MI - 3-year-old left behind after his own birthday party; parents realize days later

i find this impossible to believe simply cause they live in the same complex......not like they were on the other side of town from each other.

I find it impossible because normal divorced or separated parents have a schedule to these things and there is talking involved. In ours it is understood their dad has then such and such time and will return at such and such time. I would never go somewhere with him with the children and just assume he has them. Most people communicate regarding visitations.
What I find even more heartbreaking is they knew neither one had him on Sunday and did nothing. What were they waiting for -- the kid to call and tell them where he was? Were they working on their excuse? This little boy deserves better than these two.
What I find even more heartbreaking is they knew neither one had him on Sunday and did nothing. What were they waiting for -- the kid to call and tell them where he was? Were they working on their excuse? This little boy deserves better than these two.
Exactly, and even on my time with the kids, their dad calls and checks in. one his time I will do the same. neither of us just part ways with our children and don't give a crap in the time apart. Even apart we both always know what the kids are up to and how they are.
Oh boy. Come on they gave the kid a party. What more could he want?

Each then thought the grandma had him? Unfreakinbelievable.

Like don't you say goodbye and kiss your child bye-bye when he goes with the other parent?

I'll bet y'all a hundred bucks they didn't forget the presents.

Such a cute lil boy too.
Oh boy. Come on they gave the kid a party. What more could he want?

Each then thought the grandma had him? Unfreakinbelievable.

Like don't you say goodbye and kiss your child bye-bye when he goes with the other parent?

I'll bet y'all a hundred bucks they didn't forget the presents.

Such a cute lil boy too.

RBBM, I think you hit it right there. They sure didn't view this little guy as the treasure he is! Insanity.

A few years ago, there was a kid who was still at preschool at the end of the day. After fifteen minutes or so, we call mom, who says that it's dad's turn to come get kid. We call dad. No answer. We call mom back, who says that it's dad's turn to come get kid and "she doesn't know what to tell us." We get a hold of dad finally. He says it's mom's turn and besides, his girlfriend has the car (or some carp like that I can't remember exactly). Point being, it wasn't until the boss said, "If someone isn't here to get him by whatever-time, we'll just call 911 and let them sort it out." that they finally managed to get their sand together and get someone there.

And what in the world were we supposed to say to this kid? He knew alllll the other kids went home. He knew it was dark and that he had never been at school when it was dark at night before. He knew dang well mommy or daddy or someone should have been there to pick him up and that all the grown-ups were in a hissy about it. He maybe even thought we were mad at him, just because it was so confusing!?!

When I was fifteen, my mom forgot to come pick me up from dance practice. I waited. And waited. Everyone left, including the dance coach, as I'd assured her my mom was on her way, of course. It grew dark. It began to snow. I was wearing dancing clothes and jazz shoes, luckily I had a coat, and I prepared myself to walk home, so sad and dejected. (I'm old, so this was pre-cell phones, or at least pre-normal-people-having-cell-phones, and the only pay phones nearby were inside the building I'd just been locked out of). My mom arrived, and would you believe she was only about 35 minutes late? It had seemed like much longer! And I was fifteen, not three! *Sigh* This poor little guy...

shaking my head at the lack of humanity...freaking insane

And to my mom's credit, she wasn't a crackhead or anything. She'd been doing crafts and lost track of time LOL. I took it a lot more personally at the time, but, admittedly, it still kinda hurts my feelings like, 20 years later :blushing: :crazy: Like I said...insanity :crazy::crazy:
i almost wish my family deserted me but thats another story ;)
i almost wish my family deserted me but thats another story ;)

Okay, OT, I know, but that just reminded me of that movie, "Joe Dirt." (Must be seen, cannot be described)

So these parents haven't been charged with anything yet, but I'm sure that at the very least there is an open CPS investigation/case now, I mean, surely, right?
thought i read here earlier the kid was in temporary cps care
Bold by me - this is the scenario I heard, that each parent thought they had taken him home, and upon the end of the weekend with the child unaccounted for, they backtracked.

Incredibly stupid, but that's what I've heard, FWIW.

thought i read here earlier the kid was in temporary cps care

Right now they have him. I hope they keep him till the parents learn how to be parents.People should have to take a written exam and have an instructor see what you know about parenting.Like getting a drivers license but a parenting license.Between the abusers and the idiots like these parents children today do not have a chance.:furious:
According to the article, they live in separate apartments in the same complex. Each thought the other had him until Sunday. However, nobody went to Ceasars until the mom did at noon on Monday to look for him.


Yeah, they realized on Sunday that they didn't have him, didn't contact the police, and didn't even make the feeble attempt to get him back by returning to the restaurant until Monday. That right there says "laissez-faire" to me, at the very least. I could almost see how it might happen, each thinking the other one has him, but that's pretty casual, and then the not doing anything much about it when they realized he was gone...
Even with the "I thought mom/dad/grandma took him home" routine, I am not buying it. Not a bit.

Between my fiance and I, we have 7 children, 6 of them under the age of 18. On weekends, we can have all 6 of them. When one of us has to walk away, we say to the other, do you have all 6? The other one answers, Yes, I have all 6. Reinforcing how many kids we have in our care at that moment...I've never lost one for more than 5 minutes (and that incident was in the house). He's never lost one...

Bottom line, these parents didn't give a squid where he was or who he was with.
I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

PTL that precious little boy is alright.

NMK--I am always shocked when I read that somebody has 7 kids. 7 kids!!! My Lord, how does one do that? And then I remember, oh right, we have 14. Oh, right. The most we ever had living at home at one time was eleven and we never "lost" one. It takes just a quick second to do a count. I'm also very freaky about driveways and all my kids and grandkids know that. I insist on a spotter when someone is backing out of a driveway. I have managed to "arrange" for a grandchild to be left behind at my house but that took some tricky footwork!!
Parents Of Abandoned Boy Face Charges

An arrest warrant has been issued for the parents of toddler who was left at a Warren children's restaurant for days after his third birthday party.

After completing an investigation into the March 13 party at Caesarland Restaurant, the Macomb County Prosecutors said they have decided to charge the boy's parents with second-degree child abuse, which is a felony that carries a four-year sentence.

Warren police said they have made arrangements with the boy's parents, Talisha Darlene Johns, 33, and Dion Musekela Johnson, both or Warren to turn themselves in on Monday.

Thirty-seventh District Court Judge Matthew Sabaugh will immediately arraign the Johnsons on the charges.

so these turds might get r4 years (rightfully so) but the lady that smashed her foster sons head in with a hammer walks.......
Can someone clarify for me just where the little boy was while his parents went blithely on with their lives. I've read that he was noticed quite quickly and authorities called and other reports state that he spent "days" at the pizza parlor. Which is it?
RBBM, I think you hit it right there. They sure didn't view this little guy as the treasure he is! Insanity.

A few years ago, there was a kid who was still at preschool at the end of the day. After fifteen minutes or so, we call mom, who says that it's dad's turn to come get kid. We call dad. No answer. We call mom back, who says that it's dad's turn to come get kid and "she doesn't know what to tell us." We get a hold of dad finally. He says it's mom's turn and besides, his girlfriend has the car (or some carp like that I can't remember exactly). Point being, it wasn't until the boss said, "If someone isn't here to get him by whatever-time, we'll just call 911 and let them sort it out." that they finally managed to get their sand together and get someone there.

And what in the world were we supposed to say to this kid? He knew alllll the other kids went home. He knew it was dark and that he had never been at school when it was dark at night before. He knew dang well mommy or daddy or someone should have been there to pick him up and that all the grown-ups were in a hissy about it. He maybe even thought we were mad at him, just because it was so confusing!?!

When I was fifteen, my mom forgot to come pick me up from dance practice. I waited. And waited. Everyone left, including the dance coach, as I'd assured her my mom was on her way, of course. It grew dark. It began to snow. I was wearing dancing clothes and jazz shoes, luckily I had a coat, and I prepared myself to walk home, so sad and dejected. (I'm old, so this was pre-cell phones, or at least pre-normal-people-having-cell-phones, and the only pay phones nearby were inside the building I'd just been locked out of). My mom arrived, and would you believe she was only about 35 minutes late? It had seemed like much longer! And I was fifteen, not three! *Sigh* This poor little guy...

shaking my head at the lack of humanity...freaking insane

And to my mom's credit, she wasn't a crackhead or anything. She'd been doing crafts and lost track of time LOL. I took it a lot more personally at the time, but, admittedly, it still kinda hurts my feelings like, 20 years later :blushing: :crazy: Like I said...insanity :crazy::crazy:

Awwww, Flourish I'm sorry. No doubt it hurts still. You were afraid and worried.

Forgive me as I laughed when you said to your mom's credit she wasn't a crackhead. Man, crafts can be just as addicting.

Hey, at least you got dance lessons. I didn't. However, my problem was just the opposite. Not only didn't they ever forget me, but they followed me. Hunted me down. Popped up out of nowhere when I was someplace I shouldn't have been. That happens when you have a parents who is a cop.

Hopefully this little adorable guy won't remember being left at his own birthday party. Something is up. We'll know on Monday I guess.
I am coming out of lurkerville to just say OMG! I am a divorced mom of 7 kids..have been for 10 years. And never, ever, have I ever assumed dad had the kids when I didn't. I KNEW HE DID! There was one time where dad came over to get the kids and I was leaving to go to the store. Little one was 3 at the time. I went on my way and as I was leaving saw dad loading up the car everyone waving bye. It dawned on me 2 minutes down the road I didn't see little guy! Both dad and I got back to the house at the same time because he realized he didn't see little guy with me. He was still sitting with his blanket in front of the tv watching Blue Clues. Not even aware he was alone. As the youngest of 7 he probably thought wow, everyone is being quiet today! But those two minutes took 20 years off my life and dad's. So, I can see a mix up happening but two days to figure it out? NO. Dad and I never forced the kids to go with one or the other. If 3 wanted to go this time, that was fine. But I knew I had the other 4. So, I can't for the life fathom how you lose ONE for days on end.

Sounds like a whole lotta thinking going on..not about the little guy. And to know on Sunday and not go looking until MONDAY.

This one is so outrageous I can't even believe they would think anyone would believe it. Seriously, it boggles my mind!
I have 5 kiddos, the oldest is 10, the youngest 2, and I cant even leave the driveway without having everyone buckled up with me! Sometimes mimi's hubs says" aww honey, just leave the boys here with me, or just take the big ones, I will keep the littles" I get panicy and can't actually do it. While shopping with my brood isnt exactly fun, its what I'm used to, and if I don't have them all I get figgety like Ive forgotten something. I know full well the kiddos are safe at home with hubs, I just cant focus on the task at hand, and keep running the "headcount" anyway. Heck I even do a dog head count when letting them out or in, and they aren't 3 yr old birthday boys!! I am outraged to think that 3 adults, gramma included, couldnt manage to keep track of 1 little boy!!! He deserves so much better.

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