FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #34

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What I want to know after having been at work so long is.......did Linagal ever come back and post what was happening on the case today? She thought there was some activity going on behind the scenes apparantly and was going to post what it pertained to.
Thank you Hoppy! Now, back to sleuthing.....Only the Sheriff is cleared here, and the RSO's....that being said, we need to look at everyone else....starting with Somer's family and working away from them.....Somer's Daddy was in a totally diff state when this happened, so in my mind, that clears him....now, Somer's Mom....what do we know about her, and that day? Where was she working? the Jacksonville office, or the Orange Park office? Coming home for lunch break would make a heck of a lot more sense if she were at the Orange Park office, which is right around the corner on Kingsley Ave, from Debarry.....What do we know about SP that was in the home that day for lunch, if this is a fact? What do we know about CPC? Was he at work that day? There are so many to look at.....and so little known.....We know that the children were left to walk home together, after all, DT was a single working Mom and did all that she could, with help from no one....now, this DCF report states that child care was offered and suggested to DT for the children, but that the children were never sent.....why is that? She must have felt they were safe with out this after school care, after all, the neighborhood watched out for the children (her words, not mine)....with DT attending school, I am thinking it must be night school since she worked every day, who watched the children at night when she was in school? The boyfriend? SP? the neighborhood? I cannot just go on the fact that some monster came up out of the blue and did this to Somer......we have to start with the family, Somer's normal surroundings, and work away from that.....MO
What I want to know after having been at work so long is.......did Linagal ever come back and post what was happening on the case today? She thought there was some activity going on behind the scenes apparantly and was going to post what it pertained to.

Sad came on and they both were referring to the same media report - dad T's upcoming statement regarding the call a year ago to a social worker. Somehow they seemed to know the media report was coming out. At least it seemed like that to me. MOO
Thank you Hoppy! Now, back to sleuthing.....Only the Sheriff is cleared here, and the RSO's....that being said, we need to look at everyone else....starting with Somer's family and working away from them.....Somer's Daddy was in a totally diff state when this happened, so in my mind, that clears him....now, Somer's Mom....what do we know about her, and that day? Where was she working? the Jacksonville office, or the Orange Park office? Coming home for lunch break would make a heck of a lot more sense if she were at the Orange Park office, which is right around the corner on Kingsley Ave, from Debarry.....What do we know about SP that was in the home that day for lunch, if this is a fact? What do we know about CPC? Was he at work that day? There are so many to look at.....and so little known.....We know that the children were left to walk home together, after all, DT was a single working Mom and did all that she could, with help from no one....now, this DCF report states that child care was offered and suggested to DT for the children, but that the children were never sent.....why is that? She must have felt they were safe with out this after school care, after all, the neighborhood watched out for the children (her words, not mine)....with DT attending school, I am thinking it must be night school since she worked every day, who watched the children at night when she was in school? The boyfriend? SP? the neighborhood? I cannot just go on the fact that some monster came up out of the blue and did this to Somer......we have to start with the family, Somer's normal surroundings, and work away from that.....MO

It says A Children and Families supervisory review of the case on Oct. 12 - three days after the initial report - states that the “risk is low” and that “the children are old enough to walk to school.” It also states that if Thompson can’t afford day care, she shouldn’t be placed in a “financial bind.”

I still personally feel they need to check the crew members renovating the house at Gano?Kyle?G.V.other crew members and people they knew.
Thank you Hoppy! Now, back to sleuthing.....Only the Sheriff is cleared here, and the RSO's....that being said, we need to look at everyone else....starting with Somer's family and working away from them.....Somer's Daddy was in a totally diff state when this happened, so in my mind, that clears him....now, Somer's Mom....what do we know about her, and that day? Where was she working? the Jacksonville office, or the Orange Park office? Coming home for lunch break would make a heck of a lot more sense if she were at the Orange Park office, which is right around the corner on Kingsley Ave, from Debarry.....What do we know about SP that was in the home that day for lunch, if this is a fact? What do we know about CPC? Was he at work that day? There are so many to look at.....and so little known.....We know that the children were left to walk home together, after all, DT was a single working Mom and did all that she could, with help from no one....now, this DCF report states that child care was offered and suggested to DT for the children, but that the children were never sent.....why is that? She must have felt they were safe with out this after school care, after all, the neighborhood watched out for the children (her words, not mine)....with DT attending school, I am thinking it must be night school since she worked every day, who watched the children at night when she was in school? The boyfriend? SP? the neighborhood? I cannot just go on the fact that some monster came up out of the blue and did this to Somer......we have to start with the family, Somer's normal surroundings, and work away from that.....MO

LE is NOT obligated to tell the public the facts! Mom Diena was going to school to become a nurse...worked at a dentist office, not sure of the hours. Seems to me, EVERY word, movement, gesture and so on pertaining to mom Diena has been picked apart and put through the wringer. NOT ONE piece of evidence points to her. The suggestion that mom Diena wasn't the 'perfect' mom in no way exonerates the murderer. As a matter of fact, it deters from focusing on the real perp. ALL JUST MY humble opinon

ETA: regarding childcare - it was an option that mom Diena said she couldn't afford. If you put one twin in, you must put the other in and that would leave the 10yo going home by herself. So she would have to pay for at least 3 children. Maybe if she was getting her child support that would have happened. mho
It says A Children and Families supervisory review of the case on Oct. 12 - three days after the initial report - states that the “risk is low” and that “the children are old enough to walk to school.” It also states that if Thompson can’t afford day care, she shouldn’t be placed in a “financial bind.”

I still personally feel they need to check the crew members renovating the house at Gano?Kyle?G.V.other crew members and people they knew.
well, its pretty obvious that they were wrong.....you have to also remember that one year ago, Somer was only 6.....they suggested that she put them into after school care....this was done out of concern I am sure. Someone at one time was concerned....now we can all see why, and it is so very sad....they also tried to work it out where Somer could go for free...didn't I read that? I know they can do this to help families out....and they do....it was just not accepted for the children....
Sad came on and they both were referring to the same media report - dad T's upcoming statement regarding the call a year ago to a social worker. Somehow they seemed to know the media report was coming out. At least it seemed like that to me. MOO

I agree. I think this was the news to "look out for"- as it was refered to.
Mid-afternoon, the news article links posted by dee10 and myself were reported.
It seems that Somer's dad (ST) released a statement regarding the school social worker report from 2008.
That is the only updated news I can find.

From what I recall was posted, ST's girlfriend posted a comment on her FB that said something like watch out for news later today.

So I am assuming this is what it was--but this is hearsay on my part.

I was so hoping it would be a presser by LE.
It says A Children and Families supervisory review of the case on Oct. 12 - three days after the initial report - states that the “risk is low” and that “the children are old enough to walk to school.” It also states that if Thompson can’t afford day care, she shouldn’t be placed in a “financial bind.”

I still personally feel they need to check the crew members renovating the house at Gano?Kyle?G.V.other crew members and people they knew.

Whomever called the Social Worker and told him/her about the kids being in the woods alone with a stranger should be contacted. Why didn't that person call LE? A Social Worker shouldn't have to investigate the incident - LE should. mho
What I want to know after having been at work so long is.......did Linagal ever come back and post what was happening on the case today? She thought there was some activity going on behind the scenes apparantly and was going to post what it pertained to.

Hounds, see post #8 above, 2nd link above, came out late this afternoon.
well, its pretty obvious that they were wrong.....you have to also remember that one year ago, Somer was only 6.....they suggested that she put them into after school care....this was done out of concern I am sure. Someone at one time was concerned....now we can all see why, and it is so very sad....they also tried to work it out where Somer could go for free...didn't I read that? I know they can do this to help families out....and they do....it was just not accepted for the children....

It was found Somers mother was complying with them and she was providing rides for her children.It was understood the children would have to walk some times.The day care was not free.She would have had to put all her kids in after school care and she could not afford it.Apparantly after school care got out before she got home.It just wasn't going to work.I feel very strongly the school system needs a bus system for these children and I do blame the school.Maybe they will get a bus system now.This case was closed.
well, its pretty obvious that they were wrong.....you have to also remember that one year ago, Somer was only 6.....they suggested that she put them into after school care....this was done out of concern I am sure. Someone at one time was concerned....now we can all see why, and it is so very sad....they also tried to work it out where Somer could go for free...didn't I read that? I know they can do this to help families out....and they do....it was just not accepted for the children....

As I read this report, doesn't it say that all four children got lost at least one time and ended up in the woods with a stranger? Maybe I am reading this wrong but this seems like a strange situation indeed. Who reported this to the school social worker? If it was indicated that all 4 chidren should not walk home, why doesn't the school provide buses? I would not be suprised if other children in the neighborhood had similar experiences at least once. Who was this stranger and why was LE not notified ?? And shouldn't this report be confidential?
Please be sure to read POST #11 - that's the original article dad T. responded to. TIA
LE is NOT obligated to tell the public the facts! Mom Diena was going to school to become a nurse...worked at a dentist office, not sure of the hours. Seems to me, EVERY word, movement, gesture and so on pertaining to mom Diena has been picked apart and put through the wringer. NOT ONE piece of evidence points to her. The suggestion that mom Diena wasn't the 'perfect' mom in no way exonerates the murderer. As a matter of fact, it deters from focusing on the real perp. ALL JUST MY humble opinon

ETA: regarding childcare - it was an option that mom Diena said she couldn't afford. If you put one twin in, you must put the other in and that would leave the 10yo going home by herself. So she would have to pay for at least 3 children. Maybe if she was getting her child support that would have happened. mho
I did not suggest that LE was obligated to tell us anything....not sure where that came from...I really do not care that the Mom was working at a Dentist office, (only want to know which one)or what she was going to school for, she is still someone to be looked at until she is cleared.....it is ok to pick her apart, just like we do everybody else in this case.....and yes, she was not "perfect" far from it, IMO....more reason to sleuth her out.....you do not know who the real perp is, neither do I....so how can you say that it deters from focusing on the real perp?
Whomever called the Social Worker and told him/her about the kids being in the woods alone with a stranger should be contacted. Why didn't that person call LE? A Social Worker shouldn't have to investigate the incident - LE should. mho

I think we were cross posting---!!!!
What did this stranger do/ say to the kids?
Was there stranger ever seen again by others in the area?
Where was LE in all this?
I did not suggest that LE was obligated to tell us anything....not sure where that came from...I really do not care that the Mom was working at a Dentist office, (only want to know which one)or what she was going to school for, she is still someone to be looked at until she is cleared.....it is ok to pick her apart, just like we do everybody else in this case.....and yes, she was not "perfect" far from it, IMO....more reason to sleuth her out.....you do not know who the real perp is, neither do I....so how can you say that it deters from focusing on the real perp?

Mom Diena has been focused on for twenty some odd threads - and she has NOT been named as a POI nor a suspect. She was going to school to become a nurse. And who knows, the perp could be a patient from the dentist's office..so why don't you see where she worked as important?
I think we were cross posting---!!!!
What did this stranger do/ say to the kids?
Was there stranger ever seen again by others in the area?
Where was LE in all this?

petra - those are my exact questions! That kind of report to a social worker is totally inappropriate - don't you think if the person was really concerned about the children, he/she would have called LE? And why wouldn't the SW call LE? And why is this being released a year later just when child custody is being requested by dad t? moo
I did not suggest that LE was obligated to tell us anything....not sure where that came from...I really do not care that the Mom was working at a Dentist office, (only want to know which one)or what she was going to school for, she is still someone to be looked at until she is cleared.....it is ok to pick her apart, just like we do everybody else in this case.....and yes, she was not "perfect" far from it, IMO....more reason to sleuth her out.....you do not know who the real perp is, neither do I....so how can you say that it deters from focusing on the real perp?

Nothing leads to her.Nothing.LE does not act like she is a suspect at all.One article said they were working with her all the way and keeping her notified.I do not see where she was a bad mom at all.I just don't see it.No one had a right to killer her little girl.I see she was taking care of her children and doing the best she could.This is what I think they don't want us to discuss,parenting and crap like that.It's not helping to find somers killer at all.Next suspect please.
Why was this confidential report released today - and Dad T responds today? I think it has to do with his battle for custody!!! If he knows someone who would release that report and a social worker who wouldn't report it to LE, IMO he knows people who could also harm his daughter. mho
Mom Diena has been focused on for twenty some odd threads - and she has NOT been named as a POI nor a suspect. She was going to school to become a nurse. And who knows, the perp could be a patient from the dentist's office..so why don't you see where she worked as important?
Who was watching her children when she was going to school??:waitasec: the neighborhood?
Why was this confidential report released today - and Dad T responds today? I think it has to do with his battle for custody!!! If he knows someone who would release that report and a social worker who wouldn't report it to LE, IMO he knows people who could also harm his daughter. mho

I think so too.It looked pretty obvious to me.
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