100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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Omg I asked something like that. With all of the sex filled entries in her journal who the hell did she think she could pass that on to?
She's starting to sound like this may not be going as well as she thought...
Wait, she felt more sympathetic than disgusted after he explained the child *advertiser censored*?? She gets less believable all the time...I wouldn't have thought it was possible.
Uh oh, the question about is it possible Travis picked up the camera doesn't sit well with me.
The Mormon religion and the Law of Attraction are two different animals...duh.
If Travis stopped to get the camera..then he couldn't have been pursuing her and her hearing his footsteps after her. hmm
JA thinks she is talking to a group of students or people that are stupid in the manner she goes on to explain the mundane.
I do not like this question. It shows a juror skeptical of the Mormon church willing to excuse Jodi's deception in her behavior because of it.
Who did she tell about the photo...other than a psychologist (yeah, right)?
She was an undercover double agent working with the church.....aha. Nah
Someone on the jury asks very specific questions about Mormon doctrine. There's definitely a Mormon on the jury.
I was in Dollar Tree the other day. They had phone chargers for a BUCK. She can afford a spa day in Salinas, but not a new phone charger?
I wish one would ask about the comment "No jury will convict me. Why? Because I'm innocent, no jury will convict me, and you can mark my words on that".
I hope Juan plays that statement in his closing!!!
Ut oh.

Don't like this question about the camera. Sounds like the juror believes her story.

I said the same thing. It sounds like they are trying to find a way to believe her story. Even gave her a chance to say, "Maybe he slipped," and that's why he wasn't right behind her. I don't even know how you can ask a question about "possibilities" considering she is saying she didn't know what was happening behind her.
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