OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #5

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Did morning buses run at regular time or did they come later since school wasn't to start until 10 that day?

The school opened at 8, and parents and children starting coming to see the science projects. Normal first bell is at 8:35. This was to go on until 8:45, the time of the normal late bell.

At 8:45, students were to go to their classrooms, to be put in groups of 4 to 5 students, and go around with chaperones from classroom to classroom to see all the science projects. That was supposed to last until 10am, at which time students returned to their classrooms.

That's a long answer to your question :) but I wanted to explain that the bus times were normal, and students weren't arriving at 10am, but earlier.
Local news on Fox 12 just showed a snip of an email that Kyron's dad sent out to Intel employees.. Sorry I just woke up and getting kids ready for school so I couldn't copy it, but there is a live link and they are on until 9am..I'm sure they will show it again, or I'll try to get it next time they show it... They also have a reporter on scene..
An older teenager who drives is still a minor. They have enough freedom to be wherever they want to be, even during the day when a parent thinks they are at school. They can be very crafty with innocent sounding excuses why they don't have to be at class that day; "Coach Smith is out of town, we have a sub and it's just a video I've seen before", etc. Teenagers think they are invincible. They are stubborn, and can be vengeful, especially if they are angry with their parents. They make a point of knowing the back roads...places where kids can party and not be disturbed. Sometimes a worried parent might drive those back roads at odd hours, desperately searching to find their teenager before they get themselves into real trouble they can't get out of.

When I say "minor", I'm not thinking of a little kid. JMO​

Yes, teens who become very angry at their parents can certainly strike out and do heinous things to hurt them where it hurts most.

You and I appear to think very much alike.
Did morning buses run at regular time or did they come later since school wasn't to start until 10 that day?

School started at the normal time on Friday.

Here's what the Friday schedule looked like:

8:00 - School opened 30+/- minutes early to allow children to come in, set up their projects, allow parents to look around at projects.

8:45 - normal time school always begins at Skyline; children were to return to their classrooms to be divided into groups of four or five, led by an adult chaperone, to tour all of the science fair projects.

10:00 - class begins in homeroom.

1:00 - Talent show.

3:00 - (I think) Class dismisses.
I don't get that, either. Why would she--in the middle of all the stuff that was going on, as busy as the teacher must have been welcoming parents, directing people around, etc,--tell the teacher that Kyron had the appointment on a future date?

On Friday, there were only five days left of school. She emailed the teacher to ask about picking up the project--she could have told her then.

Again... so much stuff just seems "off."

I don't find anything wrong or unusual or odd about the stepmom telling the teacher that Kyron had a future appointment. I can't think of any reason for her not to have told her.
Ugh! I HATE what I'm thinking about this. Just hate it!!!
I don't get that, either. Why would she--in the middle of all the stuff that was going on, as busy as the teacher must have been welcoming parents, directing people around, etc,--tell the teacher that Kyron had the appointment on a future date?

On Friday, there were only five days left of school. She emailed the teacher to ask about picking up the project--she could have told her then.

Again... so much stuff just seems "off."
I am curious about this appointment too.I'm starting to think he really did have a appointment somewhere that day and someone may have brought him to it?or was going too?
I don't think anyone has said that the parents should "plea to let Kyron go."

But, you know, there are a lot of volunteers out there in those woods and briars putting their own lives at risk--one was hurt bad enough yesterday that he had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital.

So it would be nice for Terri and Kaine to at least say "thank you" to the multiple search organizations and "please keep looking for our son--we want him home" to the public.

His mother has already released a statement through his aunt. I don't think it would hurt for his stepmother and father to do the same.

I understand the emotion behind this, and don't want to speak for all of the SAR and LE personnel working this case so diligently...but I will say that in my experience (years and years of SAR work) most searchers and LE are not thinking twice about getting a thank you from family during times of immense stress. They are focused only on the job at hand.
They want is to bring the missing person back to where they belong, as soon as possible, and hopefully unscathed.

SAR work is not about thank you's....it is about creating the opportunity for a thank you in the future. The thank you is in the rescue and recovery of the missing person.

ETA: That said- LE said yesterday that the family will be making a statement today. I am sure that will come at the noon press conf.
I don't think anyone has said that the parents should "plea to let Kyron go."

But, you know, there are a lot of volunteers out there in those woods and briars putting their own lives at risk--one was hurt bad enough yesterday that he had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital.

So it would be nice for Terri and Kaine to at least say "thank you" to the multiple search organizations and "please keep looking for our son--we want him home" to the public.

His mother has already released a statement through his aunt. I don't think it would hurt for his stepmother and father to do the same.

I don't get that, either. Why would she--in the middle of all the stuff that was going on, as busy as the teacher must have been welcoming parents, directing people around, etc,--tell the teacher that Kyron had the appointment on a future date?

On Friday, there were only five days left of school. She emailed the teacher to ask about picking up the project--she could have told her then.

Again... so much stuff just seems "off."

Agreed, there are so many things that seem off.

In my opinion, the whole telling the teacher about an appt for Monday or the next week doesn't make any sense. I haven't heard this released as fact anywhere though, so this could be a misunderstanding.

It was nice to see the mother release a statement saying thank you, to the community and searchers. I don't recall , but have we not seen a statement from the parents saying thank you to searchers? Not necessarily on camera saying thank you or pleading, but just a thank you through their spokesperson? Anything?:waitasec:
I don't find anything wrong or unusual or odd about the stepmom telling the teacher that Kyron had a future appointment. I can't think of any reason for her not to have told her.

In the middle of all that busy-ness that was going on Friday?

The rumor was that she said it across the room to her. Why not just wait til she can handle it one-on-one with the teacher, the way most parents do?

(You know I luv ya, Bean, but I just disagree on this one.)
Elementary school talent shows are a huge undertaking by the organizers and having a kid not show up who is expected to perform would not go unnoticed.

No one from his family showed up to see him perform? Hinky.

That's why I am questioning if he was even supposed to be in the talent show. Was the person who said this someone who would know or was it hearsay? I've seen enough things on these boards get quoted wrong or an opinion taken as fact and next thing you know, people think it's true. Not saying this thread specifically, just a general statement.
Elementary school talent shows are a huge undertaking by the organizers and having a kid not show up who is expected to perform would not go unnoticed.

No one from his family showed up to see him perform? Hinky.

I don't see anything at all hinky about it. The father was at work. The stepmom was home with an 18 month old baby, whose nap time is probably around 1pm - the same time as the talent show.

Maybe she couldn't get a babysitter. Maybe her babysitter cancelled on her.

Not every parent can make it to every school event. She was there in the morning for the science fair.

Nothing hinky about it at all.
I understand the emotion behind this, and don't want to speak for all of the SAR and LE personnel working this case so diligently...but I will say that in my experience (years and years of SAR work) most searchers and LE are not thinking twice about getting a thank you from family during times of immense stress. They are focused only on the job at hand.
They want is to bring the missing person back to where they belong, as soon as possible, and hopefully unscathed.

SAR work is not about thank you's....it is about creating the opportunity for a thank you in the future. The thank you is in the rescue and recovery of the missing person.

I agree I don't think the searchers are looking for a thank you from the parents, or expect one...But , I think it would be a nice gesture for the public to see a thank you and please don't give up looking for our son, we know he is out there.
The school opened at 8, and parents and children starting coming to see the science projects.

So when exactly were the Science Projects set up? If school opened at 8 wouldn't the Science Projects have been set up the day before? I really can't imagine mass students entering the school at 8 and having displays set up and ready for viewing by parents and other students within a matter of minutes.:waitasec:
In the middle of all that busy-ness that was going on Friday?

The rumor was that she said it across the room to her. Why not just wait til she can handle it one-on-one with the teacher, the way most parents do?

(You know I luv ya, Bean, but I just disagree on this one.)

True that it's a rumor. Who knows how it happened? Or if it happened at all.

Maybe it was just one of those friendly asides, and not an official notification to the teacher at all.

Teacher: "I've got to drive up to xyz! I hate the traffic going up there!"

Stepmom: "Oh I've got to take Kyron for an appointment up there! I know what you mean about the traffic - makes me crazy!"

(Note how an aside like that could also give the teacher the impression that the appointment was right then or that day, and how that could be not at all what the stepmom meant.)

(And ya know I luv ya too! :blowkiss:)
Maybe he was waiting at that entrance for someone he knew to take him somewhere?

So when exactly were the Science Projects set up? If school opened at 8 wouldn't the Science Projects have been set up the day before? I really can't imagine mass students entering the school at 8 and having displays set up and ready for viewing by parents and other students within a matter of minutes.:waitasec:

I haven't seen clarified whether they were set up the day before, that morning, or a lil of each.
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