I Invite You All to Follow Shaniya's Case

I have followed this case.It is so horrific to think a mother would do this to a little girl. It hurts just to read about it. I want to turn away. My question is why did the mother report her missing? Did she regret what she had done? Or was that part of the plan? And was that the first time she had pimped out the child? Did she want custody for the purpose of selling Shaniya? And when I think about the feces on her blanket and the stair rails, I can't help but wonder if she had been sodomized before the murderer even took her. Sick, sick. Poor little thing didn't have a chance.
I think there are many more cases that get a pass or only initial attention ,than there are cases we hear about or follow from beginning to end.
Also,the justice system seems to be taking so much longer to get to trial with no new information in between.
With Caylee's case there was something new weekly,because of who surrounded the case. "You just can't make this stuff up" was a familiar catch phrase.

I have also noticed that a lot of cases will seem to be getting a lot of national attention and then will completely fade away. Lindsey Baum, Hailey Dunn, Somer Thompson, Celina Cass, Brittanee Drexel, the Skelton brothers, Morgan Harrington, and Kayleah Wilson were all on Nancy Grace, but we don't hear about them (nationally) anymore. :/ I think Shaniya's case falls into the same category as them which is brief national attention.
I wish we would spend more time on open cases dealing with innocent children than swirling around in Anthony madness. It is over!

To each his own, though . . .

I agree with you krimekat. We will never forget Caylee, but there are so many others that need our attention now. JMO, IMO, MOO, and all other disclaimers.
I`ll never get that video out of my mind. I`ll never forget Shaniya.
I have followed this case.It is so horrific to think a mother would do this to a little girl. It hurts just to read about it. I want to turn away. My question is why did the mother report her missing? Did she regret what she had done? Or was that part of the plan? And was that the first time she had pimped out the child? Did she want custody for the purpose of selling Shaniya? And when I think about the feces on her blanket and the stair rails, I can't help but wonder if she had been sodomized before the murderer even took her. Sick, sick. Poor little thing didn't have a chance.

now that i saw that, when i first heard about the blanket w/ feces( god forgive me if this sounds morbid) but i thought she was already dead, on the reasoning that ive HEARD when someone dies, esp some traumatic way, one releases their bowels, ( any one w/ any kind of medical background, is this true or not always?) - and i THOUGHT oh dear god shes already dead...however, later when that hotel survelience video of a live shaniya and mcneil surfaced...i wondered if this sicko had sodomized her at the mothers house, then took her to the hotel room...either senario, ( shudders) youre right, once she returned to her moms care, she didnt have a chance..JMO- i will be checking in on this case too to see if the judicial system gets it right THIS time
yes, I will follow, push and pray. We get knocked down when we don’t see a verdict we expect but we need to push forward for these little children.
I haven't forgotten this poor child. When I learned about her, I re-named her because she shouldn't have to be tarnished bearing the last name of her egg-donor who sold her.
The name I came up with for her was Shaniya Sweet-Song. I hope that the courts in NC can deal out the proper punishment. There should be a spedier, more determined effort to charge any person who harms a child with the harshest punishment, longest jail terms and no parole ever.
Antoinette Davis is no different from other scumbags I hear about. This woman is a real sleazebag. If there is a Hell, Antoinette Davis can join Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Osama bin Laden, and Gertrude Baniszewski. They all deserve each other.
I do hope Shaniya receives JUSTICE! I followed that case when it first broke and I was just beyond disgusted. Who can do that to their child?

Another heartbreaking case is the murder of a beautiful 2 year old twin girl, Juliette Serenity Geurts.

Juliette was murdered (multiple blunt force trauma) on July 11, 2008 in Gering, Nebraska, while she and her twin sister (Jaelyn) were in the care of their mother. Also living in the home were 2 males. Her daddy was away at boot camp and has since served 3 overseas tours of duty.

In more than 3 YEARS since her death, there have been NO arrests! :banghead: All 3 adults have since moved out of state.


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Did the walking uterus, druggie and evil prostitute ever give birth while in jail? I haven't been involved with this case since it broke. IIRC she was pregnant when arrested.+

...If there is a God, tell me nooooooooooooo.
Oh how I wish the Father couldve kept Shaniya in his safe loving arms and not believed the so called Mother when she said she wanted to be a Mother to Shaniya :(
She was so beautiful and didnt deserve this ending. Its heartbreaking she looks scared stiff with the man holding her in front of the elevator. I hope these 2 get max penalty for what happened to her.
It really bothers me. I try not to assume everything is racially motivated because 3 of my sons are African American and I'd like to believe we've come a long way as a nation, but ,like you,I've noticed the bias focusing on Caucasion's .Blacks and Hispanics barely get a mention.

Shaniya was a beautiful child.

She sure was. I do believe her case should get more attention Some Mothers just arent Mothers. She was better off with her Dad.
Actually, Id rather Dr Phil interview someone like her Father, he will have a hard time getting over the guilt of ever leaving poor Shaniya with that evil Mother")
Did the walking uterus, druggie and evil prostitute ever give birth while in jail? I haven't been involved with this case since it broke. IIRC she was pregnant when arrested.+

...If there is a God, tell me nooooooooooooo.

Hopefully, if she did, they will adopt the baby into a nice home like Diane Downs baby was that she had in jail.
The should tie her tubes just to make sure she doesnt have anymore children EVER.
Did the walking uterus, druggie and evil prostitute ever give birth while in jail? I haven't been involved with this case since it broke. IIRC she was pregnant when arrested.+

...If there is a God, tell me nooooooooooooo.

i THINK she has. state of course swept in and took( him?)-foster family, and i pray a PERMANENT one.
Well - then we, as WS'ers can show the media they are wrong. We can be a voice for Shaniya when we are ready to move on from this case.

She was such a beautiful little girl with an aunt and cousins that loved her dearly. Heartbreaking all around.


We all thought that we could be a voice for Caylee too and see where that got us? Not wanting to sound cold but how else to put it? Nothing can bring these precious children back. There appears to be little to no justice in our justice system toward the people who commit these crimes against their own children. The animals who harm their own children have more rights than the child ever had. I ask why? Who do we place our anger at? The people that are responsible, parents and caregivers? The people that protect the killers, their families and attorneys? The people in the justice systems whose hands are tied by current laws? I'm angry! I'm hurt! I'm heartbroken! I am just one of millions. The children are crying and no one hears them.
We all thought that we could be a voice for Caylee too and see where that got us? Not wanting to sound cold but how else to put it? Nothing can bring these precious children back. There appears to be little to no justice in our justice system toward the people who commit these crimes against their own children. The animals who harm their own children have more rights than the child ever had. I ask why? Who do we place our anger at? The people that are responsible, parents and caregivers? The people that protect the killers, their families and attorneys? The people in the justice systems whose hands are tied by current laws? I'm angry! I'm hurt! I'm heartbroken! I am just one of millions. The children are crying and no one hears them.

I am so glad you said what you did in your post. It needs to be said over and over again. I honestly feel that voices like yours are what will cause change.

But I have to disagree on one point. We can make a difference. Every post that is made on this board has a voice and body behind it that is screaming for justice right along with you. And there are millions more.

I honestly believe that Caylee's death, and this ridiculous verdict woke a sleeping giant. This giant will no longer be denied. People are talking, screaming, and demanding action. That is a start.

I've even seen a difference locally. Men, women, old and young are vocal, outraged, and paying closer attention to abuse situations in their own families and talking about stories that appear in the news. I don’t believe complacency in the system will be as tolerated as before.

Change takes time. Many children will die in the meantime and it will continue to be heartbreaking but please join me in the new found hope that the system will be less lenient and tolerant. We have already seen recent jury's becoming more conscientious. Hopefully Judge’s will follow suit and be less tolerant of courtroom antics.

God Bless Shaniya, and may justice prevail.


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