Interview with Maya D at Lowell...

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This piggy went "Weeeee!" all the way home!
Aug 24, 2008
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WFTV showed an interview by Kathi Belich and Maya Derkovic from Lowell where she is serving her 30 year term for murder of another girl. In this interview, Maya says KC was (paraphrasing here) happy, did not complain that she needed to get out to look for Caylee, or seem concerned or worried about her child.
Kathi B then inquires about Maya's statement that KC would "put the baby out with drugs". Kathi asked what drugs, and Maya slowly got out "chloroform". Says she did not pass this info to LE because she couldnt pronounce the drug. All done so KC could go out.
When further questioned, she said that KC would soak the rag with the chloroform and place it on the baby's face
Maya says she is giving this info now, because it it " the right thing to do" and has not asked for any time off her sentence.
Can someone help me add a link? Sorry to be so needy.......
WFTV showed an interview by Kathi Belich and Maya Derkovic from Lowell where she is serving her 30 year term for murder of another girl. In this interview, Maya says KC was (paraphrasing here) happy, did not complain that she needed to get out to look for Caylee, or seem concerned or worried about her child.
Kathi B then inquires about Maya's statement that KC would "put the baby out with drugs". Kathi asked what drugs, and Maya slowly got out "chloroform". Says she did not pass this info to LE because she couldnt pronounce the drug. All done so KC could go out.
When further questioned, she said that KC would soak the rag with the chloroform and place it on the baby's face
Maya says she is giving this info now, because it it " the right thing to do" and has not asked for any time off her sentence.
Can someone help me add a link? Sorry to be so needy.......

Here's a link that quotes several news agencies. I personally don't buy her story about not knowing how to pronounce chloroform -- especially with a last name of derkovic (that's harder to pronounce).

I guess I find it hard to believe killers anyway. If you can kill, you can certainly have the devils tongue.


Wow - there is a lot of info in this video. Not sure if it is all true. Not just on KC and Caylee but on jail info, etc.
ehhh english is not her first language so I guess not being able to say chloroform matters. instinct tells me she is bs'ing though. I would like to know why.
Only the first video is posted so far and I just don't know what to believe - honestly. Many of her details sound like media sound bites for one. Secondarily some of her details of the 'conversations' sound like the letters":

- RA got in trouble at one point for standing on the toilet and talking to someone through a vent
Phone Calls - Robyn Adams Disc 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Post #2 credit Beach2yall:

Robyn Adams, Disc 2, Call #1

w/ Dad
Robyn: "I got in trouble today."

Dad: "What'd ya do?"

Robyn: "One of the girls...the girl next to me asked me a question and I answered her through the vent. I got yelled at for standing on the toilet"

- RA was going to write a book which brought up KC writing books
[ame=""]Reference: Typed Letters List ONLY - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] (post 12)

- I know Maya says that Sheila does not pass the letters but KC does say on
p. P13640
And when Shannon is here, we might as well play it safe and give her the book(s).
[ame=""]Reference: Typed Letters List ONLY - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] (post 15)

and finally KC sounds like she hardly knows Maya:

P 13641


Oh! I was going to ask you....what happened with Maya? What were the original charges and what the
heck brought on the new ones? Poor girl! She's so young! I'm praying for her. 15)

AND Maya says she was above KC in the video. I thought RA said she was BELOW KC and KC talks about going upstairs being a good workout - I am confused on the layout maybee??

All posts MOO
I think this is BS. She probably received letters or stories from the outside. Her information is very general. Too general.
I just cant not believe the news is still following this. It is, in my opinion, quite obvious what MD is after(as well as RA), and that is leniency on their sentences. RA still has time to ask for it and MD will, come parole time. Or MD just loves RA so much, that MD will go so far as to keep embellishing her story. After all, their stories do get more and more informative with each susequent interview. I wish this case would "get to trial already". It might cut down on all this side show (and my insanity lol).
Wow is right, this interview is well worth listening too. She sounds very credible.
She is credible to me too. Watch her eyes and her body language...
Wish Dr Lillian Glass was around to comment- I think she would find her very believable. There is a reason child killers and perverts have to be kept out of general population in prisons, and that is because the average perp despises them and that is exactly how this girl feels, she says at the end of the interview if she could do something to get at the truth she would, in order to 'let the baby rest'.
She is credible to me too. Watch her eyes and her body language...
Wish Dr Lillian Glass was around to comment- I think she would find her very believable. There is a reason child killers and perverts have to be kept out of general population in prisons, and that is because the average perp despises them and that is exactly how this girl feels, she says at the end of the interview if she could do something to get at the truth she would, in order to 'let the baby rest'.

Just going by my basic knowledge on reading body language, there was nothing in this interview to make me question if she was lying or not.

Put this girl side by side with Casey and you won't have one person who would be believe Casey over Maya. She's straight up and tells what she knows without embellishment. She doesn't come across as the complete liar that Casey did, in either of her two police interviews.
I'm sort of suprised at how quickly people are saying they don't buy her story. A couple of things to consider:

1. She has been locked up a while, and her exposure to what has been said about KC's case is limited - it's not like she has access to half of the resources we do. IMO, a lot of the things she said, I don't know that she would necessarily glean from what she saw on the news. Especially her talk of how KC never cried in her cell, and the visit to the chaplain at night - those types of things can easily be corroborated.
2. She went straight to the police about this, and it was only after KB sought her out with a letter that she came forward for an interview. We didn't hear anything about this young woman's involvement until we saw the recent letters.
3. She doesn't really have anything personally to gain by coming forward.
4. She obviously committed a horrible crime, but she was honest and turned herself in. I think this adds to her credibility. She is obviously not where she is at by lying and she seems to be in full acceptance of the fact that she must pay for her crimes and face consequences.
I believed practically every single word she said.

This is someone who murdered, yes, but she is also someone who was a refugee of war, a runaway, involved in drugs and gang activity in her teens. She committed her crime at the age of 17 and has already served 3 years of a 30 year sentence. She also faced the death penalty for her crime.


a great big huge difference in her and KC? She actually turned her own self IN on the charges and faced them head on. She speaks of guilt and the sorrow of remorse and of healing and of changing. She is asking for nothing in return, and does herself NO favors by representing herself in the press as a "snitch". She has nothing to gain and EVERYTHING to lose-ie: snitches are not well thought of amoung their fellow inmates.

She is telling the truth inasmuch as she knows. IMO

Of course, she could not have seen KC at ALL times during her tenure at the county jail so it is possible there were some things she did not see and does not know about...but for HER part?

Never saw KC cry not one time.
Blown off when she stated how beautiful Caylee was.
Told three different Zanny the nanny stories over the course of time.
Saw KC continually primping in her mirror.
Saw KC with a smile on her face all the time.
Built confidence with KC by defending her to other inmates.
Stated that KC constantly degraded Cindy and yet never mentioned ANY abuse by Lee or her dad.
Talked about KC stating she was too young to have had a baby.
Sees NO remorse EVER one time in KC.

No way this gal could have seen EVERY news story on this. They only get a very limited amount of TV time and I doubt she wasted it all looking for articles on KC.
I just cant not believe the news is still following this. It is, in my opinion, quite obvious what MD is after(as well as RA), and that is leniency on their sentences. RA still has time to ask for it and MD will, come parole time. Or MD just loves RA so much, that MD will go so far as to keep embellishing her story. After all, their stories do get more and more informative with each susequent interview. I wish this case would "get to trial already". It might cut down on all this side show (and my insanity lol).

Uh, hmmm...well, this is WAY bigger news than MOST of what they have followed, so I am not the least suprised. It is not obvious to ME that is what she is after. To me she appears as having regret and much remorse, especially for her victim and for her victims mother. She is straightforward, her body language is quite in line with truth telling, and she HAS nothing to gain. The parole board could give a crap less what she tells the police about someone elses crime. I don't think she has asked for anything and I don't think she will. She KNOWS she did wrong and she KNOWS why she is being punished and she is simply thankful to have had her OWN life spared.

People often remember in bits and pieces. It is why the investigators always say if you think of anything else just call us...and also why they interview people several times. Details get lost in the mind...and they come out at the dangdest KC forgetting/not knowing her whole life she had been molested by her dad, and now suddenly it is all coming clear to her...kinda like that...:blushing:
Thanks magic-cat, very well stated post and it echoed my feelings on what Maya stated.

No reason at all to think she is lying. In fact in the second video she does discuss at length the young girl she killed and she shows a great deal of remorse -- far more than anyone is ever going to get out of Casey.

The tide has turned in my mind after this interview. I have long held out a tiny belief that perhaps this was an accident. I don't think that anymore.

I think Casey did murder Caylee, I'm not sure yet if it was premeditated but I do now firmly believe she did take the life of that defenseless child.
ehhh english is not her first language so I guess not being able to say chloroform matters. instinct tells me she is bs'ing though. I would like to know why.

I know! If she told LE that Caysey put her baby to sleep with "uniform" - they'd get the gist. Especially since Chloroform has been talked about since the very early days.

I call BS too :)

IMO she was a good kid who took the wrong path at a very young age > runaway at 13 > gangsta > drugs

Now that she is free of that world and clean and sober she is haunted by ending someone's life and all the what-ifs which come with that. I found those thoughts of hers very convincing. Paraphrasing: I coulda been her and she coulda been me (there but for the grace of the universe ... go I)

She talks convincingly about what her family and her victim's family have gone through/will go through because of her actions. She wants peace for Caylee's soul and thinks of her own siblings when she considers Caylee's fate. Like most in the penal system she has no use for those who harm children and chose to distance herself after deciding that Casey is guilty

I can identify with "doing the right thing" inviting skepticism and disbelief: I turned in my then-husband many years ago for allowing one of his friends to store 1000s of dollars worth of stolen property in our garage (without my knowledge and certainly without my permission.) You would not believe how many times various LEOs asked me "why are you doing this?" Um, first and foremost because it's the right thing to do and #2 the guys who own these tools cannot work and support their families because this shipping crate was stolen and #3 ain't no way I wanna be connected with receiving stolen property. All through the investigation and take-down LE kept asking me "why?" (Luckily the ex plea-bargained and testified so I didn't have to)

I understand why her coming forward is viewed with suspicion but I also believe that, given where she is now and will be for many years, she is putting herself on the line by speaking out. She has much to lose and little to gain (because guarantees are rare in her world, deal or no deal)
I went into watching this interview being very skeptical about Maya's credibility. At first I wasn't so convinced she was being straight up, but as I kept watching I found myself believing her. I don't know if I've been had or not, but I think she mostly told the truth. I really do hope she is a changed woman. She certainly seems to have remorse and has owned up to her crime. It was odd looking at her (she's so young, and I think she's very pretty) knowing she was once in a gang, hooked on drugs and murdered a young girl.
I am the most skeptical person, who would never believe anything a murderer would say....Had I not seen and heard these videos for myself I wouldn't have bought anything Maya said.
I was so impressed by her thoughtfulness, body language and eye contact with Kathy B.
This young, troubled girl has more maturity than ANY of the A's will ever have. She does not talk in a circular fashion like most of the dishonest people in this case. I did not feel confused or annoyed when listening to her. Her story is compelling about her own journey.
Did anyone hear her say she works with kids in the Scared Straight program? I would think the prison would think carefully who they would let teenagers listen to. She did not appear to be overly self serving or arrogant like many others in this case. She seemed to have a better grasp of the English language than most of the trash we have been hearing from.
I was very surprised and intrigued to hear her point of view.
If she got on the stand I would buy her story....

Don't know what to think about the Chloroform though.

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