17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #17

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Sorry for the snark but it is getting kind of silly, imo, the way the people are piling on. I mean if I say I am running to Target to get milk, and than later I say that I am going to Target for groceries, is that really a change in my story? I think it is pretty consistent.

And saying that one is running out for milk may sound too specific, but many many people run out for milk and a few other things on Sunday night to prepare for monday mornings. When someone says they are going out for 'milk' it usually means 'milk+somethingelse+somethingelse.' Or in other words = GROCERIES.

I can only defend my reasons for commenting on the milk/Target issue (although I shouldn't have to, IMO).

The reason the comments stick out to me (personally) is that it seems terribly important for the Zimmermans to put this little detail out to the public about going to Target (or wherever he grocery shops or goes to get milk). So important, that it he mentions it twice to Sean Hannity. 1) that he always goes shopping on Sunday evenings and 2) that he texted his sister to let her know he's going grocery shopping just prior to leaving for the store. Which coincidentally - or not - was immediately prior to him shooting Trayvon Martin. That makes me (personally) wonder why this little detail seems so important. I hardly think that falls into the category of 'piling on', IMO.

I understand what you are saying. They should be more exacting. I guess i was reading between the lines a bit. He said going to Target for milk. I assumed he meant 'milk + bread+cereal' because he was going to Target and not 7/11. If I ONLY need milk I'm not going to go into Target.

I think going to get milk is a way of saying 'groceries.' But maybe that is just me because I do that myself.

I wish I could ever walk in a store for one thing and just walk out with that thing! Lol! A trip to get mlk for me ends up in me spending $60! I am a grocery store addict! I love to cook and DH loves to eat!
This is probably my most favorite article that I found posted earlier in the case because it details exactly what Zimmerman was supposed to do and not supposed to do while being in the neighborhood watch program. Everything Zimmerman did in relation to his neighborhood watch program "captain" went against all the training that he was part of when the community decided to start a program at the complex.


I always thought the neighborhood watch consisted of the neighborhood grouch, who would call security every time they saw something they didn't like. I remember one neighborhood I lived in this lady would measure your grass and if it was to tall she would call the association. I guess times have changed.
Well thank god I am not overweight and don't have high blood pressure, and am under 50 (not saying by how much, LOL), lived in FL off and on most my life to me 60 is "cool", 72 is perfect, 80 better have the air conditioning on at least 72, but I would NEVER classify any of that as dressing for an artic outing.
Do we have link for the proper arctic clothes wear for Floridians?:floorlaugh:
I get so vexed when I read that the police had Trayvon's phone. Then why did they let him sit there in the morgue like an unwanted child after his death? <modsnip> if his skin was white the cops would have sympathized with his parents and made the effort to find them.

But didn't they go to his Dad early the next morning? I think that story about the three days in the morgue was incorrect.

My friends son was found dead and they did not get a visit until the following morning and he was a white boy. They found his phone and his car but wanted to run prints to make sure it was really him before the notification.

Just because they found a cell phone that wouldn't mean it was not lost or stolen. And they probably thought that the cell owner lived in Miami. So maybe they thought it wasn't Trayvon until they got the call that he was missing.
Hey I'm with ya on that one. If I just need milk I don't go to well...I use Walmart not Target and I wouldn't go there for one thing. When we just need milk, usually, my daughter and I will go and she'll run into the Safeway to get it. It's way cheaper there than the convience store but it's not nearly as crazy busy as somewhere like Target or Walmart, and for us it's right down the road.

I can't get over the fact Target sells groceries, when the heck did this happen? What next Sears selling a pharmaceuticals?
We know from having seen a picture of the house address signage; smallish numbers by the light by the garage door. I am not sure those numbers can be readily seen from the street, so what difference would it make to relay a house number to the police?
I can only defend my reasons for commenting on the milk/Target issue (although I shouldn't have to, IMO).

The reason the comments stick out to me (personally) is that it seems terribly important for the Zimmermans to put this little detail out to the public about going to Target (or wherever he grocery shops or goes to get milk). So important, that it he mentions it twice to Sean Hannity. 1) that he always goes shopping on Sunday evenings and 2) that he texted his sister to let her know he's going grocery shopping just prior to leaving for the store. Which coincidentally - or not - was immediately prior to him shooting Trayvon Martin. That makes me (personally) wonder why this little detail seems so important. I hardly think that falls into the category of 'piling on', IMO.


Except it really doesn't matter, unless it's coming from Zimmerman himself.
Did Trayvon go to Target? I didn't see a gas station or little store on the google earth map. It looked all residential with a school across from the complex and a shopping center to the left of the school.
From what I remember reading, the 'incident' happened Sunday night. The body was identified by the father, via a photograph, on Monday sometime. And, the body was not released to the family from the morgue until Wednesday. Hence, three days.
This is an interesting interview with Natalie Jackson, co-counsel for the Martin family. March 30, 2012

Democracy Now - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RaIN_YTsi0]LINK here[/ame] (Not sure how much credibility this site has, but the interview is legit)
Interesting points brought up by N. Jackson
-Proof Trayvon made a call when this happened
-Family has not been given any information into the investigation of the death of their son. LE is telling them nothing.
-Witness I've not heard before - Natalie doesn't seem comfortable with him
-Even after the parents identified him, he was labeled as a John Doe for three days - she has no explanation for that
-Parents filed a missing persons report (I thought Tracy called 911 at 8:00 a.m., and LE was there shortly thereafter)
-We hired an investigator that went out and got the phone records.
-Once we saw Trayvon's phone records, because he had his phone with him, we saw he was on the phone when this incident "purportedly" happened! (huh?) "We contacted the person he was on the phone with, it was a young girl, and ummm, she told us that she heard Zimmerman approach Trayvon!
Trayvon's twitter and facebook account hacked

So how can Tracy Martin recite what he was told to him by LE about the investigation if there was no investigation and they've told the family nothing at all?
This interview raises a ton of questions for me.
I can't get over the fact Target sells groceries, when the heck did this happen? What next Sears selling a pharmaceuticals?

Long time actually. Most Targets carry food and Super Targets have a full grocery store

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
Except it really doesn't matter, unless it's coming from Zimmerman himself.

It matters because Mr. Zimmerman Sr. and his brother have a vested interest in providing information, alibis and excuses for George. IMO
I can't get over the fact Target sells groceries, when the heck did this happen? What next Sears selling a pharmaceuticals?

Super Targets, just like Super Walmart's. LOL my husband and I used to say you know you are driving through a "real" town, not just some podunk little township of they had a Super Walmart. One of the criteria for a "potential" move was that a Super Walmart was a "must".
I can only defend my reasons for commenting on the milk/Target issue (although I shouldn't have to, IMO).

The reason the comments stick out to me (personally) is that it seems terribly important for the Zimmermans to put this little detail out to the public about going to Target (or wherever he grocery shops or goes to get milk). So important, that it he mentions it twice to Sean Hannity. 1) that he always goes shopping on Sunday evenings and 2) that he texted his sister to let her know he's going grocery shopping just prior to leaving for the store. Which coincidentally - or not - was immediately prior to him shooting Trayvon Martin. That makes me (personally) wonder why this little detail seems so important. I hardly think that falls into the category of 'piling on', IMO.


To give the impression that he is just a person like anyone else.
Super Targets, just like Super Walmart's. LOL my husband and I used to say you know you are driving through a "real" town, not just some podunk little township of they had a Super Walmart. One of the criteria for a "potential" move was that a Super Walmart was a "must".

Well here in small town Georgia we do have a Super Walmart but no Super Target. Does anyone know if Trayvon frequented his father girlfriends house?
So did Trayvon go to the Target to get the skittles, and Ice Tea? All this time I thought he went to a convenient store.

No Legalmania, Trayvon did just go to the 7-11 store for the Skittles and iced tea. According to Zimmerman Sr., Zimmerman was on his way to Target at the time of the murder to buy milk which then changed to buy groceries because that's what he always does on Sunday nights.

This is an interesting interview with Natalie Jackson, co-counsel for the Martin family. March 30, 2012

Democracy Now - LINK here (Not sure how much credibility this site has, but the interview is legit)
Interesting points brought up by N. Jackson
-Proof Trayvon made a call when this happened
-Family has not been given any information into the investigation of the death of their son. LE is telling them nothing.
-Witness I've not heard before - Natalie doesn't seem comfortable with him
-Even after the parents identified him, he was labeled as a John Doe for three days - she has no explanation for that
-Parents filed a missing persons report (I thought Tracy called 911 at 8:00 a.m., and LE was there shortly thereafter)
-We hired an investigator that went out and got the phone records.
-Once we saw Trayvon's phone records, because he had his phone with him, we saw he was on the phone when this incident "purportedly" happened! (huh?) "We contacted the person he was on the phone with, it was a young girl, and ummm, she told us that she heard Zimmerman approach Trayvon!
White supremacist hacked into Trayvon's twitter and facebook account :what:

So how can Tracy Martin recite what he was told to him by LE about the investigation if there was no investigation and they've told the family nothing at all?
This interview raises a ton of questions for me.

Is it possible that no information has been given to the parents with the new investigation? These parents are out of their minds with grief and can't expect to be right on point with every statement they make.
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