Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

I notice there is no mention of payment. Is this another of those advertisements for free labor?

Anything that has to do with the A's I would not expect to be paid. They are the only ones that want to be paid for doing absolutely nothing. Seems to fit with this organization. jmo
Anything that has to do with the A's I would not expect to be paid. They are the only ones that want to be paid for doing absolutely nothing. Seems to fit with this organization. jmo

Just like the "Assistants" that GA and LA wanted to be available 24/7 on a VOLUNTEER basis! Lol! Maybe I should place an ad, too! "Need someone to clean house, do dishes and laundry. Must be available at MY discretion. No pay for services. Serious inquiries only. Call 1-800-555-GMAB!

Guess they couldn't get JEFRE to steal another Disney trademark entity to create an angel or cross?

I need to keep my snark in check, but heaven knows it is hard to do so when shady people try to take advantage of the public's kind heart.
Apparently BKH needs an artist to create an angel or cross, etc. statue.

This angel, cross , statue whatever, could be the finalized design as opposed to Jefree's conceptional(only in your dreams) design. And at a cost of 150K if I believe their donated loot to date. They would not have to buy the property since it can be put on any public place with a permit.
Apropos, their founder "the Champ" has also vamooshed into cyberheaven on their website. Sometimes, I wonder if they have possession of Dr.Who's Tardis since BKH frequently modifies already past history on their website. Must be nice to be able to change the past in order to dovetail in with your current plans(scams)..
BKH have publicized that they have someone there at the site on weekends. . . and offer counseling to those who visit.

Do they have a "collection box" setting out or anything? Are they attempting to sell the visitors their bricks when they come? Asking for contributions? I wonder if they're trying to make the people who come feel as though they should make some sort of "love offering" or voluntary contribution in order to visit the place. . .

I hope none of this is happening as they don't own the place and it seems like collecting any money there at this time would be premature. I don't want anyone to feel pressured into "giving."

Anyone been there or know if this is happening?

That free counseling at the site was just a lead in/free trial by DelValle to get folks lured into his paid counseling IMO. BTW, Delvalle's website has spirited away for now.
That free counseling at the site was just a lead in/free trial by DelValle to get folks lured into his paid counseling IMO. BTW, Delvalle's website has spirited away for now.

Not sure he is able to charge a fee. He is not licensed by the State of Florida and I doubt he has any educational background to support any type of counseling other than just giving advice (which should probably include that someone should seek counseling from a professional). Of course he could accept donations for his ministry which would not be for the advice. Seems to me there should be a tighter regulation regarding these people. jmo
Not sure he is able to charge a fee. He is not licensed by the State of Florida and I doubt he has any educational background to support any type of counseling other than just giving advice (which should probably include that someone should seek counseling from a professional). Of course he could accept donations for his ministry which would not be for the advice. Seems to me there should be a tighter regulation regarding these people. jmo

On his website, which is gone right now, he had an hourly price listed for his counseling.
Doesn't it seem odd that a nationwide organization which is promoting that it is supposedly working on cases all over the states seems to concentrate its monetary efforts toward honoring Caylee?
Doesn't it seem odd that a nationwide organization which is promoting that it is supposedly working on cases all over the states seems to concentrate its monetary efforts toward honoring Caylee?

Watcher you are so right! ITA
What a discusting batch of people.

I love the part where they say that sadly only $3,500 was donated by locals. Instead of thanking those that did donate they try to put others on a guilt trip. What is wrong with these people? Not everyone agrees with them about this site. Can they not just accept that? It seems to me that if you expect to buy a piece of property that is going to require a lot of maintenance, I mean a lot, you should have something more solid in place in terms of explaining this to the community. Instead of saying we are putting it up and we will not consider those who live in the area.

So what happens next. They get the funds they need. They have to go before the zoning board and the members of the HOA show up and object to their building the memorial and the whole project gets scrapped. In the meantime they have made their money. They don't seem to care what locals think which is a good indication that they really may not even plan on going through with the project. Who does not research this type of project first to see if it will be well received by the people who actually live in that neighborhood? jmo
Could it possibly be because of the national attention Caylee got and still continues to get via Casey?

Doesn't it seem odd that a nationwide organization which is promoting that it is supposedly working on cases all over the states seems to concentrate its monetary efforts toward honoring Caylee?
Not sure he is able to charge a fee. He is not licensed by the State of Florida and I doubt he has any educational background to support any type of counseling other than just giving advice (which should probably include that someone should seek counseling from a professional). Of course he could accept donations for his ministry which would not be for the advice. Seems to me there should be a tighter regulation regarding these people. jmo

Well his website is baaack!!!!

Charges 75 bucks an hour.

snipped from link

"Dr. DelValle is a licensed counselor for the Juvenile Justice system in Florida and is helping hundreds of families to bring peace, unity and respect back into the home. His parenting program is highly successful and gives parents the tools they need to manage their children. Some highlights of the program are detailed below. He is also available for all mental health needs".
I don't know how this slipped by me, lol. Can't find a date for it either but this page mentions no further comments due to a pending lawsuit against the Orlando Sentinel. It's probably an old page, might have been mentioned here before, I'm not sure.
They probably will use pro bono ones. The A's can tell them how to do that.
I Would think that if there really is a lawsuit it would be filed in Orange County. I have looked for any civil cases that might of filed. I have not found any in Orange County.
Wouldn't that make them open to disclosing all their records? Do they really want to leave themselves that wide open?? jmo

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