Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #16

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I also wondered if Anita could be held as an accomplice if it could be proven that Joran had called and told her what he'd done to Stephany.


No, she's not an accomplice. she's not even an accessory. an accessory has to have knowledge before or during a crime that it's being committed or will be committed. The only possible liability might be obstruction of justice if she helps him escape or lies to the authorities and it impedes the investigation.

I just found another site talking about that very thing. It seems I am step behind LOL !!

I do not agree with that site believing it could be all caused by trauma either.

What I was looking for was documentation on facial expressions or looks changing instantly.....still looking

I do remember all the movies depicting "multiples", showing changes in facial expression and even speech. I just don't know how much of that is Hollywood, and how much is reality. So you may be on to something important here!

I sure have seen all sorts of different facial expressions on him. At the police station, he sometimes looks like a little boy trying to please his Daddy or such.
Well said Rotterdam!

I have said I am an expert on vastly deeper conspiratorial matters, and usually don't get involved in matters like JVDS. But thought this was a matter that does involve much deeper things with many of the deeper conspiracies. Not just the Van Der Sloots. If you know anything about that (and I will not get into it here), you merely need to go to Peter DeVries website and see his phone number...

Hiya Bobarino my original question is getting buried.
Can you provide a the DeVrie link, please? I can't find it. Also, what should we look for concerning DeVries number?
I sure have seen all sorts of different facial expressions on him. At the police station, he sometimes looks like a little boy trying to please his Daddy or such.

I know Bobarino....
The Cocky Smart *advertiser censored* look he has with those earphones Lord help me I want smack the living ........ anyway speaking of that I was always curious is he listening to music or is that his hands free version of cell phone .. or nothing but an excuse to pretend he isn't listening to others. But I know the one pic of him I have seen it looks like hes coming from court or something and his arm is around his mom ..
I dont care how old, how tall or whatever my son .. I would have none of that. How rude and again it seems like he is Disassociated ...
This article, with this quote below, as well as the all the additional information which we already know of JVDS, makes any attempt toward feelings of sympathy that my heart sometimes attempts to stir, vanish into permanently thinned air! In the least, he is a serial predator and sex offender and at worst he is a serial killer.... Hopefully, time will prove truth and all of his evils will be brought to light.

"Joran Van Der Sloot: From Paradise to Prison"

"Van der Sloot, even at a young age, had earned a reputation for "preying on girls, allegedly slipping them a date rape drug and taking advantage of them," Copus said."

Much more at link:
Hiya Bobarino my original question is getting buried.
Can you provide a the DeVrie link, please? I can't find it. Also, what should we look for concerning DeVries number?

I am sorry, but did you not read what I wrote (and you re-posted), about my not wanting to get into it in depth here? It should not be hard to find his Dutch [.nl] site. But no more from me on this, at this time. It's a long journey. Good luck.
I sure have seen all sorts of different facial expressions on him. At the police station, he sometimes looks like a little boy trying to please his Daddy or such.

I know Bobarino....
The Cocky Smart *advertiser censored* look he has with those earphones Lord help me I want smack the living ........ anyway speaking of that I was always curious is he listening to music or is that his hands free version of cell phone .. or nothing but an excuse to pretend he isn't listening to others. But I know the one pic of him I have seen it looks like hes coming from court or something and his arm is around his mom ..
I dont care how old, how tall or whatever my son .. I would have none of that. How rude and again it seems like he is Disassociated ...

Yeah all different looks from him at different times, but at the Lima police intake, he seems to look up to them like a small child obeying Daddy. Did you see that video??
I hope he does not get out of Peru, if he does he will slip away.
Good afternoon songline and everyone! I'm not worrying about him escaping justice in Peru. Even though some of the sentences don't seem like enough time, whatever it is will be hard time, if he lives through it. MOO
Good afternoon songline and everyone! I'm not worrying about him escaping justice in Peru. Even though some of the sentences don't seem like enough time, whatever it is will be hard time, if he lives through it. MOO

Yes, and with extradition to U.S. at the end, if he survives, to face extortion and wire fraud charges. He will be in prison for a long time.
Yeah all different looks from him at different times, but at the Lima police intake, he seems to look up to them like a small child obeying Daddy. Did you see that video??

Yes I agree he looks just like you described....At that time I chalked it up to knowing his goose was cooked.. but now on the other hand after the previous discussion .. perhaps its like the first male authority ...disciplinary contact he had since his dads death and he did become that small child.
Rotterdam, is the story getting much attention in the Netherlands?

What do other Nederlanders [is that the right word] think about Joran and the Netherlands' justice system?

[lol How did Netherland get that name? I never thought about it until I typed it. It sounds spooky but I know it doesn't look scary.]
I am sorry, but did you not read what I wrote (and you re-posted), about my not wanting to get into it in depth here? It should not be hard to find his Dutch [.nl] site. But no more from me on this, at this time. It's a long journey. Good luck.

Is it 666 or something like that?

Thank you for the .nl tip. I didn't know that.
This article, with this quote below, as well as the all the additional informatio which we already know of JVDS, makes any attempt toward feelings of sympathy that my heart sometimes attempts to stir, vanish into permanently thinned air! In the least, he is a serial predator and sex offender and a worst a serial killer.... Hopefully, time will prove truth and all of his evils will be brought to light.

"Joran Van Der Sloot: From Paradise to Prison"

"Van der Sloot, even at a young age, had earned a reputation for "preying on girls, allegedly slipping them a date rape drug and taking advantage of them," Copus said."

Much more at link:

Thank you for posting that Angelwings.

Important that we learn or be reminded of this monster's deeds from the time he was a teenager. Maybe even RE Natalie, the opposite of what he alleges happened as follows.

Your post implies he was known to get date rape drugs into girls from a young age. and he has stated that Natlaie passed out from whatever alcohol.

But what if the opposite happened? She wasn't passed out enough for him, and she resisted, even hitting him--like Stephany may have done--and he goes ballsitic with any resisitance.

And that article reminds u s of the corruption involving his father, the police chief, and I would wager it goes much higher...
I am sorry, but did you not read what I wrote (and you re-posted), about my not wanting to get into it in depth here? It should not be hard to find his Dutch [.nl] site. But no more from me on this, at this time. It's a long journey. Good luck.

I found a Dutch websiste, but it is password protected.
I agree. That entire video is haunting. Especially when he comes back after about one minute and looks directly at the camera...he looks in a daze. I notice even when he returns to have the room unlocked, he waits with his head bowed, hand to mouth as though coughing...not his normally cocky, carefree self.

He looks defeated.
But I would like to get people's feedback specifically on this call to his Mom.
1. Crazy, delusional? Didn't grasp what he had just done?
2. Not crazy, brilliantly and "depravedly" working on his insanity defense immediately?
3. Other--that I cannot see--please describe.

I say 1 & 3. He's crazy & delusional in that he thought LE might buy his two- version.

#3 because he was intending to offer up this two- story & stick with it (until he learned that Peru LE were a tab bit "rudder" than Aruban LE). In the past (again, he would be most inclined to go with what has proven to work for him), any exculpatory story he's come up, with his mother just rolled with, even if it was the 3rd or 4th version. So if he said that to his mom, I think he was intending to stick with the story that it wasn't him.

I have been wondering if during that 11 minute trip to the store he withdrew money off of Stephany's cards since that trip was intended to lay an alibi that someone else did it. Don't think info. about whether he used the cards or not has come out?
Yes angelwngs thanks for the link..
and it is a good reminder about everything that we have touched on in these threads .. Lack of accepting responsibility from the Parents and the misfit son...

I wish someone would do a study of this whole family and from the get go a lot could be learned. Note I said study not a book....
I just watched 20/20 and the prisoners want him dead, he may need a weapon to defend himself. They said he will probably not survive in there.

That is so different from how it sounded [to me] in the Jean Caseres stories. IIRC one of the prisoners said "He is one of us."

Thank you for posting this. I am looking for other posts about the 20/20 show last night. Was there anything else good on there? tia
I just remember the reporter was in back corner by the "hole" and he had his foot up on the step like area that separated the bed from the "bathroom hole" I thought Oh My ..ewww gross

OT it stopped raining now I have to help do yard work... don't want to's hot and humid
be back later .. thanks everyone for all your input
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