Caylee Anthony 2 years old #6

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I agree that anyone giving interviews will be coached. I'm also convinced the grandmother got to Amy as well.

What it up with that? Every friend and family member of mine would be out there hitting the streets, talking to people, trying to find this little girl!

I'm also think Casey will run. She knows a general vicinity where Caylee is but not specific.

What charges could be brought up if she willingly gave Caylee to someone to watch for a while because of problems with the grandmother?
This is what I don't get,.. if Casey's story is correct (which i think it is not) then WHY when she is arrested is she laughing and smirking and when she is in front of the judge does she shake her head yes when he says she doesn't seem to care about the child?!!!! Either she is a sociopath or she has LOST it!!!!!! I just don't get it!!!!!!
It has been 6 weeks one day since Caylee was last seen,if not mistaken, The gm saw her every day until Casey moved out. She let 5 weeks go by without seeing her. And when she did catch up to her daughter last week,no Caylee. So Cindy and Casey set up a myspace while we wait for the police.This gm is whacked, She had the chance to beat the truth out of her, she blew it.I hope they keep her in jail to. And I would love to know where gm will be at looking for Caylee, that she can't attend the hearing today.
I totally agree with you. But I'm sure her attorney will say she ran because she is looking for her daughter.

My guess would be that she would stick around for a few days -- then bolt. She won't do any TV interviews -- I guarantee that.

Today's bond hearing will tell a lot. If it is denied -- then we can surmise the judge believes the child is already dead.

I agree. It will be interesting to see how the attorney's claims that no mental illness has come up will pan out. I love how the attorney says that Casey has met with a few counselors, when in reality she's being evaluated by shrinks.

BTW, is an incurable personality disorder, like pathological lying and narcisism, considered a mental illness?

Eyewitness news has uncovered other major developments in the Caylee Anthony case Tuesday. The ex-fiancé of the girl's mother will contradict Casey Anthony's timeline of events in a sworn statement to deputies Tuesday afternoon.

The man, identified only as Jesse, has told Eyewitness News, and is telling deputies Tuesday, that he believes little Caylee Anthony was with her mother Casey much more recently than Casey has let on.

Casey claims she last saw the little girl on June 9, when she left her with a babysitter. But Jesse now says he called Casey on Tuesday, June 24 and heard her scolding the little girl for jumping up on the table in the background. He then heard the girl's young voice in the background responding and told Eyewitness News he is 100 percent sure that it was Caylee.

If true, that would be a major wrench in the timeline Casey Anthony has given deputies. It is a full two weeks after Casey says she last saw Caylee. Jesse told Eyewitness News he remembers the day clearly, because it was the very day he resigned from the Orlando Police Department. He said he called Casey to let her know and said phone records show the call was 18 minutes long.

It was only three days later that, he said, he spoke to Casey again and she told him that Caylee was with a babysitter, so she would be free to go to the beach the next day.
could someone clear something up for me re this phone call supposedly received...was it last week? was it the gm that received the call, it sounded like Cayley and she said "put an adult on the phone" and then their was a hang up? Or was it the daughter...I don't see how Casey could have received any calls but I was confused with different reports I had heard.

Did gm immediately call LE so they could have phone co track where this call came from on phone records? Did it come on land line or cell?

Or does everybody think this was just a prank or figment of her imagination? If for real, it would seem very important to this case.
I have wondered if her attorney keeps mentioning various states so that if she is released he will try to say she can't be restricted to staying in Orange County, she has to be free to travel out of state to bring Caylee home.

If they let Casey out, I think she will run and disappear. Her mom will then say Casey is with Caylee hiding. I am so hoping they do not let her out today.
Incredible information there! This is really promising news, to me anyway.
I wish Greta had been able to interview her in the same room, hopefully with Ted Williams, Mark Fuhrman, and Mark Klass. No, maybe not. The poor woman would have melted into a blabbering puddle.

Just thinking about something..... In reference to Casey "not crying or showing any emotion." I heard gma say in an interview that she had seen her cry, when they spent almost the whole day together after Casey confessed that the baby was missing. But last night, she said that they only had about an hour together before the police took Casey away. Wonder which is true? Not sure that it matters, but it's just another slip-up she made. I hope the tv shows keep interviewing her, because she's bound to say something substantial sooner or later.

I caught this too, and I think it is very important - every little conflicting word will add up to a lot of NO GOOD in this case, I believe :mad:
IIRC the police learned of the phone call from media reports. Also on a video I watched (think it was Greta) gma was asked about the call and she said she could not verify the call as it was something Casey had told her had happened.

could someone clear something up for me re this phone call supposedly received...was it last week? was it the gm that received the call, it sounded like Cayley and she said "put an adult on the phone" and then their was a hang up? Or was it the daughter...I don't see how Casey could have received any calls but I was confused with different reports I had heard.

Did gm immediately call LE so they could have phone co track where this call came from on phone records? Did it come on land line or cell?

Or does everybody think this was just a prank or figment of her imagination? If for real, it would seem very important to this case.
could someone clear something up for me re this phone call supposedly received...was it last week? was it the gm that received the call, it sounded like Cayley and she said "put an adult on the phone" and then their was a hang up? Or was it the daughter...I don't see how Casey could have received any calls but I was confused with different reports I had heard.

Did gm immediately call LE so they could have phone co track where this call came from on phone records? Did it come on land line or cell?

Or does everybody think this was just a prank or figment of her imagination? If for real, it would seem very important to this case.

IIRC, Cindy told in the interview last night, that HER mother, Caylee's Great Grandmother, thought she heard Casey on her phone telling Caylee to put an adult on the phone. And there was another call some days later that the GG'Ma thought sounded like Caylee and the line went dead.

Anyone correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm trying to keep it all straight.
packerdog said:
WOW, I am really surprised all the things this grandma is called by some posters when they don't know a lick about her personal life. She is an alcoholic? She is bipolar? She is a liar? There is incest in the family? Her father is Caylee' father? I think the Grandma is really beside herself. She has a daughter that is a liar and a thief that she still loves and may have killed her grandchild who she adores . Really tough. She probably is so angry at her daughter she can't see straight. I don't think I could stand in front of a camera and be pleasant, if she was people would say things negative as well. She may seem odd or act different than you would but everyone is different. She didn't raise her daughter to be a murderer. I will say a prayer for the whole family that caylee is found alive.

:clap: I agree


Mods/Admin have been a bit preoccupied.

Is Gram not a victim here? If so, without back up, let's not be calling names and stating rumor. I hope you all haven't been doing such things if she IS in fact a victim, I, w/o knowing what has been going on the last couple of days, was under the assumption she is. Websleuths is dedicated to justice for the victims of crime and the prosecution of criminals.

If I am wrong, let me know, otherwise..she is a victim and we can dicuss her because she is a HUGE part of this case, but no bashing or name calling.

ETA...trying to catch up......she is in jail, gramdma? (thought I just read that?)
Thanks for the update absolute. I think it might be good news about the more recent sighting. Bad news about LE might not fight Casey's release. God I hope she doesn't get out.
so then the call was to Casey (or she picked up the phone), must have been prior to her arrest then. I'd love to see her cell records for the past few months, they will tell the true story I think.
If they let Casey out on bond,... you know as sure as I am sitting here that she is gonna run,.. JMO

If she does run, that may be the break that LE is looking for. She is going to be followed constantly by LE..I hope she runs right to the person that does have Caylee.

I don't think the mother, Cindy, is whacked. She reminds me of most of the mother's we see on these shows giving interviews to keep the focus n their missing child/grandchild. I think she was right to say in the one interview that she knows her daughter is safe and she knows where she is, in jail, so the focus needs to be on finding little Caylee. That's where the focus should be. I agree with that part of what she is doing.

Her daughter needs to come clean and care about Caylee as much as Grandma does... She needs to tel LE where Caylee is so she can be reunited with the family.
jmo. Maybe if Casey is released she might get brave and think she has beat the system, with the LE watching her she might lead them to Caylee. jmo

Eyewitness news has uncovered other major developments in the Caylee Anthony case Tuesday. The ex-fiancé of the girl's mother will contradict Casey Anthony's timeline of events in a sworn statement to deputies Tuesday afternoon.

The man, identified only as Jesse, has told Eyewitness News, and is telling deputies Tuesday, that he believes little Caylee Anthony was with her mother Casey much more recently than Casey has let on.

Casey claims she last saw the little girl on June 9, when she left her with a babysitter. But Jesse now says he called Casey on Tuesday, June 24 and heard her scolding the little girl for jumping up on the table in the background. He then heard the girl's young voice in the background responding and told Eyewitness News he is 100 percent sure that it was Caylee.

If true, that would be a major wrench in the timeline Casey Anthony has given deputies. It is a full two weeks after Casey says she last saw Caylee. Jesse told Eyewitness News he remembers the day clearly, because it was the very day he resigned from the Orlando Police Department. He said he called Casey to let her know and said phone records show the call was 18 minutes long.

It was only three days later that, he said, he spoke to Casey again and she told him that Caylee was with a babysitter, so she would be free to go to the beach the next day.
Wow. That's incredible news. If Caylee was with Casey on June 24th, was Casey not staying with Amy/Ricardo as the affidavit says?

Didn't Amy and Ricardo claim not to have seen Caylee? That would imply that wherever Casey called Jason from is the place that Caylee may still be located.

If she made the call from her cell, can't LE get the records showing at least which tower bounced the call to narrow down the location?
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