Elizabeth Hiring a Babysitter

Elizabeth Hiring a Babysitter

This thread is to first document the facts and record the source links for the events regarding Elizabeth hiring a babysitter to watch Gabe at the hotel in San Antonio.

I'll be bringing in some of the posts from the previous related thread that was pulled. Please start adding your information too.

Please make sure your reference links are to credible, established sources.

Please use direct quotes where possible, rather than a reporter's interpretation of what someone says. Links to video interviews are great, and we can work on transcribing from them as we have time to get direct quotes from them. NG transcripts frequently have news videos already transcribed, and we can pull them in for the videos. They do need review and minor corrections sometimes, as the transcriptions are done quickly to get the show transcripts posted the next day.

Please keep in mind that the babysitter is neither a suspect nor a POI, and keep the focus on exploring why Elizabeth hired a babysitter, where did Elizabeth go, why did Elizabeth feel she needed to go alone rather than bring Gabe, what insight into Gabe's condition and circumstances did the babysitter bring us, etc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me any time!

Discrepancy on the date in this article...

Analisa babysat Gabriel on December 20 or 21, just days before he disappeared. She posted an ad on Craig's List offering her babysitting services and says she was contacted by Gabriel's mother, Elizabeth Johnson.


The video from that article with the babysitter being interviewed. The dates she gave the reporter were the 21st or 22nd.

Baby Gabriel Was 'Acting Scared'
Babysitter Says Something Wasn't Right as New Photos of Gabriel Released
Jan. 18, 2010

Gabriel Johnson's babysitter, Analisa U, one of the last-known people to see the missing baby, said he seemed sad and frightened the night she took care of him.

The baby's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, 23, hired U through a Craig's List ad to babysit Gabriel in a Texas hotel room


"Elizabeth told me if anyone came knocking on the door not to answer it," U told ABC News.


"Elizabeth told me to give him a bottle in about an hour and then her exact words were to, 'Give him more medicine if he started crying to shut him up,'" U said.

"Gabriel wasn't acting like a normal baby," she said. "He was acting scared, he didn't want to play. He acted like he was sad."


In another disturbing claim, U said she found a large knife next to the bed in the motel room.

"It looked like a butcher type of knife and, you know, I thought that was weird because why would she have it next to her bed? It's something that would belong in the kitchen," U said.


includes video interview of babysitter

ETA: Please forgive me while I try to figure out how to get the posts in order! lol. Kamille's post above is actually referring to this one. Sorry!
This is from the NG transcript linked below:

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (Reporter in video): Another housekeeper has also realized that she had seen a Hispanic woman with baby Gabriel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (Housekeeper/witness in video): The person that she saw on the news is not the person that was in the room with the baby. The person in the room was a Hispanic girl, and she told her she was baby-sitting. The housekeeper had asked if she could touch the baby, and she said, No, I`m not allowed to let anybody in the room (INAUDIBLE) You know, Just give me towels, and you can`t come in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (Reporter in video): That was on the 23rd of December.

The above is a transcription of a section in this video:

There are two differences between the NG transcript and what is said in the video when you listen:
1) in one place in the video, the housekeeper stutters a bit and says 'and and'. It is transcribed simply as 'and'.
2) in the video, the housekeeper says 'and i can't', where the transcription says 'inaudible'.

This is also from the NG transcript linked below:

ANALISA: Yes. Elizabeth told me if anyone knocked at the door, not to answer it. But then the housekeeper came and opened the door with a key.

Nancy Grace Jan 14:
This post from Kamille shows the closest library to the hotel:

She may have just stopped off at the library after her appt to use the computer and to check for messages on her myspace. She may have updated her myspace status there at 1:37pm just before returning to the hotel. Or she just lied to her GF that she went to the library at all that day.

The closest library to the hotel I believe is Cody Library at 11441 Vance Jackson.


It is about a 5 minute drive according to this map...

http://maps.google.ca/maps?sourceid...n san antonio&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl
Nancy Grace interview Jan 15

NANCY GRACE, HOST: With me right now, a very special guests joining us in a primetime exclusive from San Antonio, Texas, the babysitter who came to that motel room, who saw baby Gabriel, who saw the mother, Elizabeth Johnson.
With me is Analisa.
Thank you for being with us. What was the first thing you saw when you got into that hotel room?
ANALISA, ALLEGEDLY BABYSAT BABY GABRIEL IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS: The first thing I saw was she opened the door and she looked like she wanted to kill me. She looked very angry. And I walked in, she handed me the baby, told me his name and left.
GRACE: When you say she looked like she wanted to kill you, what do you mean by that?
ANALISA: When she opened the door, she looked like she wanted to kill me. She looked very angry and upset. She looked like she was basically crazy.
GRACE: When you say crazy, what do you mean? Describe her features. What did her face look like?
ANALISA: Her eyes were — her eyes got very small. And her nose was like crumbled up, and her mouth was like — it was like closed, like very tightly. And she looked mad. She looked angry.
GRACE: Was the baby crying?
ANALISA: He wasn`t crying when I got there. But the whole time I was there, he was crying.
GRACE: When you walked into the room, where was the baby?
ANALISA: She — he had it — she was holding him.
GRACE: OK. What was the first thing she said to you?
ANALISA: She said, you`re late, and then she said well, this is Gabriel, he`s 8 months old. She told me that he should be due for a feeding in about an hour. She told me where his Enfamil was, his bottle, and then she left.
GRACE: What about the Tylenol?
ANALISA: She told me that she had already drugged him up with medication, but that if he started to cry again, just to give him more medicine to shut him up.
GRACE: What condition, Analisa, was the baby in?
ANALISA: He looked very thin. He definitely wasn`t happy. He seemed to be scared for some reason.
GRACE: Why do you say he seemed to be scared?
ANALISA: Because if I was trying to hold him — when I was holding him, if I tried to put him down, he would cry as soon as I put him down.
GRACE: Was he clean?
ANALISA: No, he wasn`t. He`s — I would try to play with him, and he did not want to play. All he wanted to do was be held. And he did not smile at all or anything.
GRACE: When you say he was not clean, what do you mean by that?
ANALISA: I mean, he had like stains around his mouth. He had dry — you know, like boogers around his clothes didn`t look clean. He just doesn`t look clean or happy.
GRACE: Were there toys there for baby Gabriel?
ANALISA: No, there wasn`t. There wasn`t anything — the room didn`t look suitable for a baby. She didn`t have toys or, you know, books for him to read or anything like that.
GRACE: So everything was for her and nothing was there for baby Gabriel?
ANALISA: Correct.
GRACE: Did the baby seem lethargic at times? Listless, inactive, tired?
ANALISA: He didn`t seem tired. He just seemed like he was scared. I mean he didn`t want to do anything. Like I said, he didn`t want to play or anything like that.
GRACE: He just would lay there?
ANALISA: Well, he wasn`t laying there, I was holding him. But, yes, he was just sitting there. You know, he didn`t want to do anything.
GRACE: How much baby food did she have for him?
ANALISA: She had a tube of Oragel and a little bottle of Tylenol.
GRACE: What about food? How much baby food did she have for him?
ANALISA: She had a can of Enfamil and a few cans of baby food.
GRACE: So Analisa, how was Elizabeth Johnson dressed when she left?
ANALISA: She was dressed like she was going out to the club. She was wearing very tight, low-cut jeans, a tight blouse showing like half of her stomach, and she had big heels on.
GRACE: Where did she say she was going?
ANALISA: She told me that she was going to an important appointment.
GRACE: How long was she gone?
ANALISA: She was gone for about two hours at the most.
GRACE: And what time of the day or night was it that you went to the hotel?
ANALISA: I got at the hotel right around 11:45 in the morning.
GRACE: 11:45 in the morning. And you believe this was the 20th, the 19th or 20th?
ANALISA: Yes, I do.
GRACE: How did baby Gabriel act while you were with him? Did you feed him?
ANALISA: Yes, I fed him. I fed him a bottle and I fed him some baby food. He acted very scared, like I said.
GRACE: What did you observe in the hotel room, Analisa?
ANALISA: Well, one thing that I noticed that kind of scared me a little bit was that she had like kind of like a butcher knife next to her bed.
GRACE: What else did you observe? Was the room clean and tidy?
ANALISA: No, the room was very messy. She had clothes thrown everywhere. She had all of her things thrown.
GRACE: I want to go back to the baby. You said he was thin. Now I noticed in some of the earlier pictures, he looks normal. Little chubby cheeks. But I had already noticed in other pictures he was already starting to look thin.
How did he take the bottle? Did he take the whole thing?
ANALISA: Yes, he did. He — when I gave it to him, he got like really excited. That was the only type that I actually — he actually smiled was when he got the bottle.
GRACE: Did you hold him most of the time?
ANALISA: Yes, I held him the whole time I was there. Like, he didn`t want to be put down. When I would try to put him down to play with him, he would start crying.
GRACE: You stated that every time you tried to put him down, he would scream. You also stated.
GRACE: . he would not play with you. Don`t you find that odd the little baby wouldn`t play with you?
ANALISA: I do, because I`ve never came across a baby that was so sad and scared.
GRACE: Now why do you say that? I mean you`ve had a lot of experience with young children. You practically raised all of your siblings. Why do you say you`ve never seen a baby so afraid and sad?
ANALISA: Every baby that I have either — well, that I came in contact with is very happy, they like to play, for sure. They don`t seem scared the way Gabriel did.
GRACE: What did you do to try to play with him, Analisa? I mean there were no toys.
ANALISA: No. I tried to tickle him, I tried to — you know, I tried bouncing him on my leg up and down. I tried smiling at him. I tried to play peek-a-boo with him, but nothing worked.
GRACE: So what did you do for those hours you were with baby Gabriel? Just hold him?
ANALISA: Yes, I was holding him, you know, like I said the whole time I was just trying to play him. I was trying to make him happy at least while I was there.
GRACE: Did anyone come to the door? And did Elizabeth Johnson give you instruction if anyone knocked at the door?
ANALISA: Yes. Elizabeth told me if anyone knocked at the door not to answer it. But then the housekeeper came and opened the door with a key.
GRACE: When she finally returned, did she say she would or would not need you back as a babysitter?
ANALISA: When I asked her if she would need me again, she said that she wasn`t sure because she didn`t know what she was going to do next with her life.
GRACE: When she came back, was she in a better mood?
ANALISA: Yes, she was in a much better mood.
GRACE: Did she look the same as when she left? I mean, did she still have on the same outfit? Was her hair the same?
ANALISA: Yes, she looked the same when she came back, just much happier.
GRACE: At any point, Analisa, did she ask you what you credentials or experience was?
ANALISA: No, she didn`t. She knew nothing about me but my name and phone number.
Nancy Grace interview January 14 Part 1

GRACE: With me right now, a very special guest joining us in a primetime exclusive from San Antonio, Texas, the baby-sitter who came to that motel room, who saw baby Gabriel, who saw the mother, Elizabeth Johnson. With me is Analisa. Thank you for being with us. What was the first thing you saw when you got into that hotel room?

ANALISA, ALLEGEDLY BABY-SAT GABRIEL IN SAN ANTONIO: The first thing I saw was she opened the door and she looked like she wanted to kill me. She looked very angry. And I walked in. She handed me the baby, told me his name and left.

GRACE: When you say she looked like she wanted to kill you, what do you mean by that?

ANALISA: When she opened the door, she looked like she wanted to kill me. She looked very angry and upset. She looked like she was basically crazy.

GRACE: When you say crazy, what do you mean? Describe her features? What did her face look like?

ANALISA: Her eyes were -- her eyes got very small, her nose was, like, crumpled up and her mouth was, like -- it was, like, closed, like, very tightly. She looked mad. She looked angry.

GRACE: Was the baby crying?

ANALISA: He wasn`t crying when I got there, but the whole time I was there, he was crying.

GRACE: When you walked into the room, where was the baby?

ANALISA: She -- he had -- she was holding him.

GRACE: OK. What was the first thing she said to you?

ANALISA: She said, You`re late. And then she said, Well, this is Gabriel. He`s 8 months old. She told me that he should be due for a feeding in about an hour. She told me where his Enfamil was, his bottle, and then she left.

GRACE: What about the Tylenol?

ANALISA: She told me that she had already drugged him up with medication, but that if he started to cry again, just to give him more medicine to shut him up.

GRACE: What condition, Analisa, was the baby in?

ANALISA: He looked very thin. He definitely wasn`t happy. He seemed to be scared for some reason.

GRACE: Why do you say he seemed to be scared?

ANALISA: Because if I was trying to hold him -- when I was holding him, if I tried to put him down, he would cry as soon as I put him down.

GRACE: Was he clean?

ANALISA: No, he wasn`t. I would try to play with him, and he didn`t want to play. All he wanted to do was be held. And he didn`t smile at all or anything.

GRACE: When you say he was not clean, what do you mean by that?

ANALISA: I mean he had, like, stains around his mouth. He had dry, you know, like, boogers around his nose and his clothes didn`t look clean. He just didn`t look clean or happy.
Nancy Grace interview January 14 - Part 2

GRACE: Joining me right now, Analisa. She baby-sat baby Gabriel in that San Antonio motel. So Analisa, how was Elizabeth Johnson dressed when she left?

ANALISA: She was dressed like she was going out to a club. She was wearing very tight low-cut jeans, a tight blouse that was showing, like, half of her stomach, and she had big heels on.

GRACE: Where did she say she was going?

ANALISA: She told me that she was going to an important appointment.

GRACE: How long was she gone?

ANALISA: She was gone for about two hours at the most.

GRACE: And what time of the day or night was it that you went to the hotel?

ANALISA: I got to the hotel at around 11:45 in the morning.

GRACE: At 11:45 in the morning. And you believe this was the 20th, the 19th or 20th?

ANALISA: Yes, I do.

GRACE: How did baby Gabriel act while you were with him? Did you feed him?

ANALISA: Yes, I fed him. I fed him a bottle and I fed him some baby food. And he acted very scared, like I said.

GRACE: What did you observe in the hotel room, Analisa?

ANALISA: Well, one thing that I noticed that kind of scared me a little bit was that she had a -- like, a -- kind of, like, a butcher knife next to her bed.

GRACE: What else did you observe? Was the room clean? Was it tidy?

ANALISA: No, the room was very messy. She had clothes thrown everywhere. She had all her toiletries, you know, thrown. It wasn`t clean at all.

GRACE: I want to go back to the baby. You stated that he was thin. Now, I`ve noticed in some of the earlier pictures, he looks normal -- little chubby cheeks. But I had already noticed in other pictures, he was already starting to look thin. How did he take the bottle? Did he take the whole thing?

ANALISA: Yes, he did. When I gave it to him, he got, like, really excited. That was the only time that I actually -- he actually smiled was when he got the bottle.

GRACE: Did you hold him most of the time?

ANALISA: Yes, I held him the whole time I was there. Like, he didn`t want to be put down. When I would try to put him down and play with him, he would start crying.


GRACE: Analisa, did he have a runny nose? Did he seem to have a fever? Did you see any bruises on his body? Did he have diaper rash?

ANALISA: No, he didn`t seem to be sick at all, and he didn`t have any bruises or marks. And he didn`t have diaper rash, either.

GRACE: You stated that you observed her clothing and makeup and toiletries all over the room. The bed, from what I`ve learned, was unmade. The room was a mess. Were there toys there for baby Gabriel?

ANALISA: No, there wasn`t. There wasn`t anything -- the room didn`t look suitable for a baby. She didn`t have toys, or you know, books for him to read or anything like that.

GRACE: So everything was for her and nothing was there for baby Gabriel?

ANALISA: Correct.
Nancy Grace interview January 14 Part 3

GRACE: You stated that every time you tried to put him down, he would scream. You also stated he would not play with you. Don`t you find that odd, that a little baby wouldn`t play with you?

ANALISA: I do because I have never came across a baby that was so sad and scared.

GRACE: Now, why do you say that? I mean, you`ve had a lot of experience with young children. You practically raised all of your siblings. Why do you say you`ve never seen a baby so afraid and sad?

ANALISA: Every baby that I`ve either -- well, that I`ve came in contact with is very happy. They like to play, for sure. They don`t seem scared the way Gabriel did.

GRACE: What did you do to try to play with him, Analisa? I mean, there were no toys.

ANALISA: No. I tried to tickle him. I tried to -- you know, I tried bouncing him on my leg up and down. I tried smiling at him. I tried -- I tried to play peek-a-boo with him. But nothing worked.

GRACE: So what did you do for those hours you were with baby Gabriel, just hold him?

ANALISA: Yes. I was holding him. You know, like I said, the whole time, I was just trying to play with him. I was trying to make him happy at least while I was there.

GRACE: Did anyone come to the door? And did Elizabeth Johnson give you instructions, if anyone knocked at the door?

ANALISA: Yes. Elizabeth told me if anyone knocked at the door, not to answer it. But then the housekeeper came and opened the door with a key.

GRACE: When she finally returned, did she say she would or would not need you back as a baby-sitter?

ANALISA: When I asked her if she would need me again, she said that she wasn`t sure because she didn`t know what she was going to do next with her life.

GRACE: When she came back, was she in a better mood?

ANALISA: Yes, she was in a much better mood.

GRACE: Did she look the same as when she left? I mean, did she still have on the same outfit? Was her hair the same?

ANALISA: Yes, she looked the same when she came back, just much happier.

GRACE: At any point, Analisa, did she ask you what your credentials or experience was?

ANALISA: No, she didn`t. She knew nothing about me but my name and phone number.
Nancy Grace interview January 14 Part 4

GRACE: Analisa, when she came back from wherever she had been, did she ask you how did the baby do?

ANALISA, ALLEGEDLY BABYSAT BABY GABRIEL IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS: Yes, she did. I told her that he wanted to be held the whole time, that he was a pretty good behaved baby, but he just wanted to be held the whole time and he didn`t want to play or anything.

GRACE: What did she say?

ANALISA: She told me whenever people come over, he usually acts like an angel, but as soon as he leaves, he starts crying. As soon as they leave, he starts crying.

GRACE: So in other words, she says he becomes poorly behaved, ill behaved when she`s alone with him?


GRACE: I want to get this straight. All she knows is your name and phone number. She didn`t ask for a reference, she didn`t ask anything about you, your experience, your credentials, nothing.

ANALISA: No, she didn`t ask anything about me.

GRACE: Analisa, when you first got there, is it true that she asked to take the baby to your house?

ANALISA: Yes, she did. She asked if I could watch the baby at my house, that she didn`t care how far it was, that she was willing to drive.

GRACE: What did you say?

ANALISA: I told her that`s not a good idea because my house is not suitable for a baby. We have pets. We have cats and a dog.
Nancy Grace interview January 14 Part 5

GRACE: Analisa, did she seem concerned about the baby?

ANALISA: No, she didn`t. She really didn`t seem to be affectionate towards him or anything like that.

GRACE: When you say there were only her clothes and makeup and toiletries and nothing for the baby, did you have anything to play with with him?

ANALISA: I found like -- some kind of, like, a toy, I guess. I don`t think she used it, but I mean, you know, I was trying to play with him with that toy.

GRACE: What was it?

ANALISA: It looked like some kind of rattle or something?

GRACE: So it was just a rattle?


Part 6

GRACE: And back to you, Analisa. She said if the baby starts crying, just give him more Tylenol?

ANALISA: Yes, she said to give him more medicine to shut him up.

GRACE: Did the baby seem lethargic at times? Listless, inactive, tired?

ANALISA: He didn`t seem tired. He just seemed like he was scared. I mean he didn`t want to do anything. Like I said, he didn`t want to play or anything like that.

GRACE: He just would lay there?

ANALISA: Well, he wasn`t laying there. I was holding him. But yes, he was just sitting there. You know, he didn`t want to do anything.

GRACE: How much baby food did she have for him?

ANALISA: She had a tube of Oragel and a little bottle of Tylenol.

GRACE: What about food? How much baby food did she have for him?

ANALISA: She had a can of Infamel and a few cans of baby food.

Part 7

GRACE: Back to you, Analisa, did you see a sippy cup for the baby or what`s all there was just the formula, the one can of formula?

ANALISA: I did not see a sippy cup, all I saw was his bottle and his can of formula.

GRACE: So the baby was not getting anything like water. Was there anything prepared for him when you got there?

ANALISA: No, there wasn`t. She just had the can of formula laying on the counter.
Nancy Grace interview January 19 Part 1

GRACE: Analisa, when -- who was it that called her on the phone and they were -- it was very contentious, they were arguing on the phone? Who was that?

analisa: She told me it was her grandmother. I mean I don`t know if that`s who it really was but that`s what she told me.

GRACE: OK. Grandmother. All right, Analisa, what, to the best of your recollection, was she saying back to the grandmother?

analisa: I remember her saying, what am I supposed to do? Just go back? And, you know, that`s all I pretty much heard her saying. The whole time it was the lady on the other end screaming at her.

GRACE: So the only thing you recall her saying is, what am I supposed to do? Go back? That`s the only thing you recall her saying?

analisa: That`s the only thing I recall her saying, yes.

GRACE: How long did the conversation last?

analisa: Maybe a few minutes, maybe -- no more than five minutes.

GRACE: Could you hear what the woman was saying on the other end?

analisa: I couldn`t hear. All I know is that she was screaming loudly.

GRACE: What did Elizabeth Johnson say to you after she hung up from that conversation?

analisa: She told me, I`m sorry, that was my grandma. She`s scared because my baby`s dad is threatening her to tell her where we are and we`re in a custody battle.

GRACE: OK. I`m having a hard time hearing you. Tell me again what did she say to you after she hung up the phone?

analisa: She told me that that was her grandma and that her grandmother was scared because the baby`s dad was threatening her because he wanted to know where her and the baby were, because they were in a custody battle.

Part 2

GRACE: Good question. Analisa, when you left the motel room, did you consider calling police or -- what were your feelings? What were your thoughts about the baby?

Analisa: I thought it was kind of weird the way he was acting and the way she was treating him. I did consider calling CPS, but again, after that I lost her number so I wasn`t able to contact her or anybody else.

And also, I didn`t know how long she would be staying there because she told me she wasn`t -- she didn`t know what she was going to do next.

GRACE: And how old are you, dear?

Analisa: I`m 18 years old.
Nancy Grace interview January 19 Part 3

GRACE: Analisa, I want to go back to the Enfamil that you saw that`s baby formula. Was it a can of dried Enfamil?

analisa: Yes, it was.

GRACE: OK. How much was left in the can?

analisa: It was full. It looked maybe like she had used it maybe once or twice, but it was completely full.

GRACE: OK. How many bottles did you see?

analisa: He only had one bottle.

GRACE: Did you see a sterilizer to sterilize the bottles?

analisa: No, I didn`t.

GRACE: That would have probably been set up at a sink. OK. So no sterilizer. And as far as food goes, how many jars of baby food did you see?

analisa: He had about three jars of baby food.

GRACE: Three jars. Did you see evidence that she had been to the grocery store, like plastic bags of baby food or anything like that?

analisa: No, there was nothing, no evidence of any kind of shopping for food or anything.

Part 4

GRACE: To Analisa, how did you two connect, Analisa?

analisa: She responded to my ad that I posted on Craigslist for babysitting.

GRACE: And it`s my understanding the day you saw this on TV, and heard about baby Gabriel missing, you called police immediately, is that correct, January 5?

analisa: Yes, I did.

GRACE: What -- you`ve seen the photos that have just been released. What is that the baby is sucking on in the photo we were just showing?

analisa: That is the bottle of Tylenol that she had for him.

GRACE: OK, let`s go back to that photo. These are photos of pacifier. What else can you tell us about his appearance and what do these photos say to you, Analisa?

analisa: Well, he didn`t look that bad when I had baby sat him. But the photos, they say, you know, they`re very heartbreaking. I mean, because his clothes are just filthy and he looks like he`s out of it. He looks worn out. And they`re just heartbreaking to see.

GRACE: When you say he was filthy, what do you mean by that?

analisa: In the photos, he looks very filthy. He didn`t look that bad when I baby sat him. But as I was looking at the photos, you know, he looked pretty bad. His clothes are dirty and, you know, he just looks filthy.
Discrepancy on the date in this article...

Analisa babysat Gabriel on December 20 or 21, just days before he disappeared. She posted an ad on Craig's List offering her babysitting services and says she was contacted by Gabriel's mother, Elizabeth Johnson.


The video from that article with the babysitter being interviewed. The dates she gave the reporter were the 21st or 22nd.


In the case calendar, we have the babysitter babysitting on Dec. 23. Forgive me if I missed this, but how was that confirmed?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4845070&postcount=5"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Elizabeth Hiring a Babysitter[/ame]

This post says the housekeeper saw her Dec. 23, but AU said other dates per above.

I'm asking b/c from a timeline perspective, I'm trying to get a sense of how EJ's appointment at the hair salon and getting her hair done fits in - in terms of her state of mind, and AU's report of EJ's arguing with someone on the phone, and EJ's MS posts.
In the case calendar, we have the babysitter babysitting on Dec. 23. Forgive me if I missed this, but how was that confirmed?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Elizabeth Hiring a Babysitter

This post says the housekeeper saw her Dec. 23, but AU said other dates per above.

I'm asking b/c from a timeline perspective, I'm trying to get a sense of how EJ's appointment at the hair salon and getting her hair done fits in - in terms of her state of mind, and AU's report of EJ's arguing with someone on the phone, and EJ's MS posts.

It's the only date where we have someone else corroborating, but you're right, it could have been one of the other dates.

How about if I make it into a date range, and pull in the other date references? That would be more accurate for the info we have now.

ETA: And thank you for reviewing the calendar! If anyone else has time to review it and sanity check it, I'd appreciate it. Just let me know corrections, and I'm also happy to add events if people will just post them in the case calendar thread in the timeline forum. The calendar is about 70% done at this point, and the more we add, the more useful it's becoming. I'm referring to it daily now.
In the case calendar, we have the babysitter babysitting on Dec. 23. Forgive me if I missed this, but how was that confirmed?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Elizabeth Hiring a Babysitter

This post says the housekeeper saw her Dec. 23, but AU said other dates per above.

I'm asking b/c from a timeline perspective, I'm trying to get a sense of how EJ's appointment at the hair salon and getting her hair done fits in - in terms of her state of mind, and AU's report of EJ's arguing with someone on the phone, and EJ's MS posts.

Boo..I'm with you on the timeline....In going back to the tv interview/article...one says the 20th or 21st. The video says 21st or 22nd. Then the NG interview AU says the 19th or 20th....and then the calendar thread says 23rd....I'm onfused.
Boo..I'm with you on the timeline....In going back to the tv interview/article...one says the 20th or 21st. The video says 21st or 22nd. Then the NG interview AU says the 19th or 20th....and then the calendar thread says 23rd....I'm onfused.

If you have other babysitter articles that haven't been posted yet in this thread, could you post the links please kappy? Thanks!

ETA: There was confusion between the date Elizabeth called the babysitter to ask her to babysit, and the date she actually babysat. That's the primary reason I think for the date confusion.

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