weekend break: discuss the latest here #123

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JM left Jodi hanging when he said something about whether she thought MM would betray her. He sure made it sound like he has a bombshell but maybe he is just playing mind games with JA. I hope MM turns on her. That would make her fume!

Yes, Plum ... I agree with you ... there is MORE to come in the MM department. I honestly have a feeling that he is going to be the smoking gun in this case. Maybe I`m being a tad dramatic, but I just can`t get Juan repeating that statement over and over.... `so you don`t believe that MM would ever betray you ...

That cross examination rings in my ears ... and it makes me think there is a smoking gun there. Why has he vanished off the face of the earth. Where is he. He obviously is very afraid ... VERY afraid. He could be charged as an accomplice or tampering .. sorry I just don`t know. But he obviously knows things and was protecting JA.
Oh man, I cannot WAIT for Juan on Monday! He might change subjects at first to catch the witness ALV off-guard and then continue with his Snow White story and her "continuum" or whatever she calls it on how many points in that exhibit relate to Snow White. But all those points will eventually mirror JA and Travis relationship AS SHE KNOWS IT. I think he will also challenge her on how she claimed that she always talked to both parties "separately" in order to find out how close their stories were. He might even ask her if she ever interviewed Travis Alexander.

Yep. He gets her to say she based her decisions about Jodi on 44 hours of clinical interview plus texts, journals, etc.
that her continuum is a guideline created by her that she can change whenever she wants
That she uses that continuum guideline to classify Snow White as a battered woman w/o ever speaking to Miss White even in a mythic world of a made up story.
that's what I mean..there wasn't blood spatter on the walls in the hall...til the end of the hallway where the large smear was. there was spatter about 12" up the door frame/wall in the bathroom.

maybe Arias was tending to one of her own cuts during the time he made it down the hallway??

That cold $)?$?)'b was probably standing there singing and watching...maybe taunting and laughing
To lure him into a vulnerable position. Who sits in the shower? I mean really?

Nobody I know sits in the shower. :floorlaugh:

OK so she talked him into posing for pics int he shower while holding a gun or knife on him (even she said he never wanted shower pics taken). He at some point manages to get up and grab the camera off her, deletes the shower pictures taken, she's enraged, stabs him and the camera falls to the floor, he fights back as she continues stabbing him, meanwhile the camera is taking pics of her murdering him. She discovers those pics after she kills Travis, deletes those accidental pics, then tosses the camera into the washer.

Just a theory.
Yes, Plum ... I agree with you ... there is MORE to come in the MM department. I honestly have a feeling that he is going to be the smoking gun in this case. Maybe I`m being a tad dramatic, but I just can`t get Juan repeating that statement over and over.... `so you don`t believe that MM would ever betray you ...

That cross examination rings in my ears ... and it makes me think there is a smoking gun there. Why has he vanished off the face of the earth. Where is he. He obviously is very afraid ... VERY afraid. He could be charged as an accomplice or tampering .. sorry I just don`t know. But he obviously knows things and was protecting JA.

Isn't it odd we don't have actual complete witness lists from either side?
Your post helped me understand this much better. I was trying to see it from the point of the average person being called up there to testify. Seeing it 'as if' it were me.

As a professional expert witness she should NOT be getting emotional about her testimony because from that stand point her testimony should be non-partial.

Her show of emotion then would suggest that she may have a little something ELSE going on?

(Did I get that right?)

Yes. I recall Flores wasn't that way. Neither was ME, the blood spatter experts, or the camera expert guy. But here we go with Dr. Sam and ALV. What's up with that? I don't even recall Daryl Brewer being as touchy as these two. Was he?
There was a ton of blood in that hallway, but she cleaned up some of the crime scene. She used quite a bit of water in that hallway. If you look at the photos of the walls after they have that luminol stuff on them, there are purple streaks all over the place.

Just FYI, Luminol is not generally used on areas where blood is present. It is used in areas where there is no visible blood. Luminol itself when dry will leave a white powder composition.
Maybe she planned on taking the camera, but couldn't find it in her haste to get out of there because it was tangled up in the clothing. Or, maybe she hadn't planned everything out and deleted the photos not knowing that they would stay on the CF card. I can't imagine that murdering someone in the frenzy that she had to be in would have made everything go really smoothly. We know that it didn't go that way for her.

I think she assumed the water, bleach and soap would annihilate that camera and the card, whether or not she knew about deleted pics and unallocated space. I did hear Officer Melendez's testimony about the memory card being protected inside the camera. I'm sure JA didn't know that. Taking that camera with her would have been one more piece of evidence to carry out and dispose of. I don't think she meant to take it.

I do think about how long she stayed at Travis' house and what she was thinking as she tried to think of every little trace to clean up and ended up leaving so much behind.
that's what I mean..there wasn't blood spatter on the walls in the hall...til the end of the hallway where the large smear was. there was spatter about 12" up the door frame/wall in the bathroom.

maybe Arias was tending to one of her own cuts during the time he made it down the hallway??

Remember, she supposedly used a glass and dumped water in the hall in an attempt at altering/cleaning up the scene (cardboard boxes in linen closet had 1-2 inches of bloody liquid wicking up from the floor). Also, the prosecution thinks she stabbed him near the heart and vena cava first, so much of his bleeding could have been into his chest cavity rather than externally. Then the blood in the hall would be from him coughing, spitting up and her stabbing him in head, neck and back as he tried to crawl away. Then she slits his throat at the carpet-tile threshold and since he has already bled quite a bit into his chest cavity, his BP is low and there is not nearly the amount of arterial spattering that you would expect if that had been the initial wound. Some more blood leaks as she drags him back to the shower but then she splashes water with the cup....
I see ALV being so arrogant and smug that she thought she would be the one to get Battered Women's Syndrome in the DHS, as her book is timed to come out in April with its 3rd edition....good luck with that.....

I think most men will seen right through her....a feminist with a capital F.

ALV is being very arrogant and very SNIPPY at JM. Don't you think the jurors already know the line, "Mr. Martinez - Are you mad at me?!" and "I expect you to speak to me in the same tone I talk to you". This was totally planned by the defense. Then ALV claims she wasn't privvy to what JA had said in prior testimony. These jurors are not idiots. I watched ALV and every time she thought she got one over on JM, she would look over to the jurors with that S-eating grin. Really ticked me off.
And, thank YOU for understanding. A vast majority of people can't wrap their mind around it. I am retired LE and can tell you that I have seen some of the most bizarre things involved in crimes where you would just have to shake your head in wonder as to why this or that was done. Especially people involved in violent crime such as murder, the state of mind is at a level that most of us will never even begin to imagine. When I hear people say things like, "It doesn't make sense," its hard to get across that it doesn't and won't make sense to a person of reasonable mind.

Excellent point, no rest. So very true.

But also true in the most general sense as well, IMO.

In physics, because--in the early years of the 20th century-- things were being found that were so different from earlier physics (and perhaps common sense), some physicists were stupefied. Some got the scorn of their colleagues when they publicly uttered things like--"I can't see how that could be." (After experiments proved the matter.)

These observations led to Quantum Physics, Special and General Reativity, and so on. But also the phrase that "The Universe is not limited to anyone's limited understanding of it."

The matter of violent crime not being understandable to those who would ordinarily never(?) commit it appears to be a special case of this general rule.
This is so surreal. Watching Jodi trial testimony with sound muted. Listening to the interrogation tapes.

She's a completely different personality testifying than the meek baby voice of the interrogation.
This is just my opinion, but I believe AL was hired to coach Jodi to defend herself against men. She was also taught about Snow White being abused. That picture was put out long before we knew that AL used that in her lectures. I mean there is not much this woman could do but go buy the things she read. Her and Jodi were mirror images of each other on the stand, almost word for word, how they spoke to Juan and anything else in between.
Nobody I know sits in the shower. :floorlaugh:

OK so she talked him into posing for pics int he shower while holding a gun or knife on him (even she said he never wanted shower pics taken). He at some point manages to get up and grab the camera off her, deletes the shower pictures taken, she's enraged, stabs him and the camera falls to the floor, he fights back as she continues stabbing him, meanwhile the camera is taking pics of her murdering him. She discovers those pics after she kills Travis, deletes those accidental pics, then tosses the camera into the washer.

Just a theory.

I think she didn't force him to sit at knife or gun point. Just the camera under the guise of simply taking pictures. Once he was sitting, she pulled out the knife, dropped the camera and thrust it into his chest. While he was trying to fend her off and get up and out of the shower he sustained wounds to his hands and gut area. He staggers to the sink, collapses and tried to crawl away....she stabs his back and head, he covers his head and gets more wounds to his hands.....end of hallway...well you know...
I think she assumed the water, bleach and soap would annihilate that camera and the card, whether or not she knew about deleted pics and unallocated space. I did hear Officer Melendez's testimony about the memory card being protected inside the camera. I'm sure JA didn't know that. Taking that camera with her would have been one more piece of evidence to carry out and dispose of. I don't think she meant to take it.

I do think about how long she stayed at Travis' house and what she was thinking as she tried to think of every little trace to clean up and ended up leaving so much behind.

Also friends knew TA had just bought a camera (one said he helped him pick it out and ow JA says SHE did that). If he was found dead and the camera was gone, eventually LE may have been led to her when people reported that she was a "photographer".
ALV is being very arrogant and very SNIPPY at JM. Don't you think the jurors already know the line, "Mr. Martinez - Are you mad at me?!" and "I expect you to speak to me in the same tone I talk to you". This was totally planned by the defense. Then ALV claims she wasn't privvy to what JA had said in prior testimony. These jurors are not idiots. I watched ALV and every time she thought she got one over on JM, she would look over to the jurors with that S-eating grin. Really ticked me off.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the outburst of laughter was planned too.
That cold $)?$?)'b was probably standing there singing and watching...maybe taunting and laughing

You got that right - she is a freak. The way she behaved in the interrogation room tells us a lot.
Why would JA bother to take pics of him in the shower only to delete them afterward? It makes no sense.

It's reasonable to presume JA took the pics without Travis' knowing, he found out, grabbed the camera from her and deleted them, she was enraged, she tried to grab the camera back off him, it fell, and then the murder was committed.

There are several reasons that these pictures were taken with Travis' knowledge.

First, the shower door is open. She cannot take pictures of someone who is actually taking a shower with a closed glass door. She will only get water and steam that's on the shower door and a blurry figure behind it.

Second, just look at them and all the different angles. Look at the oddly angled bathroom and try to figure out how she could have gotten such shots without him seeing her.

Third, the first picture she took, his hair was still spiked up with mousse or whatever he used. So she got him right from the start of the "shower."

Fourth, there was no soap involved in 8 minutes of "showering." If he'd been taking a real shower, why do we not see a one soap sud in the shower?
Isn't it odd we don't have actual complete witness lists from either side?

Defense has no more witnesses - They are DONE - Thank the Good Lord. It's our turn now and I'm assuming we may find out the State's rebut witnesses AFTER JM is done with the present witness who is the last witness for the D. MOO
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