2011.03.03 Lee Anthony's Testimony

In my opinion, today was a major wakeup call to ICA. While I did observe her anger during and after Lee's testimony, I also saw stunned looks of fear and dread, although she tried to hide it. I think Lee's testimony made her realize that she is in deep trouble. I am not convinced she really got this before now.

I hope she is being closely monitored. I would not be surprised if she attempted suicide or feigned serious physical or mental illness.

Nah....she won't commit suicide. People in prison don't take kindly to people who murder their children. She better hope she has a room to herself and it's way down at the end of the hall. I don't think she will fair very well in prison.
I'm not holding my breath that Lee will finally do what is right by CAYLEE instead of Casey. But I am so pleased he was honest today. Although it's important to note that today was not the trial. And the real tough ball questions haven't been lodged at Lee yet. I hope and pray to GOD that he performs the same at trial as he did today.

If what was speculated today on the forums is true then it might explain his drastic change. If Lee is a father to be his attitude might change about a lot of things like his feelings for Caylee and maybe even his own Father.

Whatever his motive I'm pleased he was honest and wasn't rude to LDB.

I agree wholeheartedly JSR.

I do think that Lee knows this is not a game anymore, and it is part of the record now. So maybe he will be truthful later too. IDK, maybe he has grown some and maybe Casey's accusations were enough to help him to do so. We shall see.

ETA: He did still waffle, and "maybe". So again, we will have to wait to see how truthful he is ready to be.
I'm glad that LA appeared to be honest about his investigation apart from LE efforts, but I really wonder if he's had an epiphany, or just acknowledging the obvious, since his efforts, his jail conversations with Casey, his being 'out there' searching, asking, wanting to become a P.I.- all those things are documented..
It would have been impossible for him to come to court today and say any different. Which begs the question, what was JB thinking?
I'm going to look at this from the point of view of having siblings. I have a sister who has made choices in her life that have been detrimental to her. I've watched suffer horribly after a divorce, going off to Vegas to party for a few years, getting a with a guy that is not good enough for her, borrowing a lot of money from my parents to pay off credit card debts she racked up in Vegas, and then getting pregnant only months after borrowing the money, the father being the same guy she has had such a turbulent relationship with whom she is not married to and doesn't act like they will last anyway.

Grant it, none of that is as bad as what Casey did, but as my sister's sibling, I've had to come to terms that we lead totally different lives, and all I can do is support her and love her even though I don't agree with some of her life decisions. She's my sister no matter what happens. If something happened to my new nephew and it was her fault, oh yeah would I hate her for it, but at the same time, I would still love her as she is my sister. And I definitely would never let her life decisions affect my life or bring me down, either. Her life is her life, and my life is my life, but we still love and support each other.

I think Lee has finally decided that he will love Casey no matter what because she is his only sister, but he is not going to let her decision to murder Caylee affect his life anymore and bring him down. He is not going down for her. He has a whole life of his own to lead - and leaving the court room without his parents said that loud and clear to me. I think he is done with Casey and her antics and what she has done to their family. He is not going to be like his parents and let Casey destroy him as she has destroyed their parents. That doesn't mean he doesn't love her, he's just not willing to let Casey be his life anymore. He is living for himself, a separate life away from her and his parents, it seems.

I think he did try to go along for awhile and did try to believe in Casey - but I think after being away from the Casey and watching from the sidelines, he realizes that the only thing that is going to happen if he continues with the farce is that he will be destroyed and go down in flames with the rest of his family. I hope Mallory is part of why he was so honest today. He needs something to keep him afloat and able to live his own life. I think he finally chose Mallory and Caylee over Casey and his parents. Or at the very least, he's decided to be honest no matter what the cost to Casey or the case is.

I hope he keeps it up. I really REALLY do not need to be let down by another Anthony again. I hate that I even have hope that he might keep being honest during the trial, but I do. He needs to separate himself from his sister and have his own life, something that his parents will never be able to do. I hope that he has and that he will keep his chin up, live the life he wants to live, and still love his sister and family at the same time.
I cannot find the part 2 of Lee either.... Anyone?
On a different note - preceding LA, Baez just said he wants to bring it to the Court's attention that he did not receive the video tape where George asked KC to write a letter to the sheriff saying she wanted to see him. And Baez thought it was interesting that this is the only tape he did not get.

I remember distinctly seeing the tape of George asking her to do this. So can anyone enlighten me on what Baez is talking about. Judge Perry said okay, but be aware I don't engage in fiction. Something to that effect. Thanks anyone.

so do I. It was said in one of the Video visitations and those videos were released a very long time ago.

i just did a quick search...here is what I found

It was said in the August 14, 2008 video visitation...off to find that....
here it is..
August 14, 2008 Video Visitation Casey with George and Cindy..I am trying to listen to it to find when George talks about the letter but my video keeps freezing..

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3175363#post3175363"]Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit

Nancy Grace Show April 1 2009


GEORGE ANTHONY, CASEY`S FATHER: Can you ask for something to write with so that you can send a note to the sheriff himself, you know, attention Kevin Berry. Just listen to me for a second.


GEORGE ANTHONY: And tell him that you want to speak to me, you know, or Lee or Mom, and you want it to be done today. He can do it. He can...

CASEY ANTHONY: Well, Dad how am I going get any...



CASEY ANTHONY: No, I`m listening to you. How am I going to get anything to him? How can I...


GEORGE ANTHONY: Just ask someone from corrections to give you paper and pen, whatever it`s going to take, or pencil, just to write it. And put attention to him and just say, I need for this to be delivered to him now. They -- they will do that. Believe me. I`ve already discussed that with a lot of other people that they said if you request that, they can do it. Believe me.
This is easy for me to say, given the fact that I have just been doing drive by's for the last year, but I think he knew from the first momentthat Casey killed her. And I think he figured he could get it out of her. By any means necessary. I think he made a few missteps because of a tremendous amount of pressure from his family to circle the wagons and to not tell any secrets. And yes, I think he loves his sister. But he is not going to cover up for her when she didnt steal credit cards this time, she murdered her daughter. Cindy was the same way when LE showed up-she wanted her daughter cuffed and she wanted Caylee's whereabouts beaten out of her.

This is a far more sincere response than the nonsense we are seeing now. I think they are trying to maintain their book deal by not folding to the obvious.

Now that was kind of cynical of me wasnt it?
I thought Lee did really well today .

I heard him say Ilove you to his sister.

I cannot believe Mr Baez asked lee if it was Caylee s side LE was on ?????? What is he on?

of couse its the babys side fgs.

I think when Mr Beaz brought up calyee to george he knew he was going to evoke some sort of emotion, just in time for his next question regarding kc to make it look as if george is so upset at what has happened to his daughter kc. a ploy imo, because george could bearly say he do ANYTHING for casey it took a few seconds to force that one out BUT,
he knew he had to.
I'm glad that LA appeared to be honest about his investigation apart from LE efforts, but I really wonder if he's had an epiphany, or just acknowledging the obvious, since his efforts, his jail conversations with Casey, his being 'out there' searching, asking, wanting to become a P.I.- all those things are documented..
It would have been impossible for him to come to court today and say any different. Which begs the question, what was JB thinking?

BBM-That's the burning question for me, too...From the very beginning, LA has not spoken highly of JB, has indicated that he thought something was hinky from the get-go, provided his findings to LE consistently and with free will, and told John Morgan that he would go so far as to feign belief in KC in order to get her to come off some info.
LA might be the tough love KC never got-he is the one, after all, that KC had issues with because he tattled on her to CA about the "miscarriage". He was the one that openly questioned her pregnancy with Caylee.
What was JB thinking? That he could dupe and/or thwart Lee into fibbin?
I was also pleasantly surprised at Lee's testimony today. Good for him! Also glad to hear he's not with his parents, both physically (leaving courthouse & coming back without them) and mentally (not jumping on the "save Casey" bandwagon). I pray he has indeed come to see the light and will be as truthful during the actual trial as he was today. I hope he reads here and sees that we are all proud of him and perhaps that will help him come to terms with what I'm sure was a difficult thing for him to do today. Lee earned my respect today - something I never thought I'd say. Now if only C & G would follow suit...highly doubt that will happen, especially after watching George today. Anyway, hip hip hooray to Lee!

lol @ Secret Agent Man - I used to love that show! (telling my age here :D )
I think Lee did the right thing because after the trial is over he wants to go on with his life with a new wife and maybe have children of his own. He is not responsible for KC's behavior or for what she has done so he may not have the guilt feelings which his parents obviously are holding onto themselves.

He did the right thing because he knows it's the right thing to do, not the easiest by far. KC would never have looked at him no matter what he said on that stand. KC seemed absolutely disgusted by testimony from her family whether they tried to support her or not. "Caylee, Caylee, Caylee....that's all they care about is Caylee." Still after 3 years that's all KC hears from them is their concerns about Caylee. So she punishes them..... jmo
Lee's going to have to step up to the plate and be honest quite a few more times before I let him off the "lying A's suspicion list". Hopefully the lad has grown up and grown a set and it now going to stand up for the true victim in this case! Today was a start, let's hope he doesn't blow it!
I think Lee did the right thing because after the trial is over he wants to go on with his life with a new wife and maybe have children of his own. He is not responsible for KC's behavior or for what she has done so he may not have the guilt feelings which his parents obviously are holding onto themselves.

He did the right thing because he knows it's the right thing to do, not the easiest by far. KC would never have looked at him no matter what he said on that stand. KC seemed absolutely disgusted by testimony from her family whether they tried to support her or not. "Caylee, Caylee, Caylee....that's all they care about is Caylee." Still after 3 years that's all KC hears from them is their concerns about Caylee. So she punishes them..... jmo

good Post lambchop
Yet I am still :fence: when it comes to Lee.
I was also pleasantly surprised at Lee's testimony today. Good for him! Also glad to hear he's not with his parents, both physically (leaving courthouse & coming back without them) and mentally (not jumping on the "save Casey" bandwagon). I pray he has indeed come to see the light and will be as truthful during the actual trial as he was today. I hope he reads here and sees that we are all proud of him and perhaps that will help him come to terms with what I'm sure was a difficult thing for him to do today. Lee earned my respect today - something I never thought I'd say. Now if only C & G would follow suit...highly doubt that will happen, especially after watching George today. Anyway, hip hip hooray to Lee!

lol @ Secret Agent Man - I used to love that show! (telling my age here :D )

It got me singing...Here's to you Itsy
Yes...I will agree that Lee Anthony did alot today in redeeming himself in the eyes of all of us lurking peeps..and just maybe he has redeemed what he did at that "Caylee Memorial"..kissing his wrist and repeating CMA..I Love you etc..Many felt he was talking to Casey??..So, MANY felt he was a turncoat..however, after today..I truly believe his motivations were for CAYLEE!!..At least I HOPE so..........................
good Post lambchop
Yet I am still :fence: when it comes to Lee.

Well I'm a Scorpio, just like Lee, and today would have done it for me. KC does not realize that her actions speak so much louder than her words. I did not have to hear what she had to say to know she was displeased with his testimony today. After he left her hands were all over the place.

Okay OT but did anyone think that CM's "unable to talk" problem today was an attempt to show JB he is just too way over his head to handle the trial. Sort of a trial run to see how he would fair. Although JB started out pretty good he did not do so well where it counted. Pretty bad when the judge has to remind you about attorney/client privilege and not to go there. jmo
Well I'm a Scorpio, just like Lee, and today would have done it for me. KC does not realize that her actions speak so much louder than her words. I did not have to hear what she had to say to know she was displeased with his testimony today. After he left her hands were all over the place.

Okay OT but did anyone think that CM's "unable to talk" problem today was an attempt to show JB he is just too way over his head to handle the trial. Sort of a trial run to see how he would fair. Although JB started out pretty good he did not do so well where it counted. Pretty bad when the judge has to remind you about attorney/client privilege and not to go there. jmo

lol or ask your questions for you

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