GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

More media attetion will get more people demanding answers (justice) from LE.

There is strength in numbers.
That not one of the 3 has demanded justice for Juliette leads me to think they are all involved to one degree or another. Maybe not ... and it was something else they are guilty of that they wanted to hide -- drugs in the house or whatever.

IMO these 3 should be interrogated extensively. What are the chances that an outside party killed Juliette? Slim to none IMO.
"There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth."
More media attetion will get more people demanding answers (justice) from LE.

There is strength in numbers.

Yeah Casey Anthony sure showed us what justice looked like.

Edited for politeness.
Chewy, I HAVE to believe that CA was just a stupid, stupid, stupid jury. Otherwise I get so mad I could say real bad things.

And- I think it is unusual for that huge miscarriage of justice.

Juliette has not gotten justice because of ONE person. Doug Warner.
He is it.

Once he is either removed, out-voted, or the senator (John Harms) persuades him to get up off his bee-hind, then maybe something will move in this case.

Lately it has some attention, so now is the time more is needed.
Chewy, I HAVE to believe that CA was just a stupid, stupid, stupid jury. Otherwise I get so mad I could say real bad things.

And- I think it is unusual for that huge miscarriage of justice.

Juliette has not gotten justice because of ONE person. Doug Warner.
He is it.

Once he is either removed, out-voted, or the senator (John Harms) persuades him to get up off his bee-hind, then maybe something will move in this case.

Lately it has some attention, so now is the time more is needed.

Also, let's not forget the HUGE errors made by the investigators! It isn't just Mr. Warner dragging his feet, IMO, I do feel there is a reason why he is. Someone screwed the case so badly, he can't file charges.
I don't like Doug anymore than you, but I know if I were him, I would want people like us to get off my beehind and I would make the case work. Seems to me, there is a reason that he can't do it.

The bigger question is, what went wrong with Juliette's investigation?
Does Jaelyn remember anything about her life with her sister? I was just wondering if now that she was older, she may be able to verbalize any memories of abuse or of that night.
Does Jaelyn remember anything about her life with her sister? I was just wondering if now that she was older, she may be able to verbalize any memories of abuse or of that night.

Jaelyn had nightmares and tares for many years after the murder. She also remembers her sister. She explained to her Auntie Monica, that she wished she was a kite so Juliette could take her up to heaven with her. So sad. She is the one that has suffered the most.
She also tries to find that connection with other children that twins have. Like she gets super close to them to see if she feels what she felt with Juliette. So sad. She makes me cry. She makes fighting for justice worth it all. :tears::tears::tears:
Jaelyn had nightmares and tares for many years after the murder. She also remembers her sister. She explained to her Auntie Monica, that she wished she was a kite so Juliette could take her up to heaven with her. So sad. She is the one that has suffered the most.
She also tries to find that connection with other children that twins have. Like she gets super close to them to see if she feels what she felt with Juliette. So sad. She makes me cry. She makes fighting for justice worth it all. :tears::tears::tears:

Does she remember anything about the night her sister died? I really hope she does not, but if she does, that might be helpful. I guess what I'm saying is that now she is older, she might be able to shed some light on the mystery.
I sorta believe townsend..... not sure why..... I think "mommy" wanted to be free of kids...... I feel so very very very bad for the daddy, I just hope he stays safe on his tour of duty, he still has a little one waiting for him! My borther lost one of his friends in Iraq after the guys wife was killed in a wreck, the guy just kept going into bad situations.. I hope this isnt what the daddy is doing. You all are in my thoughts and prayers!
Does she remember anything about the night her sister died? I really hope she does not, but if she does, that might be helpful. I guess what I'm saying is that now she is older, she might be able to shed some light on the mystery.

I am not sure what she remembers. I do hope that she can't remember what happened that night for her sake, even later on in life. It is hard to say that because I want answers, but then again, I respect the fact that she would not want to care that all her life.
I sorta believe townsend..... not sure why..... I think "mommy" wanted to be free of kids...... I feel so very very very bad for the daddy, I just hope he stays safe on his tour of duty, he still has a little one waiting for him! My borther lost one of his friends in Iraq after the guys wife was killed in a wreck, the guy just kept going into bad situations.. I hope this isnt what the daddy is doing. You all are in my thoughts and prayers!

Me too, I believe what Brandon is saying. For some reason....I don't know what it is really. Just a feeling. I know that there are things that he does know, but, I don't know if we will ever be able to make him share it. And I know that he knows what he told the PD. Meaning he would be able to shed light on the real story that the family has never heard.
I pray, too that Daddy keeps his head on straight.
I know what soldiers can go though, I hope that this man stays home home when he gets back!

That is so beautiful and heart wrenching. I don't have the words to tell you how it affected me.

A Denver 9News reporter from KUSA tracked down of the 3 living in the home. Landed on his door step and asked for an on camera interview. This is the first time that anyone has talked about the case. Watch the shocking video

First of all my prayers to you and your family.

I thought while watching Townsend he was lying to me, he wanted very much and made a point to put out there that "He loved that Little Girl" I checked up on them" Really but yet you did drugs and drank around them? No he is hiding something for sure. My gut says this guy either did it or he witnessed it happening.

Not sure again he did anything but I'm willing to bet a lot of money (if I had it) that he is hiding something big time. He also by stating "I wanted to go to the funeral but the family hated me" was his way of voicing his anger of the people that are shedding light to this. Yeah this guy needs to be question by someone who wants Justice for Juliette
Surely there has to be a private investigator in NE that would be willing to work this case probono given the Father is serving in Iraq!

As a retired spouse of a military for 30 years, I cannot imagine what he must be feeling. Probably still numb and he cannot show it is affecting him. The military is always "Mission First" Not only that but he cannot focus on thinking about it for if he does it will cut into his own safety of being alert.

I do agree that he should go to the JAG office on post where he is at and give a limited full power attorney to Monica in all areas of the investigation into Juliette his daughter. He can do that in a day!

When there is a corrupt police force or Town the FBI can get involved and take over the investigation. The proof is hard to come by but if I were a family member I would send a letter (not email) to the FBI outlining all the Family members who are working in that department and how they are connected ie. Local Media, DA, etc. because there might be some policy where with just that information they can nudge in. I don't know but worth a try.
Thank you so much! Those are great ideas to help the family and the information is greatly appreciated by all! I too wondered why the military hasn't done anything to help but they won't unless he asks for it.
Thank you so much! Those are great ideas to help the family and the information is greatly appreciated by all! I too wondered why the military hasn't done anything to help but they won't unless he asks for it.
Since he hasn't been in the Military very long I would imagine if he doesn't have a decent first Sgt (boss) then he probably wouldn't want to make waves.

He really cannot get the military involved it is out of their jurisdiction. They can advise him on legal matters do wills and powers of attorney.

They will not make one phone call and they cannot. It is a civilian matter period. It sounds cold but it is a fact MISSION FIRST.

Most new recruits are fearful of coming forward to ask for time off, or even talk about a family issue. I bet his reporting officials are not even aware of it. If they were aware of it, they would probably send him for an evaluation to determine if the stress of what happened would interfer with him being able to do his job.

I know the AF when a person is getting deployed and there is a stressing family factor they will call him in, speak to him, and given what is said or their determination if they feel it is warranted they would send him for an eval. Especially since the media has been reporting the high rate of suicide. The Military isn't taking any chances.

This is why my gut says that the father doesn't talk about or stress it to the Army. This doesn't mean he doesn't want justice. It is just the Military newbie A-Typical thought process of "Lay Low or get in trouble or be seen as a trouble troop that has too many pressing issues to be able to complete his mission"

This is why the PRESS should work hard for Justice for Juliette even more!

I can tell you as a spouse of a husband that was deployed to Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Iraq, that as a spouse we are trained to take charge, to show the husband they do not have to worry about us on the home front, lest he is over there thinking about his family and not where the next bullet comes from.
One last thing, I sure hope that this father doesn't have the mother (hate this word for her) listed on his SGLI! I am sure he doesn't. Oh I forgot part of their deployment briefing is to have all paper work like that filled out and current. I'm sure he changed it.

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