Caylee Anthony 2 years old #12 General Discussion

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OK, I'm a car slob. I have left doggie bags from all kinds of places in my car in the Southern California heat, half-drank baby bottles when my kids were young, pizza, beach towells still wet, etc... And NEVER has it smelled like a dead body. It always smells like the item that was left in there. Just worse. If it smells like a dead body, and the dogs hit on the scent, then for pete's sake, it was a dead body. I don't know of a single cadaver dog that went after a meat lover's pizza.
Unfortunately, I have to leave this computer and go help a friend. I will not be back on until tomorrow morning. I expect you all to solve this case!!! You are all great sleuthers so I know you have it in you.


Now that we've heard all this incriminating conversation, I'm wondering why her attorney didn't tell her to keep quiet, especially to the press. Isn't that usually the first thing the lawyers tell someone? He may not have realized her involvement in the beginning, but surely he has noticed that she keeps changing her story.

Because he isn't defending her, he's defending Casey.

Someone mentioned earlier that while Cindy is rambling on, she is building Casey's case for insanity, from the family dynamics. It's a strategic move, if it works.
I thought denial too until I saw her in the bond hearing and watched her basically letting Casey know to keep her mouth shut by saying there is NO evidence.

She knows but is trying to save Casey from the chair.

I SO agree..One thing all children learn to anticipate is how their parents react in a crisis situation...With Casey needing to "bond" with her own child as GM reported on Nancy Grace sometime back - Caylee, sadly, could have been used as a pawn in some twisted family issue...Casey gets fed up - something horrendous happens to Caylee, and Casey drops this in GM's lap. "Here - you deal with it...".

Cindy was seriously sending Casey a message at that hearing...Almost a "we've gotten rid of the evidence ("There is NO evidence") so say Nothing!" look.

Just my opinion - Grandma may not have hurt Caylee - but she appears to be orchestrating every move now - misdirection, misinformation...

Peace - Raelynn
Didn't they find Amy's phone number in the car? That would put the timeline a little later - George gets home, tells Cindy about the smell, she agrees (she admitted on news video this week that both she and her husband thought they smelled human decomposition).

They don't at first know WHO it could be, but the person who took off with the car was their flaky daughter, with Caylee in tow.

Frantic search through the car reveals a scrap of paper with Amy's phone number. Giant relief when talking to Amy that she knows where Casey is (which makes me question whether Cindy was being honest on the stand about talking to Casey "every day" in the past month. She clearly had no idea where Casey was, if they were talking).

Cindy speeds over, picks up Casey, still doesn't know that Caylee isn't with a sitter. Stubborn Casey refuses to take Cindy to Caylee, Cindy drives to closed police substation, calls LE and is told to call again from her home.

According to an earlier interview, it was shortly before LE arrived that Casey admitted she didn't know Caylee's whereabouts. That must be what prompted Cindy's second call. Didn't Casey say LE had arrived while she was talking to the dispatcher?

yes, during the 2nd 911 call, near the end of it, Casey says the officers are they just got there, during the 911 conversation
I thought denial too until I saw her in the bond hearing and watched her basically letting Casey know to keep her mouth shut by saying there is NO evidence.
Of course that was before the detective and the dog handling officer took the stand.

I think Casey looked a little shell-shocked during their testimony, her mother's earlier warning notwithstanding.
I don't know of a single cadaver dog that went after a meat lover's pizza.

I'm dying laughing over here. This comment keeps making me think about the one a few threads back where someone said "Unless it was a pizza made with human remains [I forget the rest] ..."

Is this what's known as "gallows humor"?
OK, I'm a car slob. I have left doggie bags from all kinds of places in my car in the Southern California heat, half-drank baby bottles when my kids were young, pizza, beach towells still wet, etc... And NEVER has it smelled like a dead body. It always smells like the item that was left in there. Just worse. If it smells like a dead body, and the dogs hit on the scent, then for pete's sake, it was a dead body. I don't know of a single cadaver dog that went after a meat lover's pizza.

When I was a little girl my parents took me to the drive in and bought me a shrimp roll that I'd begged for from the consession stand. I took one bite of it and hated it. I hid it in the ashtray in the back seat of the car. A few weeks later my parents considered selling the car because they couldn't find where the "death" smell was coming from. Finally they discovered the rotted shrimp roll in the ashtray. I got in big trouble over that one.

I think that Cindy has convinced herself that what she thought she smelled originally - a death smell - was actually rotted pizza. That's what she wants to believe. That does not implicate her in any type of cover up. It just shows that she is very likely in denial.
LOL, the dogs only work, they arent allowed to take the stand:)
If anyone knows anything about Cadaver dogs, there is alot of training involved. The first thing they do is get used to human remains scent which can be quite repulsive to some at first. They become VERY used to this scent, which ask any homicide det. there is NO smell like it. Thse dogs are usually 95% right when they make a find. I am surprised that some think 2 Cadaver dogs could alert in same area of yard could be wrong!
The Anthonys, IMO are hiding alot. Unless Casey is real good at being sneaky and they hadnt a clue Casey had been there. :rolleyes:

im not aware of anyone claiming the dogs are wrong, im certainly not saying that. i think it is completely likely that caylee is in fact dead and that her body was in both the yard and the trunk at some point.
Just wanted to say..haven't kept up this afternoon because other things have been going here..but I did listen to the 911 calls.

I think Grandmom reacts like a normal person in these calls..Casey does not react to me in a normal way of a Mom missing her almost 3 yr old daughter..she seems very non-plussed..almost like she wants to add "I am sure Caylee will show up on her own any moment now!"

Grandmom is in deep denial....she is simply holding out hope that her granddaughter will be found alive..and is trying to make sure attention gos in that direction. I think she believes Caylee is still alive and is holding out hope that if they release her daughter the family and friends can persuade her daughter to talk....and she will be reunited with Caylee.

I think there really was a pizza bag in the car..I don't see Casey as a person who cares what she leaves where in this life. I think her Mom and Dad thought the smell was horrible..then found the pizza bag with the maggots and probably a few other bags from hamburger joints and believed that was the smell. And now I think Grandmom needs to desperately believe that was the smell..or she knows she will not see her sweet Caylee again.
OK, I'm a car slob. I have left doggie bags from all kinds of places in my car in the Southern California heat, half-drank baby bottles when my kids were young, pizza, beach towells still wet, etc... And NEVER has it smelled like a dead body. It always smells like the item that was left in there. Just worse. If it smells like a dead body, and the dogs hit on the scent, then for pete's sake, it was a dead body. I don't know of a single cadaver dog that went after a meat lover's pizza.

I had a trash can lid vanish and the result wasn't reeked! The flies got to it and the odor was similar to something dead. Similar...but not the same.
I found 911 bth tapes here as well as I was unable to view or hear from 1st link as well.

Casey is also crying. Mom Cindy has provided false info, recall 19 day garbage and pizza smell recently? She also said she is a Nurse and would recognize the smell of a dead body! Casey said car was hers on the 911 tape. We know its registered to the parents, I think it is the dad. My understanding this was a car provided to Casey per her mother Cindy. Cindy said the car had been sitting at the tow location since the 30th, she testified under oath to this. I dont feel the veh. was actually stolen by Casey. I have never heard this ever alleged by Cindy or George but lately an aful lot of running defense noise denying what the smell in the car was on the behalf of Casey. Cindy also says last time she saw Caylee on tape was the 7th of Jun? Yet she changed to the 8th a Sunday due to the PD inquiring on, could she have mistaken it for the 15th also a Sunday. She testified under oath to that statement as well. Do we have Perjury, more problems now befall the family. One should not file a auto theft report if the keys were provided to Casey. Wonder if Casey always had control of the car or if she stashed a second set of keys or had an ability to obtain entry into the home later.

Cindy also said she heard Casey with Caylee in their bedroom on the 16th of Jun. Cindy has problems, many, many at this point. She now needs her own attorney.

I don't understand why everyone thinks Cindy should be charged with perjury or obstruction.

  • It's irrelevant to the investigation what Cindy thinks the smell is.

  • She made a mistake regarding the date she last saw Caylee, but that seems like an honest mistake on her part.

  • It sounds like she did see Casey and Caylee on Sunday June 15th when they went to see Cindy's father in the assisted living facility. Isn't it possible that Casey and Caylee spent the night with GM and GP and the GM did hear Caylee in her room that morning? Whatever happened to Caylee probably happened after June 16th.

  • Cindy stated several times in interviews that she had spoken to her daughter, but that Casey always had a reasonable reason for why Caylee couldn't talk to her on the phone. It wasn't until the day of the 911 calls that she realized that Casey's explanations weren't making sense - and she called LE.

  • In regards to the car, it was in the parent's names - we don't know if Casey took it without permission or not - but even if they had given her permission to use it - at some point they could have told her to return it and she didn't. At that point, they could claim that Casey stole it. My ex-husband did the same thing with our son when he did not return our phone calls and didn't return the car, even after we left several messages telling him to return it and that if he didn't, we would report it stolen.

IMO, this woman desperately wants to believe that the smell was pizza and not a body.
Nancy Grace is on right now and this is the first time I heard the 911 tapes and I am blown away that Grandma Cindy says to the 911 operator "The car smells like a dead body was in it!!!" all this on July the 14th!

So is that why they called the police because they, both Gm and GP smell a dead body in the car!:behindbar
No the car was towed on the 30th. They Anthony received a registered letter slip on the 11th but didnt discover the slip until the 13th, they went to post office on the 15th to pick up the registered letter and then they retrieved the car.

didn't they get the car back on the 30th? the call to LE was the 15th?
I think that Cindy has convinced herself that what she thought she smelled originally - a death smell - was actually rotted pizza. That's what she wants to believe.

I agree. She needs to believe it because the alternative is unthinkable. Casey's not my daughter and Caylee's not my granddaughter, so it's a simple enough matter for me to say "This and this and this, put together, lead me to believe Caylee's dead and Casey knows what happened." Not so easy when it's you and yours, I think.

JMO of course.
Personally, I believe the worst about the trunk. Although, I think someone (Casey...but possibly her mom) put the trash in there as an excuse for the odor.
One other thing I noticed from the 2nd 911 call.....Casey says that she had gotten a call earlier that day from Caylee but only spoke to her "for one minute" and that the phone number is now "disconnected". That just doesn't sound right - do they have caller ID? How else would she now know the phone is disconnected? If they have caller ID, then has anyone actually checked out that phone number to see who it belongs to? How else would Casey know the phone is now "disconnected"???
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