**Verdict watch weekend discussion thread** 3/3-4/2012

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We knew that Jason search "head trauma" on the computer. That information was released well before either trial. That information made Jason look guilty. During trial, we heard testimony about that search with the implication that he may have done this while planning the murder.

Defense witness testmony proved, using information that the prosecution knew all along, that the prosecution was well aware of the fact that even Michelle knew about the accident that Jason witnessed. Jason explained that after the accident he was traumatized and searched the injuries suffered by the accident victim.

Are we to believe that Jason, the notoriously disorganized guy, search "head trauma" as part of his murderous plan, anticipated that the searches might be found, created an alibi by mentioning a fake accident to his wife and his wife then told others about this fake accident ... all to cover up the fact that Jason used his own computer to search head trauma? Why didn't he just go to the library to make the searches if he thought they might come back to him when he did the search?

Yes, I can believe JY made up the accident thing. I also believe that MY would believe him when he told her about this 'accident.' I also believe when MY told others about the 'accident' she obviously didn't know it was made up. I don't know why he didn't go to the library to look those searches up. IMO, I think he has thought he could get away with anything he does. IMO, his choice of words to look up information about the accident he witnessed is supsect. And those searches were deleted. If the searches were innocent why delete them? I *think* it was testified to they couldn't be sure it was deleted by the user or some other way. well, if those searches were deleted in any way other than by the user than again how unlucky JY is. Just so happened those searches got deleted from an accident that jY stopped at to offer his help. I wish he would have been so concerned about his wife as he was with that stranger. Like hold her hand and show some compassion after she lost their baby instead of telling her to "get over it."

moo. moo. moo.
If a friend of Michelle claimed that no one was admitted to the hospital where she worked at the time that Jason witnessed the accident, that's all very well, but it does not mean that the accident did not happen. If the prosecution wants to prove that it did not happen, they needed intake witnesses from all hospitals testifying that no one was admitted with head trauma.

I assume that PT also thought this was very weak evidence and probably needed to be avoided since it might show that JY was telling the truth.

I have my histories to delete every 10 days just to get rid of extra information slowing down the computer. I believe he had 20 days which is understandable. No problem there.
I did not read that *all* the blunt force trauma was administered at the same time. My interpretation was Michelle received a blow to her head while in bed, then strangulation, and then a violent over-kill of head and face blows while on the floor.

The blow to the head was described as possibly hand caused, not weapon caused. There was a struggle. The strangulation preceeded the blood as the blood was a direct result of violent blunt force with a weapon. The strangulation attempt failed ... that much we know to be true. The blunt force was successful. If the blunt force was caused by hands, there would be injuries to Jason's hands - if he were guilty - and there were no injuries whatsoever to his hands.

"Despite the appearance of defensive wounds on her hands and the fact a hair was found in her hand, authorities haven't said what they have learned from the autopsy that might help their investigation.

"There was a struggle, and let me just stop at that," Harrison said."


"Michelle Young has died from blunt force trauma after being hit at least 10 times in the head during a struggle. "


"Investigators believe Michelle Young's killer may have been injured during a struggle with her just before she died, court records show."

Most trauma goes to Wake Med so I am not sure where SS said she worked. We have several satellites of Wake Med that take Emergencies. There is also Duke Raleigh which is more centrally located.

I don't believe the satellites are equipped for severe trauma injuries. Those are taken directly to Wake Med. unless the trauma is extremely close to Rex in my experience. I believe Wake Med. is the only facility with a helicopter pad right outside the ER. We've been there a number of times, to the ER, with one or the other of our grandsons, asthma problems. They are always distracted when a helicopter is either landing or taking off.
He was in Brevard, which is in the mountains of NC. They left and came straight back to where CY (his daughter) was. He immediately went in and spent time with her. They did stop at a restaurant parking lot to make a couple of calls reference an attorney. There was no evidence that they stopped for dinner or procrastinated his departure from Brevard. It simply takes time to drive back to Raleigh from Brevard.

I'm a little confused with this stop at applebees and maybe someone can help clarify. PY testified that they pulled over there to make a call to a lawyer, upon RS urging. Then they waited for RS to call back, and he told them to carry on, that JY should be with his daughter. Is it believed that they were considering driving back to Brevard until they had a lawyer retained?

Also let me add here my thoughts on the life insurance as a motif. I don't know how a murderer thinks, but I believe they, including JY think they have such well thought out plans for an alibi that they don't believe they will be suspects. I believe in JY's head he thought he would go in knock her out, strangle her and be gone. Happy single life with lots of $$$$$

He did not plan for her to fight so hard for her life and leave a bloody mess. I believe he possibly wore those size 10 shoes, not because prints could be taken in blood, but possibly with technology be able to take prints from outdoors, to inside carpeting etc. Only he messed up stepping into the bloody mess after putting on his clean husp puppies. A post was made by CW? a newer member (sorry if I have your name wrong) on her belief of how/why the hushpuppies got blood on them (concerning Cassidy) It was a great post and I believe it.
Does Duke Raleigh now have an ER where accident trauma patients are taken? The only thing I've ever been there for is scheduled surgical procedures.

They do have an ER, but most accidents go to Wake MED since they are the trauma center as I said previously. But if they were full, sometimes things get shifted. I guess it would depend on the type of injury.

Wake Med is probably where he went.
I did not read that *all* the blunt force trauma was administered at the same time. My interpretation was Michelle received a blow to her head while in bed, then strangulation, and then a violent over-kill of head and face blows while on the floor.

That's exactly how I see it. The first blow(s) didn't render her unconcious, but rather caused her to scream out and try and scramble out of bed. B/C she tried to scream and get away, strangulation happened on the floor to also "silence" her so she wouldn't wake up CY (too late...she woke up). She started fighting back trying to scratch his gloved hands, so he resorted back to the beating to just get it over with. My thoughts are he never intended to strangle, but had to try it since the plan wasn't working as he thought it would.
So true.... My BF's nephew is missing in TX and has been for a month.... 2 wks ago they found his clothing, shoes & wallet on the river bank.... When his mother calls for information they give her very little info if anything... A few days ago she called & she was told they had leads... She asked if they could tell her what.. He said he couldnt tell her anything.. So she asked well will you call me & let me know whats going on.. He said no NOT unless her son was found...
Come to find out they lied to her saying they had searched the by plane... She meets with Texas EquuSearch & Tim Miller Tuesday....

At least she tried to communicate with LE. Jason never did.
The blow to the head was described as possibly hand caused, not weapon caused. There was a struggle. The strangulation preceeded the blood as the blood was a direct result of violent blunt force with a weapon. The strangulation attempt failed ... that much we know to be true. The blunt force was successful. If the blunt force was caused by hands, there would be injuries to Jason's hands - if he were guilty - and there were no injuries whatsoever to his hands.

"Despite the appearance of defensive wounds on her hands and the fact a hair was found in her hand, authorities haven't said what they have learned from the autopsy that might help their investigation.

"There was a struggle, and let me just stop at that," Harrison said."

So true.... An FBI agent has already said EVEN
if he wore gloves he would have some type of injury to his hands...
I assume that PT also thought this was very weak evidence and probably needed to be avoided since it might show that JY was telling the truth.

I have my histories to delete every 10 days just to get rid of extra information slowing down the computer. I believe he had 20 days which is understandable. No problem there.

Beth Whitney SBI Computer Forensics.....You can manually delete temp internet history. Internet history set to be saved for 20 days on computer. Only saved daily history Aug-14-15 21-22 9/27-28, Oct15-16, Oct16-17, Oct26-27, Nov 2-3 - someone went thru and got rid of some of the internet history.
If a friend of Michelle claimed that no one was admitted to the hospital where she worked at the time that Jason witnessed the accident, that's all very well, but it does not mean that the accident did not happen. If the prosecution wants to prove that it did not happen, they needed intake witnesses from all hospitals testifying that no one was admitted with head trauma.

Again, I've stated that one can not 'accept as evidence in the trial' that the *accident* ever occured or that it was a head trauma *because* there is absolutely no evidence of such IN THIS TRIAL. The state put forth a witness to dispute that, and the defense did NOT put forth any evidence to rebut that testimony.
I don't believe the satellites are equipped for severe trauma injuries. Those are taken directly to Wake Med. unless the trauma is extremely close to Rex in my experience. I believe Wake Med. is the only facility with a helicopter pad right outside the ER. We've been there a number of times, to the ER, with one or the other of our grandsons, asthma problems. They are always distracted when a helicopter is either landing or taking off.

I think you are right. I usually go to Rex since it is very close by. Excellent hospital and my preference unless a severe trauma. Then send me to Wake Med. Wake Med is the Trauma Center in town. Did SS work there?
Who said he intended to be a suspect if his original plan worked out? That $4MM life insurance was sitting out there as a straight flush and he was willing to gamble.

I see many of your others add your subjective slant on the evidence...personally I see it in a totally different light.


Whom has actually received money from this.

We know that a law firm invoiced and received 1 million from this policy.

I am truly trying to figure out what exactly was billed in this 1 million after having been the executrix of some large estates.

If that was me as the executrix I would be asking for a forensic accounting of this as I know I would be accounting to a judge a bill of this magnitude.

As I have not seen this bill I would bet that this bill covers more than just the dealings over a life insurance policy thus I must ask what other services rendered did it cover?

The executrix received $156,000 for dealings with respect to the life insurance policy.

This insurance money was to go into trust for CY. I have to ask why these large sums of money were paid out and for what?

Yet conversely if it takes 1 million to simply handle a life insurance policy how could JY be expected to cover the legal fees on a custody hearing which are ongoing and we know would of been a very bitter fight with $40,000.

It seems that someone should be requesting a forensic accounting of this trust account for CY.
Beth Whitney SBI Computer Forensics.....You can manually delete temp internet history. Internet history set to be saved for 20 days on computer. Only saved daily history Aug-14-15 21-22 9/27-28, Oct15-16, Oct16-17, Oct26-27, Nov 2-3 - someone went thru and got rid of some of the internet history.

Of course you can manually delete temp internet. I have done it. Yes Beth did testify to that. I do not see this as being a big deal.
It was up to the homeowner to file an inventory of missing items "stolen" from the home. The fact no personal property was claimed in addition to $27,000 property damage is highly suspect.

Yet if the homeowner, in this case JY whom was the primary and ONLY suspect immediately had of done this, the state could then demonstrate he benefited from MY's death. A no win situation.
I think you are right. I usually go to Rex since it is very close by. Excellent hospital and my preference unless a severe trauma. Then send me to Wake Med. Wake Med is the Trauma Center in town. Did SS work there?

When I worked as a Medic...patient preference was the policy unless it was Life Threatening or Major Trauma. We always asked the patient...What hospital would you like to go to?? Life threatening would be taken to the major trauma hospital.
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