Trial Thread 4/17/2012

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New thread for a new day. Please remember the rules


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the crown will present its case in chapters:

Chapter 1: The day of the kidnapping. The surveillance video showing Rafferty driving up the street outside Tori's school and McClintic walking Tori up the street. Witnesses from and around Oliver Stephens public school will talk about seeing Tori.
An identification officer will use photographs and maps to show the route from Woodstock to Guelph.
Tori's mother, Tara McDonald, will testify about the frantic hours the family spent looking for Tori.

Chapter 2: Terri-Lynne McClintic. "She was an essential part of all that happened," Gowdey said. "I expect her credibility will be a major issue in this case."

Chapter 3: Guelph -- video surveillance and bank records detailing the events there.

Chapter 4: the Mount Forest death scene, which the jury will visit. "It will be difficult to go to the very place where this happened, I know that, but understanding the crime scene is crucial to understanding the crime," Gowdey said. Photographs, some of them graphic, will be used to explain "exactly how the killing happened."
"Unfortunately it is only through them that you can fully understand (the) evidence," Gowdey said.

Chapter 5: Police interaction with Rafferty.

Chapter 6: The searches of Rafferty and McClintic's residences and the evidence found.

Chapter 7: The Honda Civic. What was found inside.

Chapter 8: Rafferty's connection to the Mount Forest area.

Chapter 9: Comments Rafferty made to friends after April 8. "He had some interesting things to say to other people about Terri-Lynne McClintic and about the kidnapping itself," Gowdey said.

Chapter 10: The May 15 weekend and Rafferty's actions.

Chapter 11: The BlackBerry. The BlackBerry allowed police to track his movements April 8 and after.

Chapter 12: A recap of the surveillance video.

Salem's warning from last week:
Okay everybody - LISTEN UP! We are not bashing, accusing or blaming Tori's family here. It won't be allowed.
Children walk home from school every day without incident. Parents are not perfect, it's just not possible. Tori's parents DID NOT do this to her. TLM and an accomplice DID. That is where the blame goes.
We had a lot of family bashing in the early parts of this investigation after Tori went missing and a lot of baseless accusations - NONE OF WHICH PROVED TO BE TRUE. Victim and family bashing will not be allowed during this trial.
Thank you,
and reposting SoSueMe's warning:
As some of you may have noticed, the members following this case are dropping in numbers. It's disheartening to us because we need and welcome discussion of both sides of every issue on Websleuths.
Zero tolerance means ZERO tolerance. Please discuss this case with respect to your fellow members. Subtle and veiled harassment and/or talking in code about other members will not be tolerated.
A word of caution on the Alerts in this forum. If you alert a post, make sure it is a clear violation of our Terms of Service. A difference of opinion is not a violation of TOS.
Please note that everything discussed in court and printed/tweeted is now within the realm of discussion. WS has never and does not now have a policy of "innocent until proven guilty." That is for the court room. Here, we discuss, speculate, theorize and judge according to the opinions we develop from following the case.
Keeping that in mind, abuse of our alert system is a good way to find yourself in timeout or worse. Abuse of the alert systems includes, but is not limited to:
Alerting repeatedly on the same poster;
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Once you have alerted a post, move on and don't question the decisions of our Administrators, Moderators or Owners.
Following this trial is very important to our members and we're going to see that they have their day in court. The "zero tolerance" policy in this forum will continue and it will be enforced.
Thank you and please carry on.
Sue aka SoSueMe
Websleuths Co-Owner
Good Morning!

The day after eight-year-old Victoria (Tori) Stafford disappeared, a sympathetic-sounding Michael Rafferty told one woman he was searching for the little girl near his Woodstock home.

Two days after, he comforted that woman by joking he’d tackle “the girl in the white coat” seen in a surveillance video with Tori, adding, “I’m sure she’ll return safe.”

That day he posted on his MSN site in bold letters “Bring Tori home” and commented to a different woman on MSN, “We’re all praying for her.”

Three days after, he told yet another woman they couldn’t go out that weekend because he was looking for a missing little girl.

Eleven days after, Rafferty met that woman and repeated he was still looking for the girl and worried about her.

About three weeks after Tori disappeared, he comforted yet another woman about the “traumatic” incident.

He knew all along she was dead, her little body decomposing underneath a pile of rocks. Sickening.
Rafferty’s former boss was the last witness to testify Friday.

John Cruickshank, Owner of the landscaping company ‘Outdoor Services’, said Rafferty worked for him in April 2006.

He told the jury Rafferty worked with a small team of employees installing mulch, cutting perennials and removing bush near land fill sites north of Guelph in the communities of Rothsay, Harriston and Riverstown.

Thank you for taking the time every day to post a diff pic.

Thank you to the friends and family who took and made available to the public said photos that capture your many private moments.
Mike Knoll: Randy Richmond's morning update:

The Crown in the Michael Rafferty murder trial is expected to show evidence Tuesday of the accused's connection to the area where the body of Victoria 'Tori' Stafford was found July 19, 2009.

The eight-year-old girl went missing April 8, 2009 while walking home from her Woodstock school, and her body was found covered in rocks and under trees beside a farmer's field near Mount Forest, north of Guelph.

Rafferty has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, kidnapping and sexual assault causing bodily harm.

o/t were the smilies on the right removed or is it my computer?
Some things that TLM has said that makes no sense to me. She says that she blamed MR for the one whom used the hammer on Tori because she didn't want to believe that she was capable of doing that herself. But then she says that she would do it again. The only regret is that the person was a child.

Her first story MR killed Tori
So what would TLM be wanting to do again? Kidnap someone for a man to have his way and then he kill the person? This makes no sense to me as what sick pleasure would TLM get from this?
I believe her second story that she killed Tori. She would do it again because for some sick reason she got a thrill out of hammering an innocent person.

Which leaves her story to me unbelievable as she also said that MR and her used a car wash to wash out the car and change clothes but there is no evidence of this happening.

However for MR not to report what he "saw" makes me believe his was totally involved. With a rape or not this man knew all along where Tori's body was and did nothing to help police and her family. He didn't stop anything therefore he deserves to rot in jail for 25 years or heck more if it is possible. JMO
Some Q&A from LFP

Mike Knoll: @Karin - the local landfill was searched for many items of interest, the car seat among them.
Comment From karin from BC
And was the local landfill not searched for the missing car seat?
Mike Knoll: @karin - the trial was scheduled to run 3 months; it began March 4.

Comment From karin from BC
How long is this trial expected to run before the jury deliberates?
Mike Knoll: @mo - the jury doesn't know who will testify until the witnesses take the stand.
Comment From Mo
Any word on who is testifying today?
Mike Knoll: @Jane - Rafferty's connections to the area must run deeper.
Comment From Jane
Thought we already heard evidence from rafferty's former landscaping boss about his connection to the mt forest area, he worked at a landfill site 3 km from where Tori's body was found. We still have more to hear?
Mike Knoll: @RICE - the hammer didn't match the one purchased at Home Depot so it wasn't tested.
Comment From RICE
is it known if the hammer that was found in the closet of michael raffertys home was ever tested for dna
Mike Knoll: @Debbie - I would say his general expression is closer to a smirk than a pout. That's just the way his face is shaped though. I highly suggest you visit the London courthouse to draw you own conclusions.
Comment From Debbie
In all his pictures he seems to have a smirk on his face. Is he like this in court?
Mike Knoll: @guest - from time to time his lawyers will walk over to his dock and speak with him.
Comment From Guest
Is Rafferty seen speaking to his Lawyer quite a bit, or just sits and listens with no interaction with his lawyer?
RaffertyLFP: Rafferty trial about to resume [via Twitter]
Steven D'Souza ‏ @cbcsteve
Back in London as week 7 of the #Rafferty trial gets set to start

Mike Knoll: @monique - then the defense makes their case. They will call evidence, if they see fit.
Comment From Monique
What happens once the Crown completes all their Chapters of evidence and witnesses?
Mike Knoll: @Sue - he does appear much more stout than the photos we are seeing of him from the time of his arrest.
Comment From Sue
Has Rafferty gained weight during this trial? It appears to look as if he has.
Tori Stafford trial: Jury to hear more about accused's knowledge of area where body was found #ToriStafford #Rafferty

jury at the Tori Stafford murder trial will hear more today about Michael Rafferty's past ties to the Mount Forest-area
Mike Knoll: @Marlene - also keep in mind he was an admitted Oxy addict - which would have certainly suppressed his appetite when he was a free man.
Comment From Marlene
Naturally Rafferty will be getting stout. Probably getting better food in jail than when he was out . Not bread and water anymore.
Some things that TLM has said that makes no sense to me. She says that she blamed MR for the one whom used the hammer on Tori because she didn't want to believe that she was capable of doing that herself. But then she says that she would do it again. The only regret is that the person was a child.

Her first story MR killed Tori
So what would TLM be wanting to do again? Kidnap someone for a man to have his way and then he kill the person? This makes no sense to me as what sick pleasure would TLM get from this?
I believe her second story that she killed Tori. She would do it again because for some sick reason she got a thrill out of hammering an innocent person.

Which leaves her story to me unbelievable as she also said that MR and her used a car wash to wash out the car and change clothes but there is no evidence of this happening.

However for MR not to report what he "saw" makes me believe his was totally involved. With a rape or not this man knew all along where Tori's body was and did nothing to help police and her family. He didn't stop anything therefore he deserves to rot in jail for 25 years or heck more if it is possible. JMO


This is a "suggestion" by MR's lawyer and it has not been proven that TLM ever said that or if she did say something of the sort, there is no context because it's hearsay. That could have been a revelation that she made to a counsellor and since TLM was not too shy about letting people know that she was dealing with these violent feelings, it could have been her way of letting the counselor know that she was still dealing with these demons and still needing help with the issue. Perhaps she was passing on information from a counselling session to her godmother, who, for whatever reason, chose to tell the defense about it. Was she contacted or did she contact them? Will she be called as a witness for the defense? Possibly. Just goes to show that TLM had no one in her corner to confide in, that's for sure.

I wonder how many of MR's relatives are going to tell the truth about him both regarding the time frame around this crime and over the years as he was growing up?

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