Bluecrab -- Theories...

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Pocono Sleuther

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2004
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Hi. I was extremely involved in the Peterson case. When it ended I found myself 'lost' in the sense that I didn't have a case to follow. So I turned back to the Ramsey case. When JBR was murdered I followed closely and read the books, but none of their theories rang totally true with me. I know your theory involves BR and I (think) you've mentioned a possible tie with JAR. Sorry if I'm wrong! But I'm wondering if you would post your theories. I read all of the members theories posts on the thread. I hoped you would post yours but I'm running out of patience. ;) I'd love to know what you believe happened that night 1996. Thanks!
Pocono Sleuther said:
Hi. I was extremely involved in the Peterson case. When it ended I found myself 'lost' in the sense that I didn't have a case to follow. So I turned back to the Ramsey case. When JBR was murdered I followed closely and read the books, but none of their theories rang totally true with me. I know your theory involves BR and I (think) you've mentioned a possible tie with JAR. Sorry if I'm wrong! But I'm wondering if you would post your theories. I read all of the members theories posts on the thread. I hoped you would post yours but I'm running out of patience. ;) I'd love to know what you believe happened that night 1996. Thanks!
You and I have that in common-I came back to JBR after feeling lost from
the Peterson case being solved-followed it and read everything. Just to warn you, this one will drive you nuts. Just when you think you know what happened, someone will give you a piece of evidence you didn't know about, which will throw a wrench in your theory of choice.
It makes you thankful for the fact that the Peterson case actually got solved.
Welcome to the world of craziness! It's driving me nuts!!
Oh gosh, do I know what your talking about!!! I've never formed one theory and really stuck with it in this case. Peterson? I had that one figured out fairly did most other followers. He was simply too arrogant and stupid to fully cover his tracks. The Rs however have me thoroughly confused. I honestly believed that after a few years someone would crack and come forward. But now that we are in 2006 and still no justice?~! I am left wondering if JonBenet will ever have complete peace. By that I mean bringing her justice. It frustrates me to know if the BPD would have accepted help from other depts/agencies JBRs killer may be behind bars now. BlueCrab has always impressed me with this case. This is one poster who, imo, has a viable theory. I'd just love to read the ENTIRE theory. As of now, I'm working on bits and pieces picked up in other posts.
What is your theory Ellen?
Well the Peterson case is exactly how I wound up here! This site is informative and Trish keeps it respectful. I was also impressed with Blue Crab and his theory. He is very willing to share his theories and is always polite,at least that is my observation. There are many people whom I admire here,they have really studied the case and know just about everything that was written on JBR.

I find myself not being able to commit to either the R's or IDI theories. I continuously change my mind. I do think the R's were involved in the cover-up which is why BC's theory rings true.

I think that BR was involved and that he had a friend sleep over that nite (DS) that is why there was a bag of clothes that Officer French ? found. Boys generally grab a bag to put there pj's,toys,clothes in,at least my sons and grandsons do.Maybe that is why certain people(S's) became so protective of the R's as their son was at the house that night.

I also think the crime really had nothing to do with it being Christmas. It might have been the last opportunity for all the kids and teens to play their game. The next day the R,s were leaving for Charlevois and then on to Disney.The days before were filled with visits and parties .

I do feel there was a sexual game played that involved JBR and the boys. Probably some probing and playing the "breathing game" which has become even more common today.I think it was played before, maybe that is the reason the 911 call ? (did one of the kids pass out)
Again this is all speculation on my part! I do not pretend to know the case like many others here!

I love reading everyone's theories. It really makes you think about all the possibilities!!!

It still aggravates me that this has never been solved and a little girl lost her life! Especially because of all the publicity !

Ps (off topic)
hey Pocono Sleuther, I am on my way to the Poconos in about an hour!
I do not believe that BR had a friend sleep over that night. Who has a sleepover on a night when catching an early flight the next morning? This would mean the parents of the guest would have to be up early to pick up their child. The host family (Rs) would want BR to get a good sleep before an early morning flight, and kids do not get a good sleep when they have sleepovers (when my kids have them, I call them "wakeovers", lol)

Also, having a friend stay over adds another family to the equation who would have to maintain the silence of a "cover up". This means that in addition to JR, PR and BR, the child friend and his parents would also have to keep the silence. The more people involved, the less likely this becomes.

Also....maybe it's just me, but I think people who celebrate Christmas wouldn't like their child to stay away from home on that night. I don't think I would like it....but I am a little old fashioned...
Brefie said:
Also....maybe it's just me, but I think people who celebrate Christmas wouldn't like their child to stay away from home on that night. I don't think I would like it....but I am a little old fashioned...

I agree. There was no sleep over on Christmas night.
simplesimon said:
Well the Peterson case is exactly how I wound up here! This site is informative and Trish keeps it respectful. I was also impressed with Blue Crab and his theory. He is very willing to share his theories and is always polite,at least that is my observation. There are many people whom I admire here,they have really studied the case and know just about everything that was written on JBR.

I find myself not being able to commit to either the R's or IDI theories. I continuously change my mind. I do think the R's were involved in the cover-up which is why BC's theory rings true.

I think that BR was involved and that he had a friend sleep over that nite (DS) that is why there was a bag of clothes that Officer French ? found. Boys generally grab a bag to put there pj's,toys,clothes in,at least my sons and grandsons do.Maybe that is why certain people(S's) became so protective of the R's as their son was at the house that night.

I also think the crime really had nothing to do with it being Christmas. It might have been the last opportunity for all the kids and teens to play their game. The next day the R,s were leaving for Charlevois and then on to Disney.The days before were filled with visits and parties .

I do feel there was a sexual game played that involved JBR and the boys. Probably some probing and playing the "breathing game" which has become even more common today.I think it was played before, maybe that is the reason the 911 call ? (did one of the kids pass out)
Again this is all speculation on my part! I do not pretend to know the case like many others here!

I love reading everyone's theories. It really makes you think about all the possibilities!!!

It still aggravates me that this has never been solved and a little girl lost her life! Especially because of all the publicity !

Ps (off topic)
hey Pocono Sleuther, I am on my way to the Poconos in about an hour!

Why need it be a boy who came for the sleepover, JonBenet was close friends with another little girl, why not invite her over, even if she does have to return back home early next morning?

Would it not be simpler to suggest a male friend of Burke's who knew the layout of the house snuck in early in the morning and abducted JonBenet from her bed, sexually assaulted her then killed her!

Whatever you think about who did it? JonBenet was garroted and bludgeoned, this does not result from any type of breathing games, or accident, the forensic evidence suggests that she was deliberately and intentionally murdered!
Pocono Sleuther said:
Hi. I was extremely involved in the Peterson case. When it ended I found myself 'lost' in the sense that I didn't have a case to follow. So I turned back to the Ramsey case. When JBR was murdered I followed closely and read the books, but none of their theories rang totally true with me. I know your theory involves BR and I (think) you've mentioned a possible tie with JAR. Sorry if I'm wrong! But I'm wondering if you would post your theories. I read all of the members theories posts on the thread. I hoped you would post yours but I'm running out of patience. ;) I'd love to know what you believe happened that night 1996. Thanks!

Pocono Sleuther,

Sorry to respond to you so late; I had a social gathering to attend last night where a lot of wine flowed and when I got back home I was too sleepy to stay up.

Actually, I have no set theory because there are too many crucial items of evidence that can be interpreted in several different ways. Since the Ramseys don't cooperate in helping to understand the evidence a little better (in fact they seem to go out of their way to make it even more confusing) we are all flying by the seat of our pants when we present theories based on how we individually interpret the evidence.

However, there are some common-sense things I try to follow. For instance, the Ramseys are obviously engaged in a coverup; and the coverup seems to revolve around BR. Therefore, there is no intruder and BR is in every theory I come up with.

There also appears to have been a fifth person in the house that night who was there as a guest, not as an intruder, and that fifth person could be the actual killer. Judging by the immature language in the ransom note and the crimescene items of evidence he took with him when he departed the house, my guess is that fifth person was a male anywhere from about 13 years old to 20 years old, although he could have been a very intelligent 10-year-old, or there could have been more than one young guest in the house.

The killing was definitely a sex crime which the perp tried to disguise as a kidnapping gone wrong. The contraption wrapped around JonBenet's neck was, IMO, an erotic asphyxiation device that ended up being used as a garrote when the sexual game backfired and JonBenet was accidentally strangled to death.

However, it's hard to decide whether the killing was accidental or on purpose. One of the most troubling aspects of this murder is the evidence of a stun gun having been used on JonBenet. If so, a theory involving sexual sadism would not be an improper scenario.

Thus, I don't want to get locked into one BDI theory until something more breaks. But thanks for asking.

While on this subject , why if this dna was male was little Arianna brought in TWO years after the crime to be dna swabbed? Did DNAX suggest a female was present at the crime?
sissi said:
While on this subject , why if this dna was male was little Arianna brought in TWO years after the crime to be dna swabbed? Did DNAX suggest a female was present at the crime?


DNA samples are taken for purposes of exclusion moreso than trying to match a suspect to crimescene evidence. For instance, the cops might have some suspicious female DNA. To make sure its not from one of JonBenet's innocent playmates before they start looking for a needle in a haystack, they would have to exclude Arianna's DNA and that of all other close playmates.

Pocono Sleuther said:
Oh gosh, do I know what your talking about!!! I've never formed one theory and really stuck with it in this case. Peterson? I had that one figured out fairly did most other followers. He was simply too arrogant and stupid to fully cover his tracks. The Rs however have me thoroughly confused. I honestly believed that after a few years someone would crack and come forward. But now that we are in 2006 and still no justice?~! I am left wondering if JonBenet will ever have complete peace. By that I mean bringing her justice. It frustrates me to know if the BPD would have accepted help from other depts/agencies JBRs killer may be behind bars now. BlueCrab has always impressed me with this case. This is one poster who, imo, has a viable theory. I'd just love to read the ENTIRE theory. As of now, I'm working on bits and pieces picked up in other posts.
What is your theory Ellen?

Hey Pocono,
You're asking the least knowledgable person here about the case _LOL!:loser: I'm kind of the loser of the group-trust me, there are much more qualified people on here to ask-;) LOL but here are my theories:

Theory #1) BR did it-he killed her either accidentally or out of jealousy or
because he was possibly molesting her and he didn't want her to tell his parents, but I don't believe he did the whole EA thing on her. I think he hit her with the flashlight or baseball bat and then strangled her. I don't believe he was that sophisticated to do EA. Then, PR and JR found her after she screamed and started a whole cover-up. Now, Blue Crab thinks there was a fifth person in the house that night. Maybe BR had a friend over??

Theory #2) JAR had been molesting her with or without his college friends involved, since his semen was found on the blanket with the Dr. Seuss book in the suitcase. I mean let's face it, if JAR was going to masturbate to something, it would be Playboy, not Dr. Seuss. Anyhow, he had an alibi because he was in Georgia at the time, but he could have had a friend or friends in Boulder kill her because that's where he went to college and they either killed her with or without EA. His motive would have been to shut her up about the molesting. Another theory I have, which is out in left field is that since Beth was already dead, it would be one less sibling to get any part of JR's inheritance. I think in any event, JBR was threatening to tell mom and dad she was being molested. I don't believe JR was molesting her, although he could have been because I believe he was sexually frustrated that Patsy had lost interest in sex.

Theory #3) It was a friend of the Rams's or someone who had been in their home before. I never believed it was some random psycho killer who didn't know her. They would have had knowledge of the layout of the house and a lot of other inside family knowledge.

These are all very basic theories, without a lot of detail. Which one do I believe the most? Well, I go back and forth between theory 1 and theory 2.
You're going to learn a lot more very detailed theories from some highly intelligent people on this board.
These are just my humble little theories, which I have formed by taking bits and pieces from everyone else's theories.
Here's what I don't believe: I don't believe her parents killed her! I will never believe that for a minute. However, they could have definitely been involved with a nasty cover-up and I believe they are liars!!! Unless, of course, it was one of JAR's friends and they have no clue what really happened.
Do you see why I'm going nuts?
Couldn't that blanket and children's book in the suitcase sitting there underneath the basment window have just been more staging? I can't imagine anyone storing or putting a blanket into a suitcase for any other reason or leaving it behind if they knew it could be incriminating due to dna present.
BlueCrab said:

DNA samples are taken for purposes of exclusion moreso than trying to match a suspect to crimescene evidence. For instance, the cops might have some suspicious female DNA. To make sure its not from one of JonBenet's innocent playmates before they start looking for a needle in a haystack, they would have to exclude Arianna's DNA and that of all other close playmates.


That makes sense, so can we assume we have unidentified female dna as well?
sissi said:
That makes sense, so can we assume we have unidentified female dna as well?


The existence of unidentified female DNA is a remote possibility; even though nothing has been leaked about it. All we know is Arianna's DNA was taken. Why? I don't know why. The public is left guessing again.
txsvicki said:
Couldn't that blanket and children's book in the suitcase sitting there underneath the basment window have just been more staging? I can't imagine anyone storing or putting a blanket into a suitcase for any other reason or leaving it behind if they knew it could be incriminating due to dna present.
However, like with the SP case, there are always mistakes made during murders, no matter how organized people think they are; same with a cover-up. JR and PR might not have known about the blanket or maybe no one knew it had semen on it. there any particular books that you think are better than others relating to this case??....i tried to find info in the links/resources/reviews threads, but there's nothing with reviews???...

actually anyone can give their opinions to this question, but was especially curious what BC thought...
close_enough said: there any particular books that you think are better than others relating to this case??....i tried to find info in the links/resources/reviews threads, but there's nothing with reviews???...

actually anyone can give their opinions to this question, but was especially curious what BC thought...

close enough,

I personally think that "Perfect Murder Perfect Town" by Larry Schiller is the best of the lot because it is thorough, it doesn't seem biased, and it has a name index in the back for easy reference. None of the other books have an index, so once you read them there's no easy way to later source the page about what you may have remembered in a particular book.

IMO the next best source is not a book. It's Google. Information about almost anything, including the JonBenet Ramsey case, is at your finger tips with the internet's Google. Read the police interviews of the Ramseys and some of the depostions of the major players.

But you must read at least one of the books as a foundation.


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