Wendy Murphy

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Did anyone see Wendy Murphy on CNN's Paula Zahn's show tonite (Monday)?

She was on a panel of talking heads. She claimed that the autopsy report said thatJB's vagina had old scarring in it -- that the Christmas night, 1996, was not the first time she had been sexually assaulted. She said her hyman was torn.

Then she said she thinks JonBenet was being used for *advertiser censored* pictures/films. And that one example of child *advertiser censored* is using a garrote during a sexual encounter.
Wendy thinks that the garrote was used that night but it was pulled too tight-- causing her to strangle to death. And Wendy insisted that the autopsy shows that and says that the blow to the head was made after her death. Jeffrey Toobin and the other TH said that this info was not in the autopsy report--that Wendy was wrong. She stuck to her guns.

Then the next hour on LKL the Ramsey's lawyer said Wendy better watch what she says or she could be sued (or words to that effect.)

I've never heard the theory of JB being used for child *advertiser censored* pictures or film,
with her parents directing the action.

I don't really think this happened but if Wendy is correct about vaginal scars
in the body it does leave room for doubt.
I didn't catch it, but she's being discussed on the Larry King Live thread. I wondered why Lin Wood and Michael Tracey were so vitriolic toward her.
Zelda said:
Did anyone see Wendy Murphy on CNN's Paula Zahn's show tonite (Monday)?

She was on a panel of talking heads. She claimed that the autopsy report said thatJB's vagina had old scarring in it -- that the Christmas night, 1996, was not the first time she had been sexually assaulted. She said her hyman was torn.

Then she said she thinks JonBenet was being used for *advertiser censored* pictures/films. And that one example of child *advertiser censored* is using a garrote during a sexual encounter.
Wendy thinks that the garrote was used that night but it was pulled too tight-- causing her to strangle to death. And Wendy insisted that the autopsy shows that and says that the blow to the head was made after her death. Jeffrey Toobin and the other TH said that this info was not in the autopsy report--that Wendy was wrong. She stuck to her guns.

Then the next hour on LKL the Ramsey's lawyer said Wendy better watch what she says or she could be sued (or words to that effect.)

I've never heard the theory of JB being used for child *advertiser censored* pictures or film,
with her parents directing the action.

I don't really think this happened but if Wendy is correct about vaginal scars
in the body it does leave room for doubt.

On LKL tonight, Lyn Wood properly warned that Wendy would be wise to shut her slanderous mouth.
ljwf22 said:
I didn't catch it, but she's being discussed on the Larry King Live thread. I wondered why Lin Wood and Michael Tracey were so vitriolic toward her.

Because she accused John Ramsey of sexually abusing Jon Benet.
Here is what Asidistra reported on LKL

with Lin Wood

LW: I saw the Paula Zahn show and agree Wendy Murphy said disgusting, obscene things and she has no humanity for John or Burke Ramsey; she has no sense of the evidence. Grand jury did not indict family. To Murphy I would say don't make these accusations against my client. It's not open season to make false accusations against them

LK: you might sue ?
LW: I will not tolerate false accusations of murder against this family
Wendy Murphy is 100 pecent correct when she says there were old injuries to JonBenet vaginal area. Yes, her hyman was torn.

This leaves no doubt that JonBenet was previous sexually abused. It's right in the autopsy report.

Did John Karr sneak in over the weeks before she did and abused her???HMM

I'll be honest, this is the first time I have heard Murphy talk about the garrot and the *advertiser censored*. I don't have any idea where she got that from.

I love Wendy Murphy, I would be very shocked if Murphy just pulled this out of her behind and went on National TV and accused John of this. She must have something we don't know about.
Is it possible that Burke and JonBenet were both sexually abused.

Has anyone ever checked Burke out?? Meaning doctors, social services?
I googled her. From cyberlaw/wiki:
"Wendy is an adjunct professor at the New England School of Law in Boston where she teaches a seminar on sexual violence and manages two projects in conjunction with the school's Center on Law and Social Responsibility.

Wendy is also an "impact litigator", having brought numerous test cases to change the law to better protect the rights of women and children victims of violence and she has written many amicus briefs in appellate court cases around the country since 1993." (Bolded emphasis mine)

Link: http://hcs.harvard.edu/~cyberlaw/wiki/index.php/Wendy_Murphy
Tricia said:
Wendy Murphy is 100 pecent correct when she says there were old injuries to JonBenet vaginal area. Yes, her hyman was torn.

This leaves no doubt that JonBenet was previous sexually abused. It's right in the autopsy report.

Did John Karr sneak in over the weeks before she did and abused her???HMM

I'll be honest, this is the first time I have heard Murphy talk about the garrot and the *advertiser censored*. I don't have any idea where she got that from.

I love Wendy Murphy, I would be very shocked if Murphy just pulled this out of her behind and went on National TV and accused John of this. She must have something we don't know about.

MURPHY:.. One of the other things I'd raise as a defense attorney is that this child had both old and new vaginal injuries, which means whoever did this to her ongoing intimate access to the child...

TOOBIN: ... Wendy, again, I think that's very much disputed evidence.

MURPHY: No, it's not.

TOOBIN: Oh, come on.

MURPHY: Look at the autopsy, it's online.

TOOBIN: But that is not conclusive proof that someone was -- you're again suggesting that she was sexually abused by her parents and if that were true...

MURPHY: ... Where did the old vaginal injuries come from, Jeffrey? She had a torn hymen.

TOOBIN: I don't know that that is conclusive proof and that is not -- I mean, it is not established and I think that is just unfit.

MURPHY: It means it wasn't a stranger that broke in one night, come on. It was not a one-time stranger.

TOOBIN: Maybe it was.

SHERMAN: Wendy, how do you know it wasn't a stranger? How could you possible know that it wasn't a stranger?

MURPHY: The stranger came in last Tuesday and then again this Wednesday? What's the theory? How do you get old vaginal injuries in this case?

TOOBIN: But that evidence is not conclusive, that there were repeated injuries to her in that way. I mean it really isn't.

SHERMAN: Doesn't anybody have any --

MURPHY: I haven't heard the explanation.

SHERMAN: How about the slightest confidence that maybe this district attorney knows what she's doing, maybe she's just not out on a lark arresting some nut case.

MURPHY: I didn't say she didn't know what she's doing. I'm thinking that this guy has evidence, he may have something to do with the case. He was peddling *advertiser censored*. There were a lot of people early on in this case, back in 1997 who said it could well be JonBenet was being photographed pornographically. That garrote, S and M, kiddy *advertiser censored* is the most expensive, the most valuable kiddy *advertiser censored* you can pedal. This guy was peddling *advertiser censored* all over the world. That could be the explanation.

ZAHN: There is no proof of that tonight either, Wendy. And I guess it's just a reminder of all these theories.

MURPHY: In their affidavits in 1997, they wrote it, not me.

TOOBIN: I mean they wrote that the market for that stuff exists, but, I mean, there's never been a photograph, a pornographic photograph of JonBenet Ramsey that's ever surfaced anywhere.

MURPHY: I agree, Jeffrey. I said that's what the police wrote in 1997, in support of the search warrant that they used to search the Ramsey, multiple Ramsey homes. They said this is consistent with child *advertiser censored* and the garrote around the neck is an S and M child *advertiser censored*.

SHERMAN: The state police force that didn't look anywhere else except for the Ramsey family, that's the same police force.

MURPHY: Because they are smart.

(Sherman and Toobin tried to protect Wendy from herself, and it's easy to see if that if she took it, Wendy never passed Aristotlian logic....snicker)
A hymen can be torn from a fall. If there was other trauma visible, then it leans more toward sexual abuse.
Columba said:
A hymen can be torn from a fall. If there was other trauma visible, then it leans more toward sexual abuse.
Welcome, Columba.

Can it not also be torn from physical activity, such as horseback riding? JonBenet was a physically active child. Just wondering. :confused:
Wait a minute - the authorities and experts have never agreed on the meaning of the autopsy results. Some thought it indicated prior abuse; some thought it indicated only abuse that night. This is one of those things that should be in a FAQ about facts versus opinions/speculations. The experts interpreted the findings differently. Fact: there was abrasion, and other conditions mentioned in the autopsy. Opinion/speculation: how that happened.

It's like the palm print on the door. In post after post on several forums I am seeing that it was "conclusively proved to be the elder daughter's palm print". Yet tonight on TV experts are discussing that palm print might already have been matched with John Karr and that might be part of the evidence we are not yet being told, the evidence Mary Lacy has.

And I can also say that even if there was prior sexual abuse, it doesn't prove either parent killed JBR. Let's wait and see if this Karr is matched with the dna and the prints and fibres. If he is, are we all still going to think the Ramseys abused her repeatedly?

I remember the abuse hurled at Smit and others who believed in the intruder theory. Most of the world believed the parents were guilty because it seemed to fit everything we saw. So we were primed to ignore any and all indications that there could have been an intruder. I say approach it with an open mind now that we have a suspect. Personally, eight years ago I thought Patsy did it. But now we are having a chance to look at new evidence. Soon!
I read the autopsy report over at The Smoking Gun. I'm not a medical expert by any means, but I don't see a thing in that report that suggests prior sexual abuse. Yes, there were abrasions and blood in the vaginal area, but there was hymen tissue from what I can read. It doesn't appear that there is enough of the hymen missing to indicate prior sexual abuse. Perhaps she didn't ever have a fully formed hymen, perhaps it was torn during the sexual penetration of a "foreign object" during the attack that killed her, or perhaps there is still another perfectly innocent explanation.

In any event, it appears that there was enough of a hymen present to rule out prior sexual intercourse - from my admittedly untrained medical eye.

I just hope that people speculating on this subject have done their homework and read the official reports and not rely on other's interpretations. Certainly don't rely on my interpretation - go read it for yourself.
The ex-prosecutor needs to be sued and let John & his son reap the rewards of such stupid people that spit fire for some sort of sick fame. I will wholeheatedly support such a suit. That woman is nuts!!!

The Ramsey's have already won $$$ from suing tabloids and that Steve guy that wrote a book about the Ramsey's committing the crime. Since John can't work and be out of media spotlight? I hope he sues this Wendy whom I've barfed at for years!
I totally agree. Her smirk on her face as she was spooing out her beliefs were disgusting. I thought she was very unprofessional. They were there to talk about Karr but she continually wanted to talk about John Ramsey.IMO
Pepper said:
I read the autopsy report over at The Smoking Gun. I'm not a medical expert by any means, but I don't see a thing in that report that suggests prior sexual abuse. Yes, there were abrasions and blood in the vaginal area, but there was hymen tissue from what I can read. It doesn't appear that there is enough of the hymen missing to indicate prior sexual abuse. Perhaps she didn't ever have a fully formed hymen, perhaps it was torn during the sexual penetration of a "foreign object" during the attack that killed her, or perhaps there is still another perfectly innocent explanation.

In any event, it appears that there was enough of a hymen present to rule out prior sexual intercourse - from my admittedly untrained medical eye.

I just hope that people speculating on this subject have done their homework and read the official reports and not rely on other's interpretations. Certainly don't rely on my interpretation - go read it for yourself.
Pepper, the autopsy says 'interstitial chronic inflammation' regarding the vaginal mucosa. Chronic means that it had been there for a while.
Pepper said:
It doesn't appear that there is enough of the hymen missing to indicate prior sexual abuse. Perhaps she didn't ever have a fully formed hymen, perhaps it was torn during the sexual penetration of a "foreign object" during the attack that killed her, or perhaps there is still another perfectly innocent explanation.

Pepper, how can you speculate this, are you a forensic pathologists? Oh wait i know who is a forensic pathologists who has actually seen the tissue samples taken from JBR, Dr. Cyril Wecht. A little background on Cyril...

Cyri Wecht M.D., J.D., is the former president of both the academy of forensic sciences and the American college of legal medicine. He has peformed over 13,000 autopsies, reviwed more than 30,000 others.

Taken from autopsy report:
"All the sections contain vascular congestion and focal interstital chronic inflammation"

This is what Cyril Wecht has to say about the vaginal inflammation:
"chronic inflammation meant that jonBenet Ramsey had been sexually assualted a few days before her death"
"The inflammation was at least 48-72 hours old"

*Both Quotes taken from from pages 94-95 of "who Killed JonBenet Ramsey" by Cryil Wecht
The Medical Examiner should be the one in Mr. L Woods attack on slander stuff. The medical examiner prepared the autopsy report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to hear from Mr. Woods, why the Ramsey private plane was not ready to fly at 10 AM when JR wanted to go to GA on 'business', when it should have been already ready to GO at O Dark thirty for the trip to pick up JAR and family in Minneapolis, and on to Charlevoix?

Private pilot at 10 AM told JR that it would be ready in two hours!

It would appear that any mention of prior SEX activity in the case is taboo.

Just like WE all know that the Queen of England never goes to the LOO like normal people. She does pick her nose though, cuz the Enquirer had a picture of her doing it.

Blankie in the basement with JAR semen all over it, indicates that there was at least one person in the R family that experienced some sort of sex.

Just tucking some assorted stuff on this thread cuz I cannot keep up with the 'loose nut threads' by those who do not know the case.

Now then bulletin on our Mr Karr. he will be representing himself at his extradition ceremony this morning. Wonder IF IF he will want to represent himself in his REAL case ?, hmmm.

Maybe IF he does, WE will get some truth in this case, ya think?

Charlie said:
Pepper, how can you speculate this, are you a forensic pathologists? Oh wait i know who is a forensic pathologists who has actually seen the tissue samples taken from JBR, Dr. Cyril Wecht. A little background on Cyril...

Cyri Wecht M.D., J.D., is the former president of both the academy of forensic sciences and the American college of legal medicine. He has peformed over 13,000 autopsies, reviwed more than 30,000 others.

Taken from autopsy report:
"All the sections contain vascular congestion and focal interstital chronic inflammation"

This is what Cyril Wecht has to say about the vaginal inflammation:
"chronic inflammation meant that jonBenet Ramsey had been sexually assualted a few days before her death"
"The inflammation was at least 48-72 hours old"

*Both Quotes taken from from pages 94-95 of "who Killed JonBenet Ramsey" by Cryil Wecht

The experts disagree, and frankly I don't give Wecht any credibility at all. He is a putz at best. I'd really like to hear directly from the ME that did the autopsy. Everyone else is just speculating on what the ME actually saw.
Pepper said:
The experts disagree, and frankly I don't give Wecht any credibility at all. He is a putz at best. I'd really like to hear directly from the ME that did the autopsy. Everyone else is just speculating on what the ME actually saw.
But Pepper, first you state that you are not a medical expert and then you dismiss a medical expert as a 'putz'. Why don't just leave it at that the experts disagree.

Which experts do you have in mind that says otherwise regarding the chronic inflammation?

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