TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #57

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We don't discuss minors ! Only so far as what is reported in MSM. That means we don't speculate on minors either.
Good night y'all. I hope we get closer to finding Hailey tomorrow.
I really wonder about why DD was taking into CPS. Once again I will refer to the previously talked about case of TS. Her 11 year old brother remained at home with his mom and her bf thru all of this. Many took LDT and LE would not comment on the results, but TS's mom insisted that they passed. Maybe the laws are different here in Canada.

BeanE's post ..Yep. That would mean they went to the ATM together, went to her mom's house, and drove all the way home without him having said a word about Hailey have 'left' for the night, and without her having asked how are the kids? where are they? what have they been doing all day? what should we fix them for dinner?

Too, too bizarre.

Almost sounds more like they came home, and then, a story was constructed, and plans for what to do about things the next day.

Exactly what I have been asking or thinking ...I would always ask my son's dad .. and Step dad that.. "what did y'all do for dinner? or if son had went somewhere with people i would ask ..did u give him spending money? Just in case he needed something ...
Those are automatic questions or conversations ..

This is what really speaks out to me... and even as a "boy" he always took a book bag with him so he could have his own stuff you know kids.. and with her being a girl most assuredly would have taken "things" no girl goes out with out her girl things .. at least the kids I know don't.
Hi everyone!
I live in Canada and just learnt of this poor little girl's disappearance on NancyG show. My heart breaks for all those who love her and and would love nothing more then to have Hailey back in their arms.

We have a case in Canada here where I feel Deju all over again. The child who went missing was ToriS. I don't know if anyone followed her case, but it is very heartbreaking. There are so many similarities in these 2 cases, it's unreal. #1 similarity is how so many people speculated mom was guilty in the disappearance of Tori. She certainly took a lot of flack and the sad truth was, she was not the one guilty of her daughter's death. 2 people are sitting in jail right now. A 19 year old female who plead guilty and a 29 year old male who will probably have his trial this year, as he's pleading not guilty.

I have a very hard time believing that any mother would/could be involved in her child's death, but that's just me. Unfortunately it happens way to often.

I watched BD's PC the other day, and what I came away with is that she was very nervous, sad, frusrated. At the end when she was asked about whether she was in contact with SA, she reluctantly divulged "we're friendly". She somewhat turned away as if to avoid what I assume possible glares or smirks from onlookers. I just wonder if she is only keeping in contact with SA hoping he break. It just seemed hard for her to admit she still had contact with him. The only problem is tho, is if they're still talking on the phone, he won't say anything knowing he could be monitored. I wonder if they see each other in person. If BD has no knowledge of his possible involvement, and she's staying in touch with him hoping he'll crack, ugh that would be horrifying being in his presence and having suspicions. Our Canadian mom held PCs everyday, never searched, never cried, lived with her bf who had a criminal past, drug use... so many similarities it's actually scarey. I guess that's why I'm second guessing our right now giving BC the benefit of a doubt, that possible BC isn't involved.

Hailey please come home! You are loved and wanted.

Bless you people who are so determined to help find this precious little girl.

Thank you for pointing that out, I keep that exact case in mind in this case. All cases are different of course, but as you pointed out there are huge similarities between the V. Stafford case and where we are in this case IMO...the S. Thompson (at points) comes to mind as well IMO. I will never forget both cases & will be following until little Victoria and Somer get the justice. I have faith it won't be long until Hailey's case is solved! I have learned, parents of missing children are not Saints (nobody is), but...it is vital to get your timeline straight and don't focus on public opinion...just my observations.

BTW ~ Welcome to Websleuths!
There are numerous cases of missing and murdered children: And it seems to me that sex and drugs are in the scenario somewhere ! The question is , Are there statistics anywhere that show that this Sex, Drug and Child murders are connected?

Since I am not in the Drug scene ! I just cannot put it together, I can understand the Sex and Drugs, but why the children ? That bothers me so much !
There are numerous cases of missing and murdered children: And it seems to me that sex and drugs are in the scenario somewhere ! The question is , Are there statistics anywhere that show that this Sex, Drug and Child murders are connected?

Since I am not in the Drug scene ! I just cannot put it together, I can understand the Sex and Drugs, but why the children ? That bothers me so much !

Funny Hatcher how I was thinking the same thing recently. A lot of these case too seem to happen with low income families too. I'm not trying to label, just seems it's a common thread too. Drugs yes, seems to be #1 common denominator it seems. So, so sad.
Can I link pbs?
Interesting info on backward investigation to find your source
CDC does it and trace contagiois ilness..

IF not allowed I will delete.


Avoid dubious secondary sources (textbooks, articles, encyclopedias). They recycle previously used material, and perpetuate falsehoods. If you accept material from a tainted source (e.g., the Internet, Geraldo, your 6th cousin) do not mix that material with your other research unless, and until, you track each fact to the primary source. Above all, you must think like a Detective. Learn to quickly size up the quality of information, and cross-examine your sources. Did the author have a hidden motive? Where are the holes in the story? Is it really evidence, or just a red herring? Become Sherlock Holmes.
BeanE's post ..Yep. That would mean they went to the ATM together, went to her mom's house, and drove all the way home without him having said a word about Hailey have 'left' for the night, and without her having asked how are the kids? where are they? what have they been doing all day? what should we fix them for dinner?

Too, too bizarre.

Almost sounds more like they came home, and then, a story was constructed, and plans for what to do about things the next day.

Exactly what I have been asking or thinking ...I would always ask my son's dad .. and Step dad that.. "what did y'all do for dinner? or if son had went somewhere with people i would ask ..did u give him spending money? Just in case he needed something ...
Those are automatic questions or conversations ..

This is what really speaks out to me... and even as a "boy" he always took a book bag with him so he could have his own stuff you know kids.. and with her being a girl most assuredly would have taken "things" no girl goes out with out her girl things .. at least the kids I know don't.

It was pretty strange to go to the ATM for grocery money yet no mention of going to buy any or talk of getting home to fix the kids something to eat at that fairly late hour, or at least Haylie something for supper after being on her own all day long. It seemed to all be about SA and also needing gas money, which they may not have needed had he not been out running around all over different towns that day. I'd love to know what LE found in the trash or sink as evidence of what (or nothing) that Haylie supposedly ate that day. The teen could probably tell them what food was in the house and what might have been used since boys are always looking through the kitchen for food and snacks. If Haylie didn't eat that day or go to buy any food then she wasn't able to, IMO.

Hailey Dunn

Endangered Missing from Colorado City, Texas from December 27, 2010

Age: 13 -- Height: 5'1" -- Weight: 120 lbs -- Hair Color: Lt. Brown -- Eye Color: Green

Hailey's left upper ear is pierced.

Hailey was last seen in Colorado City, Texas on December 27, 2010. Shawn Adkins, Hailey's mother's boyfriend, was the last person to see her. He reportedly also failed a polygraph test and has been named a person of interested in her disappearance. Multiple searches, including a landfill search, failed to turn up any clues to Hailey's whereabouts.


Charley Project
It was pretty strange to go to the ATM for grocery money yet no mention of going to buy any or talk of getting home to fix the kids something to eat at that fairly late hour, or at least Haylie something for supper after being on her own all day long. It seemed to all be about SA and also needing gas money, which they may not have needed had he not been out running around all over different towns that day. I'd love to know what LE found in the trash or sink as evidence of what (or nothing) that Haylie supposedly ate that day. The teen could probably tell them what food was in the house and what might have been used since boys are always looking through the kitchen for food and snacks. If Haylie didn't eat that day or go to buy any food then she wasn't able to, IMO.

That's really an interesting thought. I wonder if LE went through the garbage from that day? I hope so.

At the same time, was the distance really that great between the work, the ATM, and home? Did they always talk about the kids in the car?

I agree it's odd that they didn't discuss Hailey's whereabouts in the car, but then, SA isn't their father so perhaps BD wasn't used to talking to him about the kids every time they were alone. We know he's a strange guy anyway!

I cook almost every night, but sometimes my boys are just as happy eating a pizza or a tv dinner after school. So the kids weren't going to starve if they didn't go straight home - lots of parents don't go straight home when they have teenagers, and we all know that. Even if they had stopped to buy groceries instead of "whatever" they bought, the kids still would have been all right.

The problem is, the kids weren't home at all and BD didn't know! That's what bothers me. This guy didn't bother telling her anything about the kids apparently. And that drives me crazy.

If Hailey indeed drifted in and out of the house in the afternoon, they might not have had fixed mealtimes the way some of us do. That's not a sin or crime either, and we all know families that eat later than we do, or who don't cook at all. But again, that's not really the problem. The problem was that SA withheld information about where Hailey was and where she was going (if any of that was true, which I doubt).
I hope Haylie ran away, but at age 13, and the only people she could have ran to don't know where she is. It's very doubtful. And, I hope that DD is not made to go back to that house if he doesn't want to.

Or are not saying. The suspicion is on SA because he had an unusual day the day she dissappeared. But much of that suspicion has been because of BDs changing stories.

You should keep in mind that allthough SA had an unusual day, so did CD (according the great little table prepared by Janeumayer [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6096646&postcount=263"]here[/ame]) and if you go by BDs changing accounts of the events of those few days, SDs behaviour is also odd.
Or are not saying. The suspicion is on SA because he had an unusual day the day she dissappeared. But much of that suspicion has been because of BDs changing stories.

You should keep in mind that allthough SA had an unusual day, so did SD (according the great little table prepared by Janeumayer here) and if you go by BDs changing accounts of the events of those few days, SDs behaviour is also odd.

Who is SD? Sorry, I am confused.
We are talking about a man many of us suspect raped and killed this child.
She was terrified of him. There are a 1000 reasons she didn't tell her father or someone who could intervene.

Maybe she thought he would kill BD.
He had threatened to in the past.

CD says she worships the ground DD walks on, maybe she was scared for him, or afraid to be separated from him.

Mom is obsessed with her (snip) boyfriend.
Dad is a loving father but overwhelmed with life, new babies, new "spouse", financial burdens, literally not enough room to take her.

DD may have been a huge anchor in HDs life.

I am not surprised she didn't tell CD.
I am surprised she told as many people what she did muster the courage to tell.

What you should be more surprised about is that none of these people told LE about this early on, and some of them must surely have been interviewed. We know this because if they had, those allegations would have been included in the search warrant affidavits as contributing to probable cause, and they weren't.

That suggests that these allegations came up much later, after SA came under the public spotlight, which makes them suspect. Especially since they appear to mostly come from CDs side of the family, who would have no reason to like SA in the first place.

If you know something, and are willing to go on national TV to say it because you feel so strongly about it, why wouldn't you do it to LE right up front at the beginning of the investigation?
The only thing I can think of is "She is not in the house."
snipped from last thread also this "She is not in the living room"

what is BD meaning by this remark?????? it just seems so strange to talk about your daughter missing like this......
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