FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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He was not anywhere "off limits" on the night in question. He was in public areas of a complex he had a legal right to be in. What the heck difference does it make if he went somewhere at SCHOOL where he wasn't supposed to be? My kids are in middle school-there are many places they aren't supposed to be at various times of the day-these are not crimes but rules to keep kids following their schedule. Violating those rules is not indicative of anything criminal. If it were the school would have called in police and he would have been arrested.

The only person who engaged in questionable activity from the get go that night was the killer. he saw black and his warped brain said criminal and he called the police for god's sake, because he saw a black kid walking! Then he pursued him with a gun after being told not to and after knowing full well his neighborhood watch guidelines said not to carry a weapon, not to pursue, not to apprehend.

Maybe we should start analyzing Caylee Anthony's behavior. Maybe she acted like a brat and had been repeatedly put in time outs so it's probably understandable that he poor mother had to take drastic action to protect herself from this budding criminal. Toddlers frequently bite and kick you know.

The reason that TM was visiting with his father. Because he does live in MIAMI with his mother is
because he was dismissed from school.
Dismissed because he was in an area that was off limits.
I WONDER WHY THAT IS NOT PART OF THE CONVERSATION...Seems to me this good boy was not always so good.

<modsnip> I READ THIS ON THE INTERNET last night.
So it's normal to have a 5 day out of school suspension over a minor infraction? That's ridiculous imo

Yes. It is. I have a 17-year-old niece in High School. It's very normal to be suspended from school for being late too many times. Usually it starts with detention, if you miss detention, you get suspended. Some kids choose the suspension other than detention. Stupid? Yes. But we're talking about 17-year-olds here.
Not that this has any bearing on the incident itself but a 2 week suspension for something so trivial seems a little harsh to me... Something just doesn't add up there what sort of school hands out a 2 week suspension for showing up late to class because their in the hallway?

Mine!!! Not linking either. TMI. Y'all don't need to know where my kid goes to school.
This is where I got the pic:


post 598


But does http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/b...yvon-martin-tragic-shooting-article-1.1050095 count as MSM? They have ran the altered pic, labeled as Trayvon MARTIN and give credit to FACEBOOK for the pic.


Thank you RossVA!!!!! That clears my confusion. Sorry I did not see this sooner, the thread is moving quickly and the alerts across WS are hard to keep up with. LOL. And... just so there is no question, this is a fair discussion. Why would it be necessary to alter the picture? Tray was a good looking kid in my opinion and I don't see anything wrong with the original picture. I sure don't see it as scary and it doesn't look to me like Tray is anything other than a normal teenager.

Trying to cloud this situation with inaccurate information does not do it justice. Tray, the one and only Tray, had every right to live and let live. He was doing nothing wrong. The truth of the matter (in my opinion) is that even if he was a gangster or - he was doing NOTHING wrong at the point in time when GZ confronted him. When GZ chose to chase him down. Even if he was a ganster - LE had a duty and a responsibility to thoroughly investigate this situation and hold GZ accountable. If you are not commiting a crime and you have a legal right to be where you are - you shouldn't lose your life over it - no matter what you look like.

Thank you for this post. I am so damn mad about the stereotyping of teens, especially black males I can't hardly post.

This hits too close to home for me as a white granny with a mixed race Grandson. He will be a teen soon and I fear someone will find him "scary" because he doesn't have light enough skin. Or has a swagger, or is walking down the street minding his own business talking to a girl on the phone. Imagine that a teenage who went for a long walk to sweet talk a girl without his parents eavesdropping

Even though we aren't military, we have lived in a predominantly military community for almost 30 years. I am so grateful for that. Racism still exists, but not on the level it does elsewhere in the state. When the Grand was about 2, my son and I took him to Chicago to visit relatives. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. Whites were only talking to whites, blacks to blacks, asian... Very segregated. I whispered to my son that out of hundreds of people standing in line at the aquarium downtown, We were the only mixed family there. And believe me people noticed. My brother in-law told us to make sure we brought along a copy of his BC just in case. How sad is that.

Sorry for the long rant. I just can't believe some think a boy looks more sinister if his skin is darker in a picture.

Mods if this rant doesn't belong please delete.

I"ll be quiet now.

I am disgusted that this CRIME this MURDER is being politicized as a 2nd amendments rights argument when it's a FACT GZ was told to remain in his vehicle he did not do that he went after TM on foot. He shot him in the heart and killed him. TM was unarmed Nothing else matters IMO
I have to disagree. Suspensions have to be indicative of something, otherwise what's the point? They certainly aren't rewards.

I've known A students who have gotten suspended. It had nothing to do with fighting and it certainly has nothing to do with why TM was shot. Anyone confronted by a stranger would act in a manner to protect themselves. GZ was a stranger to TM and GZ apparently had very poor communication skills or they were intentionally meant to deceive LE. Either way GZ never identified himself when he could have and allowed LE to come out on a call that was unnecessary in the first place. jmo
Seriously, GZ did not know Trayvon or know if he was suspended or an angel or anything other than he was black and in GZ'x neighborhood which made him a criminal in GZ's warped mind.
NOTHING in Trayvons past is relevant to what he was doing that night-walking home from the store with iced tea and skittles talking to his girlfriend. No one has any evidence suggesting he was doing anything other than that. his past is frankly irrelevant. This is a ridiculous argument about Trayvons school years.

How do you know what was in GZ's mind?
He was a neighborhood watchman; The area has had a rash of robberies,
He seen a young man he has never seen before, he thinks
OH gosh, I hope this is no trouble. and he sticks around to see for himself.
WHY can&#8217;t this be how it started??? IT CAN BE.
so let&#8217;s not put any facts into GZs mind.

When we know about TMs past we can talk about it. but even the article I read last night is missing. and someone else&#8217;s link here is missing too.

But I know what I have read.
He was not anywhere "off limits" on the night in question. He was in public areas of a complex he had a legal right to be in. What the heck difference does it make if he went somewhere at SCHOOL where he wasn't supposed to be? My kids are in middle school-there are many places they aren't supposed to be at various times of the day-these are not crimes but rules to keep kids following their schedule. Violating those rules is not indicative of anything criminal. If it were the school would have called in police and he would have been arrested.

The only person who engaged in questionable activity from the get go that night was the killer. he saw black and his warped brain said criminal and he called the police for god's sake, because he saw a black kid walking! Then he pursued him with a gun after being told not to and after knowing full well his neighborhood watch guidelines said not to carry a weapon, not to pursue, not to apprehend.

Maybe we should start analyzing Caylee Anthony's behavior. Maybe she acted like a brat and had been repeatedly put in time outs so it's probably understandable that he poor mother had to take drastic action to protect herself from this budding criminal. Toddlers frequently bite and kick you know.

The police did not tell GZ not to follow TM why does this keep getting repeated?
OK, I used the pic you supplied as an answer to a question I asked. Now everyone wants to know the source of the pic. Whaere did you get it from,?

No problem.

Yes. It is. I have a 17-year-old niece in High School. It's very normal to be suspended from school for being late too many times. Usually it starts with detention, if you miss detention, you get suspended. Some kids choose the suspension other than detention. Stupid? Yes. But we're talking about 17-year-olds here.

Ok so it's not a first resort.
Thank you RossVA!!!!! That clears my confusion. Sorry I did not see this sooner, the thread is moving quickly and the alerts across WS are hard to keep up with. LOL. And... just so there is no question, this is a fair discussion. Why would it be necessary to alter the picture? Tray was a good looking kid in my opinion and I don't see anything wrong with the original picture. I sure don't see it as scary and it doesn't look to me like Tray is anything other than a normal teenager.

Trying to cloud this situation with inaccurate information does not do it justice. Tray, the one and only Tray, had every right to live and let live. He was doing nothing wrong. The truth of the matter (in my opinion) is that even if he was a gangster or - he was doing NOTHING wrong at the point in time when GZ confronted him. When GZ chose to chase him down. Even if he was a ganster - LE had a duty and a responsibility to thoroughly investigate this situation and hold GZ accountable. If you are not commiting a crime and you have a legal right to be where you are - you shouldn't lose your life over it - no matter what you look like.


How would the picture in the MH, that ran on 3/22, be the original when that same picture ran prior to that one?


I am disgusted that this CRIME this MURDER is being politicized as a 2nd amendments rights argument when it's a FACT GZ was told to remain in his vehicle he did not do that he went after TM on foot. He shot him in the heart and killed him. TM was unarmed Nothing else matters IMO

He wasn't told to stay in his truck.
Actually, it doesn't clear much up for me at all. My confusion is this; was George Zimmerman acting in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch commander when this incident took place, or was he acting as Joe Average Citizen on his way home from the store?

If the former, it seems clear that he was in flagrant violation of protocol and was exceeding his authority, likely exposing the HOA and other entities to liability. If the latter, it seems clear that he should not be able to cloak his actions in the blanket of authority conveyed by acting in an official capacity, and Trayvon should bear no burden to treat him as an official authority figure. It doesn't seem like Zimmerman should get to have it both ways. I just want to know for sure which he is claiming. Was he "on duty" or was he a private citizen on a personal errand? Jmoo
Absolutely not true. Blatant made up statement.

911 dispatcher: OK. We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]

Continue reading on Examiner.com George Zimmerman's 911 call transcribed - National unsolved cases | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/unsolved-ca...immerman-s-911-call-transcribed#ixzz1q9ZBobgH

I am disgusted that this CRIME this MURDER is being politicized as a 2nd amendments rights argument when it's a FACT GZ was told to remain in his vehicle he did not do that he went after TM on foot. He shot him in the heart and killed him. TM was unarmed Nothing else matters IMO
BBM. I think it's indicative of kids being kids and schools wanting robots. It doesn't make sense that a kid is rewarded with a vacay for something minor, but they are.

SusiQ you know I love you :)
Please read your post again :maddening:
A child does not get suspended for 10 days for nothing :nono:

The school is not going to talk if they want the other kids safe from vigilante types.
A kid is a kid and not all kids are created equal.
Some are defiant...I am not not not not saying he was...
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