TH's body language

I have a lot of thoughts about TH's body language. The one thing that stuck out to me right away the first time I watched the presser was that she seemed to be "consoling" everyone rather than be upset about Kyron!

Thanks, Kimster.

It was her body language at that first presser that set my mind into overdrive. There are some still photos from it that immediately made me think she was "fearful" more than anguished or upset.

There was also a moment where it appeared to me like she was sort of looking around, with her eyes only, as to the behavior on either side of her (Desiree and Tony on one side and Kaine on the other) and trying to mimic it.

That one pic where Kaine has his arm around her and her head is on his chest and she is looking upward...that is the one pic that has continued to haunt me since the beginning. It's like her face is saying "Oh please no, don't let anyone figure out that I had anything to do with this."

I can't explain why her facial expression says that to me. It just does.

Right around that time, her eyes were blinking a lot. We need to see what that might mean? I've never seen that before and wonder about that also.

When being consoled by her husband, she looked up and she seemed to me to be pleading for her husband to "believe her." She had pleading eyes to me. Also was the only one of the group who kept looking at everyone else so I was guessing she was monitoring their reactions, trying to copy.

I have waited for this thread...I have noticed all of this. I too have noticed that she was in fear for yourself not for dear Kyron. Her body language speaks volumes to me. How very sad it was and still is to see her on the video.
Found a really amazing article from the American Psychological Association about research into just that: Psychological Sleuths - Detecting Deception (

BBM. I don't know if this applies only to people who are telling lies, like during an interview or something, or people who are just practicing deceptive emotional practices... I'll have to go back and look at Terri's photos from the pressers to see if she's displaying any of the signs mentioned in the article.

Great article. Thank you. :cool:
I consider myself a very good reader of people's words and actions.
In my opinion..Terri carries the answer to what happened to Kyron.
(I believe another is involved with her...Both were seeking a big money payoff)

From the first presser:

No tears from Terri
Not a word from Terri yet
Blank look, stare
Recalling another place & time
The deer in the headlights look
Feeling left out of things at presser
Holding Kaine like a child
Trying to shield her face/disappear

I believe it will come out that she has quite a past (and present)
with alcohol, drugs & emotional stability.
I see alot of Addictive/Obsessive Compulsive traits. She's trying to be the PERFECT wife, mom, etc. When she falls short, she lashes out in rage and use of alcohol/drugs. Her physical appearance tells me she abuses alcohol at this time. She may have been abused as a child & is repeating this pattern with her own children.

If it wasn't for the Sauvie Island cell pings...She would not be looked at this closely.

Again, just my opinion.
Those who have posted with me in other forums might know that I am intrigued by the body language and psyche of people involved in cases. Because we relaxed our sleuthing practices on TH yesterday, I'm looking forward to a discussion on TH's body language in the first presser.

Here's the link:

Note: I was able to quickly go to Kyron's case calendar to find what I was looking for. If you haven't checked it out yet, Butterfly has been doing a great job keeping it up to date. Everyone is welcome to add to the calendar! Here's the link:

Things to take into consideration with body language:
1. mental conditions that could effect posture, ie. autism, aspergers, etc. etc.
2. irregular muscle mass and bone structure in the body (irregular, but normal. i.e. = bone spurs on feet, corns on feet.)
3. deterioration of muscle due to over extension.. i.e. body building, plastic surgery, etc. etc.

It is true that communication is done 90 % this way, but there are people that do have bad posture and facial expression because of other things going on/with the body.
Thanks, Kimster.

It was her body language at that first presser that set my mind into overdrive. There are some still photos from it that immediately made me think she was "fearful" more than anguished or upset.

There was also a moment where it appeared to me like she was sort of looking around, with her eyes only, as to the behavior on either side of her (Desiree and Tony on one side and Kaine on the other) and trying to mimic it.

That one pic where Kaine has his arm around her and her head is on his chest and she is looking upward...that is the one pic that has continued to haunt me since the beginning. It's like her face is saying "Oh please no, don't let anyone figure out that I had anything to do with this."

I can't explain why her facial expression says that to me. It just does.

What stood out to me was at one point (perhaps the same point where you point out she is looking around) she had her eyes closed and appeared to be quietly sobbing, then she opened her eyes and looked around without a grimace on her face, then she closed her eyes again and went back to the sobbing/grimacing face. It was like a switch turning on/off
Also, I really hope that people are not confusing EMOTIONS with BODY LANGUAGE.

Here are some insightful "tips" and knowledge on "body language" and emotion:
Facial feedback hypothesis
Display Rules
The hypothalamus
The pituitary gland and emission of hormones...
Mayo Clinic: Performance-enhancing drugs.. (speculation)
Steroids and Neurotransmission (speculation)
LOT'S of things to take into consideration.
This is why lie-detectors do not work (fail, inconclusive) on some people. Their brains aren't "normal" in accordance with the ideal testing. You, her, him and everyone is subject to it. We ALL are not made the same, doesn't mean that our outward projection can (in fact, unfortunately it is) or should be used against us.
In viewing the video to me Kaine was already distant to her. I feel she used the presser to get comfort from him in that hug. To me He felt it was a must do to keep things looking normal in the media.
I see someone who appears to be devastated, overwhelmed, uncomfortable, and unsure of her place.
I am glad for this thread, for I have not felt good about her since that first presser, and I thought maybe I was overreacting. She really did seem like the outcast there. While everyone else was grieving for Kyron, she seemed to be grieving more for herself. I also felt like she wasn't as genuine in her emotions as the rest of the parents were. I kept comparing her to Tony, and out of the two of them, I felt like he cared a heck of a lot more for Kyron than TH did.

I know I keep going back to it, but she reminds me of when Casey gets upset, and it's Casey being upset about herself, not about what happened to her child. They both are thinking of themselves and how this is going to affect them, not about the fact that a child is missing or a child's life has be taken or how a child being gone affects the whole family and community. It's all me, me, me in every emotion and in their body language.

I truly felt KH, DY, and TY were there for Kyron, worrying more about Kyron and his safety then themselves, and TH was only there for herself and how Kyron going missing affected her. She was almost acting like he was gone for good and never coming back, whereas the other three were more worried about him being missing and finding him, not him being gone forever.

It's almost as if she was putting on the "act" of being a parent who lost a child and was acting the way she thought a parent that lost a child was supposed to act insteading of really being a parent who lost a child. If she really cared about Kyron, her grief shouldn't be an act.
This is a topic I have been waiting for, I never brought it up, because I thought maybe I sounded super cynical and uncaring because of my thoughts on her body language.

I saw someone who looked like she was feeling tremendous guilt, as if she had done something terrible, or felt terrible guilt (for maybe having seen him last). The look on her face was also soooo scared, she not only seemed to be the "consoler", but also was clearly consoling herself, in the arm rubbing etc.

She also reached for Kaine when he came back from speaking, which was uncomfortable to watch, because it didn't seem to me that he reciprocated, or even wanted too. I also thought it was akward when TY was returning from the podium, and since Kaine had just stepped away, it would (could) be very natural for Tony to step between the two women, to comfort them both, but there is that weird "dance" before he takes his place on the other side of DY. It seemed he felt akward about standing between them and chose the other side of his wife.

She looks like she has guilt. Kind of reminds me of a little kid that has done something wrong and wants to be hugged and consoled and told that everything is okay and she is still loved. At first I thought she could have guilt just because she was the last person to see him but now that we are finding out more things about her maybe it's more than that.

BBM that is exactly the look I saw.

I noticed the difference in TH and DY's behavior at the first presser. My first thought was that she was consoling KH and DY because she was the last person seen with Kyron and felt a degree of guilt because of that fact. There was a look of panic in her eyes or something, she just seemed physically jittery, IMO.

I have re-watched the video a few times and I have zoned in on different nuances of her body language each time. She looks very much the outcast who is trying to ingratiate herself into the 'fold'. Her overall 'look' to me is one of......"Oh shizz!" It seemed to me as though she was preoccupied with her own thoughts the whole time but I won't speculate on what those thoughts could be.

Respectfully snipped. This too!

I feel like she was trying very hard to be a part of the group, this could be for more than one reason. *I* personally feel VERY uncomfortable in front of any sort of audience, for any reason. I have depression/anxiety/ocd issues and I feel like I display some of these behaviors even when I am accepting a certificate in front of other school volunteers! lol
I know I do the arm rubbing (arms crossed in front and rubbing my own arms), looking at other people instead of the audience, congratulating others, making eye contact with them instead of the audience, I sometimes think about other things... I can't believe I just admitted that to anyone! I don't do it on purpose, but I think to try and calm myself, so I am not thinking about all of the people staring at me!

While I was VERY suspicious of this activity coming from her even from this first press conference, they could also be explained away with other explainations.
The body language of the others was interesting also. It seemed like the other three didn't want to be up there with her. Even Kaine, though he gave her a hug, sure seemed like his heart wasn't in it. Maybe that's why it took so long for them to appear, they weren't sure she wasn't involved. That's how it looks to me anyway.
My impression was that her actions were a combination of feeling guilty that she didn't escort Kyron all the way to his classroom (and, I think Desiree blamed her for that, simply from the way D would not reciprocate the hug) and empathy towards her husband and Desiree in, if she was devastated by these events, how devastated must they feel? I saw her as mourning and trying to comfort others simultaneously.
Terri Horman's body language was very strange to me.

She was folded into D and patting her on the shoulder... consoling her. So strange... I mean Terri was the last to see the child and lived with him the most.. Terri did not seem upset.. rather just posing up there. Posed like a plastic doll as D cried her eyes out and clutched her gut in agony. And might I add that D seemed to not be receptive of her hugs and pats. She was pulled away toward her husband and was trying to retain her composure in front of the cameras but she actually was pulled into herself and trying not to touch Terri Horman. It was almost like she was sickened... like.. don't touch me...

The body language of the others was interesting also. It seemed like the other three didn't want to be up there with her. Even Kaine, though he gave her a hug, sure seemed like his heart wasn't in it. Maybe that's why it took so long for them to appear, they weren't sure she wasn't involved. That's how it looks to me anyway.

IMO, Tony had a weird smirk on his face off and on...
TH looked like she was trying hard not to look at the audience or the cameras but she would furitively take a peek, IMO, so she could look look down or at KH and look "concerned".

The hug that she gave DY was so odd, and DY didn't acknowledge her, then TH gave her a look that was odd to me -- like she was saying with her body "Why are you crying?"

My impression is that TH feigned sadness at that first press conference that had TY, DY, and KH.

If TH really was the last person to see Kyron, why didn't she take the opportunity to speak at that press conference?
1st Family Presser.
What's the body language for:

"I haven't slept in 14 days and I don't think the medicine they gave me is working because I feel like a wounded zombie walking in a cloud, please just give me my baby and let's everybody go home."

Because, they all had some of that body language going on. IMO.

They were exhausted and devastated. I suppose I'm wondering, at that particular point in time what other body language matters... Plus those that spoke, were on script.

IMO, the only one that seemed ready to participate at that point, with a presser and such public/official business, seemed to be Tony.
I am so glad this topic was brought up; I had been wanting to say something about that day when TY and Kaine spoke and how TH came across to me. At the time , I did not have any idea that attention would soon focus on her but my eyes were drawn to her for some reason I can't explain and the one view that stuck with me is not on this particular video;it must be on the longer one that another poster mentioned. I'm going to go look for it because I want to see if it still strikes me the same way.
I would describe it , best I can , as a "furtive" look.......and it was just for a very short moment....anyone else know what I'm trying to say? :help:

If this is not an acceptable post PLEASE delete it fast. Thanks

Yes, heart, I know EXACTLY what you're saying. That same look struck me like a lightning bolt. Your description of that very brief look as "furtive" is perfect. To me, it seemed as though she was play-acting a role, and then, just for a quick moment, looking up "out of role" to see if she needed to adjust her play-acting in any way.

Several of the news organizations captured the moment as a still photo, and it almost looked like a truly evil look when isolated that way.

Thanks for your post - Rose
TH looked like she was trying hard not to look at the audience or the cameras but she would furitively take a peek, IMO, so she could look look down or at KH and look "concerned".

The hug that she gave DY was so odd, and DY didn't acknowledge her, then TH gave her a look that was odd to me -- like she was saying with her body "Why are you crying?"

My impression is that TH feigned sadness at that first press conference that had TY, DY, and KH.

If TH really was the last person to see Kyron, why didn't she take the opportunity to speak at that press conference?
EXACTLY! what is missing is what should have happened but didn't! Very telling!

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