UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #2

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Residents of a Layton apartment complex at 1425 North 500 West gather together during a candle light vigil, Wednesday May 12, 2010, in memory of Ethan Stacy who was found dead near Powder Mountain Ski Resort earlier in the week. Stacy's stepfather Nathan Sloop was booked into Davis County Jail on aggravated murder charges in the death of Ethan. (Steve Griffin / The Salt Lake Tribune)

the more I think about it the more I think she had more to do with this!

WHY take pictures of him beaten up???

She fought to get temporary custody... WHY would she take pictures of her child abused at the hand of her new husband???

She had a PLAN!
Didn't I read somewhere that she abandoned Ethan and his father to take off with that loser? Why did she fight for custody? And if it is true that she abandoned them then the judge should have never placed a court order making this baby visit her. Especially for the summer.

Eyes4crime this is the article on when SS was seen outside apartment.

To me, the most important part is this statement: "Hope said Nathan Sloop then followed her and "put his hands around her face, like a 'you gotta listen to me' kind of thing. I didn't think about it until all this happened."

Translation: "We're both in this together. We can't take him to the hospital. If you walk away, you're dead."

Yeah, I believe she was threatened BUT if she went to Walmart to get him "a prescription" (OF WHAT???), she could have called 911.

Utah has a lot of meth, a lot of drug abuse (the highest prescription rate in the nation for antidepressants), and lots of ways to get scrips.

I am VERY unhappy that my previous post was removed. I provided links; I did not repost copyrighted information or images (illegal) NOR did I copy information from social media sites (also common here but against the TOS).
I thought Websleuths was investigatory; apparently, I am out of the mainstream here, because I do not believe prayers, vigils, candles, or "touchy feely" help a bit. What DOES help are investigations into how people are turned into monsters.
Didn't I read somewhere that she abandoned Ethan and his father to take off with that loser? Why did she fight for custody? And if it is true that she abandoned them then the judge should have never placed a court order making this baby visit her. Especially for the summer.

Hi no explanation. I'm using your post as a jumping off point. My comments aren't directed at you :)

About SS being afraid of NS. Bull stinky.

All of the Mother's here ask yourself ~ what would it take for you to witness the brutalization and murder of your own child? Would you have to be hog-tied? Would you still say nothing even if you had a gun to your temple?

Surely I am not the only Mother that would have to be incapacitated or severely injured to allow someone to do this to my own child?

About the psychology behind the crime on the Mother's part (not a justification, there is no justification ever for what was done to Ethan).

(here is where I jump off of noexplanations post!) This Mother was clearly detached from Ethan. At what point during the seperation and divorce did she walk away from Ethan? How long had it been since she behaved in a nurturing fashion towards Ethan? Did she have visitation during the seperation and divorce proceedings? If so, what happened that Ethan did not want to go be with her? Just some thoughts.

Also, there are women who objectify their children. By that I mean they do not see the child as a seperate entity worthy of being loved for who they are~ but rather those Mother's use their children as pawns. To be used as a game piece. To exact whatever effect they wish on those that do love the child as a child should be loved.

If what I typed above proves to be an accurate facet of who she is---she's a monster herself. (yes nursie she had a plan and I bet it probably involved Ethan's Father).

This woman was no victim. I think that there may be a distinct possibilty that the brushing of the teeth to the point of making the gums bleed because she thought she detected feces in Ethan's mouth was a ruse.

1. There must have been the possibility that LE was going to find Ethan's blood in that apartment.


2. To explain some of the damage to his mouth when LE did find him.

Rest in peace little buddy. Our hearts are with you and your Daddy.
the more I think about it the more I think she had more to do with this!

WHY take pictures of him beaten up???

She fought to get temporary custody... WHY would she take pictures of her child abused at the hand of her new husband???

She had a PLAN!

It sounds to me like she was having fun. Natural born killers. I keep saying it.
To me, the most important part is this statement: "Hope said Nathan Sloop then followed her and "put his hands around her face, like a 'you gotta listen to me' kind of thing. I didn't think about it until all this happened."

Translation: "We're both in this together. We can't take him to the hospital. If you walk away, you're dead."

Yeah, I believe she was threatened BUT if she went to Walmart to get him "a prescription" (OF WHAT???), she could have called 911.

Utah has a lot of meth, a lot of drug abuse (the highest prescription rate in the nation for antidepressants), and lots of ways to get scrips.
I am VERY unhappy that my previous post was removed. I provided links; I did not repost copyrighted information or images (illegal) NOR did I copy information from social media sites (also common here but against the TOS).
I thought Websleuths was investigatory; apparently, I am out of the mainstream here, because I do not believe prayers, vigils, candles, or "touchy feely" help a bit. What DOES help are investigations into how people are turned into monsters.
She should have called 911 when she heard Ethan being beat on his head in a closed bedroom. I feel sick over this. The anguish the Dad must feel. This is something you do not bounce back from.
the more I think about it the more I think she had more to do with this!

WHY take pictures of him beaten up???

She fought to get temporary custody... WHY would she take pictures of her child abused at the hand of her new husband???

She had a PLAN!

yes i agree she had a plan. I believe she didn't want to pay child support to the man and child she abandoned.
I hope and pray that the court, jury, judge, etc. all see that Stephanie DID have an equal role in all of this. Ethan was left in his bedroom, without the door knob, while they ran off to get married. Ethan was also beaten while she was in the home, and she didn't stop it. AND she played a pretty active role in the child abuse, which ultimately led to his murder.

It's my biggest fear right now that Stephanie will get off easy on this (especially since she isn't being charged with murder) and she needs to get just as much jail time as Nathan, in my opinion.
She should have called 911 when she heard Ethan being beat on his head in a closed bedroom. I feel sick over this. The anguish the Dad must feel. This is something you do not bounce back from.

The Dad's only recourse is to mount a campaign for recall of the judge who forced him to send the child to that vermin mother (who he evidently stayed with longer than he should have).

A report I read this morning, said that residents could often hear children crying. If the walls are so thin in that place (no surprise!), then the sounds of a child being beaten and yelled out, would also have been heard.
The "mother'" and the step-dad need to be charged with first degree murder.

If 2 guys walk into a store with guns with the intention of robbing the store and a bystander pulls out their gun and accidentally kills and innocent person (instead of the robbers) who gets who gets charged with murder one? The robbers. Both of them. Doesn't matter that they literally did not shoot a single person it was their act of robbing the store that caused the death.

It should be the same thing here. She was in on the abuse. She did nothing to stop it. Her act of being a party to the situation should require the first degree murder charge.

If Nathen was kidnapped off the street she would be charged with murder one just like her hubby.

Hopefully this will be the case. No deals. Straight up murder one.
i just read the probably cause statements and i am so mad i can't even see straight. this baby suffered so much, i can't imagine the fear and pain that he experienced. i feel so bad for the people that had to recover his body in such a condition. simply unbelievable, yet seems so common around here. i will never understand it.
This is getting worse, and worse, and worse. :furious:

I pray that Ethans father doesn't read these affidavits. He's going through enough. :(

I read somewhere that he was informed of everything that happened, so that he would not read about it, without having knowledge of it. They wanted him to know first.
Somehow I think what this little boy went through was worse than what they are saying. Even though what they have said happened is horrible it seems a little sugar coated in my mind.

The horror in this case reminds of the channon christian & chris newsom story. Which by the way Vanessa Coleman who was there during the rape, and murder of Channon is on trial now for murder. jury is out right now. (this one is in the trial section of WS. ETA: verdict is in will be read at 1 TN time)
I cannot finish reading the probable cause statement for NS. It takes a whole lot to make me nauseous, but the combination of the two statements, and the reality of what happened to this little angel has done it.

Sadly, it ends up I know some of his family (Ethan's) I had suspected he may be related, but did not want to ask due to the sensitive nature of this whole ordeal. But this morning we received a call that in fact a good friend of ours is a cousin to Ethan and his father. The family here will accompany Ethan's little body home.

I wish they would grant my friend's wish to have a short visit with NS.

I pray the father never reads the facts about what happened to this little man, he is tortured enough having had to send him out here.


Evil....simply hard core evil.
Life in prison with parole or the death penalty. Take your pick. For both of them.

A few years back, there was a story about a stray female cat who had severe burns from going back into a burning building to rescue her kittens. The people who found her and the kittens named her Scarlet. I saw a mother turkey frantically trying to get her last baby turkey chick across a highway, the others waiting on the other side. Animals will risk their lives to save their young. That's all I have to say about these two.

What does this say about human kind that this poor child could be tortured and no one would notice? And courts better start taking a look at the step parents, boyfriends and other live-in scum that these kids are put in contact with when overnight visits are mandated.

That's what I mean...she shouldn't be allowed to play the victim card. Some people may not be great day-to-day parents. It's not an easy job but some things need no thought, they're instinctual. Like animals, a normal mother would not think about rushing to the defense of her child. Nature and instinct take over, no thought for fire, danger, or anything other than saving one's child. It really is simple instinct and when that is not present, you are dealing with a serious aberration. And I don't want to hear that she was drugged or brainwashed. She took pics, went shopping, admitted that she knew Ethan needed treatment but did not act on that knowledge, got married and kept up her wedding website from hell. She went on with her life, failing to do the only thing that she should have done - protect her son. There is no excuse and I really want them to perform vivisection on that one just so science might find the crossed wires that lead to things like this.

Someone said SS makes Casey Anthony look like June Cleaver and I am inclined to agree. I have always wondered if Casey didn't do something stupid like give her poor child too much sleepy meds, or leave her in a closet, so she could go off and not have to worry. When she remembered to come back from clubbing, she was left with a dead child, and instead of admitting to that, here we are. It still says there's something wrong, but we can almost understand an accident. I had hoped Ethan's case would be so. What makes SS so wrong is her complicity, even admitting that she saw this man deface her son with a hammer. How can she retain any composure, especially after that? What sane person wouldnt be totally unhinged with that image in their mind? Look at those pics and see a woman who has obviously shed not one tear. Every single thing she did and didn't do shows just how much an equal partner in this she was.
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