TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #5

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As much debate about LD tests as exists, I can't think of too many people who took them and failed and later found to have nothing to do with the event. There are some, of course, as with everything, but it does seem unusual that more than one person would not pass. We don't know the questions, of course, but still...very strange. Unless Billie was told that, so as to not single out any one person.

possible reason he refused tests:

when taking a poly they tell you all the questions that will be asked before they give the actual test... if he was apprehensive I could see that being a valid reason, no?

Will I know what the questions are prior to the test?
Yes. Each question that will be asked during the test will be read, and explained to you before you take the actual test. There will be no surprise or trick questions, all questions are reviewed before the test is administered!

just something to consider
Most children at that age do fantasize about mom and dad getting back together.
I can see having SA in her mom's life made Hailey not like him.
Wonder if she accepted dad's GF and new baby.
Did dad's GF take a poly also???
I totally agree. What in the world could cause people to fail? Stress? Grief?

I actually failed one years ago when applying for a job (car sales job of all things!) - Never did find out why/how I failed other than that I was a nervous 18 year old...

6 months later I was working for a PD after having passed one with flying colors. Honestly not sure how much credibility I place on them.
Most children at that age do fantasize about mom and dad getting back together.
I can see having SA in her mom's life made Hailey not like him.
Wonder if she accepted dad's GF and new baby.
Did dad's GF take a poly also???

I wondered why the GF couldn't remember if Hailey came by on the 27th
To the locals:
The young lady, on video, who stated that Hailey was uncomfortable with boyfriend- is she one of Haileys friends? NO names please as she is a minor.

They said she was..Sorry I can't find the link to the video. :banghead:
As much debate about LD tests as exists, I can't think of too many people who took them and failed and later found to have nothing to do with the event. There are some, of course, as with everything, but it does seem unusual that more than one person would not pass. We don't know the questions, of course, but still...very strange. Unless Billie was told that, so as to not single out any one person.

B&LBM: Exactly what I was thinking!
Remember, it has been reported that numerous people have taken polygraphs. Who all has been mentioned?

I was thinking the same thing. I automatically think "3 to 5" when "handful" is used. I don't know why. But it does bother me that it's possible that even one person may have NOT passed the polygraph, let alone a handful. Very disturbing to me.

I can't imagine that LE would give out many polygraphs w/o reason. It takes time/money - so it would have to be key players:
- family members
- SA (last person to see her, standard)
- anyone she reportedly saw/visited that day
- anyone who spoke up about seeing her (neighbor; lady who said she saw H walking with a girl/boy)
- anyone else who was implicated during questioning or who had access to her

Any other ideas?
Well, I have to go. Please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return, and for God to keep His hand on Hailey and her family.

And listen to Billie.

It's a nearby town to Colo. City. Mom works there and SA is from there.
snyder is also where all trash is taken from town they have just started a new thing where the city does not get the trash anymore its a company called duncan disposal, they were contacted and asked where they have dumped trash for ccity in that time frame.
As much debate about LD tests as exists, I can't think of too many people who took them and failed and later found to have nothing to do with the event. There are some, of course, as with everything, but it does seem unusual that more than one person would not pass. We don't know the questions, of course, but still...very strange. Unless Billie was told that, so as to not single out any one person.

Very possible. If we listen to what Billie is saying... she says that is what LE "told" several people...

Edit: correction
I actually failed one years ago when applying for a job (car sales job of all things!) - Never did find out why/how I failed other than that I was a nervous 18 year old...

6 months later I was working for a PD after having passed one with flying colors. Honestly not sure how much credibility I place on them.

Maybe you were too honest? Sorry, but I am a bit jaded - my attempt at a bit of humor - having spent too many years with my ex - a car sales manager - :crazy:

Re: Hailey - I just keep hoping and praying for a miracle here. I have been glued here - I am so hoping for her to be home now!
Would they give polys to juveniles? Could that "handful" of people have included some of Hailey's friends?

I was waffling back and forth in the beginning when her friend said she hadn't seen her. We've had cases here where a bunch of kids go out to party and something happens to one of them and they all scatter.

I know that SA doesn't look real good right about now and I get it. But with LE spending so much time in the shed yesterday and now a "handful" of people taking polys.

Just a different thought.....
I took a polygraph a few years ago for my job, when some money went missing. I am and was on prescription painkillers. I have to keep my first pill of the day next to my bed to let it "work" a bit so I can climb out. I don't work anymore, but in any case, I told the investigators I was on them, and said I still wanted to take it, as I was paranoid about being suspected. I did take it and did pass. The questions were very specific as to the event in question, and although I was very nervous, I did not have a problem passing.
I wondered why the GF couldn't remember if Hailey came by on the 27th

Many of us have been wondering about this too! I can't think of one good reason/excuse for it..I don't buy she's too tired from caring for her newborn..Most all of us have been there, done that, & haven't lost our brains.

eta..Our minds maybe but that's not exactly the same thing :)
I wondered why the GF couldn't remember if Hailey came by on the 27th

MCDRAW, I can understand the GF possibly being confused about exact dates when 1) Hailey regularly dropped by one or more times a day, and 2) as a new mom, she may not be getting much sleep, hence the days sometimes run together.
I totally agree. What in the world could cause people to fail? Stress? Grief?
If several people failed on the same questions, and they were closely connected before the girl went missing, then it's more likely a conspiracy to hide a body. That's the real point of that statement.
In a strong city-manager form of government, he is the top official - police and fire chiefs would report to him, etc. He probably feels it is his responsibility.

Yes, that is my understanding. The City Manager is "The Boss". CM would answer to city council. If communicating with the public and handling news media is not the Chief's cup of tea it makes sense to have a different spokesperson. Most larger departments have a public relations officer, just to spare administration from having to handle every media request themselves. Like I said before- delegate to the person who is best for the task at hand!

At least communication is better now than it was last week! Progress!
Very possible. If we listen to what Billie is saying... she says that is what LE "told" her...

ITA, LE have used the divide & conquer approach to find the truth, if anyone associated with the case actually knows the truth.
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