Why are her parents coddling Casey?

:clap: I completely agree with you. None of us can say how we would act. Especially if you are not someone who has a child. Unconditional love even when the child is at their worst. I actually just started a thread on the same topic.
No one is asking the Anthonys to stop loving their daughter. People want them to open their eyes and see their daughter in the light of reality, not the mist of lies. They can still love her. I think the Hacking family is the best example of the correct way to deal with a murderer for a child. They still love Mark; but they don't condone what he did. Cindy and George act like they are condoning what Casey did imo

What make sit so frustrating to everyone is that they cannot see what they are doing.

But, on the other hand, by enabling her, they are also perpetuating her dependence on them. So, in a way, they may be getting something out of this. While she is in legal trouble, they can make demands on her.
I think they are lying to themselves to avoid facing the horrible truth! I think I would say off the wall things too and I KNOW I would scream at anybody who DARED to say she was dead, and tell them to shut up too , like George did.

When he did that, I heard the unsaid words in my mind, "don't you dare say that, shut up, Caylee is NOT dead!!!!!", because he/they cannot accept that yet. They are just not ready to accept the fact that Caylee is most likely dead.

Yet George ADMITS there had been a dead body in that trunk. Did he not say "The body in that trunkw as not my granddaughter."

So he KNOWS there was a dead body in that trunk.
I remember working with a chronic, violent, juvenile delinquent, back when I was a psychiatric case manager. His parents said, "We didn't want to put limits on him, because we were afraid he wouldn't love us."
I think they both know the truth. They are being kind and supportive of CA so she will finally open up and tell them where Caylee is so they can bring her home. I do not think any of us can imagine the heartbreaking life they are leading right now.
Baez told Casey not to talk to ANYONE. I do not believe she will ever talk to her parents about this. Did you not hear in her TAPED police conversation that she wa petrified of her mother?
I remember working with a chronic, violent, juvenile delinquent, back when I was a psychiatric case manager. His parents said, "We didn't want to put limits on him, because we were afraid he wouldn't love us."

uggggghhhh!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!
The continued enabling is teaching KC an important lesson: She can do anything she wants, even kill, and she will not have to accept responsibility. Someone else will cover for her. She can remain an emotional two-year old.
I found this really unsettling, too! My first thoughts:

Casey is sarcastic, and maybe a little jealous.

Cindy is in competition with/one-upping Casey.

Whoa...weren't these words a sign of things to come!

See my post about bpd a few minutes ago...completely fits in with long-established coping patterns of this family. :(

Mental illness is not an excuse to lose your child. They have to prove she was so out of touch with realaity that she didn't know right from wrong. She knows. I have a niece with bi-polar, and even at her worst, she knew right from wrong. She also would not take her meds because they interferred with her drug taking.
Yet George ADMITS there had been a dead body in that trunk. Did he not say "The body in that trunkw as not my granddaughter."

So he KNOWS there was a dead body in that trunk.

He knows. He was a cop.
Deny, Deny, Deny is not a winning strategy. Just ask Scott Peterson. Or Kristin Rossum.

My advice to the parents is to encourage Casey to think twice about turning down the state's offer of partial immunity.

Too late. The offer was withdrawn. As more and more results come in, I don't think there will be any more offers of immunity. jmo
Mental illness is not an excuse to lose your child. They have to prove she was so out of touch with realaity that she didn't know right from wrong. She knows. I have a niece with bi-polar, and even at her worst, she knew right from wrong. She also would not take her meds because they interferred with her drug taking.

Yes! Mental illness is only a legal excuse of one is so crazy that one doesn't know right from wrong.

The very action of concealing a crime and lying about it is an indication that one knows what one did is wrong.

That's why personality disorders are not used as insanity defense in courts of law.
Casey is a grown woman who had a child. She should be answering for her crimes and lies completely on her own and be responsible for where she would stay while out on bail or stay in jail until trial. The family is doing all her talking for her, making excuses, giving media interviews, and acting like she is a little teenager and they have to take over the decisions. It's really bizarre especially since a small child is most likely murdered by this grown woman.

TES is in town to search for THEIR granddaughter & yet they're still using the media to get out Casey's kidnapping story.

Orlando is spending MILLIONS OF DOLLARS trying to find THEIR granddaughter & all they can do is keep saying Casey has good reasons for NOT cooperating & one day in the future, they'll be able to disclose the secrets.
The ONLY support they want is if it's in Casey's favor.... anyone who shows an interest in FINDING CAYLEE is treated with disdain.
May I add - and in collecting money to "help" defend Casey.

And I think you are being tactful when you say disdain. I would say it's downright rudeness. jmo

Baez told Casey not to talk to ANYONE. I do not believe she will ever talk to her parents about this. Did you not hear in her TAPED police conversation that she wa petrified of her mother?

That's nice. If she lived in her own home and was staying there now, then cool.

But that is her parents house. She can either enable or expect Casey to talk to them.

If she told me her lawyer told her not to talk, I would be telling her to call him to pick her and her stuff up.

The point of the parents NOT talking about this with Casey is so they will not have to testify about what is discussed. Saving Casey from her 'mess' is then more important then finding Caylee.
That's nice. If she lived in her own home and was staying there now, then cool.

But that is her parents house. She can either enable or expect Casey to talk to them.

If she told me her lawyer told her not to talk, I would be telling her to call him to pick her and her stuff up.

The point of the parents NOT talking about this with Casey is so they will not have to testify about what is discussed. Saving Casey from her 'mess' is then more important then finding Caylee.

One of the worst things about this whole situation is Baez giving Casey an excuse NOT to talk to her parents about this.

"Sorry, Jose told me not to talk! La la la la la... What's for dinner?
After reading those 400 pages that were released, it became obvious from Cindy Anthony's conversation with the friend Ryan, and then with Amy that Cindy has known for quite awhile that her daughter lies about everything. It is also obvious that Cindy did not trust Casey to care for Caylee on her own, outside of their house. Cindy called her daughter a thief, a sociapath(to Ryan), stole from her grandmother(Cindy's mother), and she could not be trusted.
This to me, means they (the parents) have known for a very long time that their daughter was not right and needed help. George and Cindy Anthony made the decision long before this current situation to either ignore, placate, coddle, and not get any professional help for their daughter. I am not sure if this was done for the good old Southern reason of not looking bad to the neighbors, but whatever was done, or not done did not work, and many people are now suffering for it.
If they believe that Caylee is dead, and that was her body in the trunk, they would also have to believe that Casey is involved somehow. It would crash their world down. They have been living in denial for a very long time. When the truth is laid before them, it will break them. Cindy Anthony is cracking already.

I really don't think they will cracdk. I think they will become more and more violent rather than admit the truth. I agree that Cindy knew Casey was not a good person, but she did nothing about it. A counselor told her to get custody of Caylee. Did she make any moves to do that? Did she file any court papers? Or did she ignore it in favor of letting Casey rule the roost? I suspect she did the latter or threatened Casey with it, which is what might have led to the leaving of the house.
I remember working with a chronic, violent, juvenile delinquent, back when I was a psychiatric case manager. His parents said, "We didn't want to put limits on him, because we were afraid he wouldn't love us."

Parents aren't loving their teen unless they do put limits on them and enforce those limits.
One of the worst things about this whole situation is Baez giving Casey an excuse NOT to talk to her parents about this.

"Sorry, Jose told me not to talk! La la la la la... What's for dinner?

Baez is excused. He IS for Casey and no one else. He would have also told her not to confess to him either.

Just because he told her that, her Parents do not have to follow his 'rules'. And they could make it a condition of her staying at their home. They had options. Still do.

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