MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #11

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Four years ago, my sister's husband heard a bang at the end of the house. Since she always would be looking for things in cupboards or closets, he didn't think much of it. Finally, when she didn't come back, he called and she didn't answer. She was laying on the bathroom floor having suffered a heart attack. She took her last breath right after he found her - she was 68 years old.

I'm so sorry.

I'm not from the U.S. and I have a question about your doors. You are talking about the door being unlocked. Do you mean the door was actually open or was it closed but not locked with a key? If it's the last one..can you open the door from the outside if it isn't locked with a key? In my country when you close the front door, you can't open it from the outside. Locked with a key or not.

Wish we had your doors! :)

Ours can be opened from the outside. In their case, it was said that the door was closed, but it could be opened from the outside.
BBM - That's what I have been missing through all of this, the begging and pleading for whoever it is to take care of the baby.

She did and sounded very convincing to me,but I bet they are getting a lot of advice and are scared of being treated like suspects. With everyone discecting every word and movement ,they may be afraid to open their mouths.
Not true. They pleaded with whoever has her to drop her off at a fire station, hospital, "anywhere, no questions asked."

As for only caring about what happened instead of what is now happening, DB said in one of the early interviews that she could only pray it was someone who wanted a baby and was taking care of her.

The other thing I wanted to mention after watching SY's press conference (today?) was how we read so much into the parents not referring to Lisa by name (and we have in other cases as well). I thought it was interesting that in a 7 1/2 minute speech, this spokesperson for LE never said "Lisa" one single time. He called her "the child" or "the baby" but never once by name. And we know he didn't do it, right? So maybe that isn't as big of a deal as we've usually thought. It grabbed my attention.

It's not unusual to me at all, it's quite common here in the South to refer to the youngest child as the baby, especially one so young... even between the parents to each other or to other family members. I often hear people say "that child" or some such, and think nothing of it. I guess to some it sounds like distancing oneself when that child is missing, but I don't think of it in that way, since it is their usual way of speaking.
Four years ago, my sister's husband heard a bang at the end of the house. Since she always would be looking for things in cupboards or closets, he didn't think much of it. Finally, when she didn't come back, he called and she didn't answer. She was laying on the bathroom floor having suffered a heart attack. She took her last breath right after he found her - she was 68 years old.

So sorry for your loss.
Sorry, I don't understand.

Why would anyone bother going through the computer room window when
the front door is unlocked??

Because maybe they went in through the window and out the front door, leaving it unlocked behind them.
The story of my life!!!!

Actually a poster previously posted the best explanation I've heard for taking the phones

Paraphrasing... Perps used to cut phone lines. Nowdays they take your phones.

It's the same delay tactic it's always been just updated for the times.

How did he/she find them all?
EricKCTV5 Eric Chaloux
#LisaIrwin case update: On MyKSMO--What did PD do at family house?Why was KCPD in Kansas on this story? The answers live at 9pm.
3 minutes ago
I am surprised by how many of us think mom is innocent.

I have been frightened to admit it....but I don't think she is. where is the crow?
No crow? Ok, then....I'll take the turducken.

I am still waiting for something else to convince me one way or the other, but I have to admit that statistics are against them being innocent.
Unfortunately, I think that Tennessee has that great honor now...:(

Unfortunately, I think our Great Country lays claim to that fame. Drugs are everywhere and widespread.
It's the sign of desperation in our economy and leads to crimes in which we all follow. Sorry for getting OT
I'm not from the U.S. and I have a question about your doors. You are talking about the door being unlocked. Do you mean the door was actually open or was it closed but not locked with a key? If it's the last one..can you open the door from the outside if it isn't locked with a key? In my country when you close the front door, you can't open it from outside. Locked with a key or not.

Closed but not locked from the inside. Inside our doors on the door knob is a turn knob to lock it so you can't open it from the outside. It doesn't automatically lock from the outside when you close it. If you don't lock it from the inside, then you can open it from the outside. So it was closed but not locked. Anyone from the outside can get in.

eta: so when you leave your house you can lock it with a key from the outside, or you can turn the knob inside before you go out and then shut the door behind you and it will be locked.
I keep seeing posts as fact that dad went to the neighbors to call 911. I think that was just batted about by us on WS. I could be wrong. As we know now dad used his work phone. Also, when the parents speak about the phones being taken to prevent them from calling 911, they are talking about their theory of why it was done. Not that it actually prevented them from doing so. JMO.
I think in the "old days" phone lines were cut so you could not call police while criminals were in the house...which is not the same to me as grabbing cell phones on the way out...especially if you have no idea where other phones might be, or if a landline exists, etc...not the same thing.
Yes, you can still open it from the outside if it's unlocked. Some doors have a "setting" where it can't be opened from the outside even if unlocked on the inside, but most don't have that setting.

Would need a key to open a locked door if you were outside. If door unlocked then you would not need a key:)

Thanks! I was wondering why everyone was 'freaking out' about leaving the door unlocked but now I get it..every person (good or bad) is able to get in!
Regarding your #1... did you see all the photos of the baby at the b-day party... it looked like the sick baby was passed around to everyone at the party... to take a picture with.

First...if my young daughter was sick... I would not take her to a party...let alone let anyone and everyone get there photo taken with her.

And, yet again. why soooo many photos of that baby with other wasn't like it was "her" birthday...

addressing the points you raised one at a time.

Babies are sick with teething and colds and any number of sniffles at any point in time. From all reports I have read, I have seen no reports of fever, lethargy, or anything to indicate she was "reallly" sick (as in should be at home on bedrest, death's door sick). I have not seen any reports that the ailment was anything more than minor or that it was contagious.

I never stopped our lives each time any of my children were slightly ill with the sniffles or teething. I guess we parent differently.

I think any family gathering with a camera there would generate lots of photos of lots of the children with varied cousins, grandparents, etc. We are only being shown select photos from this party. Photos that feature baby Lisa.

I have seen nothing to indicate that they were the only photos taken. I assumed that the photos of others at the party were not published to protect the minor children and other relatives who are only involved in this case by the accident of familial relation.
I am surprised by how many of us think mom is innocent.

I have been frightened to admit it....but I don't think she is. where is the crow?
No crow? Ok, then....I'll take the turducken.

I'll share that turducken, if you don't mind. I don't know if mom did anything to Lisa, but I do think she has knowledge of what happened to her.
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