

I understand that it's a slippery slope. I get the whole 'if you don't want to end up connected to a relative in the database don't commit a crime'. I too get giddy every time I imagine justice knocking at the perps door. That long awaited knock that's kept them up for the last 20 years.

My concern is for the rest of us. Particularly when it comes to partial matches that have probabilities in the millions and not the quadrillions like, BK.


To me they were going after the MPD + other supporting LE.

This because they are off cycle, out of context complaing about an unsearched (in their opinion) trash can in KGs room -- long after BKs arrest.
MOO they were prepping for a no solve.
I appreciate your point that "in their opinion" it was unsearched. I'm afraid that SG is going to find out that some of his assumptions are incorrect. A problem that could easily have been overcome had he cultivated a more congenial - if not friendly then at least respectful and professional - relationship with the people investigating his daughter's murder.
Do you think BK is calling the shots?
Just my opinion but I don't think he cares. He knows he's a dead duck and he's just going to sit back and let AT get whatever delays she can and hope the prosecution takes the DP off the table. Can you imagine how ironic it is that a female is trying to save his bacon. OK, I got a duck and a pig in here, how about a jackass?
I appreciate your point that "in their opinion" it was unsearched. I'm afraid that SG is going to find out that some of his assumptions are incorrect. A problem that could easily have been overcome had he cultivated a more congenial - if not friendly then at least respectful and professional - relationship with the people investigating his daughter's murder.
MOO Abby and Libby's parents would have loved to have the MPD be their investigating force.
Starting with professional handling of interviews.
They really have been terrific IMO. Same goes for the Judge and attorneys, in comparison to the other case.
Hey an attorney!


What do you think about the defense's Motions and the alibi stuff, in other words, do you have any idea what's going on?

This case is getting confusing to follow, well for me.

Hey an attorney!


What do you think about the defense's Motions and the alibi stuff, in other words, do you have any idea what's going on?

This case is getting confusing to follow, well for me.


It's rare that someone says, "Hey an attorney!" in a positive way! :D I appreciate that.

I'm sorry to say that I don't spend enough time in the details of these cases, but I do know what you're talking about with the "alibi stuff." Frankly my best guess is that they are, as many suspect, trying to play a waiting game to get more info from the other discovery before being more specific. And the judge, at least for now, is not holding them to anything more specific.

Aside from that, I think that the defense has been doing a good job of making filings that are reasonable even if unlikely to be ultimately successful. Not going into the realm of potentially spurious as in Delphi, but reaching for clarifications of law as necessary.
LE will continue to self submit profiles through consumer channels and access databases that they are not supposed to access (example linked below).

I understand that it's a slippery slope. I get the whole 'if you don't want to end up connected to a relative in the database don't commit a crime'. I too get giddy every time I imagine justice knocking at the perps door. That long awaited knock that's kept them up for the last 20 years.

My concern is for the rest of us. Particularly when it comes to partial matches that have probabilities in the millions and not the quadrillions like, BK.


The police are using genetic genealogists to accomplish this. It's the genetic genealogists who are introducing names of people who either never donated DNA or opted out, it's in the nature of genealogical work.

Ancestry.com has been helping people do this since 1990. It's a fun hobby. And a profession as well. All the primary records are public, but adding in DNA has built really large and public family trees, going back centuries.

To me they were going after the MPD + other supporting LE.

This because they are off cycle, out of context complaing about an unsearched (in their opinion) trash can in KGs room -- long after BKs arrest.
MOO they were prepping for a no solve.
Mrs. G mentioned the applesauce packet in the trash on Good Morning America, Friday, January 26, 2024 more than a year AFTER BK's arrest on Dec. 30, 2022, so, IMO it was not be them prepping for a no solve unless you believe that the G's don't believe BK committed this crime.

I was curious as to what one might order from Jack in the Box at 2 or 3am. I have not been to a Jack in the Box in well over a decade - the closest JITB to me is across town, so I had no idea what is on their menu anymore. Just for the heck of it, I went to the Jack in the Box website and found the menu for Pullman, WA. And what I found was a surprise! On the Jack in the Box website for their store at 310 NE Stadium Way, Pullman, WA 99163: Treetop squeeze pack of applesauce - listed under Fries and Sides.

Now I'm wondering if the applesauce was a part of the DoorDash order? We have to wait until the trial to find out if there was a receipt for the JITB order and what was ordered and if XK definitely placed that DoorDash order or not.

All JMO and MOO.
To me they were going after the MPD + other supporting LE.

This because they are off cycle, out of context complaing about an unsearched (in their opinion) trash can in KGs room -- long after BKs arrest.
MOO they were prepping for a no solve.

These Tort Claims give the Goncalves and Mogen families the right to sue these entities:

1.) City of Moscow (not sure what this means - likely LE related)
2.) University of Idaho
3.) Idaho State Police
4.) Washington State University

The Tort Claims are only enforceable for 2 years and expire in May 2025.

Torts can shift the burden of loss from the injured party to the party who is at fault or better suited to bear the burden of the loss. Typically, a party seeking redress through tort law will ask for damages in the form of monetary compensation.

“It’s a safeguard to protect the interests of the families, the victims and really the whole community around, because if something goes wrong, or was done improperly, then someone is held accountable for that,” the lawyer explained.

Any thoughts on the parents suing the manufacturer of the knife BK used? Of course, if the knife in question was never recovered by police, that would probably make the idea moot even though they know he ordered one from Ebay and they have the sheath.

The knife manufacturer cannot be sued.


Jane and John Doe's adult son Jack is mentally ill and talks about killing people. The Doe parents buy him a hunting knife and give him full access to it. Jack goes out and stabs Mrs. Smith multiple times with this hunting knife.

Mrs. Smith and her husband sue Jane and John Doe for buying their mentally ill dangerous son this knife.

Jane and John Doe are the ones who get sued - the company who manufactured and sold the knife cannot be sued. So long as they included instructions with the knife explaining the proper use for it.

In other words, the knife company cannot include instructions on how to kill people with the knife.

The knife company sold the knife with the intent and purpose that it be used with reasonable safe care as it was intended to be used. It is not the knife company's fault if a person uses their knife for nefarious activities.

2 Cents
The knife manufacturer cannot be sued.


Jane and John Doe's adult son Jack is mentally ill and talks about killing people. The Doe parents buy him a hunting knife and give him full access to it. Jack goes out and stabs Mrs. Smith multiple times with this hunting knife.

Mrs. Smith and her husband sue Jane and John Doe for buying their mentally ill dangerous son this knife.

Jane and John Doe are the ones who get sued - the company who manufactured and sold the knife cannot be sued. So long as they included instructions with the knife explaining the proper use for it.

In other words, the knife company cannot include instructions on how to kill people with the knife.

The knife company sold the knife with the intent and purpose that it be used with reasonable safe care as it was intended to be used. It is not the knife company's fault if a person uses their knife for nefarious activities.

2 Cents

But what if the knife was sold to a University (with $$$$) and then gave it to the student as part of their nature project to go collect plant specimens.. then used it to kill Mrs. Smith?

They sue the University for 1) not vetting the student, 2) not having 28 pages of instructions and telling the student not to kill anyone with it..

It still upsets me in that case. The university is not at fault. We should not allow our legal system to be pushed onto indirect entities who are not directly responsible. Doesn't work in other countries that way.
But what if the knife was sold to a University (with $$$$) and then gave it to the student as part of their nature project to go collect plant specimens.. then used it to kill Mrs. Smith?

They sue the University for 1) not vetting the student, 2) not having 28 pages of instructions and telling the student not to kill anyone with it..

It still upsets me in that case. The university is not at fault. We should not allow our legal system to be pushed onto indirect entities who are not directly responsible. Doesn't work in other countries that way.

The discussion was if the manufacturer can be sued and it cannot be or no one could manufacture any weapons.

If a University Professor gives a student a specific tool (knife) for a specific project and the student gives zero indication that he is going to use the knife for "other purposes" then the University is not liable and neither is the Professor.

I believe the liability comes in when a person or some entity gives a knife to a person who indicates they are unstable and indicates they could use the knife as a weapon.

2 Cents
I just finished reading the book by Paul Holes titled Unmasked. This is the criminologist responsible for bringing the Golden State Killer to justice after working on the case for 22 years, mostly in his spare time.

I mention this book because it explains the use of familial DNA, the same process that AT is attacking on behalf of BK.
Since the copywrite is 2022, I'm sure some of you may have read this book.

I thought it was interesting that he never mentions any legal challenges regarding testing the DNA left at the scene, using genealogy to build a family tree or collection of the suspects trash that was at the curb for pickup. That's not to say that challenges didn't happen.

Do you think this case sets the precedent for familial DNA use by law enforcement?
Only BK could lead to a discussion of a knife company being sued for manufacturing knives.

Seriously. I've never seen anything like BK. This is what I'd expect with an "academic" quadruple homicide defendant. Like he's going to be writing a term paper on it. "How I Inspired a Lawsuit Against a Knife Company For Making Knives." BK, Esq. (and current quadruple homicide defendant)...

He'll love it. None of us will be able to cut into a steak.
I realize AT is just “doing her job”, however, I believe she and BK have exhausted just about every motion to delay proceedings to no avail. It is time for Justice for Maddie, Kaylee, Xana and Ethan. Breaks my heart to type those names!
I realize AT is just “doing her job”, however, I believe she and BK have exhausted just about every motion to delay proceedings to no avail. It is time for Justice for Maddie, Kaylee, Xana and Ethan. Breaks my heart to type those names!
In terms of AT "just doing her job" I wonder how she would feel on a personal level if she was the root of genetic genealogy no longer being used. Thousands of cases and unidentified Jane and John Does would never be solved or identified. It's her job, but I can't imagine coming to terms with that on a personal level.
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