TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 3

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Texas Mist

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Joshua Davis

(New Braunfels, TX) -- An 18-month old toddler is still missing, despite the best efforts of New Braunfels Police and nearby neighbors who went out into the cold night searching for the young boy. Police officials say they were first called out to the 26-hundred block of Savannah Hill Circle (which sits off of Klein Road, on the east side of I-35) just before 9 o’clock last night after the mother of the 18-month old buy reported him missing. She had last seen him inside their residence about 20-minutes prior to calling police, and responding officers searched the home multiple times, then added a grid search of the entire neighborhood, with no luck finding the toddler.


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I didn't see Patty post that she was recording NG, so I recorded it on my computer. Still trying to figure out how to crop the frames since my private info/desktop is visible in alot of it... :o

If I figure it out, I'll post it -- if Patty hasn't done so.

ETA: Happy to announce that Patty has uploaded it... THANK YOU, PATTY!!!!
Joshua Davis is shortened to JD.
Sabrina Benitez is shortened to SB.
Direct quotes only, as far as I can tell, from the parents and any family friends that have been quoted.

JD: "I don't know, I'm just looking for any little lead, find my son. I miss him."
JD: "I don't undersatnd how he could wander off, so that's how I know for a fact someone took him. There's no way that my son would have wandered off like that. He didn't do that. There's no possible way. I know if y'all had kids out there, and this happened to you guys, y'all would want someone to come forward too. So why don't y'all do the same and help me out?

SB: "I believe he's still out there, I believe he's, he might might be sick right about, but I believe he's still out there. He's still there for us."
SB: "I went to sleep last night for the first time in two days. For a couple hours and all I could see, all I could hear was my baby crying and all I could picture was him playing in the room with me."
SB: "I cant even explain the feeling, I just hope whoever did it wasn't just playing a game, because that's nothing to play about. I hope everything, I hope it was true, at least a helpful lead for the cops." [This is in reference to the rumor that Joshua had been found.]
SB: " I just want my baby back in my arms, I just want to know he's still living."

“There was one of (Joshua’s) toy balls found at the end of the block. It was on top of some mailboxes. There’s no way he got it up there by himself.” - Lee Jackson - family friend [Seems that the ball may never have been a direct quote, and has since been debunked.]
“Someone took him,he needs medical attention immediately. He has asthma and other medical conditions.” - Michelle Griffin - family friend.
JD: “I last saw my son around 8 last night. He was pulling on my beanie trying to take it off. He was behind my chair. When I told him to stop, he looked at me and smiled. That was the last time I saw him.”
SB: “They have no leads. I last saw him around 7:40 p.m. in my room watching ‘Toy Story.’ When I realized he hadn’t come back to watch with me, I realized he was missing.”
SB: "Please bring my baby home. Please let him be ok."

SB: "May I give you one of these ma'am? My baby, he came up missing. Any little tip..." [During the flyer handout at the store, to another customer.]
SB: "I have faith. I'm going to keep faith in my heart and keep on pushing until I find my baby. I believe in my heart he's still out there, he's safe somewhere."

JD: "...to run around the house, from the living room to the other rooms, back and forth.” [Describing his son.]
JD: "...he does not wander off like that. He usually stays inside the yard and plays with his toys. We searched everywhere around the house, the cabinets, under the couches, even the high spots we knew he couldn't climb to.”

SB: "He's very outgoing, he likes to play. He's smart."
JD: "I don't understand how he could wander off." [This may just be a sound bite from the first time he said that at the school gym.]
SB: "My days been long, I haven't slept, I been up looking for my baby. I'm worried about where he's at. I just want him home safe.
SB: "He was wearing dark blue jeans, a blue striped shirt." [the night he went missing.]
JD: "I just want my son, I could care less who did it. In fact if I find out, if they do find out, I don't even want to know who did it. I just want my son back. That's all I want."

SB: "I just want my baby back. Where is my baby?"

SB: "I went to sleep and all I could hear was my baby crying, calling Mommy, calling for Mommy. "
SB: "I just want to know he's okay, that he's still alive, anything."
SB: "They had my hopes up, come to find out this was all a joke. I think whoever started that rumor, it was wrong of you." [ in regards to the rumors that he had been found.]
SB: "He's still out there. Don't give up looking for him. Anything, if y'all have any type of clue, if y'all don't want us to show your face, drop him off somewhere. Anything, just so he can be back at home with us."

JD: "Maybe there's someone that's seen the fliers before, but maybe if I'm putting a flier in their hand, seeing me, seeing that I'm the dad, maybe someone might give in."
JD: "Just keeping God on my side, like I always do, and hoping he'll send me some signs of you know, send us a clue, send someone our way that may have clues. "

"They're saying there's not enough information to go on but, why not? A baby's missing. And we need to find him." - Jerome Davis [Joshua's grandfather, in regards to the lack of AA.]

JD: “We're just waiting for news.”
JD: “...is trying to hold it together. We're doing the best we can.” [in regards to SB.]

JD: "Nah. Well I don't think he wandered off. He knows his play zone and...They had the scent dogs out here and they said there was no scent of him leaving out of the, you know, yard or anything like that, so I don't see how he could have wandered off, or else they said, they would have picked something up.'
SB: "My baby's out there somewhere. Somebody has him. Because I still have hope. He;s gonna come home."

SB: " I know he's still alive. I don't think, like they said recovery, I don't think this is a recovery, becuase I still believe, I mean, they had the cadaver dogs. He's nowhere in this area, I don't believe because there's no trace of him in the yard, but I do believe he's alive."

Nancy Grace: "...Sabrina Benitez, joining us from Texas. Sabrina, thank you for being with us."
SB: "Hello?"
NG: "I'm here, I hear you, and I hear you crying. Tell me what happened when Joshua went missing, Ms. Benitez.
SB: "We were all in the house, there was 9 people in the house. I was sitting on the bed, watching Toy Story with my baby. He was wandering from our room to the living room, where other family members were. When I realized, after about 10 minutes, that it was unusual, that my baby hadn't been back in the room to come get a toy or come watch the movie. I jumped up and I ran to the grandfather's room where there was another baby that my baby was interested in. I asked if he was in there, and the grandfather's girlfriend told me that he hadn' been in there, I ran out to the living room and I asked everyone there if they had seen the baby. We started searching, when there was no signs of the baby, I ran out the house and everyone started looking and we called the police about 10 minutes when we realized we couldn't, we had no, nowhere where we hadn't found him."
NG: "What do you thinking happened, Sabrina, do you think he got out the door?"
SB: "At first, I kinda, honestly at first, there was a family friend in the house, and that was the last time the door had been opened. And, I at first thought, like, maybe the friend had took him. But the police say there's no signs of that. So, they said he had been in and out the back door, I thought maybe he could have slipped, like, walked out the back door, but I highly believe, I believe that wasn't the case either, because when I walked out on the back porch, there was ice all over th steps. It was too cold and my baby's real smart, I mean if it was that cold, he would have found a way to come knock on the door or he, there would have been signs of him out the back door because it was icy."
NG: "Now, everyone, with me is Sabrina, baby Joshua's mother, joining us by phone, Sabrina Benitez. I know you guys are doing everything possible to help find him. Tell me, did you say, did I hear you say, there were nine people in the home when he went missing?"
SB: "Yes, ma'am."
NG: "So, who was in the home?"
SB: "There was me, his father, his older brother, his godmother, his two grandparents, his fathers friend, and his grandpa's girlfriend.'
NG: "And nobody saw him get out the door, but here's the thing, a lot of people don't believe a baby that age could get out the door. They can, they absolutely can...Has your son ever done that before, have you seen him go out?"
SB: "No ma'am, he can't even, he can't reach the doorknob, like he reaches maybe to the bottom of it, but he can't reach tall enough to where he could turn the doorknob."
NG: "Well, if he can't reach the doorknob, then how did he get out?"
SB: "That's what I wanna to know."

JD: "I would never do nothing to my son."
JD: "I really don't care what they think. God knows what happened."

SB: "I believe, in my heart, I feel that he's still out there. I believe someone has him. Somebody has to have him. "
SB: "I know just to see us on TV would make him happy. I love you, and I can't wait till you're back home.
SB: "...that all we can do is stay strong. I'm not giving up until my baby comes back. Keep on pushing."

"There is no scent of the baby walking away. Obviously somebody had to have taken him, because they have scent of him in the yard, but not of him wandering off. So somebody had to have picked him up, or something, you know, that's what I believe." - Olivia Fernandez, aunt.
"It's very tough, all we can do is, hope, pray." - Olivia Fernandez, aunt.

JD: "It’s been a stressful roller-coaster ride, just wondering how it could happen."
JD: "Today, we’re just going to get more fliers."
JD: "It helps out that someone may have seen him, that he’s still with us. I hope that one of the leads or phone calls will bring my son back home safe.” [In reference to possible sightings of Joshua.]
I wonder what kind of holes are they talking about in this article?

The massive search for the boy includes, at this point, K-9 cadaver dogs, dive teams (that are searching the waters of nearby creeks, stock tanks, and ponds), specialized camera equipment (which was brought in to search several holes that were to deep for people or dogs to search safely), and a special airborne drone from Wimberley was flown in that took several high-res photos of the search area from the sky.
The father seems very defensive. Not to imply anything, some guys are just like that.

No one clearly says, "Yes, I was the last one to see him." They do say things like, "The last time I saw him." If they can lock in a timeline down to within a few minutes, how can they not pin down which of them saw him last?

The mother's description of the clothes he was wearing do not match the LE description.

I can't find the interview of the father talking about the polygraphs, so if someone has it, please link.
The father seems very defensive. Not to imply anything, some guys are just like that.

No one clearly says, "Yes, I was the last one to see him." They do say things like, "The last time I saw him." If they can lock in a timeline down to within a few minutes, how can they not pin down which of them saw him last?

The mother's description of the clothes he was wearing do not match the LE description.

I can't find the interview of the father talking about the polygraphs, so if someone has it, please link.

I think this is the video you are looking for is about 1:20 where he states he took 3 polys, then he goes on to explain about this wife. http://www.kens5.com/news/local/Missing-toddlers-dad--115595439.html

Just have to say in re-watching this, this was his on-camera (same day) but before the vigil where he seems in this video calm, unlike the other video 20 minute before the vigil that we saw of him smoking in the background and several people including myself noted that he seemed very angry.
I just don't have any idea what happened to this child, but if an adult was involved, I am getting the feeling that LE will need to get a confession in order to find him. I have such despairing feelings about little tiny children being located, as Mark Klass said, in such a great big world. They are very hard to find, without help.
I just don't have any idea what happened to this child, but if an adult was involved, I am getting the feeling that LE will need to get a confession in order to find him. I have such despairing feelings about little tiny children being located, as Mark Klass said, in such a great big world. They are very hard to find, without help.


And Texas is a great big state. (I keep thinking of Hailey Dunn also...)

And Texas is a great big state. (I keep thinking of Hailey Dunn also...)

Mark was talking about Hasani Campbell at the time, but it could apply to so many others, Kyron, both Hailey and Haleigh, etc...but there is still hope this baby will be found, it is still less than a week of searching, though I do wish they were at the 3-mile point by now.

Reporter: "Mr. Davis, thank you for being with us. And what is the latest on the search efforts today?"
JD: "Um, right now, the only thing I really know is that FBI is involved and they doing the best they can to try to, you know find my son. I'm doing the best that I can, putting out fliers. I'm going through 2200 fliers so far, we have another 2000 on the way. So there's gotta be somebody that seen my son or knows a clue or something, any information, you know, to find my son."
Reporter: "Well, Mr. Davis, I understand that helicopters were up today, helping with the search and that investigators then removed several things from your back yard and the back yards around. Do you have any idea what they took?"
JD: "No, as far as that, I don't know about what's going on with that, um, whenever I got home, I went in the, I was, I went to the, um, I got in and I went to the restroom, and I just seen a truck in my back yard, and I don't know, as far as to what happened with that."
Reporter: "So you don't know what they took from your backyard there? And did you..."
JD: "Um, no."
Reporter: "And Mr. Davis, did you take a lie detector test?"
JD: "Yes, they actually put me through three lie detector tests."
Reporter: "Really? Now, I know that's standard procedure and your wife and everyone else in the home, there were seven adults, did they all have to take the polygraphs as well?"
JD: "Yes, my um, well my girlfriend, she actually did, they told her, she wanted to take one, but they wouldn't let her take one because she's pregnant. So, she asked if whenever she's pregnant, whether my son's back or not, if she still is willing to take one. She wants them to still give her one. So, she's still wants to take one regardless."
Reporter: "Well gosh, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I understand there is a prayer service tonight, is that right?"
JD: "Yeah, um, me and my girlfriend, we got together a prayer service, um, at 6:30 tonight, here at my house, and uh, we're just trying to get everyone to come out and support us right now. And really for my girlfriend, you know, she's pregnant and I'm trying to stay strong for her and my six year old son, so...just kinda hard, you know, I'm thinking about my son constantly, thoughts are running through my mind, thinking about my son. I miss waking up, he used to give me a kiss every morning when he woke up, me and my girlfriend, so it's just hard missing that."
Reporter: "Well, good luck to you, I know that so many people are out there searching and praying for you. Good luck to you, Mr. Davis. I hope we have good news to report soon."
I know that transcription really doesn't help with tone or body language. (I can do them complete with gestures, but that takes roughly forever.)

It helps to have the statements written down, and that's just in my own experience. It's sometimes easy for someone to talk in a circle very effectively. I don't read in circles, so if it's written down, I'm more likely to see the difference in statements. I do aim for accuracy, so that if a link is pulled, the statement is as close as I can get it. That's why you see meaningless words like "Um". Anyway, I know they are a lot of info to pore through, so I'm sorry if they get in anybody's way or impede the conversation.

ETA: WHY doesn't anybody use his name? He is Joshua, he is a child, he has a name, it is not my baby, the baby, or simply he or him. ARGH!!! (Sorry, not one single time did I see his name used by either parent, family, or friends. It's maddening.)
THANK YOU!!! for doing that. :takeabow:
I will definitely read thoses comments, compare and take notes.

Can we give our opinions about what was said during the interviews you transcribed?
Or is that against TOS?
UGH - after being away for 8 hours I was so hoping to come back to some good news. Wherever you are little man, I hope you are warm and safe - soon to be back to your mama.
THANK YOU!!! for doing that.
Can we give our opinions about what was said during the interviews you transcribed?
Or is that against TOS? thanks

As far as I know, it's open for discussion, as long as we don't go against the TOS. We can talk, we just have to talk nicely, since no one is really a suspect yet, at least that's been announced.
Thank you so much NMK!

Has any reporter asked either of them yet what Joshua was like? What did he like to do? Etc...

I'm looking for tense. And I agree it is a little irritating that he's constantly called the "baby". (I know a lot of us do with our own kids---I am just wanting to hear one of them address him by his name and I want to see which tense the consistently use with his name).
I know that transcription really doesn't help with tone or body language. (I can do them complete with gestures, but that takes roughly forever.)

It helps to have the statements written down, and that's just in my own experience. It's sometimes easy for someone to talk in a circle very effectively. I don't read in circles, so if it's written down, I'm more likely to see the difference in statements. I do aim for accuracy, so that if a link is pulled, the statement is as close as I can get it. That's why you see meaningless words like "Um". Anyway, I know they are a lot of info to pore through, so I'm sorry if they get in anybody's way or impede the conversation.

ETA: WHY doesn't anybody use his name? He is Joshua, he is a child, he has a name, it is not my baby, the baby, or simply he or him. ARGH!!! (Sorry, not one single time did I see his name used by either parent, family, or friends. It's maddening.)

:waitasec: That IS interesting. Do they purposely not use Joshua's name as a way to distance themselves from the situation?

I have no idea and am curious.
I know that transcription really doesn't help with tone or body language. (I can do them complete with gestures, but that takes roughly forever.)

It helps to have the statements written down, and that's just in my own experience. It's sometimes easy for someone to talk in a circle very effectively. I don't read in circles, so if it's written down, I'm more likely to see the difference in statements. I do aim for accuracy, so that if a link is pulled, the statement is as close as I can get it. That's why you see meaningless words like "Um". Anyway, I know they are a lot of info to pore through, so I'm sorry if they get in anybody's way or impede the conversation.

ETA: WHY doesn't anybody use his name? He is Joshua, he is a child, he has a name, it is not my baby, the baby, or simply he or him. ARGH!!! (Sorry, not one single time did I see his name used by either parent, family, or friends. It's maddening.)

I always called whatever child was the youngest at the time the baby or the babies with my twins. It stuck until the next 1 came along LOL. My youngest and last child will forever be The Baby, at 3 he's already correcting me "I'm not a baby i'm BIG boy mommy" :)

Maybe it's just force of habit
As far as I know, it's open for discussion, as long as we don't go against the TOS. We can talk, we just have to talk nicely, since no one is really a suspect yet, at least that's been announced.

Thanks again not__my__kids. I better let someone else take a stab at it first...I dont want to get another hand smackin.

I dont know how to discuss what you transcribed without mentioning the child's parents, kwim?
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