LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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I don't think it is fair to bring his brother into any of BL's activities; LE has said they do not believe he had an accomplice.
Reposted from Laffy Taffy, 11:29p last night:

I'm trying to make sense of this, especially as the verified local says that he/she won't address the subject anymore.

LT says:

LP went missing the night of the accident.
CH and her boyfriend move into the house months later.
CH and her boyfriend find the bones.

Newspaper says:

Guy Landry and SJ find the bones.

I'm trying to make LT's statements jibe with the newspaper:

So... was Guy Landry CH's new boyfriend, and SJ happened to be/live at the camp when the bones were discovered.

And if Guy Landry's was NOT CH's boyfriend, then there were two men living there, and possibly SJ, for a total of four people?

Now I'm wondering - I have seen statements that CH and her boyfriend (the one killed) were living at the camp before the wreck. If so, did CH move out and then move back into the same place with a new boyfriend, if LT's statement is accurate?

Can anyone source the info I have seen that CH and her boyfriend (the one killed) were living there before the wreck?


i saw read an article with the Landry man saying that he and his WIFE, after recently moving in, wanted to explore the backyard more so they walked to the back and saw the boards removed the board and found bones. thought it was animal bones at first until they saw the skull. i might not be remembering the skull part right.

i'll go and look for it. i'm almost certain, but I am spinning at this point with this crazy wreck camp :waitasec:stuff
ok thanks! well, i WANT to believe that he left his Onstar ON. 2 reasons, because I want to being the first ;) (it's better for the prosecution), and my second reason is because I swear that if I had onstar and had just kidnapped and killed someone, I really don't think I'd think to turn it off (I really have NEVER seen an episode of CSI).

sooooo, if he left it on, they know any exits to little gravel desolate roads he went on?? surely he didn't hide her RIGHT ON hwy 90 or ON i-10. Oh, I also WANT to believe he put her in Louisiana. My reason for this is because it's too overwhelming to think about hiding spots in Texas - too VAST!!!

I just really want her found. My heart BREAKS for Charlie and the Shunicks.

I hear you..... it would make it easier to find Mickey.
But.... any perp worth his salt knows that OnStar track you.... and if he had been preying on women, especially as a mechanic - he would have thought of that. I lean toward BSL's OnStar having been disabled by him - notice I said DISABLED. Meaning you can't just switch it off. He would have had to have worked on his truck beforehand. Unfortunately, my hunch is that he did.

Regarding Texas - yes it has bayou country down by the Gulf... and the Big Thicket in east Texas. But other than that -Louisiana is much harder to search... the swamps are a mess.
Ummm...all I know is that she said that LP was found in her back yard. Don't know when. She's a friend of several of my relatives and she's also my FB friend and I feel bad even saying this much. She has a small sweet child and lost her husband only a year ago. There is so much "speculation and rumor and innuendo" going on in CP (and apparently has been for all these years,) she has had enough. She is working with the prosecution. I can't say anymore. She is still suffering over the loss of her husband.

That could be read two ways.... her back yard where she was living - or her back yard where she used to live. In conversation, it could have been either.
I don't think it is fair to bring his brother into any of BL's activities; LE has said they do not believe he had an accomplice.

you are right. i need to clarify that I DON'T think he had an accomplice and I certainly DON'T think his brother was knowingly involved. IF, he traded caddy in, then it's possible Brandon took his caddy without him knowing for a few hours OR his brother loaned it to him not thinking much of it.

i shouldn't have lumped my 2 thoughts (the caddy needs looking into AND it bothers me that they didn't tip off police about him) into the same post. I DON'T think his family is involved.

Who knows, maybe they did tip off the police. Their statements may have been to cover it up so that BSL didn't suspect them of it.

Ok ok dropping the family, but do we know for sure that he traded his vehicle in the day after?
"She said Lavergne's trailer and numerous cars on the property all are being examined and teams also are searching the grounds for clues to what happened to Shunick"

It was on the property when the trailer on Jessie B was searched...

I went by his trailer 2 weeks ago, after LE had packed up and left, and could see from Elaine Lane and Leslie Road two red cars still behind BSL's trailer. So LE must not have found anything or they surely would have towed those in.
That could be read two ways.... her back yard where she was living - or her back yard where she used to live. In conversation, it could have been either.

True. I tend to think that it was her yard back when LP went missing and she was still friends with BSL. It was not her yard anymore when the remains of LP were found. That's the impression I get, but without directly asking I really don't know...and I ain't asking.
I went by his trailer 2 weeks ago, after LE had packed up and left, and could see from Elaine Lane and Leslie Road two red cars still behind BSL's trailer. So LE must not have found anything or they surely would have towed those in.

I'm thinking they must have been able to tell the cars hadn't moved for awhile....
This article says otherwise, and around here, MSM trumps word of mouth.

The October 1, 1999 Advocate article I linked the other night states, "residents of the home found the body under three large boards."

Now you have to pay too read the rest of it, unfortunately. There isn't much more to it, though.

I read that he and his friend were walking the property and found what they thought was an animal bone sticking out from under a couple of boards about 25 yds. from the house. They saw they were human bones.

I got that, the article is on Bessie's #1012 post, what I was trying to point out is why would there be a trail and was it made by a human or rodents, if made by a human could BSL have been checking on his hide.
Here is a thought... How big are the parcels in the 'camp' neighborhood? When ch said "found in my backyardl" could she have been generalizing? How big is this town?
True. I tend to think that it was her yard back when LP went missing and she was still friends with BSL. It was not her yard anymore when the remains of LP were found. That's the impression I get, but without directly asking I really don't know...and I ain't asking.

Thanks for pointing that out. So, do we all agree that the couple, SJ and GL, who found Lisa's body were not around in June, 1999?
I got that, the article is on Bessie's #1012 post, what I was trying to point out is why would there be a trail and was it made by a human or rodents, if made by a human could BSL have been checking on his hide.

What's the address again on Brigman Hwy? 2690?? I thought I wrote it down but didn't . i want to look on Google Earth for explanations why there might be a path there.
Thanks for pointing that out. So, do we all agree that the couple, SJ and GL, who found Lisa's body were not around in June, 1999?

Yes, I agree. The Advocate story said they had been there less than a month when the remains were found Sept. 21.

But that doesn't answer whether CH was there. Not enough facts to determine, yet.

Laffy Taffy says yes.... MSM says "ask again later" (8-ball reference)
Is LE sure that Mickey was murdered on May 19th? They seem positive that he disposed of her bike on that date, and we know he showed up at Ocshner Hospital in N.O. on May 19th - but what if Mickey was tied up in his house or somewhere else, while he made up his alibi? It's pretty risky if he did this, but isn't it a possibility? :twocents:
Unless he had disabled his OnStar (which he may well have done, for privacy), LE should have access to all his travels with that truck.

Now LE may have the OnStar data and they may not. For him to be placed at Whiskey Bay tells me that either they do have the info, or there was a witness. If there was a witness, then BSL was extraordinarily unlucky.... the bike dump spot is pretty isolated.

The problem for LE is - even if they DO have his OnStar data - - the guy traveled all over the place! The area to search is so massive.... The one thing they would have is that OnStar does show if you stop. They'd have to search around every area he stopped.... a doable task. of course, if he had a boat, all bets are off, but I've seen no info that he had a boat.

But if BSL's OnStar was disabled, then I think there was a witness at Whiskey Bay - and not much else to go on.... and finding Mickey will be difficult :please:

If Onstar is truly disabled, other systems are adversely affected. BSL may have unplugged it thinking he was safe but he wasn't. They can still track you even if you disconnect the system.
Thanks for pointing that out. So, do we all agree that the couple, SJ and GL, who found Lisa's body were not around in June, 1999?

I agree that they weren't living there at the camp/residence at that time, yes. Now, were they in that particular "circle of friends" -- who knows? Have no reason to think so at this point.
If BSL's trial on the murder of Mickey comes before his trial on the murder of Lisa, it is almost guaranteed that his defense attorneys will argue, perhaps successfully, to keep any testimony about the Pate case from ever reaching the ears of the jurors. They may learn that he was a suspect earlier, but they may well not hear much else, since there will not be a conviction as yet. There was a case here a couple years ago where a doctor, driving 80 in a 45 zone while having an alcohol content almost 3 times the legal limit, rear-ended a young woman and killed her. He had a prior conviction for drunk driving that his lawyers successfully fought to keep from ever being mentioned...maybe things are different in La than they are in NC...JMO
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