MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #11

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I agree. There would be absolutely no benefit to give an "exclusive" interview to one news group if they were not being paid. You would think they would want each and every news outlet to have all the information. Why narrow your exposure unless you were getting something out of it? I have no doubt in my mind that they were paid, just like CA was paid for those photos at the beginning of her case.

If it were me, I would refuse any kind of exclusive deal because I would want *all* the media to have every tiny bit of information available so they could blast it to as large an audience as possible. I would worry about money later. If I were innocent, that is.

Not sure about the ABC exclusive peek into the home, however, they have otherwise been on a lot other networks. So they seem to have been spreading the word around. I'm not bothered by paid interviews...pins, fliers, etc. require some sort of upfront money, at least until you can start relying on donations. Additionally, Jeremy probably isn't working right now. Only time will tell if these two are also victims or if they're grifters or worse. It's too bad the Anthonys have given fund raising in a missing child case a bad name. And even if one or both parents are shown to be responsible for their baby's disappearance, the family members and friends who are raising money are most likely doing so with the best intentions of getting this child back.
again, link please to substantiate your post. We all have opinions . . . but if you continue to post this info, please supply your source.

It's a well-known fact, and how the system works on "hot" cases.

There will never be a formal announcement about "we paid for this interview", but when one network (ABC News) gets a major exclusive above all others, it's obvious that a "consideration" is in play.

ABC News gets "exclusives" at the same time the family isn't talking to the police.
Now, a reward is being announced by a family that obviously has few resources. That same family is staying in hotels.
Not sure. I posed the question yesterday but got no response.

As far as searching the river, I would imagine that unless they have reason to suspect that she was there, they won't. The Missouri River near Kansas City is big, muddy, and fast moving. I think it would be tough to search.

This is a picture taken of the river near Westport, which is near Kansas City:

Okay, I just watched last nights interview for the 3rd time today....

So, if my husband came home at 4am and the lights were on, door unlocked... He would just assume I fell asleep exhausted without securing the house... He wouldn't wake me up to ask me why I didn't turn off the lights,etc... he would just do it and then go to bed. What kind of husband wakes up his sleeping wife to ridicule her for something she (in his mind, at the time) failed to do?

In the interview they clearly state that they didn't realize Lisa was missing until after he woke her up about the lights being on, door open, ect.

In my mind... this cast some doubt on him... maybe he had something to do with it... and woke up Deborah... for the effect...
Not sure. I posed the question yesterday but got no response.
I think we can safely assume that at least this part of the river was looked at. The command post was just a few feet from the banks where they were unloading their atv's with reasonably easy access along both sides in the area.
i haven't gotten a chance to see all the video interviews with the parents but as i recall the mother was saying almost exactly what you are saying there. (paraphrased) that she doesn't care what LE thinks or what anyone else thinks of her, she just wants the baby home and there are no hard feelings and she understands why LE is doing what they are doing. isn't that correct?

Yes now they are cooperating,but in the beginning,they stopped and went straight to the media.Then they realized the media couldn't do all the things LE can,like search the landfill.I am to assume their attorney told them to cooperate too MOO
Okay, this has probably already been said/asked but I have been skipping around as the threads are moving so fast...

Anyway, is it possible the 6 year old turned on lights before going in to sleep with mom? Perhaps he went and looked for the kitten first and turned on the lights. Just a thought....
He also had a car.

Maybe the police do suspect him, but are playing good cop with him, as not to show their cards.

Well I wish they would be more aggressive on that front. He needs a polygraph...he needs to have his interior of his car swiped for fingerprints in case the same person who broke into his the one(s) who took Baby Lisa. So they need to get this done...just because he has an alibi and fits a timeline does not mean he is exempt from possibly being involved.
As far as searching the river, I would imagine that unless they have reason to suspect that she was there, they won't. The Missouri River near Kansas City is big, muddy, and fast moving. I think it would be tough to search.

This is a picture taken of the river near Westport, which is near Kansas City:


Yep. They'd wait for the body to turn up downriver, if it ever would.
Okay, this has probably already been said/asked but I have been skipping around as the threads are moving so fast...

Anyway, is it possible the 6 year old turned on lights before going in to sleep with mom? Perhaps he went and looked for the kitten first and turned on the lights. Just a thought....

Mom said he came to bed WITH her so probably not. Now, however, if the 8 year old got up and turned on all the lights to find kitty....that is a certain possibility.
It is indeed very possible that they may have an exclusive with the network of Judge is a stay-at-home mother and dad I am sure is not in the frame of mind to go to money needs to come into the home I don't see anything wrong whatsoever in securing payment from an exclusive source so that parents can be free to look for their child, be available to PD and to provide for the other kids at home. It's also a means to get money to put up for a reward. I'm sure the family is going to have the bank trust (benefit trust fund) set up so that all donations can be deposited. Personal income could come from the exclusive rights money. I can tell you that no family would trade what this family is going through for any exclusive rights money from any I do not frown upon any of it. (PS. Other media is still going to report on this because their income is derived by viewers and look at us? We are going to every news source possible to see if any no fears that an exclusive rights agreement is going to not give proper exposure.)

Hi LD-My question would be-if the parents are getting this say payment and it turns out that someone in the house is involved-what happens to all that money that has been collected for shirts,interviews etc -just a question..not pointing fingers at anyone!
So what do you think?

Dad wants out of the relationship, so has someone steal the baby, or worse...

Hence the reason he said, "We have to find Lisa, as she is the link that holds us altogether." Meaning if they didn't have her, there would be no bond.

He could have done this even before waking Debbie up. He had appx half an hour. He had the time. He could have left the lights on, could have bent the screen, and could have stashed the phones.

Just a theory, but a good one, at that!

That was Debbie's quote, not the Dad's.
I really don't know why the idea of a compensation for interviews bothers me. Everyone who has posted in support of the practice - what you wrote is totally logical IMO. I'm no more suspicious of the family because of it. It just bugs me, for some reason. :waitasec: I hope I didn't offend or show disrespect to anyone.

Funny thing is Miziree, they said he was 20" at birth. It wasn't until the pediatrician saw him and said "NO WAY" and she re-measured him. 22 1/2 and of course a c-section:) They had to redo his birth certificate due to that mistake. Apparently it was a nurse in training who did the measuring and didnt bring his leg down far enough on the scale. LOL
Okay, this has probably already been said/asked but I have been skipping around as the threads are moving so fast...

Anyway, is it possible the 6 year old turned on lights before going in to sleep with mom? Perhaps he went and looked for the kitten first and turned on the lights. Just a thought....
Yes, it was mentioned last thread, but it bears repeating as it could have happened that way, which would explain much.
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