Who Is Terri Horman?

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Sep 25, 2009
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The adopted daughter
She told others her bio family was from wealth

Terri wanted to be a teacher

(Red Squirrel has many meanings)

She was married twice
The marriage broke up due to infidelity
They had a storage facility business
She managed a restaurant

How she met Kaine is a mystery...His privacy.

Kyron rushing into a room about to say something....Tells me alot.
He was getting older, wiser and wanted to tell his father of Terri's secrets.

Terri is a woman of many addictions....Sex, drugs, shopping, etc.
The adopted daughter
She told others her bio family was from wealth

Terri wanted to be a teacher

(Red Squirrel has many meanings)

She was married twice
The marriage broke up due to infidelity
They had a storage facility business
She managed a restaurant

How she met Kaine is a mystery...His privacy.

Kyron rushing into a room about to say something....Tells me alot.
He was getting older, wiser and wanted to tell his father of Terri's secrets.

Terri is a woman of many addictions....Sex, drugs, shopping, etc.

She was a woman who wanted to appear as HER idea of "perfect." The real Terri was a grasping, self-centered, manipulative unstable woman. The rest is a facade. I don't think she was two-sided. All in my opinion, based on what I have read in MSM.

What are some of the meanings of Red Squirrel? I have missed this or forgotten it...
The adopted daughter
She told others her bio family was from wealth

Terri wanted to be a teacher

(Red Squirrel has many meanings)

She was married twice
The marriage broke up due to infidelity

They had a storage facility business
She managed a restaurant

How she met Kaine is a mystery...His privacy.

Kyron rushing into a room about to say something....Tells me alot.
He was getting older, wiser and wanted to tell his father of Terri's secrets.

Terri is a woman of many addictions....Sex, drugs, shopping, etc.


Actually, she is on her third marriage. And I believe infidelity was alleged in both of her first two marriages.
Ok, shes adopted. It would be interesting to know if she knew who her bio family was, because if she didn't, it's interesting her delusions concerning her bio family.

Seriously, if I was Houze, right now I would be trying to track down the bio family of her and hope she was born in a mental institution to try to explain why my client may be the way she is, I am almost wondering if Cindy Anthony had a secret child she gave up young, j/k, kinda.

And really, I could be right, maybe being adopted has really affected Terri somehow, I can really see this happening.
Kaine was adopted as well. Could this play into the dynamics of who both these people were, or just Terri?
Kaine was adopted by his stepfather. He was raised by his biological mother.
Kaine was adopted as well. Could this play into the dynamics of who both these people were, or just Terri?

Maybe you can ask if you can start a who is Kaine thread? He is not the last known person with Kyron right?
Remember guys we had a similar thread last week and it got out of hand. Stick to facts. And please remember Kaine is not to be sleuthed. Thanks. It would be nice if we can discuss this without all of the snarl.

Post lands at random.
Terri is an unusual woman
Terri is an alleged achoholic
Terri is a sexter
Terri is a supect in Kron's disappearance
Terri is an alleged attempted murder for hire contract taker outer
Terri is the last person known to have seen Kyron on the day of his disappearance
Terri is unable to verify what she did with her time that day to LE's satisfaction
Terri is a person who has exhibited odd behavior for one in her circumstances
Terri seems to be a person who wants to be seen as or to be a big help to others. In the one media conference she's comforting Kyron's parents, she's a volunteer at the school, she told family that she helped care for Kyron as an infant, it's claimed that she noticed Kyron's eyesight problems, and Kaine now says that she creates problems and then takes credit for solving the problems. Plus, in the alleged sexting messages released to the press, she is telling MC that she "wants to please", and seems to have snuck off to his house because she was so worried about him.
Well from what we have seen and heard so far, I'm not sure if Terri Horman really knows who Terri Horman is.

I think I should have said Terri Horman can't decide who Terri Horman is.
Based upon the facts presented in the Oregonian, I’ve put the information together in what I consider a significant events that might detect patterns in TH’s behavior. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/08/terri_horman.html

1. Terri, according to this article, has a pattern that is apparent if you follow the dates and times of the article. Part of the pattern is lack of financial independence. She has never "supported herself" with funds solely from her own work for an extended period of time, as far as I can tell. One of the obvious things in the article is the fact that she did not pay for her own college education. (Richard Ecker and, perhaps, her parents did.) She was given money by her parents to buy her first home in Aloha with Ecker. She has received more than $46,000 from Ecker in child support. Additionally, the should have been a return of the money TH used to buy the home when it was sold. I wonder if she repaid her parents or kept the money for her own support.
She, Tarver, and her parents received a settlement with Chubby's for $250,000 in 1994. Although not stated, I am fairly certain she received an insurance settlement from her car accident in 1998.
It also appears that the time from her graduation from H.S. to her first marriage is unaccounted for. However, since she completed her bachelor's degree in two years, I think it is safe to assume that her parents were supporting her during that period of time while she attended college somewhere.

2. TH's marriages : The first two ended with charges of infidelity against TH. The first involved both TH and her husband claiming the other had been unfaithful. TH has allowed less than a year between the divorce from the first spouse and moving on to another relationship. This includes her divorce from RE and moving in with KH.

3. IMO, Terri did not renew her teaching credential in 2007, because Oregon law at that time would have prevented her from renewing with a DUI on her driving record. She renewed in 2010, because she was able to truthfully answer that she did not have a DUI in the "past 5 years." MOO Since that time, the character restrictions seem to have become even stricter. (See the character questions, last page of application. http://www.tspc.state.or.us/pdf/0001.pdf)
Earlier, during the summer, I looked at the requirements and the form asked if you had been convicted of DUI in the past five years. And, her conviction also carried an "child endangerment" component that would not have boded well for a renewed teaching credential.
4. She has never held a permanent teaching position and,from the article, I would say that without her current problems, she probably does not come highly recommended. Even in March 2001-June 2002 during a long-term sub position she seemed "rigid" in her demands of the students. In my state, the cut back on teacher hiring did not occur until 2008, so I wonder if there isn’t significance to the fact that she was never offered a permanent position. I don’t think there was a shortage of positions in 2002-2006. I also must consider her rigidity when she was encouraging KH to “punish” Ky if he didn’t receive the “best” daily report. .

5. She does seem to have had some difficulty in respecting other’s possessions. For example, moving her roommate’s furniture and book into the yard while it was raining and rearranging furniture, as well s throwing away the teacher's materials for whom she subbed long-term.)

6. As an only child, I would think that TH was adored and indulged. Certainly our lives are complex and no single factor “determines” later actions. However, some of the issues in #5 may be related to being an only child.

7. Dates of importance:
Graduation HS: 1988
First Marriage: November 1991 Divorce: November 1995
Second Marriage: August 1996 Divorce: January 2002
Move in with KH: December 2002 Marriage: May 2007

Children: January 1994
November 2008

8. TH was said to be spending too much money according to KH. The fact that she was spending as much as or more than KH earned, may be a red flag about her ability to deal with boundaries and certainly underscores the lack of communication in the relationship. (Yes, this is a two-way problem--KH & TH's.)

All of the above is MOO...
I am mystified about Terri's adoption. She was born in March and adopted in November.

This comes from an adoption website where she was searching for her father.

But I have seen an FB picture of Carol Moulton's that says that she saw Terri in her little white dress first when she was three years old.

Was Terri adopted as an infant and then adopted by the Moulton's at age 3?
wow tink! TY. Very comprehensive post with many useful facts and theories about Terri. I will be bookmarking this one.
Based upon the facts presented in the Oregonian, I’ve put the information together in what I consider a significant events that might detect patterns in TH’s behavior. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/08/terri_horman.html

5. She does seem to have had some difficulty in respecting other’s possessions. For example, moving her roommate’s furniture and book into the yard while it was raining and rearranging furniture, as well s throwing away the teacher's materials for whom she subbed long-term.)

6. As an only child, I would think that TH was adored and indulged. Certainly our lives are complex and no single factor “determines” later actions. However, some of the issues in #5 may be related to being an only child.



Attributing character flaws to the fact that someone is an only child is a form of prejudice similar to discrimination on the basis of sex or race. You are pretty much saying that a person was doomed to be flawed in a certain way due to a circumstances of birth over which he or she had no control.

A lot of research has been done on birth order, including surveys of whether or not there's any statistical support for popular notions about only children--that they are spoiled, selfish, doted on, put on pedestals, or highly disrespectful of others. None of these "character flaws" are found to be any more prevalent among only children than among any other group of children.

In birth order dynamics, an only child is 75% similar to an eldest child and 25% similar to a youngest child. A popular misperception about onlies is that they are mostly born to parents who actually wanted more children and feel so blessed to have had at least one that the child becomes the center of their world. Actually, onlies are also born to parents who never intended to have any children at all, but who declined to abort an unplanned pregnancy. Another segment of onlies are born to single mothers who never go on to marry or have other children, and these kids sometimes grow up feeling overly responsible for their single moms. Another group were born to mothers who underwent dangerous or very difficult pregnancies or deliveries, and these kids sometimes harbor a secret guilt over their belief (sometimes encouraged by the family) that they nearly killed their mothers simply by coming into existence. All told, it's not a significant majority of only children who are born to happy, grateful, well-to-do households.

I am an only child now 57 years old. I took care of my mother for 18 years, and my father for 9 years. When the parents of onlies age and lapse into frail health, there is only one child to care for them.

I grew up in a large extended family in which all the other branches had 2, 3, or 4 children. Only children were absolutely loathed in this family, and I grew up hearing all about my endless shopping list of character flaws caused by my own personal failure to have siblings. When I was a kid, if I fought with my cousins, I was spoiled and selfish and a bully who expected to get my way at all times. But if I didn't stand up for my rights and defend myself, I was weak-minded and weak-bodied because I never had to fight for anything and expected everything to be handed for me. If I valued my things, I had never learned to share due to being an only ... but if I tried to be generous, I was trying to buy affection because I lacked social skills due to be an only. It was just endless, until finally, when I was grown up to have a say, I quit having anything to do with these people entirely.

I ended up working for a sole propriator business for nearly twenty years. After fifteen years of employment, the owner finally confessed to me: I could probably sue her for this, but had I told her before being hired that I was an only, she would never have hired me. So she was glad I never told her, because I was the best employee she had ever hired and we became the best of friends.

For the record, I never sued her, spoiled rotten brat that I am.

As for TH being an only or an adoptee ... let's keep in mind that these are decisions that she wasn't at liberty to make about her own life. I believe she is guilty for whatever happened to Kyron ... but my belief is based on her own decisions and actions ... not on decisions that her bio-parents or adoptive parents made for her.
Per, D - TH broke up her marriage:

MEDFORD, Ore. -- An in-depth interview with NBC’s Dateline, Kyron Horman’s mother blamed Terri Horman for the breakup of her marriage with Kyron’s father back in 2002.

Desiree said she was eight months pregnant with Kyron when she learned that Kaine was having an affair with Terri and it tore her apart.

"I cried solid for two months and didn't leave the bedroom because I didn't understand why she somehow equated to something that was better than me and my son,” Desiree said.


Desiree was pregnant at the time of the affair - nice :(

Who is Terri Horman? Not sure. But the red squirrel nickname is a good place to start. I also wonder about how long she's ever been single and taken those moments as opportunity for introspection. I am not really sure she knows who she is, either. JMO.

Attributing character flaws to the fact that someone is an only child is a form of prejudice similar to discrimination on the basis of sex or race. You are pretty much saying that a person was doomed to be flawed in a certain way due to a circumstances of birth over which he or she had no control.

Snipped and BBM

I am so sorry that you interpreted my comments as a generalization about only children. I certainly was not trying to cast a broad net...I believe that I said, "Certainly our lives are complex and no single factor “determines” later actions. However, some of the issues in #5 may be related to being an only child.

I certainly did not mean to offend anyone. In fact, there are some very interesting studies that have been done on "birth order" personality traits. I believe they were done by Alder, but I may need to review that. Anyway, the result of this research is that any "only child" is most likely to take on either the characteristics of the first or last born as seen in families with multiple children.

Your personality would be spot-on as the responsible, over-achieving first born. All these traits are just GENERALIZATIONS. As we all know, each of us can negate almost any set of statistics or research in any one area of our lives.
Someone who keeps receipts and accurate records of where she is at 9:12 but can't be accurate about where she was for about an hour and half after that.

"I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for K they didn't have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get K to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20. Home at 12:45. Kaine home at 2. Bus at 3:30. That was my day - they keep asking me. Now on my 5th interview with them."


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