George has Casey's car destroyed

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I guess that's why she said it smelled like there's been a dead body in the damn car. It reminded her of Pizza.

Don't forget that Casey was a master of manipulation and emotional blackmail. Her parents never stopped asking her if she knew more, to the point Casey stopped allowing them to visit her. Were they going to get anywhere with Casey by pronouncing her the killer from day one? Heck no, she would have shut them down quick. Cindy was living the nightmare of confronting Casey about a crime - the theft of her father's checks. The whole family babied Casey and worded their questions just right in order not to tick her off and shut her down. As we've seen, it's nothing for Casey to dump a person and forget about them - doesn't even faze her.
Wonder why she felt she HAD to lie under oath about the chloroform searches?

She knew her testimony would be impeached. Only a pack of imbecile detectives would not have figured that out in a hot minute. She created doubt to take the death penalty off the table.
Wonder why she felt she HAD to lie under oath about the chloroform searches?

Obviously I don't know for sure but I don't think she believes she lied. I think she has convinced herself that she did look up chloroform. Her entire testimony regarding the searches made no sense. She claimed that she looked up chloroform but denied looking up "How-to-make-chloroform" which was the most damning part. If she was trying to cover for Casey, why not take responsibility for that too?
Don't forget that Casey was a master of manipulation and emotional blackmail. Her parents never stopped asking her if she knew more, to the point Casey stopped allowing them to visit her. Were they going to get anywhere with Casey by pronouncing her the killer from day one? Heck no, she would have shut them down quick. Cindy was living the nightmare of confronting Casey about a crime - the theft of her father's checks. The whole family babied Casey and worded their questions just right in order not to tick her off and shut her down. As we've seen, it's nothing for Casey to dump a person and forget about them - doesn't even faze her.

CA enabled her to lie, she was an expert at that too.
Here is a good example...
She knew her testimony would be impeached. Only a pack of imbecile detectives would not have figured that out in a hot minute. She created doubt to take the death penalty off the table.

That very well could have been her motivation if she lied knowingly. Ultimately it didn't matter, the jury discounted all the chloroform testimony and attributed the chloroform in the trunk to cleaning products - in spite of there being no trace of cleaning products found. :banghead:
Obviously I don't know for sure but I don't think she believes she lied. I think she has convinced herself that she did look up chloroform. Her entire testimony regarding the searches made no sense. She claimed that she looked up chloroform but denied looking up "How-to-make-chloroform" which was the most damning part. If she was trying to cover for Casey, why not take responsibility for that too?

She KNOWS she didn't do the searches. Otherwise why lie?
Her work activity showed her at her computer.
I see her behavior for what it is, I am not going to search for rational excuses.
If those chloroform searches were not implicating, then why would FCA go onto their PC and delete them in the early hours of 7/16 out of all the data on there?
CA knew those searches were compelling evidence. She was not in denial about that- hence the lies.
Gosh, absolutely no bias on that site. :banghead:

That report is taken verbatim from an interview where it was obvious to anyone how CA was paving the way for FCA to lie about the photos.
Hinky Meter- yes Valhall can tell a liar when she encounters one.
Don't forget that Casey was a master of manipulation and emotional blackmail. Her parents never stopped asking her if she knew more, to the point Casey stopped allowing them to visit her. Were they going to get anywhere with Casey by pronouncing her the killer from day one? Heck no, she would have shut them down quick. Cindy was living the nightmare of confronting Casey about a crime - the theft of her father's checks. The whole family babied Casey and worded their questions just right in order not to tick her off and shut her down. As we've seen, it's nothing for Casey to dump a person and forget about them - doesn't even faze her.


It got GA thrown under a 'jumbo jet'..A bus wasn't nearly heavy enough for his 'betrayal' in her mind.
That report is taken verbatim from an interview where it was obvious to anyone how CA was paving the way for FCA to lie about the photos.
Hinky Meter- yes Valhall can tell a liar when she encounters one.

How exactly was Cindy paving the way? By trying to get Casey to admit whose apartment that was? It sounds more to me like Cindy was trying to get information from Casey and that the author of that article is full of .....stuff.

Yeah, no bias here:

While we all have to give that Cindy is bat-**** crazy, half ate up with stupid, in denial and inadequately handling the loss of her granddaughter, we don’t have ignore when she is diabolically evil in her attempts to obstruct justice and throw innocent people under the bus. This would be one of those times.
How exactly was Cindy paving the way? By trying to get Casey to admit whose apartment that was? It sounds more to me like Cindy was trying to get information from Casey and that the author of that article is full of .....stuff.

Yeah, no bias here:

While we all have to give that Cindy is bat-**** crazy, half ate up with stupid, in denial and inadequately handling the loss of her granddaughter, we don’t have ignore when she is diabolically evil in her attempts to obstruct justice and throw innocent people under the bus. This would be one of those times.

I think that description of CA is exquisite in its accuracy.
I think I'll have it framed.
I agree, I think Cindy is more conflicted than any of us realize. I think her mind knows that Casey is guilty, but her heart refuses to accept it, which is why she seems to waver back and forth in her support/condemnation of Casey. We saw examples of that during the trial. I believe there's a good reason she was approved for disability - because her grasp on reality is very loose and still slipping.

Great assessment, and that's probably where so much of CA's anger and lashing out comes from (although it's been a while since we've seen an episode IIRC). I would have said her heart knows KC is guilty, but her mind is not letting her accept it!
How do you explain Cindy's attempt to clean the Sunfire ? If that isn't obstruction of justice, I don't know what is ...

And Cindy's accusations of Jesse Grund being complicit in Caylee's murder ? What evidence do you suppose she had that JG was involved ?

Cindy didn't attempt to clean the car, she removed some items that needed washing and she sprayed Febreeze. No scrubbing, no vacuuming, no cleaning. At that point Cindy didn't know the car would become evidence in a murder case, so how could she possibly be obstructing justice?

Didn't Casey hint to Cindy that Jesse was somehow involved? Cindy was grasping at any lifeline thrown to her, anything to keep her from having to believe that Casey murdered her own child.
That report is taken verbatim from an interview where it was obvious to anyone how CA was paving the way for FCA to lie about the photos.
Hinky Meter- yes Valhall can tell a liar when she encounters one.

I remember that jailhouse discussion between Cindy and was obvious Cindy was not going to give FCA the opportunity to answer because she knew it would be a lie ....Cindy answer her own question before FCA had the chance to lie about it. Protect the evil daughter again.

Fortunately all Cindy's attempts to blame all the innocent young people who knew her evil daughter didn't work for her. That became so easy for Cindy. No holes barred there.
She knew her testimony would be impeached. Only a pack of imbecile detectives would not have figured that out in a hot minute. She created doubt to take the death penalty off the table.

Yup. It's been about 100 times now that we've articulated that.
Exactly. She is a malignant liar. By doing that she helped Caylee's killer get off.

CA's lie on the stand (I don't doubt it) did not help KC get off. The jury did not believe the state met their burden. That's why KC got off.
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