Sidebar Discussion #8

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Does this mean you downloaded it? if so tell us more.....:floorlaugh:

You weren't surprised were you? I got the feeling he was writing for the five individuals who had never heard of the case....

Nah... I don't have an IPad - I'm a Droid.

Don't think I could stomach it anyways. :sick:

LOL - Maybe he was writing it for the 12 from Pinellas County - in case they wanted to see the evidence.
Nah... I don't have an IPad - I'm a Droid.

Don't think I could stomach it anyways. :sick:

LOL - Maybe he was writing it for the 12 from Pinellas County - in case they wanted to see the evidence.

WHAT?? Are you telling me Baez saw the evidence?? Who knew!!
WHAT?? Are you telling me Baez saw the evidence?? Who knew!!

of course he SAW it, LG. He just couldn't READ it. Isn't it IORNic that he's now "written" a book? after those gawd awful motions he forced us to read he should be paying us!
According to a comment made on the Amazon page for JBs book:

"If you have an Ipad or Apple account you can download a sample of the 1st 140 pages of Baez's Book for free. Total BS. Nothing we haven't heard. Same crap you can google. "

when he was on IS the other day discussing Sandusky verdict, the rambling and the usual aaaaaaaand-ing - ay yi yi. needed a shave badly aaaaand wore an open-necked shirt, both of which accentuated his jowls. he looked like an unmade bed, especially on a split screen w/ Ryan Smith who is always so well-groomed

anyway, there was much grousing about how the public's right to know "pervades" the justice system these days aaaaand how it would be to justice's advantage if more proceedings could be kept from the public eye. which led into mentioning the "secret" FCA evidence never disclosed until he wrote his book. Ryan asked him to elaborate aaaaand he said the publishers have real strong restrictions against him making any verbal disclosures ... "but it's all in the book". (no, it's not. can't believe they don't edit statements like that)

aaaaand I wish I had changed the channel, shoulda known better :(
when he was on IS the other day discussing Sandusky verdict, the rambling and the usual aaaaaaaand-ing - ay yi yi. needed a shave badly aaaaand wore an open-necked shirt, both of which accentuated his jowls. he looked like an unmade bed, especially on a split screen w/ Ryan Smith who is always so well-groomed

anyway, there was much grousing about how the public's right to know "pervades" the justice system these days aaaaand how it would be to justice's advantage if more proceedings could be kept from the public eye. which led into mentioning the "secret" FCA evidence never disclosed until he wrote his book. Ryan asked him to elaborate aaaaand he said the publishers have real strong restrictions against him making any verbal disclosures ... "but it's all in the book". (no, it's not. can't believe they don't edit statements like that)

aaaaand I wish I had changed the channel, shoulda known better :(

Your post is just cracking me up!!! :floorlaugh: Aaannd - is Baez talking about the so-called evidence that was proven to be unfounded and not accepted into evidence or is he talking about the shrinks aaaannnddd that they were pulled because he was terrified the prosecution was going to depose them or is he talking about his Frye expert from New York that he didn't use because the guy ended up pro-prosecution in his evidence presentation. Remember how he almost slipped at the trial and HHJP said do you really want to go there Mr. Baez? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I hope one of our members buys the darned thing because I want to read just how bad it is and how badly it stinks up the bookshelves.
Maybe if it bombs he'll be asked on less talk shows...:please:
I may not be the best person to respond...can't tell you how many hours I spent watching the webcam. LOL

PS- thank goodness I wasn't alone or I'd really be worried :)

I loved that webcam.
I contend that people who have seen and read the most heinous crimes have to have somewhat very soft and have some feelings for the like of these critters. I would state some of the crimes but I don't want to make people sick. If these people can think that humans like the ones that tortured the Petit family should live and we as a society must care for them, something is very wrong. To imagine what some of them do in prison and some of their demands, well, I don't think these soft hearts realize what is involved.

I say, for the petit perps and others like them, walk them out of the courtroom and shoot the system money, FPS!

As far as FCA goes, Ann Finley, put the DP into every one of the Pinellas twelves' microscopic brains with her babble about FCA and the DP. I am going to assume that the County of Pinellas is not conservative....and the defense had the advantage. Did Judge Perry pick that County?

To me, those who have made a choice to kill have stepped over a line and there is no going back. Many go on to kill again unless they are stopped by getting caught. To keep the ones that made that choice alive is not justice for their victims and their families.

Go look up Kenneth McDuff. He was on death row in 1966 for killing two young men and raping and killing the girl that was with them. He received three death sentences and they were overturned to life. He came close to sitting in the electric chair twice. In Texas, at the time, life meant ten years and because of overcrowding in Texas prisons he was released. He started killing young women again shortly after being released. He was arrested and given another death sentence and it was finally carried out in 1998 after he fought it every step of the way.

Look up PeeWee Gaskins. He raped and killed a young mother then sodomized and killed her 18 month old little girl. He said he "released his essence" (you can't say it in a nice way) as he choked her to death.

I think of the babies and children at the Dreamcatchers for abuse children site and think some people just need killing.

The Pinellas 12 weren't stupid. They just didn't care.
I sent an alert to indiegogo - who ever created this donations page has since changed the main page content to now direct people to not use the indiegogo site, and send donations to directly to CM... thought that inidegogo would like to know that the page creator was using their site for hits, and to then directing people to not use it but mail $$$ to CM.

Another fail for the dark side.

ZsaZsa - click here - it started out as sad story that ended up being a overflow of kindness for a nice lady who was treated horribly.

Zippitydoda, I am sorry but I did not give you credit for the information and the link you provided for Indiegogo. Thank you.

I imagine you got the same good news that I got:

We've got an update for you in response to your request (#83193). See below!

David, Jun 25 19:16 (PDT):
Hi ************,
Thanks so much for the heads up. We have frozen this campaign for the time being and are looking into it.
Indiegogo - www.
On top of the actual murder, what do you guys believe was the most egregious act committed?
- Letting parents find the car, open the trunk, smell the smell and drive it home
-Fabrication of fake nanny
-Dumping of child, like garbage (and/or family pets) so close to home
-Blaming George/Lee
On top of the actual murder, what do you guys believe was the most egregious act committed?
- Letting parents find the car, open the trunk, smell the smell and drive it home
-Fabrication of fake nanny
-Dumping of child, like garbage (and/or family pets) so close to home
-Blaming George/Lee

For me without question it was the dumping of Caylee's body like garbage so close to home.

And by the way - I didn't buy the whole pets in garbage bags story and George. Before vets became so commercial and cities built up - people often buried their beloved pets in their back garden close to the family, and not many people dumped their pets in a hole in the ground without wrapping them first. i thought the defense was using a pretty dumb excuse of blame the family and/or to explain how Caylee was dumped and maybe point the blame on George. Surprised the prosecution didn't clue in.

For me - throwing Caylee in a couple of garbage bags and dumping her like trash had nothing to do with burying a beloved pet. Nothing.
of course he SAW it, LG. He just couldn't READ it. Isn't it IORNic that he's now "written" a book? after those gawd awful motions he forced us to read he should be paying us!

OMG - don't remind me! I hope for the sake of anyone silly enough to buy the darned thing that he had an editor who had unlimited red ink available..:floorlaugh:
On top of the actual murder, what do you guys believe was the most egregious act committed?
- Letting parents find the car, open the trunk, smell the smell and drive it home
-Fabrication of fake nanny
-Dumping of child, like garbage (and/or family pets) so close to home
-Blaming George/Lee

For me it was the hope she gave everyone that Caylee was still alive. A close second is the description of the phone call she gave to LE from Caylee the day she was arrested. She described Caylee reading a book and being happy all the time knowing her child was dead and rotting in the woods. Thinking about it makes me cry all over again.
Does anyone else watch a true crime show where someone is convicted with about 1/10th of the evidence LE had in this case and wonder WTF? Just Curious.
I hope Debby doesn't cause too much damage down in FL but it looks like she is now aiming for Orlando - probably narrowing in on finding FCA for us.
On top of the actual murder, what do you guys believe was the most egregious act committed?
- Letting parents find the car, open the trunk, smell the smell and drive it home
-Fabrication of fake nanny
-Dumping of child, like garbage (and/or family pets) so close to home
-Blaming George/Lee

Oh Boy! Where does one even begin?
I guess for me the coldness of it all, which led to all the lies to cover up a horrible murder of a 2 1/2 year old child Caylee. And lastly. CFCA is free to go anywhere and everywhere she wants to, leaving behind more distruction in her wake.
For me without question it was the dumping of Caylee's body like garbage so close to home.

And by the way - I didn't buy the whole pets in garbage bags story and George. Before vets became so commercial and cities built up - people often buried their beloved pets in their back garden close to the family, and not many people dumped their pets in a hole in the ground without wrapping them first. i thought the defense was using a pretty dumb excuse of blame the family and/or to explain how Caylee was dumped and maybe point the blame on George. Surprised the prosecution didn't clue in.

For me - throwing Caylee in a couple of garbage bags and dumping her like trash had nothing to do with burying a beloved pet. Nothing.

I do think there is truth in the pet testimony. They said that the first pet was wrapped up by the Vet for them to bring home and bury. GA & CA said he/they used packing tape around the snoot, LA said it was duct tape, lol, who would have thought he'd go in a different direction concerning the tape. Annnyyywho! I just feel that CFCA had a great education on how to wrap up a dead body.
I hope Debby doesn't cause too much damage down in FL but it looks like she is now aiming for Orlando - probably narrowing in on finding FCA for us.

And all this rain reminds me of when she dumped little Caylee in those woods. The tropical storm that come through then was little Caylee crying from above, look what my Mommie did to me. R.I.P. little Angel.
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