Human Predators Stalk Haiti's Vulnerable Kids

Missizzy, I'm sure the hotel looks a lot better now. The 3 last pics are from a disappointed tourist in 2006.
Re Chenvert: he stated on the WSJ forums that it was his partner who negotiated with the diocese.
And the diocese said two weeks ago that it was Hidalgo who approached them, looking for temporary facilities. Thus Chenvert and Hidalgo are partners.
$45,000 over 6 months to rent the place in the DR

That's a steal, at $5 per room per night, and partially a gift from the diocese, based on Silsby's story that there were hundreds of kids in an orphanage in Port-au-Prince that had collapsed and needed urgent shelter. The diocese obviously didn't know she still had to go find the orphans.

Whether Silsby could drum up the money is another question of course.
But worse, what made her think that within 6 months she could have a new building up & running, with people who would fly in and rotate??

Two words: delusional and reckless.
Thank you guys--The translation is interesting. I guess I don't need to peruse illicit drugs. My brain feels sufficiently fried just reading the stories about Torres. Sounds like they must have an active Craigslist Adult Services in San Salvador.

And am I correct that one post leads to another? They, meaning Ana Josefa, met in Canada where Torres was selling appliances. Is the script-writer getting all this down? Did you guys see this comment:

"Check out the spelling on the Casa de Estudios Nidhe Israel site. Click on Dominican Republic and you'll get to it. Then click on "objectives" You'll see the same spelling. There has been conjecture that Casa de Estudios is connected to Puello."

FWIW, it took me a minute to figure out that you have to click on the posters names to see the full posts.
Sorry guys for repeating what someone else had just posted. Not used to this type of forum.
I meant to thank you earlier today for alerting us to these new posts at bastardette.
After reading them I was left sort of speechless. I find the guy absolutely fascinating, and I think he is nuttier than a fruitcake. I really think he is destined to be this decade's great imposter.


I'm always fascinated by the sociopaths who *must* keep themselves in the limelight....going on TV, posting on public forums or blogs -- they just have to keep trying to convince us all that they've done *nothing* wrong, their 'facts' are all true -- everybody *else* is *wrong* -- not them!!

Heck, WS had Dee Dee Moore (who :woohoo: was charged w/ Abraham Shakespeare's murder today) posting here w/ her b.s.
Jeff--Don't worry about it. You can always go back and delete or edit if you want when you see that someone else has posted the info. It took me a while too.

But you did give us the name Yvonne. I don't think we've seen that name before.
Do you have a link for that info? Is it in the French article that I can't read?
Reason I ask is because in the Associated Press article it says:
"On Jan. 8 - four days before the catastrophic quake - she registered the name for the orphanage she planned to build in the Dominican Republic: New Dominican Life Children's Refuge. It was registered to two U.S. citizens who live in the Dominican Republic, who could not immediately be reached for comment."
The only US citizens that I know of that are in the DR and have associations with Laura Silsby are Rob and Dawn Chenvert.

Maybe there are more than two names associated. I see only two: Silsby & Hidalgo. How can I post a screenshot?
An interesting snip of a comment on this blog:

"......So you LIE, Shayma, by knowingly printing an untruthful letter that you KNOW is untruthful. Shayma, I repeat - you are a liar, a falsifier, and untruthful. Now shut your blog down and leave cyperspace to those who can tell the truth......"

Posted by: george | February 18, 2010 at 06:53 PM

What is another ethnic variation of the name George? I have a feeling this guy is really getting off on the attention. I'm sure he's read every single word we've written and relished it.
Maybe there are more than two names associated. I see only two: Silsby & Hidalgo. How can I post a screenshot?
You can post a screenshot as an attachment. See that paper clip in the first row, to the right of the smiley? Or, you could upload the screenshot to photobucket or the like and link to it.
Another comment by blueheron from the failedmessiah blog linked above. This one about Laura Silsby and how the commenter doubted that Silsby planned to return to the US. She brought up a good point about just who was authorized to take care of the 150-200 "orphans" when the other helpers needed to go home. I hadn't seen this come up before:

"Oh, and the fact that her children's passports were taken by the court also makes me think other people suspected she would not be returning..."

How is it possible that Silsby's children's passports were taken by the court? Which court and for what purpose? Has anyone seen info about this before?
You can post a screenshot as an attachment. See that paper clip in the first row, to the right of the smiley? Or, you could upload the screenshot to photobucket or the like and link to it.

I don't see any paper clip, even in the advanced mode.
Will the real Yvonne please stand up--A snip of a much longer article at this link:

"......The Nicaraguan girls told police they had met Torres, his wife Ana and Jency Ivonne Ramirez, another woman also charged in the case, in a gas station in Managua, Nicaragua.

They told them that they were students who helped out with the housework at home.

Torres then offered to take them to San Salvador and transform them into models who would make their debut at a farewell ceremony for the outgoing president of El Salvador.

Thrilled with the prospect of changing their lives, the girls accepted the offer. To get around immigration controls, they walked for two hours to the border with El Salvador, where Torres picked them up in a car and took them to in the town of Versalles.

Initially, the members of the gang took the victims to shopping centers, inviting them to nice restaurants and buying the new clothes.

According to the girls, Torres presented himself as a missionary who helped immigrants from several countries. But the girls discovered that his intentions were different when one night he asked them to pose naked for photographs.

The girls felt that they could not refuse. Those images were displayed on an Internet page that advertising escort services.

Torres also asked them to sleep with him, but they refused him. The group charged customers $60 to spend the night with some of the victims. However, the two girls who filed the report maintained that at no time were they ever sexually abused.

Then one night they overheard Torres discussing with his wife and Yvonne Torres Ramirez how the they were to be sold for $150 to two clients. That same night a man from Guatemala arrived who wanted to pay for sex with one of them.

The girls refused. An enraged Torres threw them out of the house and left them on the street, although he came back to pick them up at dawn and gave them each $20 for the bus trip back to Nicaragua. As the fare was much more expensive, the girl explained their situation a man who contacted the police on May 26.

``I did nothing,'' Torres Puello told CNN. ``One time we gave some Nicaraguan and Costa Rican women money to return to their countries and instead they filed a complaint against us. I've never held anyone against their will.''

See? A > Smiley > Paper Clip It is only in the advanced mode.

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