Questions about the whole situation...

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Mar 6, 2009
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I was either watching Nancy Grace of JVM last night (watched them both, and can't remember who was talking about what!) and they were talking about Haleigh's case.

I haven't been following it very closely at all lately, not as closely as many here. So as someone on the "outside" looking in, I have a few questions.

1. Do Misty and Ronald know what happened? Were they a part of it?
2. Why take Haleigh and not the baby?
3. If Ronald and Misty are drug dealers, drug addicts, etc. (as said on the show last night), why in the world would bio mom let her children be raised by them? Or...are they just drug dealer wannabe's? (I think them getting custody was court ordered, but even at that, what court would give children to these type of parents vs. bio mom? Is bio mom worse?)
4. Is cousin-what's-his-name involved?
5. Was this all about anger over a gun and retaliation?

I know it's a lot of questions, but these things just came to my mind as I watched the show last night.

I feel like I've been "played" by Grandma Hollars. Like she knows much, much more than I ever thought she did, and hides it under the "sweet little old helpless grandma" facade. Or maybe I'm just getting jaded, I don't know.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughts on this!

(Proud Air Force Wife/Mother)
I was either watching Nancy Grace of JVM last night (watched them both, and can't remember who was talking about what!) and they were talking about Haleigh's case.

I haven't been following it very closely at all lately, not as closely as many here. So as someone on the "outside" looking in, I have a few questions.

1. Do Misty and Ronald know what happened? Were they a part of it?
2. Why take Haleigh and not the baby?
3. If Ronald and Misty are drug dealers, drug addicts, etc. (as said on the show last night), why in the world would bio mom let her children be raised by them? Or...are they just drug dealer wannabe's? (I think them getting custody was court ordered, but even at that, what court would give children to these type of parents vs. bio mom? Is bio mom worse?)
4. Is cousin-what's-his-name involved?
5. Was this all about anger over a gun and retaliation?

I know it's a lot of questions, but these things just came to my mind as I watched the show last night.

I feel like I've been "played" by Grandma Hollars. Like she knows much, much more than I ever thought she did, and hides it under the "sweet little old helpless grandma" facade. Or maybe I'm just getting jaded, I don't know.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughts on this!

(Proud Air Force Wife/Mother)

Oh gal those are all good questions..... only some i can answer as most of the questions haven't been answered yet... (if that made any

1) can't answer this in a factual way... IMO, yes they know what happened to HaLeigh.

2) good question for the perp.... IMO, b/c there was no kidnapping

3) Ron stole those children from Crystal (imo) he was still paying off drug fines when he was awarded custody of them...very sneaky he was....the only reason i believe that those children were in the custody of Ron was b/c of his momma and Ron didn't have to pay child support to Crystal.... JMO

4) nobody really knows if Joe was involved....he says no Misty says yes, Tommy says yes, YET Ron (who was at work) was able to tell everyone that Joe wasn't in his home and there was no fight with no cousin over no gun.....IMO, No Joe has been used as a scapegoat.

5) again, when you have some people saying he was there some saying he wasn't....

don't know if this helps or not... :)
1. Do Misty and Ronald know what happened? Were they a part of it?

In my opinion - Yes

2. Why take Haleigh and not the baby?

I don't have any idea

3. If Ronald and Misty are drug dealers, drug addicts, etc. (as said on the show last night), why in the world would bio mom let her children be raised by them? Or...are they just drug dealer wannabe's? (I think them getting custody was court ordered, but even at that, what court would give children to these type of parents vs. bio mom? Is bio mom worse?)

The mother was also into drugs - it would appear that drugs played a big part in the lives of the people who surrounded Haleigh

4. Is cousin-what's-his-name involved?

Who knows? If he was involved, then I'm pretty sure he did not act alone.

5. Was this all about anger over a gun and retaliation?

That's just one story. There are many stories - many lies ...
I have a question (well, questions) of my own regarding this case.

Is there no central agency where these cases, involving missing children, can be referred to, if local LE are reaching the end of their investigation and the case has seemingly gone cold?

New eyes and new ideas with "experts" in the field could produce results. I hope there is no competitive or political reasons why it can't be opened up to others.

Another thing I've been thinking about, is that there are software programs for everything. Surely there is one for "most likely scenario" of what happened to Haleigh. The timeline, along with the various players stories, alibi's and lies, could be keyed in and descrepancies highlighted and possible motives could be automatically generated.

And the results of all this should be released to the public :)

This will not happen of course, but it's so discouraging to have followed this case for so long, and still not see any sign of justice for Haleigh. Even if no-one talks, surely there are enough clues by now, to piece together what most likely happened.

I would also like to see a TV crime show devoted to the Haleigh Cummings case where they interview the people who were closest to her and go over everything again. This can't be allowed to go cold.
From what I recall of the show last night, the host implied that Ronald has given them all the information he has (hence his short sentence vs. some of the others), and it's only a matter of time before an arrest is made. Take it for what you will.
From what I recall of the show last night, the host implied that Ronald has given them all the information he has (hence his short sentence vs. some of the others), and it's only a matter of time before an arrest is made. Take it for what you will.

Didn't they say that before? I am sick of the LEO down there! Why wouldn't they allow the FBI to get involved in this case. :pullhair::pullhair:
Didn't they say that before? I am sick of the LEO down there! Why wouldn't they allow the FBI to get involved in this case. :pullhair::pullhair:


Ok, I do not understand a lot. Doesnt any thing in this case come under the
"sunshine law"? I'm thinking KC,already indicted but they had news posted before she was arrested.:banghead:
Until there has been an arrest, the sunshine law doesn't come into play.

We were getting jailhouse videos for a time and if the press was interested in more I'm sure they can trot down and pick them up. But they can still redact any information about Haleigh's case if they deem it necessary.
Based on her statements to her grandmother and (seemingly) to LE, Misty clearly kniws what happenex to Haleigh.

LE has not indicated that Ron knows what happened. None of the Croslins have said he knows. Ron has not said he knows. None of that "proves" Ron doesn't know, but it indicates that we should consider them in regard to such questions as separate individuals.

I have never believed that guns and drugs were the primary motive for Haleigh's disappearance. I think Haleigh was the target because one "motive" was child a use of some sort. But like everyone else, I have an opinion, not knowledge.
From what I recall of the show last night, the host implied that Ronald has given them all the information he has (hence his short sentence vs. some of the others), and it's only a matter of time before an arrest is made. Take it for what you will.
What show was this and what host was this?

Ron got the same sentence as Tommy.
I was either watching Nancy Grace of JVM last night (watched them both, and can't remember who was talking about what!) and they were talking about Haleigh's case.

I haven't been following it very closely at all lately, not as closely as many here. So as someone on the "outside" looking in, I have a few questions.

1. Do Misty and Ronald know what happened? Were they a part of it?
2. Why take Haleigh and not the baby?
3. If Ronald and Misty are drug dealers, drug addicts, etc. (as said on the show last night), why in the world would bio mom let her children be raised by them? Or...are they just drug dealer wannabe's? (I think them getting custody was court ordered, but even at that, what court would give children to these type of parents vs. bio mom? Is bio mom worse?)
4. Is cousin-what's-his-name involved?
5. Was this all about anger over a gun and retaliation?

I know it's a lot of questions, but these things just came to my mind as I watched the show last night.

I feel like I've been "played" by Grandma Hollars. Like she knows much, much more than I ever thought she did, and hides it under the "sweet little old helpless grandma" facade. Or maybe I'm just getting jaded, I don't know.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughts on this!

(Proud Air Force Wife/Mother)
Hi there, oh gal. Pull up a chair and lemme tell ya a story...

:) Just kidding, but I will try to answer your questions.

  1. IMO, yes and yes
  2. IMO, Haleigh was not "taken". There was no intruder and no kidnapping.
  3. Ron won custody by default. IIRC, Crystal claims that Ron gave her address to the court incorrectly, so she didn't receive the hearing notice and missed the court date. (I'm sure someone will remember those details better than I can at the moment.) At any rate, she claims foul play on Ron's part. And mom did have a few problems of her own.
  4. IMO, cousin Joe is not directly involved in Haleigh's demise.
  5. IMO, no, what happened to Haleigh had little or nothing to do with the altercation over the gun. If anything, the gun issue might have ignited a spark that set things in motion. Nothing more.
What show was this and what host was this?

Ron got the same sentence as Tommy.

I'd watched both Nancy Grace and JVM that night, and I'm sorry to say, I can't recall which one it was on. With regard to the sentencing, they may have been commenting on Ron's sentence vs. Misty's sentence.

I'll see if I can find any video for either.

ETA: It was JVM. Here's a link to the transcript:

I think this is part of what I heard, but I think there might have been some cross-talk in there that wasn't picked up in the transcript:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Misty Croslin now staring down the barrel of 240 years in the slammer. Ron, who just made a plea deal, facing six -- 90 years.

And Tommy has already gotten his sentence of 15 years.

So Art Harris, this has got to be the ultimate squeeze play to try to get Misty and Ron to finally spill the whole story.

HARRIS: That`s right, Jane. And Jim Werter told me something interesting the other day. And that is he believes that the state attorney, in coming down hard on Tommy, threatening him with lethal injection, which some of the cops discussed with him while he was in jail before Werter drew the line in the sand -- he thinks that he may have shut off -- shut off the oil well of information. That these people are bubbling up with tidbits here and there, and more could be revealed if they weren`t facing the barrel of a gun, as it were.
I'd watched both Nancy Grace and JVM that night, and I'm sorry to say, I can't recall which one it was on. With regard to the sentencing, they may have been commenting on Ron's sentence vs. Misty's sentence.

I'll see if I can find any video for either.

ETA: It was JVM. Here's a link to the transcript:
Ron's most serious charge was dropped. He could've received a 25 year mandatory minimum sentence. Instead, he received 15 years, which is the mandatory minimum sentence for his next most serious charge. Many of us believe that he did some heavy bargaining to have that charge dropped. I'm just not sure what (or who) he gave up.

When you place Tommy's and Ron's charges side by side and consider that they received the same sentence, IMO, Tommy got the shaft. Royally.
Ron's most serious charge was dropped. He could've received a 25 year mandatory minimum sentence. Instead, he received 15 years, which is the mandatory minimum sentence for his next most serious charge. Many of us believe that he did some heavy bargaining to have that charge dropped. I'm just not sure what (or who) he gave up.

When you place Tommy's and Ron's charges side by side and consider that they received the same sentence, IMO, Tommy got the shaft. Royally.

In my opinion, SA set Ronald up to fall flat on his face if he is called in to testify and he tells one lie he's done for.
In my opinion, SA set Ronald up to fall flat on his face if he is called in to testify and he tells one lie he's done for.

That is the very hope I hold onto Snowbunny. Especially, as bessie mentioned, when you compare Ron and Tommy's charges/sentences side-by-side... IMO, LE is confident that they'll be able to establish proof of Ronald's involvement before he even comes close to serving out his current sentence for the drug charges. The state's requirement of RC to provide honest statement(s) and/or testimony will only serve to help LE put the final pieces of this puzzle together.
I'd watched both Nancy Grace and JVM that night, and I'm sorry to say, I can't recall which one it was on. With regard to the sentencing, they may have been commenting on Ron's sentence vs. Misty's sentence.

I'll see if I can find any video for either.

ETA: It was JVM. Here's a link to the transcript:

I think this is part of what I heard, but I think there might have been some cross-talk in there that wasn't picked up in the transcript:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Misty Croslin now staring down the barrel of 240 years in the slammer. Ron, who just made a plea deal, facing six -- 90 years.

And Tommy has already gotten his sentence of 15 years.

So Art Harris, this has got to be the ultimate squeeze play to try to get Misty and Ron to finally spill the whole story.

HARRIS: That`s right, Jane. And Jim Werter told me something interesting the other day. And that is he believes that the state attorney, in coming down hard on Tommy, threatening him with lethal injection, which some of the cops discussed with him while he was in jail before Werter drew the line in the sand -- he thinks that he may have shut off -- shut off the oil well of information. That these people are bubbling up with tidbits here and there, and more could be revealed if they weren`t facing the barrel of a gun, as it were.

I know this must be nothing but Art's reply was really odd back then and still is. I wonder who Art thinks was behind the phrase he used" barrel of a gun"? What gun and who's? Could there be a LEO that knows more?
I know Art was probably hypothetically speaking, but what if he wasn't? :waitasec: This case IMO is cold as ice for a reason, and not because people are not talking.. I don't mean to offend anyone, but that is JMO as of today.

HARRIS: That`s right, Jane. And Jim Werter told me something interesting the other day. And that is he believes that the state attorney, in coming down hard on Tommy, threatening him with lethal injection, which some of the cops discussed with him while he was in jail before Werter drew the line in the sand -- he thinks that he may have shut off -- shut off the oil well of information. That these people are bubbling up with tidbits here and there, and more could be revealed if they weren`t facing the barrel of a gun, as it were.
Ron's most serious charge was dropped. He could've received a 25 year mandatory minimum sentence. Instead, he received 15 years, which is the mandatory minimum sentence for his next most serious charge. Many of us believe that he did some heavy bargaining to have that charge dropped. I'm just not sure what (or who) he gave up.

When you place Tommy's and Ron's charges side by side and consider that they received the same sentence, IMO, Tommy got the shaft. Royally.

Bessie, I enjoy your posts and usually agree with you wholeheartedly but I have to disagree on the bolded part above regarding Ronald's "DEAL". IM o, Ronald has always got a "deal" when faced with charges and he fully expected a "deal" this time, and received what he expected. In the very first jail audio Ronald appears to be bragging that he would have special visiting hours and that his jail house videos would not be published, and he was right. He appears to "know" that he will receive these "favors" ahead of time.
But I do agree that yes, Tommy did get the shaft. In fact, both Tommy and Misty received the shaft compared to the Cummings side of the family. JMO.
Bessie, I enjoy your posts and usually agree with you wholeheartedly but I have to disagree on the bolded part above regarding Ronald's "DEAL". IM o, Ronald has always got a "deal" when faced with charges and he fully expected a "deal" this time, and received what he expected. In the very first jail audio Ronald appears to be bragging that he would have special visiting hours and that his jail house videos would not be published, and he was right. He appears to "know" that he will receive these "favors" ahead of time.
But I do agree that yes, Tommy did get the shaft. In fact, both Tommy and Misty received the shaft compared to the Cummings side of the family. JMO.

Lone, liked your post and appreciated it. Now: why would RC expect special favors? I have never bought into the way LE has handled this case. I absolutely believe RC and all the Cummings have something that would bring the LE in Satsuma down, and that the LE can never have it surface. What could that possibly be; maybe drugs, prostitution, money laundering, gambling?

Whatever it is is very big, otherwise, why the HE// wouldn't they want the help and the expertise of the FBI?
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